Katherine BownesSenior Administrative Lead (Neuroscience)DownloadHi-Res PhotoCardsContact Infokatherine.bownes@yale.edu203.785.4330Learn moreabout Contact InfoAboutGet In TouchKatherine BownesAboutCopy LinkTitlesSenior Administrative Lead (Neuroscience)Get In TouchCopy LinkContactsEmailkatherine.bownes@yale.eduAcademic Office Number203.785.4330Office Fax Number203.785.3380Supported FacultyStephen Strittmatter, MD, PhD, ABVincent Coates Professor of Neurology and Professor of Neuroscience; Chair, Neuroscience; Director, Kavli Institute for Neuroscience; Director, Cellular Neuroscience, Neurodegeneration and Repair; Director, Yale Alzheimer's Disease Research Center; Director, Memory Disorders Clinic; Director, Ludwig Program for Neuroimmunity in DementiaMichael Crair, PhDVice Provost for Research and William Ziegler III Professor of Neuroscience and Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Science; Vice Provost for Research, Office of the ProvostEventsMar 202524Tomorrow12:00 PM1:00 PMEveryoneRichard Huganir, PhDDept of Neuroscience Seminar Series: "AMPA Receptors: Synaptopathies and Synaptic Engrams.”100 College StreetAdd event to CalendarMar 202531Monday12:00 PM1:00 PMEveryoneVolker Haucke, PhDDept of Neuroscience Seminar Series: "How the Synapse Forms and Functions."100 College StreetAdd event to CalendarApr 20253Thursday12:00 PM1:00 PMEveryoneKiran Pandey, PhDSYNAPSES Seminar Series: “Pericyte-Neuron Interactions in Long-Term Memory: Bridging Vascular and Neural Functions.”100 College StreetAdd event to Calendar4:00 PM5:00 PMEveryoneLiqun Luo, PhDThe Gordon M. Shepherd Lecture in Integrative Neuroscience: "Wiring Specificity of Neural Circuits."100 College StreetAdd event to CalendarSee All Events
12:00 PM1:00 PMEveryoneRichard Huganir, PhDDept of Neuroscience Seminar Series: "AMPA Receptors: Synaptopathies and Synaptic Engrams.”100 College StreetAdd event to Calendar
12:00 PM1:00 PMEveryoneVolker Haucke, PhDDept of Neuroscience Seminar Series: "How the Synapse Forms and Functions."100 College StreetAdd event to Calendar
12:00 PM1:00 PMEveryoneKiran Pandey, PhDSYNAPSES Seminar Series: “Pericyte-Neuron Interactions in Long-Term Memory: Bridging Vascular and Neural Functions.”100 College StreetAdd event to Calendar
4:00 PM5:00 PMEveryoneLiqun Luo, PhDThe Gordon M. Shepherd Lecture in Integrative Neuroscience: "Wiring Specificity of Neural Circuits."100 College StreetAdd event to Calendar