Hospital Resident
Hometown: Northborough, MA
Undergraduate: University of Massachusetts Amherst
Medical School: University of Massachusetts Medical School
Clinical Interests: Colorectal Surgery, Peritoneal Surface Malignancies
Research Interests: Colon Cancer, Rectal Cancer, Psychosocial Risk Stratification, Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Hobbies: Golfing With My Wife and Daughter, Meditation Retreats
Education & Training
- MD
- University of Massachusetts Medical School (2021)
- BS
- University of Massachusetts Amherst (2016)
Medical Research Interests
Colorectal Neoplasms; Psychosocial Intervention
0000-0003-3548-3420- View Lab Website
Lab Website
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Frequent collaborators of Kurt S. Schultz's published research.
Publications Timeline
A big-picture view of Kurt S. Schultz's research output by year.
Haddon Pantel, MD
Anne Mongiu, MD, PhD, FACS, FASCRS
Miranda Moore, MPH
Pawan Mathew, MD
Vikram Reddy, MD, PhD, MBA, FACS, FASCRS
Featured Publications
For whom the bell tolls: assessing the incremental costs associated with failure to rescue after elective colorectal surgery
Schultz K, Moore M, Pantel H, Mongiu A, Reddy V, Schneider E, Leeds I. For whom the bell tolls: assessing the incremental costs associated with failure to rescue after elective colorectal surgery. Journal Of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2024, 28: 1812-1818. PMID: 39181234, DOI: 10.1016/j.gassur.2024.08.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFailure-to-rescueMedian total hospital costTotal hospital costsColorectal surgeryNational Inpatient SampleUneventful recoveryRetrospective study of adult patientsFailure-to-rescue patientsAssociated with increased healthcare costsStudy of adult patientsElective colorectal resectionHospital costsElective colorectal surgeryNationally representative cohortColorectal resectionElective colectomyPostoperative complicationsRetrospective studyAdult patientsRescue attemptsMedical futilityElective surgeryRepresentative cohortHealthcare costsPrimary outcome
‘Show me the money’: An analysis of US global health funding from 1995 to 2019
Carroll M, Ruzgar N, Fedatto M, Schultz K, Cheung M. ‘Show me the money’: An analysis of US global health funding from 1995 to 2019. Journal Of Global Health 2024, 14: 04173. PMID: 39451051, PMCID: PMC11505566, DOI: 10.7189/jogh.14.04173.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsDisease-specific interventionsUniversal health coverageSurgical capacity buildingHealth systemWorld Health OrganizationMillennium Development GoalsWorld Health Organization building blocksHealth system building blocksStronger health systemsSystem building blocksMiddle-income countriesCapacity buildingIntervention categoriesMaternal healthGlobal health fundingLancet CommissionHealth coverageHealth FundChild mortalityGlobal surgeryHealth problemsSustainable Development GoalsHealthInterventionHealth OrganizationLong-term Outcomes Following Colectomy and Liver Transplantation for Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis.
Matar A, Falconer E, LaBella M, Kapadia M, Justiniano C, Olortegui K, Steinhagen R, Schultz K, Pratap A, Leeds I, Weaver L, Gaertner W, Finger E, Thompson M, Fair L, Fichera A, Lovasik B, Chapman W, McGeoch C, Camacho M, Kazimi M, Kim S, Shaffer V, Srinivasan J. Long-term Outcomes Following Colectomy and Liver Transplantation for Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Annals Of Surgery 2024 PMID: 39258375, DOI: 10.1097/sla.0000000000006533.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal abdominal colectomyLong-term outcomesIleal pouch anal anastomosisMedically refractory diseaseLiver transplantationPSC-IBDRecurrent PSCRefractory diseaseBiliary complicationsMedian timeLong-term outcomes of patientsBowel diseasePost-LT survivalOutcomes of patientsPrimary sclerosing cholangitisFraction of patientsPSC-IBD patientsLong-term survivalInflammatory bowel diseasePost-LTSclerosing cholangitisPediatric patientsAbdominal colectomyEnd ileostomyLT survivalInvited Commentary
Schultz, Kurt S MD; Mongiu, Anne K MD, PhD, FACS. Invited Commentary. Journal of the American College of Surgeons 238(6):p 1021-1022, June 2024. | DOI: 10.1097/XCS.0000000000001076Commentaries, Editorials and Letters“Peace of Mind” After Mastectomy: A Scoping Review
Hamid S, Bakkila B, Schultz K, Grimshaw A, Gunderson C, Godfrey E, Lee C, Berger E, Rosenberg S, Greenup R. “Peace of Mind” After Mastectomy: A Scoping Review. Annals Of Surgical Oncology 2024, 31: 5168-5179. PMID: 38717543, DOI: 10.1245/s10434-024-15360-3.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsContralateral prophylactic mastectomyUnilateral mastectomyBreast-conserving therapyAverage-risk womenInclusion criteriaPsychosocial well-beingProspective cohort studyBackgroundMany womenProphylactic mastectomyScoping reviewMethodsNine databasesWhite/Caucasian womenCohort studyStudy samplePostoperative time pointsStatistically significant resultsRelevant articlesWell-beingAnxietyResultsThe inclusion criteriaWomenMastectomySignificant resultsSurgical choiceSurgical decision
The Predictors of Complete Pathologic Response in Rectal Cancer during the Total Neoadjuvant Therapy Era: A Systematic Review
Flom E, Schultz K, Pantel H, Leeds I. The Predictors of Complete Pathologic Response in Rectal Cancer during the Total Neoadjuvant Therapy Era: A Systematic Review. Cancers 2023, 15: 5853. PMID: 38136397, PMCID: PMC10742121, DOI: 10.3390/cancers15245853.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsTotal neoadjuvant therapyPathologic complete responseClinical complete responseNeoadjuvant therapyComplete responseSystematic reviewRectal cancerTumor responseClinical stage 2Complete pathologic responseRetrospective cohort studyRandomized clinical trialsHeterogeneity of studiesLevel of evidenceElectronic databases EmbaseIdentification of predictorsCancer treatment paradigmLong-term trialsNeoadjuvant chemotherapyTherapy eraPatient demographicsPreoperative predictorsClinical factorsClinicopathologic factorsCohort studyMore problems, more money: Identifying and predicting high-cost rescue after colorectal surgery
Leeds I, Moore M, Schultz K, Canner J, Pantel H, Mongiu A, Reddy V, Schneider E. More problems, more money: Identifying and predicting high-cost rescue after colorectal surgery. Surgery Open Science 2023, 16: 148-154. PMID: 38026825, PMCID: PMC10656212, DOI: 10.1016/j.sopen.2023.10.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsColorectal surgeryElective surgeryMedian total inpatient costsAdditional major proceduresElective colorectal surgeryPreoperative clinical predictorsCongestive heart failureGreater healthcare utilizationMultivariable Poisson regressionNational Inpatient SampleTotal inpatient costsElective colectomyCost-conscious careAdult patientsUneventful recoveryClinical predictorsHeart failureHealthcare utilizationInpatient costsSecondary proceduresInpatient SampleHealthcare costsMedian increaseSurgeryPatients
Colorectal ERAS: Years Later.
Favuzza J, Madiedo AM, Schultz K, Rasic G, Phatak UR, Hall J. Colorectal ERAS: Years Later. J Gastrointest Surg 2022, 26: 1506-1508. PMID: 35048259, DOI: 10.1007/s11605-022-05242-y.Commentaries, Editorials and Letters
A personalized approach empowering successful aging: Patient perspective on fall prevention education
Collins C, Schultz K, Mathew P, Chandra A, Nguyen B, Chen T, Renshaw S, Rose K, Santry H. A personalized approach empowering successful aging: Patient perspective on fall prevention education. PM&R 2021, 14: 786-792. PMID: 34181824, DOI: 10.1002/pmrj.12663.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsFall prevention educationHistory of fallsFall educationPrevention educationPatient's perspectivePersonalized approachOlder adultsOutpatient geriatric servicesTertiary care centerProspective qualitative studyInpatient traumaNonfatal traumaOne-hour faceMajority of participantsCare centerCare teamCommon causeGeriatric servicesMAIN OUTCOMEHealthy agingParticipants' historyFatal injuriesAdultsParticipant familiesTraumaA Structured Mentorship Elective Deepens Personal Connections and Increases Scholarly Achievements of Senior Surgery Residents.
Schultz KS, Hess DT, Sachs TE, Tseng JF, Pernar LIM. A Structured Mentorship Elective Deepens Personal Connections and Increases Scholarly Achievements of Senior Surgery Residents. J Surg Educ 2021, 78: 405-411. PMID: 32863175, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2020.08.016.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
honor Clinical Research Day Best Presentation Award
National AwardNew England Surgical SocietyDetails05/30/2024United Stateshonor Extra Mile Award
Yale School of Medicine AwardYale School of MedicineDetails12/01/2021honor Carolyn L. Kuckein Student Research Fellowship
National AwardAlpha Omega AlphaDetails07/01/2020
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Yale Division of Colon & Rectal Surgery
350 George Street
New Haven, CT 06511