Congratulations to Dr. Jaime Hyman, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Division Chief of Ambulatory, Yale School of Medicine who has been highlighted as the November / December "Featured Member" on the MPOG (Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group) website. Dr. Hyman is the site PI for the THRIVE trial funded by PCORI and is also among the top clinical trial recruitment center thanks to her and her research team.
- June 11, 2014Source: Yale Medicine Magazine
Leaders in academia, business, and government—who often find themselves at cross–purposes during the innovation process—agreed at an April workshop that they must work together to produce medical devices and bring them to market.
- June 04, 2014Source: Yale Medicine Magazine
The history of innovation in scientific methodology dates to antiquity, with such advances as the astrolabe in ancient Greece and the seismometer in China during the second century C.E.
- March 12, 2014Source: Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering
Two Yale Stem Cell Center members, Daniel DiMaio and Laura Niklason, have been elected to the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering.
- February 15, 2011
If Dr. Laura Niklason has her way, vascular surgeons will someday be able to pull human veins off a shelf, whenever they want, to save lives.
- June 24, 2010
A Yale University-led team of scientists reports that it has achieved an important first step in regenerating fully functional lung tissue that can exchange gas, which is the key role of the lungs. Their paper appears in the June 24 issue of Science Express.
- April 03, 2008
Twelve Yale University stem cell research proposals received $5.66 million in funding from the Connecticut Stem Cell Research Advisory Committee.