- Modulation of FGF pathway signaling and vascular differentiation using designed oligomeric assemblies.Edman NI, Phal A, Redler RL, Schlichthaerle T, Srivatsan SR, Ehnes DD, Etemadi A, An SJ, Favor A, Li Z, Praetorius F, Gordon M, Vincent T, Marchiano S, Blakely L, Lin C, Yang W, Coventry B, Hicks DR, Cao L, Bethel N, Heine P, Murray A, Gerben S, Carter L, Miranda M, Negahdari B, Lee S, Trapnell C, Zheng Y, Murry CE, Schweppe DK, Freedman BS, Stewart L, Ekiert DC, Schlessinger J, Shendure J, Bhabha G, Ruohola-Baker H, Baker D. Cell. 2024 Jul 11; 2024 Jun 10. PMID: 38861993.
- Integrated mutational landscape analysis of poorly differentiated high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma of the uterine cervix.Bellone S, Jeong K, Halle MK, Krakstad C, McNamara B, Greenman M, Mutlu L, Demirkiran C, Hartwich TMP, Yang-Hartwich Y, Zipponi M, Buza N, Hui P, Raspagliesi F, Lopez S, Paolini B, Milione M, Perrone E, Scambia G, Altwerger G, Ravaggi A, Bignotti E, Huang GS, Andikyan V, Clark M, Ratner E, Azodi M, Schwartz PE, Quick CM, Angioli R, Terranova C, Zaidi S, Nandi S, Alexandrov LB, Siegel ER, Choi J, Schlessinger J, Santin AD. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2024 Apr 23; 2024 Apr 16. PMID: 38625939.
- Uterine leiomyosarcomas harboring MAP2K4 gene amplification are sensitive in vivo to PLX8725, a novel MAP2K4 inhibitor.McNamara B, Harold J, Manavella D, Bellone S, Mutlu L, Hartwich TMP, Zipponi M, Yang-Hartwich Y, Demirkiran C, Verzosa MSZ, Yang K, Choi J, Dong W, Buza N, Hui P, Altwerger G, Huang GS, Andikyan V, Clark M, Ratner E, Azodi M, Schwartz PE, Burton EA, Inagaki H, Albers A, Zhang C, Bollag G, Schlessinger J, Santin AD. Gynecol Oncol. 2023 May; 2023 Mar 21. PMID: 36958197.
- Cryo-EM analyses of KIT and oncogenic mutants reveal structural oncogenic plasticity and a target for therapeutic intervention.Krimmer SG, Bertoletti N, Suzuki Y, Katic L, Mohanty J, Shu S, Lee S, Lax I, Mi W, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Mar 28; 2023 Mar 21. PMID: 36943885.
- Modulation of FGF pathway signaling and vascular differentiation using designed oligomeric assemblies.Edman NI, Redler RL, Phal A, Schlichthaerle T, Srivatsan SR, Etemadi A, An SJ, Favor A, Ehnes D, Li Z, Praetorius F, Gordon M, Yang W, Coventry B, Hicks DR, Cao L, Bethel N, Heine P, Murray A, Gerben S, Carter L, Miranda M, Negahdari B, Lee S, Trapnell C, Stewart L, Ekiert DC, Schlessinger J, Shendure J, Bhabha G, Ruohola-Baker H, Baker D. bioRxiv. 2023 Mar 15; 2023 Mar 15. PMID: 36993355.
- Heparin is essential for optimal cell signaling by FGF21 and for regulation of βKlotho cellular stability.An SJ, Mohanty J, Tome F, Suzuki Y, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2023 Feb 14; 2023 Feb 6. PMID: 36745784.
- Unveiling molecular insights into the mechanism of activation of oncogenic phosphoinositide 3-kinase mutants.Krimmer SG, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Dec 13; 2022 Dec 7. PMID: 36475945.
- Regulation of EGF-stimulated activation of the PI-3K/AKT pathway by exocyst-mediated exocytosis.An SJ, Anneken A, Xi Z, Choi C, Schlessinger J, Toomre D. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Nov 29; 2022 Nov 23. PMID: 36417441.
- Covalent Modification of the JH2 Domain of Janus Kinase 2.Henry SP, Liosi ME, Ippolito JA, Menges F, Newton AS, Schlessinger J, Jorgensen WL. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2022 Nov 10; 2022 Oct 24. PMID: 36385940.
- Isoform-specific inhibition of FGFR signaling achieved by a de-novo-designed mini-protein.Park JS, Choi J, Cao L, Mohanty J, Suzuki Y, Park A, Baker D, Schlessinger J, Lee S. Cell Rep. 2022 Oct 25. PMID: 36288716.
- Insights on JAK2 Modulation by Potent, Selective, and Cell-Permeable Pseudokinase-Domain Ligands.Liosi ME, Ippolito JA, Henry SP, Krimmer SG, Newton AS, Cutrona KJ, Olivarez RA, Mohanty J, Schlessinger J, Jorgensen WL. J Med Chem. 2022 Jun 23; 2022 Jun 2. PMID: 35653642.
- Conversion of a False Virtual Screen Hit into Selective JAK2 JH2 Domain Binders Using Convergent Design Strategies.Henry SP, Liosi ME, Ippolito JA, Cutrona KJ, Krimmer SG, Newton AS, Schlessinger J, Jorgensen WL. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2022 May 12; 2022 Apr 21. PMID: 35586418.
- Design of protein-binding proteins from the target structure alone.Cao L, Coventry B, Goreshnik I, Huang B, Sheffler W, Park JS, Jude KM, Marković I, Kadam RU, Verschueren KHG, Verstraete K, Walsh STR, Bennett N, Phal A, Yang A, Kozodoy L, DeWitt M, Picton L, Miller L, Strauch EM, DeBouver ND, Pires A, Bera AK, Halabiya S, Hammerson B, Yang W, Bernard S, Stewart L, Wilson IA, Ruohola-Baker H, Schlessinger J, Lee S, Savvides SN, Garcia KC, Baker D. Nature. 2022 May; 2022 Mar 24. PMID: 35332283.
- A hypothalamic pathway for Augmentor α-controlled body weight regulation.Ahmed M, Kaur N, Cheng Q, Shanabrough M, Tretiakov EO, Harkany T, Horvath TL, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Apr 19; 2022 Apr 11. PMID: 35412887.
- Mechanism for the activation of the anaplastic lymphoma kinase receptor.Reshetnyak AV, Rossi P, Myasnikov AG, Sowaileh M, Mohanty J, Nourse A, Miller DJ, Lax I, Schlessinger J, Kalodimos CG. Nature. 2021 Dec; 2021 Nov 24. PMID: 34819673.
- Structural basis for ligand reception by anaplastic lymphoma kinase.Li T, Stayrook SE, Tsutsui Y, Zhang J, Wang Y, Li H, Proffitt A, Krimmer SG, Ahmed M, Belliveau O, Walker IX, Mudumbi KC, Suzuki Y, Lax I, Alvarado D, Lemmon MA, Schlessinger J, Klein DE. Nature. 2021 Dec; 2021 Nov 24. PMID: 34819665.
- Indoloxytriazines as binding molecules for the JAK2 JH2 pseudokinase domain and its V617F variant.Newton AS, Liosi ME, Henry SP, Deiana L, Faver JC, Krimmer SG, Puleo DE, Schlessinger J, Jorgensen WL. Tetrahedron Lett. 2021 Aug 3; 2021 Jul 2. PMID: 34393283.
- Integrated mutational landscape analysis of uterine leiomyosarcomas.Choi J, Manzano A, Dong W, Bellone S, Bonazzoli E, Zammataro L, Yao X, Deshpande A, Zaidi S, Guglielmi A, Gnutti B, Nagarkatti N, Tymon-Rosario JR, Harold J, Mauricio D, Zeybek B, Menderes G, Altwerger G, Jeong K, Zhao S, Buza N, Hui P, Ravaggi A, Bignotti E, Romani C, Todeschini P, Zanotti L, Odicino F, Pecorelli S, Ardighieri L, Bilguvar K, Quick CM, Silasi DA, Huang GS, Andikyan V, Clark M, Ratner E, Azodi M, Imielinski M, Schwartz PE, Alexandrov LB, Lifton RP, Schlessinger J, Santin AD. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 Apr 13. PMID: 33876771.
- Scaffold association factor B (SAFB) is required for expression of prenyltransferases and RAS membrane association.Zhou M, Kuruvilla L, Shi X, Viviano S, Ahearn IM, Amendola CR, Su W, Badri S, Mahaffey J, Fehrenbacher N, Skok J, Schlessinger J, Turk BE, Calderwood DA, Philips MR. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Dec 15; 2020 Nov 30. PMID: 33257571.
- FGF23 contains two distinct high-affinity binding sites enabling bivalent interactions with α-Klotho.Suzuki Y, Kuzina E, An SJ, Tome F, Mohanty J, Li W, Lee S, Liu Y, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020 Dec 15; 2020 Nov 30. PMID: 33257569.
- Selective Janus Kinase 2 (JAK2) Pseudokinase Ligands with a Diaminotriazole Core.Liosi ME, Krimmer SG, Newton AS, Dawson TK, Puleo DE, Cutrona KJ, Suzuki Y, Schlessinger J, Jorgensen WL. J Med Chem. 2020 May 28; 2020 May 8. PMID: 32329617.
- Whole-exome sequencing of cervical carcinomas identifies activating ERBB2 and PIK3CA mutations as targets for combination therapy.Zammataro L, Lopez S, Bellone S, Pettinella F, Bonazzoli E, Perrone E, Zhao S, Menderes G, Altwerger G, Han C, Zeybek B, Bianchi A, Manzano A, Manara P, Cocco E, Buza N, Hui P, Wong S, Ravaggi A, Bignotti E, Romani C, Todeschini P, Zanotti L, Odicino F, Pecorelli S, Donzelli C, Ardighieri L, Angioli R, Raspagliesi F, Scambia G, Choi J, Dong W, Bilguvar K, Alexandrov LB, Silasi DA, Huang GS, Ratner E, Azodi M, Schwartz PE, Pirazzoli V, Stiegler AL, Boggon TJ, Lifton RP, Schlessinger J, Santin AD. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Nov 5; 2019 Oct 17. PMID: 31624127.
- Structures of ligand-occupied β-Klotho complexes reveal a molecular mechanism underlying endocrine FGF specificity and activity.Kuzina ES, Ung PM, Mohanty J, Tome F, Choi J, Pardon E, Steyaert J, Lax I, Schlessinger A, Schlessinger J, Lee S. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Apr 16; 2019 Apr 3. PMID: 30944224.
- Mutational landscape of primary, metastatic, and recurrent ovarian cancer reveals c-MYC gains as potential target for BET inhibitors.Li C, Bonazzoli E, Bellone S, Choi J, Dong W, Menderes G, Altwerger G, Han C, Manzano A, Bianchi A, Pettinella F, Manara P, Lopez S, Yadav G, Riccio F, Zammataro L, Zeybek B, Yang-Hartwich Y, Buza N, Hui P, Wong S, Ravaggi A, Bignotti E, Romani C, Todeschini P, Zanotti L, Zizioli V, Odicino F, Pecorelli S, Ardighieri L, Silasi DA, Litkouhi B, Ratner E, Azodi M, Huang GS, Schwartz PE, Lifton RP, Schlessinger J, Santin AD. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 Jan 8; 2018 Dec 24. PMID: 30584090.
- Reminiscences on the "Classic" 1976 FRAP Article in Biophysical Journal.Axelrod D, Elson EL, Schlessinger J, Koppel DE. Biophys J. 2018 Oct 2; 2018 Sep 4. PMID: 30224052.
- Inhibition of BET Bromodomain Proteins with GS-5829 and GS-626510 in Uterine Serous Carcinoma, a Biologically Aggressive Variant of Endometrial Cancer.Bonazzoli E, Predolini F, Cocco E, Bellone S, Altwerger G, Menderes G, Zammataro L, Bianchi A, Pettinella F, Riccio F, Han C, Yadav G, Lopez S, Manzano A, Manara P, Buza N, Hui P, Wong S, Litkouhi B, Ratner E, Silasi DA, Huang GS, Azodi M, Schwartz PE, Schlessinger J, Santin AD. Clin Cancer Res. 2018 Oct 1; 2018 Jun 25. PMID: 29941483.
- Identification of a biologically active fragment of ALK and LTK-Ligand 2 (augmentor-α).Reshetnyak AV, Mohanty J, Tomé F, Puleo DE, Plotnikov AN, Ahmed M, Kaur N, Poliakov A, Cinnaiyan AM, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018 Aug 14; 2018 Jul 30. PMID: 30061385.
- Structures of β-klotho reveal a 'zip code'-like mechanism for endocrine FGF signalling.Lee S, Choi J, Mohanty J, Sousa LP, Tome F, Pardon E, Steyaert J, Lemmon MA, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Nature. 2018 Jan 25; 2018 Jan 17. PMID: 29342135.
- Impaired HLA Class I Antigen Processing and Presentation as a Mechanism of Acquired Resistance to Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Lung Cancer.Gettinger S, Choi J, Hastings K, Truini A, Datar I, Sowell R, Wurtz A, Dong W, Cai G, Melnick MA, Du VY, Schlessinger J, Goldberg SB, Chiang A, Sanmamed MF, Melero I, Agorreta J, Montuenga LM, Lifton R, Ferrone S, Kavathas P, Rimm DL, Kaech SM, Schalper K, Herbst RS, Politi K. Cancer Discov. 2017 Dec; 2017 Oct 12. PMID: 29025772.
- Alk and Ltk ligands are essential for iridophore development in zebrafish mediated by the receptor tyrosine kinase Ltk.Mo ES, Cheng Q, Reshetnyak AV, Schlessinger J, Nicoli S. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Nov 7; 2017 Oct 23. PMID: 29078341.
- Identification and Characterization of JAK2 Pseudokinase Domain Small Molecule Binders.Puleo DE, Kucera K, Hammarén HM, Ungureanu D, Newton AS, Silvennoinen O, Jorgensen WL, Schlessinger J. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2017 Jun 8; 2017 May 17. PMID: 28626521.
- JAK2 JH2 Fluorescence Polarization Assay and Crystal Structures for Complexes with Three Small Molecules.Newton AS, Deiana L, Puleo DE, Cisneros JA, Cutrona KJ, Schlessinger J, Jorgensen WL. ACS Med Chem Lett. 2017 Jun 8; 2017 May 17. PMID: 28626520.
- Regression of Chemotherapy-Resistant Polymerase ε (POLE) Ultra-Mutated and MSH6 Hyper-Mutated Endometrial Tumors with Nivolumab.Santin AD, Bellone S, Buza N, Choi J, Schwartz PE, Schlessinger J, Lifton RP. Clin Cancer Res. 2016 Dec 1; 2016 Aug 2. PMID: 27486176.
- Mutational landscape of uterine and ovarian carcinosarcomas implicates histone genes in epithelial-mesenchymal transition.Zhao S, Bellone S, Lopez S, Thakral D, Schwab C, English DP, Black J, Cocco E, Choi J, Zammataro L, Predolini F, Bonazzoli E, Bi M, Buza N, Hui P, Wong S, Abu-Khalaf M, Ravaggi A, Bignotti E, Bandiera E, Romani C, Todeschini P, Tassi R, Zanotti L, Odicino F, Pecorelli S, Donzelli C, Ardighieri L, Facchetti F, Falchetti M, Silasi DA, Ratner E, Azodi M, Schwartz PE, Mane S, Angioli R, Terranova C, Quick CM, Edraki B, Bilgüvar K, Lee M, Choi M, Stiegler AL, Boggon TJ, Schlessinger J, Lifton RP, Santin AD. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Oct 25; 2016 Oct 10. PMID: 27791010.
- Distinct cellular properties of oncogenic KIT receptor tyrosine kinase mutants enable alternative courses of cancer cell inhibition.Shi X, Sousa LP, Mandel-Bausch EM, Tome F, Reshetnyak AV, Hadari Y, Schlessinger J, Lax I. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Aug 16; 2016 Aug 1. PMID: 27482095.
- Loss of TRIM33 causes resistance to BET bromodomain inhibitors through MYC- and TGF-β-dependent mechanisms.Shi X, Mihaylova VT, Kuruvilla L, Chen F, Viviano S, Baldassarre M, Sperandio D, Martinez R, Yue P, Bates JG, Breckenridge DG, Schlessinger J, Turk BE, Calderwood DA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Aug 2; 2016 Jul 18. PMID: 27432991.
- Nuclear magnetic resonance analysis of the conformational state of cancer mutant of fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 tyrosine kinase domain.Kobashigawa Y, Amano S, Yoza K, Himeno R, Amemiya S, Morioka H, Yokogawa M, Kumeta H, Schlessinger J, Inagaki F. Genes Cells. 2016 Apr; 2016 Feb 10. PMID: 26864631.
- The Dark Side of Cell Signaling: Positive Roles for Negative Regulators.Lemmon MA, Freed DM, Schlessinger J, Kiyatkin A. Cell. 2016 Mar 10. PMID: 26967284.
- Data publication with the structural biology data grid supports live analysis.Meyer PA, Socias S, Key J, Ransey E, Tjon EC, Buschiazzo A, Lei M, Botka C, Withrow J, Neau D, Rajashankar K, Anderson KS, Baxter RH, Blacklow SC, Boggon TJ, Bonvin AM, Borek D, Brett TJ, Caflisch A, Chang CI, Chazin WJ, Corbett KD, Cosgrove MS, Crosson S, Dhe-Paganon S, Di Cera E, Drennan CL, Eck MJ, Eichman BF, Fan QR, Ferré-D'Amaré AR, Fromme JC, Garcia KC, Gaudet R, Gong P, Harrison SC, Heldwein EE, Jia Z, Keenan RJ, Kruse AC, Kvansakul M, McLellan JS, Modis Y, Nam Y, Otwinowski Z, Pai EF, Pereira PJ, Petosa C, Raman CS, Rapoport TA, Roll-Mecak A, Rosen MK, Rudenko G, Schlessinger J, Schwartz TU, Shamoo Y, Sondermann H, Tao YJ, Tolia NH, Tsodikov OV, Westover KD, Wu H, Foster I, Fraser JS, Maia FR, Gonen T, Kirchhausen T, Diederichs K, Crosas M, Sliz P. Nat Commun. 2016 Mar 7; 2016 Mar 7. PMID: 26947396.
- Early and multiple origins of metastatic lineages within primary tumors.Zhao ZM, Zhao B, Bai Y, Iamarino A, Gaffney SG, Schlessinger J, Lifton RP, Rimm DL, Townsend JP. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2016 Feb 23; 2016 Feb 8. PMID: 26858460.
- Augmentor α and β (FAM150) are ligands of the receptor tyrosine kinases ALK and LTK: Hierarchy and specificity of ligand-receptor interactions.Reshetnyak AV, Murray PB, Shi X, Mo ES, Mohanty J, Tome F, Bai H, Gunel M, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Dec 29; 2015 Nov 16. PMID: 26630010.
- Inhibition of ErbB3 by a monoclonal antibody that locks the extracellular domain in an inactive configuration.Lee S, Greenlee EB, Amick JR, Ligon GF, Lillquist JS, Natoli EJ Jr, Hadari Y, Alvarado D, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Oct 27; 2015 Oct 12. PMID: 26460020.
- Structural analysis of the mechanism of phosphorylation of a critical autoregulatory tyrosine residue in FGFR1 kinase domain.Kobashigawa Y, Amano S, Yokogawa M, Kumeta H, Morioka H, Inouye M, Schlessinger J, Inagaki F. Genes Cells. 2015 Oct; 2015 Aug 24. PMID: 26300540.
- Exome sequencing identifies recurrent mutations in NF1 and RASopathy genes in sun-exposed melanomas.Krauthammer M, Kong Y, Bacchiocchi A, Evans P, Pornputtapong N, Wu C, McCusker JP, Ma S, Cheng E, Straub R, Serin M, Bosenberg M, Ariyan S, Narayan D, Sznol M, Kluger HM, Mane S, Schlessinger J, Lifton RP, Halaban R. Nat Genet. 2015 Sep; 2015 Jul 27. PMID: 26214590.
- FGF1 and FGF19 reverse diabetes by suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.Perry RJ, Lee S, Ma L, Zhang D, Schlessinger J, Shulman GI. Nat Commun. 2015 Apr 28; 2015 Apr 28. PMID: 25916467.
- Whole-exome sequencing characterizes the landscape of somatic mutations and copy number alterations in adrenocortical carcinoma.Juhlin CC, Goh G, Healy JM, Fonseca AL, Scholl UI, Stenman A, Kunstman JW, Brown TC, Overton JD, Mane SM, Nelson-Williams C, Bäckdahl M, Suttorp AC, Haase M, Choi M, Schlessinger J, Rimm DL, Höög A, Prasad ML, Korah R, Larsson C, Lifton RP, Carling T. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Mar; 2014 Dec 9. PMID: 25490274.
- Heparin is an activating ligand of the orphan receptor tyrosine kinase ALK.Murray PB, Lax I, Reshetnyak A, Ligon GF, Lillquist JS, Natoli EJ Jr, Shi X, Folta-Stogniew E, Gunel M, Alvarado D, Schlessinger J. Sci Signal. 2015 Jan 20; 2015 Jan 20. PMID: 25605972.
- The strength and cooperativity of KIT ectodomain contacts determine normal ligand-dependent stimulation or oncogenic activation in cancer.Reshetnyak AV, Opatowsky Y, Boggon TJ, Folta-Stogniew E, Tome F, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Mol Cell. 2015 Jan 8; 2014 Dec 24. PMID: 25544564.
- Differential TAM receptor-ligand-phospholipid interactions delimit differential TAM bioactivities.Lew ED, Oh J, Burrola PG, Lax I, Zagórska A, Través PG, Schlessinger J, Lemke G. Elife. 2014 Sep 29; 2014 Sep 29. PMID: 25265470.
- The docking protein FRS2α is a critical regulator of VEGF receptors signaling.Chen PY, Qin L, Zhuang ZW, Tellides G, Lax I, Schlessinger J, Simons M. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Apr 15; 2014 Apr 2. PMID: 24706887.
- Receptor tyrosine kinases: legacy of the first two decades.Schlessinger J. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2014 Mar 1; 2014 Mar 1. PMID: 24591517.
- Structure, domain organization, and different conformational states of stem cell factor-induced intact KIT dimers.Opatowsky Y, Lax I, Tomé F, Bleichert F, Unger VM, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2014 Feb 4; 2014 Jan 21. PMID: 24449920.
- Structural basis for KIT receptor tyrosine kinase inhibition by antibodies targeting the D4 membrane-proximal region.Reshetnyak AV, Nelson B, Shi X, Boggon TJ, Pavlenco A, Mandel-Bausch EM, Tome F, Suzuki Y, Sidhu SS, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Oct 29; 2013 Oct 14. PMID: 24127596.
- Landscape of somatic single-nucleotide and copy-number mutations in uterine serous carcinoma.Zhao S, Choi M, Overton JD, Bellone S, Roque DM, Cocco E, Guzzo F, English DP, Varughese J, Gasparrini S, Bortolomai I, Buza N, Hui P, Abu-Khalaf M, Ravaggi A, Bignotti E, Bandiera E, Romani C, Todeschini P, Tassi R, Zanotti L, Carrara L, Pecorelli S, Silasi DA, Ratner E, Azodi M, Schwartz PE, Rutherford TJ, Stiegler AL, Mane S, Boggon TJ, Schlessinger J, Lifton RP, Santin AD. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Feb 19; 2013 Jan 28. PMID: 23359684.
- RAC1P29S is a spontaneously activating cancer-associated GTPase.Davis MJ, Ha BH, Holman EC, Halaban R, Schlessinger J, Boggon TJ. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Jan 15; 2013 Jan 2. PMID: 23284172.
- A step towards treating KRAS-mutant NSCLC.Goldberg SB, Schlessinger J, Boyer JL, Herbst RS. Lancet Oncol. 2013 Jan; 2012 Nov 28. PMID: 23200176.
- Type II p21-activated kinases (PAKs) are regulated by an autoinhibitory pseudosubstrate.Ha BH, Davis MJ, Chen C, Lou HJ, Gao J, Zhang R, Krauthammer M, Halaban R, Schlessinger J, Turk BE, Boggon TJ. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Oct 2; 2012 Sep 17. PMID: 22988085.
- The genesis of Zelboraf: targeting mutant B-Raf in melanoma.Davis MJ, Schlessinger J. J Cell Biol. 2012 Oct 1. PMID: 23027900.
- Exome sequencing identifies recurrent somatic RAC1 mutations in melanoma.Krauthammer M, Kong Y, Ha BH, Evans P, Bacchiocchi A, McCusker JP, Cheng E, Davis MJ, Goh G, Choi M, Ariyan S, Narayan D, Dutton-Regester K, Capatana A, Holman EC, Bosenberg M, Sznol M, Kluger HM, Brash DE, Stern DF, Materin MA, Lo RS, Mane S, Ma S, Kidd KK, Hayward NK, Lifton RP, Schlessinger J, Boggon TJ, Halaban R. Nat Genet. 2012 Sep; 2012 Jul 29. PMID: 22842228.
- Suppression of EGFR endocytosis by dynamin depletion reveals that EGFR signaling occurs primarily at the plasma membrane.Sousa LP, Lax I, Shen H, Ferguson SM, De Camilli P, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Mar 20; 2012 Feb 27. PMID: 22371560.
- Aryl Extensions of Thienopyrimidinones as Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 Kinase Inhibitors.Ekkati AR, Madiyan V, Ravindranathan KP, H Bae J, Schlessinger J, Jorgensen WL. Tetrahedron Lett. 2011 Apr 27. PMID: 21516197.
- Constitutive activated Cdc42-associated kinase (Ack) phosphorylation at arrested endocytic clathrin-coated pits of cells that lack dynamin.Shen H, Ferguson SM, Dephoure N, Park R, Yang Y, Volpicelli-Daley L, Gygi S, Schlessinger J, De Camilli P. Mol Biol Cell. 2011 Feb 15; 2010 Dec 17. PMID: 21169560.
- Asymmetric tyrosine kinase arrangements in activation or autophosphorylation of receptor tyrosine kinases.Bae JH, Schlessinger J. Mol Cells. 2010 May; 2010 Apr 28. PMID: 20432069.
- Discovery of novel fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 kinase inhibitors by structure-based virtual screening.Ravindranathan KP, Mandiyan V, Ekkati AR, Bae JH, Schlessinger J, Jorgensen WL. J Med Chem. 2010 Feb 25. PMID: 20121196.
- Asymmetric receptor contact is required for tyrosine autophosphorylation of fibroblast growth factor receptor in living cells.Bae JH, Boggon TJ, Tomé F, Mandiyan V, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Feb 16; 2010 Jan 26. PMID: 20133753.
- Direct contacts between extracellular membrane-proximal domains are required for VEGF receptor activation and cell signaling.Yang Y, Xie P, Opatowsky Y, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Feb 2; 2010 Jan 11. PMID: 20080685.
- Surface binding inhibitors of the SCF-KIT protein-protein interaction.Margulies D, Opatowsky Y, Fletcher S, Saraogi I, Tsou LK, Saha S, Lax I, Schlessinger J, Hamilton AD. Chembiochem. 2009 Aug 17. PMID: 19637142.
- The selectivity of receptor tyrosine kinase signaling is controlled by a secondary SH2 domain binding site.Bae JH, Lew ED, Yuzawa S, Tomé F, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Cell. 2009 Aug 7. PMID: 19665973.
- Crystal structures of free and ligand-bound focal adhesion targeting domain of Pyk2.Lulo J, Yuzawa S, Schlessinger J. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2009 Jun 5; 2009 Apr 7. PMID: 19358827.
- The precise sequence of FGF receptor autophosphorylation is kinetically driven and is disrupted by oncogenic mutations.Lew ED, Furdui CM, Anderson KS, Schlessinger J. Sci Signal. 2009 Feb 17; 2009 Feb 17. PMID: 19224897.
- Contacts between membrane proximal regions of the PDGF receptor ectodomain are required for receptor activation but not for receptor dimerization.Yang Y, Yuzawa S, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Jun 3; 2008 May 27. PMID: 18505839.
- [Structural biology of receptor tyrosine kinase kit].Yuzawa S, Schlessinger J. Seikagaku. 2008 Feb. PMID: 18341028.
- Structural basis for reduced FGFR2 activity in LADD syndrome: Implications for FGFR autoinhibition and activation.Lew ED, Bae JH, Rohmann E, Wollnik B, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Dec 11; 2007 Dec 3. PMID: 18056630.
- Lacrimo-auriculo-dento-digital syndrome is caused by reduced activity of the fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10)-FGF receptor 2 signaling pathway.Shams I, Rohmann E, Eswarakumar VP, Lew ED, Yuzawa S, Wollnik B, Schlessinger J, Lax I. Mol Cell Biol. 2007 Oct; 2007 Aug 6. PMID: 17682060.
- Defective microtubule-dependent podosome organization in osteoclasts leads to increased bone density in Pyk2(-/-) mice.Gil-Henn H, Destaing O, Sims NA, Aoki K, Alles N, Neff L, Sanjay A, Bruzzaniti A, De Camilli P, Baron R, Schlessinger J. J Cell Biol. 2007 Sep 10. PMID: 17846174.
- Structural basis for activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase KIT by stem cell factor.Yuzawa S, Opatowsky Y, Zhang Z, Mandiyan V, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Cell. 2007 Jul 27. PMID: 17662946.
- Skeletal overgrowth is mediated by deficiency in a specific isoform of fibroblast growth factor receptor 3.Eswarakumar VP, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Mar 6; 2007 Feb 23. PMID: 17360456.
- Nuclear signaling by receptor tyrosine kinases: the first robin of spring.Schlessinger J, Lemmon MA. Cell. 2006 Oct 6. PMID: 17018275.
- Activation of the nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase Ack by multiple extracellular stimuli.Galisteo ML, Yang Y, Ureña J, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Jun 27; 2006 Jun 15. PMID: 16777958.
- On the nature of low- and high-affinity EGF receptors on living cells.Ozcan F, Klein P, Lemmon MA, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Apr 11; 2006 Mar 29. PMID: 16571657.
- Autophosphorylation of FGFR1 kinase is mediated by a sequential and precisely ordered reaction.Furdui CM, Lew ED, Schlessinger J, Anderson KS. Mol Cell. 2006 Mar 3. PMID: 16507368.
- Common and distinct elements in cellular signaling via EGF and FGF receptors.Schlessinger J. Science. 2004 Nov 26. PMID: 15567848.
- The docking protein Gab1 is the primary mediator of EGF-stimulated activation of the PI-3K/Akt cell survival pathway.Mattoon DR, Lamothe B, Lax I, Schlessinger J. BMC Biol. 2004 Nov 18; 2004 Nov 18. PMID: 15550174.
- The docking protein Gab1 is an essential component of an indirect mechanism for fibroblast growth factor stimulation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt antiapoptotic pathway.Lamothe B, Yamada M, Schaeper U, Birchmeier W, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Mol Cell Biol. 2004 Jul. PMID: 15199124.
- FRS2 family docking proteins with overlapping roles in activation of MAP kinase have distinct spatial-temporal patterns of expression of their transcripts.Gotoh N, Laks S, Nakashima M, Lax I, Schlessinger J. FEBS Lett. 2004 Apr 23. PMID: 15094036.
- A structure-based model for ligand binding and dimerization of EGF receptors.Klein P, Mattoon D, Lemmon MA, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Jan 27; 2004 Jan 19. PMID: 14732694.
- The tethered configuration of the EGF receptor extracellular domain exerts only a limited control of receptor function.Mattoon D, Klein P, Lemmon MA, Lax I, Schlessinger J. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Jan 27; 2004 Jan 19. PMID: 14732693.
- SH2 and PTB domains in tyrosine kinase signaling.Schlessinger J, Lemmon MA. Sci STKE. 2003 Jul 15; 2003 Jul 15. PMID: 12865499.
- Signal transduction. Autoinhibition control.Schlessinger J. Science. 2003 May 2. PMID: 12730587.
- A critical role for the protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor type Z in functional recovery from demyelinating lesions.Harroch S, Furtado GC, Brueck W, Rosenbluth J, Lafaille J, Chao M, Buxbaum JD, Schlessinger J. Nat Genet. 2002 Nov; 2002 Sep 30. PMID: 12355066.
- The docking protein FRS2alpha controls a MAP kinase-mediated negative feedback mechanism for signaling by FGF receptors.Lax I, Wong A, Lamothe B, Lee A, Frost A, Hawes J, Schlessinger J. Mol Cell. 2002 Oct. PMID: 12419216.
- Ligand-induced, receptor-mediated dimerization and activation of EGF receptor.Schlessinger J. Cell. 2002 Sep 20. PMID: 12297041.
- All signaling is local?Schlessinger J. Mol Cell. 2002 Aug. PMID: 12191465.
- FRS2 alpha attenuates FGF receptor signaling by Grb2-mediated recruitment of the ubiquitin ligase Cbl.Wong A, Lamothe B, Lee A, Schlessinger J, Lax I. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002 May 14; 2002 May 7. PMID: 11997436.
- A solid base for assaying protein kinase activity.Schlessinger J. Nat Biotechnol. 2002 Mar. PMID: 11875418.