Brain state and cortical layer-specific mechanisms underlying perception at threshold
Morton M, Denagamage S, Blume I, Reynolds J, Jadi M, Nandy A. Brain state and cortical layer-specific mechanisms underlying perception at threshold. ELife 2024, 12: rp91722. PMID: 39556415, PMCID: PMC11573349, DOI: 10.7554/elife.91722.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsMacaca mulattaMaleNeuronsPhotic StimulationSensory ThresholdsVisual CortexVisual PerceptionConceptsHIT trialsProcessing of sensory stimuliStable retinal imageBehavioral statesExcitatory neuronsNeural activitySpontaneous activityElevated synchronyPerceptual thresholdsCortical layersMeasures of stateElectrophysiological activitySensory stimuliRetinal imagesVisual area V4TrialsHeightened arousalTarget stimuliStimulus identityElevated arousalSuperficial layersFeed-forward pathwayStimulus changeCortical columnsIdentical stimuliBrain-state mediated modulation of inter-laminar dependencies in visual cortex
Das A, Sheffield A, Nandy A, Jadi M. Brain-state mediated modulation of inter-laminar dependencies in visual cortex. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 5105. PMID: 38877026, PMCID: PMC11178935, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-49144-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAttentionMacaca mulattaMaleNeuronsPhotic StimulationVisual CortexVisual PerceptionConceptsBrain state fluctuationsUnique dependenceSpatial attentionBehavioral outcomesState fluctuationsDeployment of spatial attentionDeployment of attentionBehaviorally relevant objectsComputational goalCluttered environmentsVisual cortexObject recognitionExcitatory populationHierarchical computationVisual area V4Internal fluctuationsDependenceRelevant objectsModulation patternsTask demandsEnhance information transferCortical networksNeural activityInformation transferArea V4
Optogenetically induced low-frequency correlations impair perception
Nandy A, Nassi JJ, Jadi MP, Reynolds J. Optogenetically induced low-frequency correlations impair perception. ELife 2019, 8: e35123. PMID: 30794156, PMCID: PMC6391072, DOI: 10.7554/elife.35123.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Cortical gamma band synchronization through somatostatin interneurons
Veit J, Hakim R, Jadi MP, Sejnowski TJ, Adesnik H. Cortical gamma band synchronization through somatostatin interneurons. Nature Neuroscience 2017, 20: 951-959. PMID: 28481348, PMCID: PMC5511041, DOI: 10.1038/nn.4562.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Neurons in Macaque Area V4 Are Tuned for Complex Spatio-Temporal Patterns
Nandy AS, Mitchell JF, Jadi MP, Reynolds JH. Neurons in Macaque Area V4 Are Tuned for Complex Spatio-Temporal Patterns. Neuron 2016, 91: 920-930. PMID: 27499085, PMCID: PMC4990477, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuron.2016.07.026.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Cortical oscillations arise from contextual interactions that regulate sparse coding
Jadi MP, Sejnowski TJ. Cortical oscillations arise from contextual interactions that regulate sparse coding. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2014, 111: 6780-6785. PMID: 24742427, PMCID: PMC4020078, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1405300111.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAction PotentialsEvoked Potentials, VisualHumansModels, NeurologicalNerve NetNeuronsPhotic StimulationSynaptic TransmissionVisual CortexConceptsInhibitory neuronsFiring ratePower of oscillationsMonosynaptic inputDisynaptic pathwayHigher firing ratesLow firing ratesDisynaptic inputCortical circuitsSynaptic plasticityCortical stateCortical oscillationsModel cortical circuitSensory stimuliBehavioral statesStimulationSensory inputComplex natural stimuliInhibitory controlCortexNeuronsSpike timingActivity balanceNatural stimuliParadoxical experimental findings