Featured Publications
Systematic 1 Hz direct electrical stimulation for seizure induction: A reliable method for localizing seizure onset zone and predicting seizure freedom
Sivaraju A, Quraishi I, Collins E, McGrath H, Ramos A, Turk-Browne N, Zaveri H, Damisah E, Spencer D, Hirsch L. Systematic 1 Hz direct electrical stimulation for seizure induction: A reliable method for localizing seizure onset zone and predicting seizure freedom. Brain Stimulation 2024, 17: 339-345. PMID: 38490472, DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2024.03.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSeizure inductionSeizure onset zoneSurgical outcomesHabitual seizuresOnset zonePredicting seizure freedomExcellent surgical outcomesProspective cohort studyMann-Whitney testConsecutive patientsFisher's exactSeizure freedomRefractory epilepsyCohort studyPost-surgeryInsular regionsMann-WhitneyPatientsIntracranial EEGSeizuresLocalizing seizure onset zonesStimulationElectrical stimulationMedial temporal regionsTemporal regionsFactors Predicting Outcome After Intracranial EEG Evaluation in Patients With Medically Refractory Epilepsy
Sivaraju A, Hirsch L, Gaspard N, Farooque P, Gerrard J, Xu Y, Deng Y, Damisah E, Blumenfeld H, Spencer DD. Factors Predicting Outcome After Intracranial EEG Evaluation in Patients With Medically Refractory Epilepsy. Neurology 2022, 99: e1-e10. PMID: 35508395, PMCID: PMC9259091, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000200569.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTemporal lobe onsetSeizure freedomResective surgeryIndependent predictorsLesional MRIUnfavorable predictorRefractory epilepsyContinued medical treatmentEpilepsy surgical evaluationFactors Predicting OutcomeIntracranial EEG evaluationNonlesional extratemporal epilepsySubsequent seizure freedomSustained seizure freedomThorough presurgical evaluationSeizure-free outcomeClass II evidenceMedically Refractory EpilepsyRetrospective chart reviewKaplan-Meier curvesSelect clinical scenariosMultivariable regression analysisBest multivariable modelIntracranial EEGSeizure onset localizationIntrastimulation discharges during electrical stimulation mapping May help identify seizure onset network
Sivaraju A, Spencer DD, Hirsch LJ. Intrastimulation discharges during electrical stimulation mapping May help identify seizure onset network. Brain Stimulation 2021, 14: 652-654. PMID: 33826933, DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2021.04.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBeyond implantation effect? Long-term seizure reduction and freedom following intracranial monitoring without additional surgical interventions
Percy J, Zaveri H, Duckrow RB, Gerrard J, Farooque P, Hirsch LJ, Spencer DD, Sivaraju A. Beyond implantation effect? Long-term seizure reduction and freedom following intracranial monitoring without additional surgical interventions. Epilepsy & Behavior 2020, 111: 107231. PMID: 32615416, DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2020.107231.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLong-term seizure freedomSeizure freedomSeizure frequencyElectrode implantationIntracranial studiesLong-term seizure reductionAdditional surgical interventionSeizure onset localizationIntracranial electroencephalogram monitoringSeizure reductionConsecutive patientsSurgical interventionEpileptogenic networksElectroencephalogram monitoringNeuromodulatory effectsRetrospective analysisIntracranial monitoringTransient improvementDepth electrodesPatientsYear 4ImplantationAdequate dataYearsInvasive EEG in presurgical evaluation of epilepsy
Spencer D, Nguyen D, Sivaraju A. Invasive EEG in presurgical evaluation of epilepsy. 2015, 733-755. DOI: 10.1002/9781118936979.ch58.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEpileptogenic lesionsMRI protocolEarly treatment optionEpilepsy surgical procedureNon-surgical candidatesCommon epileptogenic lesionsSpecific MRI protocolQuality of MRIEpilepsy surgeryMRI criteriaPresurgical evaluationTreatment optionsCerebral areasInvasive EEGSurgical proceduresNeurosurgical proceduresMR imagingMR spectroscopyLesionsEpilepsyTypical featuresImagingPatientsSurgeryPathologyPrognostication of post-cardiac arrest coma: early clinical and electroencephalographic predictors of outcome
Sivaraju A, Gilmore EJ, Wira CR, Stevens A, Rampal N, Moeller JJ, Greer DM, Hirsch LJ, Gaspard N. Prognostication of post-cardiac arrest coma: early clinical and electroencephalographic predictors of outcome. Intensive Care Medicine 2015, 41: 1264-1272. PMID: 25940963, DOI: 10.1007/s00134-015-3834-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBetter outcomesPoor outcomeEpileptiform dischargesPost-cardiac arrest comatose patientsCritical care EEG terminologyPost-cardiac arrest comaMethodsProspective cohort studyContinuous EEG monitoringLow-voltage EEGPositive predictive valueAbsence of reactivityEEG terminologyCohort studySpontaneous circulationBrainstem reflexesClinical outcomesComatose patientsFalse positive ratePoor prognosisPrognostic significanceSuppression burstsClinical variablesClinical correlatesElectroencephalographic patternsElectroencephalographic predictorsImmediate and long‐term management practices of acute symptomatic seizures and epileptiform abnormalities: A cross‐sectional international survey
Punia V, Daruvala S, Dhakar M, Zafar S, Rubinos C, Ayub N, Hirsch L, Sivaraju A, investigators F. Immediate and long‐term management practices of acute symptomatic seizures and epileptiform abnormalities: A cross‐sectional international survey. Epilepsia 2024, 65: 909-919. PMID: 38358383, DOI: 10.1111/epi.17915.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAnti-seizure medicationsEpileptiform abnormalitiesAcute symptomatic seizuresAcute brain injuryContinuous EEGSecondary prophylaxisSymptomatic seizuresSporadic epileptiform dischargesLateralized periodic dischargesCross-sectional international surveyOutpatient follow-upAnti-seizure medication useOptimal care pathwayDose escalationBrain injuryDose changesLong-term managementElectrographic seizuresEpileptiform dischargesFollow-upAncillary testsReal-world practiceRecommended durationContinuous electroencephalographyHospital discharge
Antiseizure Medication Use and Outcomes After Suspected or Confirmed Acute Symptomatic Seizures
Zafar S, Sivaraju A, Rubinos C, Ayub N, Awodutire P, McKee Z, Chandan P, Byrnes M, Bhansali S, Rice H, Smith-Ayala A, Haider M, Tveter E, Erlich-Malona N, Ibanhes F, DeMarco A, Lewis S, Dhakar M, Punia V. Antiseizure Medication Use and Outcomes After Suspected or Confirmed Acute Symptomatic Seizures. JAMA Neurology 2024, 81: 1159-1169. PMID: 39312247, PMCID: PMC11420826, DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2024.3189.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssociated with increased oddsAcute symptomatic seizuresAntiseizure medication treatmentDischarge prescriptionsSymptomatic seizuresAntiseizure medicationsElectrographic seizuresContinuous electroencephalographyOdds of treatmentGlasgow Outcome Scale scoreNeurological intensive care unitOptimal treatment durationMulticenter cohort studyAntiseizure medication useOutcome Scale scorePrescribed antiseizure medicationsAssociated with functional outcomeIntensive care unitAssociated with outcomeMain OutcomesProgressive brain injuryASM treatmentMedication useCohort studyEpileptiform abnormalitiesAntiseizure Medication Withdrawal, Risk of Epilepsy, and Longterm EEG Trends in Acute Symptomatic Seizures or Epileptic EEG Patterns.
Sivaraju A, Tao A, Jadav R, Kirunda K, Rampal N, Kim J, Gilmore E, Hirsch L. Antiseizure Medication Withdrawal, Risk of Epilepsy, and Longterm EEG Trends in Acute Symptomatic Seizures or Epileptic EEG Patterns. Neurology Clinical Practice 2024, 14: e200342. PMID: 39185097, PMCID: PMC11341085, DOI: 10.1212/cpj.0000000000200342.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCombined neuromodulation and resection for functional cortex epilepsy: a case series.
Merenzon M, Sivaraju A, Herlopian A, Gerrard J, Quraishi I, Hirsch L, Spencer D, Damisah E. Combined neuromodulation and resection for functional cortex epilepsy: a case series. Journal Of Neurosurgery 2024, 141: 1527-1535. PMID: 38848588, DOI: 10.3171/2024.3.jns24122.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMedically refractory epilepsySeizure onset zoneFunctional cortexSeizure outcomeRefractory epilepsyMonths of follow-up dataMaximal safe resectionMedian follow-upTreated with resectionImprove seizure outcomeFocal neuromodulationFollow-up dataPreservation of functionRetrospective analysis of individualsSafe resectionPartial resectionMedian intervalCase seriesPreoperative assessmentSurgical interventionRNS deviceNeurological deficitsNo significant changesResectionRetrospective analysisPrognostication of Outcomes in Stroke Patients Using Inflammatory Biomarkers: Findings from the Yale Post-stroke Epilepsy Research Group (P3-5.010)
Wang E, Misra S, Yan J, Chook P, Kawamura Y, Kitagawa R, Kim J, Gilmore E, De Havenon A, Sivaraju A, Hirsch L, Falcone G, Sansing L, Magid-Bernstein J, Mishra N. Prognostication of Outcomes in Stroke Patients Using Inflammatory Biomarkers: Findings from the Yale Post-stroke Epilepsy Research Group (P3-5.010). Neurology 2024, 102 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000204783.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssociation of CT-based Lobar Contusion Volumes and Locations with Post-traumatic Epilepsy (P5-1.003)
Shrishail N, Wheelock J, Sanders W, Doherty D, Kim J, Schlecter M, Sivaraju A, Hirsch L, Omay S, Sheth K, Gilmore E, Edlow B, Kim J. Association of CT-based Lobar Contusion Volumes and Locations with Post-traumatic Epilepsy (P5-1.003). Neurology 2024, 102 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000206260.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMachine Learning-informed Subtyping of Generalized Periodic Discharges in Cardiac Arrest (S23.006)
Karukonda V, Aghaeeaval M, Kandhare P, Zheng W, Jing J, Ghassemi M, Lee J, Herman S, Sivaraju A, Gaspard N, Hofmeijer J, van Putten M, Westover M, Amorim E. Machine Learning-informed Subtyping of Generalized Periodic Discharges in Cardiac Arrest (S23.006). Neurology 2024, 102 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000204918.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPredictors of follow-up care for critically-ill patients with seizures and epileptiform abnormalities on EEG monitoring
Rice H, Fernandes M, Punia V, Rubinos C, Sivaraju A, Zafar S. Predictors of follow-up care for critically-ill patients with seizures and epileptiform abnormalities on EEG monitoring. Clinical Neurology And Neurosurgery 2024, 241: 108275. PMID: 38640778, PMCID: PMC11167629, DOI: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2024.108275.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeurological follow-upFollow-up visitFollow-upAntiseizure medicationsOutpatient follow-upCritically-ill patientsContinuous EEGEpileptiform abnormalitiesPredictors of follow-upPrevent long-term complicationsIllness severityYounger ageRetrospective cohort studyLong-term complicationsFollow-up statusIntensive care unitProbability of follow-upHigher illness severityPredictors of readmissionContinuous EEG recordingsRisk stratificationEEG monitoringCohort studyCritically-illCare unitSeizing Control: Primary Visual Cortex Epilepsy Treated With Resection and Responsive Neurostimulation: 2-Dimensional Operative Video
Merenzon M, Lamsam L, McGrath H, Sivaraju A, Hirsch L, Cukiert A, Zibly Z, Spencer D, Damisah E. Seizing Control: Primary Visual Cortex Epilepsy Treated With Resection and Responsive Neurostimulation: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Operative Neurosurgery 2024, 27: 262-263. PMID: 39007609, DOI: 10.1227/ons.0000000000001109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCharacteristics and Attendance of Patients Eligible for the PASS Clinic: A Transition of Care Model After Acute Symptomatic Seizures.
Byrnes M, Thompson N, Hantus S, Fesler J, Ying Z, Ayub N, Rubinos C, Zafar S, Sivaraju A, Punia V. Characteristics and Attendance of Patients Eligible for the PASS Clinic: A Transition of Care Model After Acute Symptomatic Seizures. Neurology Clinical Practice 2024, 14: e200232. PMID: 38213398, PMCID: PMC10781564, DOI: 10.1212/cpj.0000000000200232.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAntiseizure medicationsClinic attendanceASY patientsClinic modelCare modelCause-specific Cox proportional hazards modelsMedicare/Medicaid insuranceCox proportional hazards modelAcute symptomatic seizuresClinic attendance ratesClinic visit attendanceEarly postdischarge mortalityProgressive brain injuryRetrospective cohort studyAttendance of patientsRoutine clinical careProportional hazards modelDischarge planning processASM discontinuationAutoimmune encephalitisPostdischarge mortalitySymptomatic seizuresVisit attendanceSeizure clinicCohort studyStatistical learning in epilepsy: Behavioral and anatomical mechanisms in the human brain
Aljishi A, Sherman B, Huberdeau D, Obaid S, Khan K, Lamsam L, Zibly Z, Sivaraju A, Turk‐Browne N, Damisah E. Statistical learning in epilepsy: Behavioral and anatomical mechanisms in the human brain. Epilepsia 2024, 65: 753-765. PMID: 38116686, PMCID: PMC10948305, DOI: 10.1111/epi.17871.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The International Cardiac Arrest Research Consortium Electroencephalography Database
Amorim E, Zheng W, Ghassemi M, Aghaeeaval M, Kandhare P, Karukonda V, Lee J, Herman S, Sivaraju A, Gaspard N, Hofmeijer J, van Putten M, Sameni R, Reyna M, Clifford G, Westover M. The International Cardiac Arrest Research Consortium Electroencephalography Database. Critical Care Medicine 2023, 51: 1802-1811. PMID: 37855659, PMCID: PMC10841086, DOI: 10.1097/ccm.0000000000006074.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCardiac arrestNeurologic outcomeCerebral Performance Category scaleContinuous electroencephalography monitoringGood functional recoverySevere neurologic disabilityIctal-interictal continuumIndividuals 16 yearsBrain injury researchCardiac arrest researchMost patientsNeurologic disabilityMulticenter cohortSpontaneous circulationComatose patientsFunctional recoveryEpileptiform activityElectroencephalography monitoringTeaching hospitalBackground continuityClinical dataBurst suppressionPatientsEpileptiform patternsSpike frequencyPredicting Neurological Recovery from Coma After Cardiac Arrest: The George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2023
Reyna M, Amorim E, Sameni R, Weigle J, Elola A, Rad A, Seyedi S, Kwon H, Zheng W, Ghassemi M, van Putten M, Hofmeijer J, Gaspard N, Sivaraju A, Herman S, Lee J, Westover M, Clifford G. Predicting Neurological Recovery from Coma After Cardiac Arrest: The George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge 2023. 2016 Computing In Cardiology Conference (CinC) 2023, 50: 1-4. DOI: 10.22489/cinc.2023.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntracranial Entrainment Reveals Statistical Learning across Levels of Abstraction
Sherman B, Aljishi A, Graves K, Quraishi I, Sivaraju A, Damisah E, Turk-Browne N. Intracranial Entrainment Reveals Statistical Learning across Levels of Abstraction. Journal Of Cognitive Neuroscience 2023, 35: 1312-1328. PMID: 37262357, DOI: 10.1162/jocn_a_02012.Peer-Reviewed Original Research