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Yale Child Study Center Open House

Save the date!

All in the Yale and YNHHS communities, in addition to area community providers, are welcome to stop by (or stay!) at this new annual open house at the 350 George Street location of the Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) to learn about the broad array of services, research, and general expertise across missions of the center.

Learn about and explore some of the clinical, community, policy, research, and model development work of the YCSC, which serves as the department of child psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine. Along with shared knowledge, there will be food, raffles, and fun. All are welcome to come any time between 9:30-11:30. RSVP and download a printable flyer to share.

Additional details will be posted here as soon as they are finalized. Please check back soon and send an e-mail to with any questions.



Host Organization




Community Outreach