Caroline A Raymond-King, MD, PhD
Hospital ResidentCards
Adolescent Residential Addiction Treatment In The US: Uneven Access, Waitlists, And High Costs
King C, Beetham T, Smith N, Englander H, Button D, Brown P, Hadland S, Bagley S, Wright O, Korthuis P, Cook R. Adolescent Residential Addiction Treatment In The US: Uneven Access, Waitlists, And High Costs. Health Affairs 2024, 43: 64-71. PMID: 38190597, PMCID: PMC11082498, DOI: 10.1377/hlthaff.2023.00777.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUse disordersRecent nonfatal overdoseOpioid use disorderResidential addiction treatment facilityResidential addiction treatment centerSelf-pay patientsSubstance use disordersDrug overdose deathsAddiction treatment facilitiesAddiction treatment centersResidential addiction treatmentNonfatal overdoseSixteen-year-old childrenTreatment optionsHalf of facilitiesMean costOverdose deathsTreatment centersResidential treatment facilitySubstance abuseAddiction treatment
Treatments Used Among Adolescent Residential Addiction Treatment Facilities in the US, 2022
King C, Beetham T, Smith N, Englander H, Hadland S, Bagley S, Korthuis P. Treatments Used Among Adolescent Residential Addiction Treatment Facilities in the US, 2022. JAMA 2023, 329: 1983-1985. PMID: 37314282, PMCID: PMC10265296, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2023.6266.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A Comparison of Patient- and Clinician-Reported Acute Toxic Effects During Radiation Therapy for Primary Breast Cancer
Lapen K, King C, Braunstein L, Khan A, Kamrava M, Gillespie E, Cook K. A Comparison of Patient- and Clinician-Reported Acute Toxic Effects During Radiation Therapy for Primary Breast Cancer. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2022, 114: 301-309. PMID: 35675851, PMCID: PMC10281649, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2022.05.041.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrimary breast cancerRadiation therapyAcute toxic effectsClinician assessmentBreast cancerPatients warrants further investigationTreatment-related toxic effectsToxic effectsPatient-clinician pairsSymptom burden scoresCommon Terminology CriteriaComparison of patientsStart of treatmentBreast radiation therapyWarrants further investigationTerminology CriteriaAdverse eventsSymptom burdenOutcomes versionPatients' qualityBurden scoreProspective studyUnique patientsLow-severity symptomsPatient responseExpert Panel Consensus on Management of Advanced Cancer-related Pain in Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder
Merlin J, Khodyakov D, Arnold R, Bulls H, Dao E, Kapo J, King C, Meier D, Paice J, Ritchie C, Liebschutz J. Expert Panel Consensus on Management of Advanced Cancer-related Pain in Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder. Journal Of Pain 2022, 23: 60. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpain.2022.03.226.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBuprenorphine/naloxoneFull agonist opioidsUncertain appropriatenessAdvanced cancerPalliative careCancer pain management strategiesCancer-related painAdvanced cancer painPain management strategiesOpioid use disorderExpert panel consensusConsensus-based guidanceCancer painDay dosingBuprenorphine/Optimal dosingMethadone clinicsUse disordersPatientsNaloxonePanel consensusPrognosisMethadoneHealth FoundationPainExpanding Inpatient Addiction Consult Services Through Accountable Care Organizations for Medicaid Enrollees: A Modeling Study
King C, Cook R, Korthuis P, McCarty D, Morris C, Englander H. Expanding Inpatient Addiction Consult Services Through Accountable Care Organizations for Medicaid Enrollees: A Modeling Study. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2022, 16: 570-576. PMID: 35135988, PMCID: PMC9357852, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000000972.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderCoordinated Care OrganizationsAccountable care organizationsTreatment engagementHospitalized patientsUse disordersCare organizationsAddiction consult serviceMedicaid accountable care organizationsOut-patient careSubstance use disordersStudy objectiveACS careMore patientsOUD treatmentOUD careOutpatient treatmentConsult serviceMedicaid enrolleesMedicaid patientsTreatment accessMedicaid dataPatientsService careAddiction careDifferences in the Delivery of Medications for Opioid use Disorder during Hospitalization by Racial Categories: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis;
Priest K, King C, Englander H, Lovejoy T, McCarty D. Differences in the Delivery of Medications for Opioid use Disorder during Hospitalization by Racial Categories: A Retrospective Cohort Analysis;. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2022, 43: 1251-1259. PMID: 35670778, PMCID: PMC10292919, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2022.2074601.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderVeterans Health AdministrationWhite patientsUse disordersMOUD deliveryBlack patientsDelivery of buprenorphineType of MOUDRetrospective cohort analysisAcute care hospitalsCOVID-19 pandemic continuesDelivery of medicationsOutpatient clinical environmentLogistic regression modelsMOUD accessAddiction treatment systemCare hospitalStudy cohortSurgical hospitalizationMean ageCohort analysisHospitalizationMOUDPatientsBuprenorphine
Expert Panel Consensus on Management of Advanced Cancer–Related Pain in Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder
Merlin JS, Khodyakov D, Arnold R, Bulls HW, Dao E, Kapo J, King C, Meier D, Paice J, Ritchie C, Liebschutz JM. Expert Panel Consensus on Management of Advanced Cancer–Related Pain in Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder. JAMA Network Open 2021, 4: e2139968. PMID: 34962565, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.39968.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderFull agonist opioidsAdvanced cancerUncertain appropriatenessCancer painPalliative careUse disordersCancer pain managementAppropriateness of managementExpert panel consensusConsensus-based guidanceImportant comorbidityOpioid medicationsPain managementMethadone clinicsPainPatientsPanel consensusPrognosisCancerMethadoneDelphi processExpert panelMonthsOpioidsSimulating the impact of Addiction Consult Services in the context of drug supply contamination, hospitalizations, and drug-related mortality
King C, Cook R, Wheelock H, Korthuis P, Leahy J, Goff A, Morris C, Englander H. Simulating the impact of Addiction Consult Services in the context of drug supply contamination, hospitalizations, and drug-related mortality. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2021, 100: 103525. PMID: 34837879, PMCID: PMC8810590, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103525.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAddiction consult serviceOpioid use disorderDrug-related deathsConsult serviceHospital dischargeCare systemDrug-related causesOpioid-related deathsDrug supplyRisk of overdoseDrug-related mortalityOpioid overdose deathsHarm reduction interventionsAdult patientsOUD patientsHospital admissionOpioid overdosesEffective treatmentOverdose deathsSimulated cohortPatientsUse disordersReduction interventionsHospitalizationDeathCorrelates of days of medication for opioid use disorder exposure among people living with HIV in Northern Vietnam
Button D, Cook R, King C, Khuyen T, Kunkel L, Bart G, Thuy D, Nguyen D, Blazes C, Giang L, Korthuis P. Correlates of days of medication for opioid use disorder exposure among people living with HIV in Northern Vietnam. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2021, 100: 103503. PMID: 34768124, PMCID: PMC8810676, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103503.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMethadone maintenance therapyTreatment exposureMultivariate modelOpioid use disorderDisorder exposureHIV clinicMaintenance therapyPrimary outcomeUse disordersNegative binomial regressionMOUDHIVMedicationsBinomial regressionPatientsExposureDaysMonthsOUDParticipantsBuprenorphineMethadoneClinicReferralTherapyAssociations between fentanyl use and initiation, persistence, and retention on medications for opioid use disorder among people living with uncontrolled HIV disease
Cook R, Torralva R, King C, Lum P, Tookes H, Foot C, Vergara-Rodriguez P, Rodriguez A, Fanucchi L, Lucas G, Waddell E, Korthuis P. Associations between fentanyl use and initiation, persistence, and retention on medications for opioid use disorder among people living with uncontrolled HIV disease. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2021, 228: 109077. PMID: 34600253, PMCID: PMC8595584, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2021.109077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUncontrolled HIV diseaseFentanyl useOpioid use disorderXR-NTXHIV diseaseUse disordersTreatment of OUDUncontrolled HIV infectionExtended-release naltrexoneHIV viral suppressionUrine drug screeningExposure of interestMultisite clinical trialPercent of participantsMethadone administrationMOUD initiationMOUD retentionViral suppressionBuprenorphine prescriptionsHIV infectionClinical trialsWeek 20First injectionAdministrationMOUD
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