Microscopy Tools
My laboratory is equipped with the most advanced tools to study developmental mechanisms, be it in live or fixed tissue. To understand the complex cellular and molecular interactions that shape the neocortex, we take a multifaceted approach to microscopy. We use confocal and multiphoton microscopy for live imaging and physiological recording in tissue slices, high resolution fluorescence and light microscopy, as well as 3D reconstructions at both the light and EM level. Imaging is complimented with a set of powerful instruments and software to analyze and quantify any developmental changes due to genetic and environmental factors.
Confocal and Multiphoton Microscopy
Zeiss LSM 510 NLO/META with Coherent Chameleon-Ultra multiphoton laser on an invert microscope for live imaging and high resolution confocal microscopy
Zeiss LSM 510 NLO with Coherent Verdi multiphoton laser on an upright fixed-stage microscope for live imaging and physiological recording
Fluorescence Microscopy
High resolution fluorescent and light microscopy with a fully-motorized Zeiss Apotome system.
Laser Microdissection
The Leica LMD6000 microdissection system combines a fully automated upright microscope, 3D optical control of the dissecting UV-laser beam, non-contact tissue sampling and motorized tissue collection. It is equipped to handle multiple slides using light or fluorescent microscopy.
Morphological analysis and quantification
Dedicated systems for quantification and reconstruction with Neurolucida and Stereoinvestigator software packages from microbrightfield.
Electron Microscopy
JEOL 1010 electron microscope equipped with Multiscan 792 digital camera from Gatan.
Additional resources
Full software packages of LSM5 and Axiovision are available for offline manipulation, reconstruction, image processing, deconvolution, 3D and 4D visualization. A full complement of additional software packages provide all the necessary tools to document and analyse data.