Lindsay YoungSr. Administrative Assistant- Research OperationsCardsContact Infolindsay.young@yale.eduLearn moreabout Contact InfoAboutGet In TouchLindsay YoungAboutCopy LinkTitlesSr. Administrative Assistant- Research OperationsBiographyLindsay has more than twelve years of administrative experience within Yale University. She has been working in the Neurology Department since 2021. Lindsay supports the Sansing Lab, O'Connor Lab, and Pitt Lab. Departments & OrganizationsO'Connor LabGet In TouchCopy LinkContactsEmaillindsay.young@yale.eduSupported FacultyKevin C O'Connor, PhDProfessor of Neurology & ImmunobiologyLauren Hachmann Sansing, MD, MS, FAHA, FANAProfessor of Neurology, Vice Chair of Faculty Affairs; Vice-Chair of Academic and Faculty Affairs, NeurologyJesse M. Cedarbaum, MD, FAAN (Neurology), FANALocations300 George StreetLabSte 353New Haven, CT 06511Get Directions