Sarah Zimmerman, MS
Staff Affiliate - YNHHCards
Procedure Volume and Outcomes With WATCHMAN Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion
Friedman D, Du C, Zimmerman S, Tan Z, Lin Z, Vemulapalli S, Kosinski A, Piccini J, Pereira L, Minges K, Faridi K, Masoudi F, Curtis J, Freeman J. Procedure Volume and Outcomes With WATCHMAN Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion. Circulation Cardiovascular Interventions 2024, 17: e013466. PMID: 38889251, PMCID: PMC11189610, DOI: 10.1161/circinterventions.123.013466.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVolume-outcome relationshipLikelihood of procedural successLeft atrial appendage occlusionProcedural successProcedure volumeAppendage occlusionNational Cardiovascular Data Registry LAAO RegistryVolume quartilesLeft atrial appendage occlusion devicesThree-level hierarchical generalized linear modelsMinimum volume thresholdsWatchman FLX deviceProcedural success rateHierarchical generalized linear modelsAssociated with outcomePhysician volumeWATCHMAN procedureFLX deviceOcclusion deviceVolume thresholdCardiovascular proceduresPhysiciansHospitalNational analysisSuccess ratePredicting Major Adverse Events in Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion
Faridi K, Ong E, Zimmerman S, Varosy P, Friedman D, Hsu J, Kusumoto F, Mortazavi B, Minges K, Pereira L, Lakkireddy D, Koutras C, Denton B, Mobayed J, Curtis J, Freeman J. Predicting Major Adverse Events in Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion. Circulation Arrhythmia And Electrophysiology 2024, 17: e012424. PMID: 38390713, PMCID: PMC11021146, DOI: 10.1161/circep.123.012424.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNational Cardiovascular Data RegistryLeft atrial appendage occlusionIn-hospital major adverse eventsMajor adverse eventsBedside risk scoreRisk scoreData RegistryIncreased fall riskAdverse eventsQuality improvement effortsWatchman FLXAppendage occlusionFall riskLeft atrial appendage occlusion procedureRegistry dataImprovement effortsRisk of in-hospital major adverse eventsPredicting major adverse eventsLogistic regressionAdverse event ratesModerate discriminationClinically relevant variablesFemale sexAtrial fibrillation terminationLAAO procedures
Watchman device migration and embolization: A report from the NCDR LAAO Registry
Friedman D, Freeman J, Zimmerman S, Tan Z, Pereira L, Faridi K, Curtis J. Watchman device migration and embolization: A report from the NCDR LAAO Registry. Journal Of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology 2023, 34: 1192-1195. PMID: 37078339, PMCID: PMC10290479, DOI: 10.1111/jce.15909.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsWATCHMAN procedureSurgical retrievalDevice migrationMortality rateAtrial appendage closure deviceHospital mortality rateAnnual procedure volumeCardiac surgeryHospital eventsPostdischarge eventsOstial sizeDevice embolizationTaller patientsRetrospective analysisClosure deviceLAA ostiumPatientsProcedure volumeHigh mortalitySurgerySubstantial proportionEmbolizationRegistryGreater body massBody mass
Periprocedural Pericardial Effusion Complicating Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion: A Report From the NCDR LAAO Registry
Price MJ, Valderrábano M, Zimmerman S, Friedman DJ, Kar S, Curtis JP, Masoudi FA, Freeman JV. Periprocedural Pericardial Effusion Complicating Transcatheter Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion: A Report From the NCDR LAAO Registry. Circulation Cardiovascular Interventions 2022, 15: e011718. PMID: 35369701, PMCID: PMC9132377, DOI: 10.1161/circinterventions.121.011718.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAtrial appendage occlusionComposite of deathPericardial effusionAppendage occlusionSystemic embolismOdds ratioEarly postdischarge mortalityDual antiplatelet therapyLow serum albuminMean patient ageAdverse event ratesParoxysmal atrial fibrillationRisk of deathRisk-benefit ratioHospital strokeMean CHAPostdischarge mortalityVASc scoreWATCHMAN procedureAntiplatelet therapyIndex hospitalizationAdverse eventsPatient agePrimary outcomeVentricular functionPERIPROCEDURAL PERICARDIAL EFFUSION COMPLICATING TRANSCATHETER LEFT ATRIAL APPENDAGE OCCLUSION: A REPORT FROM THE NCDR LAAO REGISTRY
Price M, Valderrabano M, Zimmerman S, Friedman D, Curtis J, Masoudi F, Freeman J. PERIPROCEDURAL PERICARDIAL EFFUSION COMPLICATING TRANSCATHETER LEFT ATRIAL APPENDAGE OCCLUSION: A REPORT FROM THE NCDR LAAO REGISTRY. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2022, 79: 581. DOI: 10.1016/s0735-1097(22)01572-8.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
An updated re-analysis of the mortality risk from nasopharyngeal cancer in the National Cancer Institute formaldehyde worker cohort study.
Marsh GM, Morfeld P, Zimmerman SD, Liu Y, Balmert LC. An updated re-analysis of the mortality risk from nasopharyngeal cancer in the National Cancer Institute formaldehyde worker cohort study. Journal Of Occupational Medicine And Toxicology (London, England) 2016, 11: 8. PMID: 26937249, PMCID: PMC4774098, DOI: 10.1186/s12995-016-0097-6.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Mortality among chemical plant workers exposed to acrylonitrile: 2011 follow-up.
Marsh GM, Zimmerman SD. Mortality among chemical plant workers exposed to acrylonitrile: 2011 follow-up. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine / American College Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine 2015, 57: 134-45. PMID: 25612296, DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000369.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEvaluation of potential confounding by smoking in the presence of misclassified smoking data in a cohort study of workers exposed to acrylonitrile.
Zimmerman SD, Marsh GM, Youk AO, Talbot E. Evaluation of potential confounding by smoking in the presence of misclassified smoking data in a cohort study of workers exposed to acrylonitrile. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine / American College Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine 2015, 57: 146-51. PMID: 25612297, DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000386.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Long-term health experience of jet engine manufacturing workers: VI: incidence of malignant central nervous system neoplasms in relation to estimated workplace exposures.
Marsh GM, Youk AO, Buchanich JM, Xu H, Downing S, Kennedy KJ, Esmen NA, Hancock RP, Lacey SE, Fleissner ML. Long-term health experience of jet engine manufacturing workers: VI: incidence of malignant central nervous system neoplasms in relation to estimated workplace exposures. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine / American College Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine 2013, 55: 654-75. PMID: 23715109, DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0b013e3182749c4a.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLong-term health experience of jet engine manufacturing workers: IX. further investigation of general mortality patterns in relation to workplace exposures.
Youk AO, Marsh GM, Buchanich JM, Downing S, Kennedy KJ, Esmen NA, Hancock RP, Lacey SE. Long-term health experience of jet engine manufacturing workers: IX. further investigation of general mortality patterns in relation to workplace exposures. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine / American College Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine 2013, 55: 709-21. PMID: 23715112, DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0b013e318289eeba.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
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