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Yale Menthol Study

Thank you for your interest in the Yale Menthol Study!

We are interested in looking at the effects of flavors on nicotine breakdown in the body when administering e-cigarettes. This study focuses on Black or African American adults because they have more diseases from using tobacco products such as cigarettes compared to other racial groups in the United States.

You are eligible to participate in this study if you:

  • Are healthy and at least 21 years old
  • Identify as Black or African American
  • Smoke menthol cigarettes regularly and not looking to quit
  • Use or tried e-cigarettes/vapes
  • Willing to use an e-cigarette for the study
  • Willing to give blood and saliva samples
  • Able to travel to New Haven, CT and/or West Haven, CT for 3 visits

How the Study Works

This study is only a total of 3 in person appointments (including initial appointment). The initial appointment includes going over the consent form, questionnaires and urine, saliva and breath assessments in person in New Haven, CT. This will take up to two hours.

If you are found eligible after this appointment you will have 2 laboratory sessions in West Haven, CT that take about 4.5 hours each. You will be asked to use an e-cigarette we will provide to you and to complete questionnaires. We will also take biological samples such as saliva and blood. You can earn $530 in cash for completing the study.

Why should you volunteer for this clinical study?

Those who participate in this study will help provide data to the Food and Drug Administration about how menthol flavor in tobacco products affects the bodies of Black or African American adults. The Food and Drug Administration has regulatory authority over tobacco products.

How will your safety be protected in this study?

  • This clinical trial was approved and is monitored by the Yale University Institutional Review Board (IRB) to make sure the risks are as low as possible and are worth any potential benefits. An IRB is an independent committee of physicians, statisticians, community advocates, and others that ensures that a clinical trial is ethical and the rights of study participants are protected.
  • This clinical trial follows a carefully controlled protocol, a study plan which details what researchers will do in the study.
  • As this clinical trial progresses, researchers will report the results of the trial at scientific meetings, medical journals, and to various government agencies. Individual participants' names will remain secret and will not be mentioned in these reports.
Join our Study!
You will be asked a few questions to see if you are eligible to come in for an initial appointment and to share your contact information with us. We will reach out to you over phone to ask a few more questions to see if you’re eligible and to answer any questions you may have about the study. After the phone call, we will see when you are available to come to New Haven, CT for the initial appointment.