Romina Fiorotto, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Digestive Diseases) and of PathologyCards
Prominent role of gut dysbiosis in the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis-related liver disease in mice
Bertolini A, Nguyen M, Zehra S, Taleb S, Bauer-Pisani T, Palm N, Strazzabosco M, Fiorotto R. Prominent role of gut dysbiosis in the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis-related liver disease in mice. Journal Of Hepatology 2024, 81: 429-440. PMID: 38554847, PMCID: PMC11347101, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2024.03.041.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCystic fibrosis-related liver diseaseCystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulatorCFTR-KO miceDefective cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulatorCFTR-KOIntestinal permeabilityLiver diseaseGut-liver axisGut dysbiosisIncreased morbidityMortality of CF patientsAssociated with increased intestinal permeabilityLiver pathologyDevelopment of cholangiopathyCftr-knockout miceTransmembrane conductance regulatorIncreased intestinal permeabilityTargeted therapeutic strategiesFecal microbiota transferAttenuates liver diseaseExcessive inflammatory responseFITC-dextran assayPresence of neutrophilsActivation of pro-inflammatoryCFTR-knockout
Fibroblasts to hepatocytes: A nonstop flight into cell therapy for liver diseases?
Gouon‐Evans V, Fiorotto R. Fibroblasts to hepatocytes: A nonstop flight into cell therapy for liver diseases? Hepatology 2023, 77: 1469-1471. PMID: 35957526, DOI: 10.1002/hep.32725.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersCell-matrix interactions control biliary organoid polarity, architecture, and differentiation
Fiorotto R, Mariotti V, Taleb S, Zehra S, Nguyen M, Amenduni M, Strazzabosco M. Cell-matrix interactions control biliary organoid polarity, architecture, and differentiation. Hepatology Communications 2023, 7: e0094. PMID: 36972396, PMCID: PMC10503667, DOI: 10.1097/hc9.0000000000000094.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBiliary organoidsNovel organoid modelImmune cell typesOrganotypic culture systemProinflammatory chemokinesStem cell featuresBiliary epitheliumExtracellular matrixEpithelial permeabilityImportant causeBile acidsBiliary differentiationBile transportHuman liverOrganoid modelsDisease modelsCholangiopathyCell featuresTight junctionsLiverCell typesInternal lumenOrganoidsSingle-cell transcriptomicsPathogenic bacteria
Molecular determinants of peri‐apical targeting of inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate receptor type 3 in cholangiocytes
Rodrigues MA, Gomes DA, Fiorotto R, Guerra MT, Weerachayaphorn J, Bo T, Sessa WC, Strazzabosco M, Nathanson MH. Molecular determinants of peri‐apical targeting of inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate receptor type 3 in cholangiocytes. Hepatology Communications 2022, 6: 2748-2764. PMID: 35852334, PMCID: PMC9512452, DOI: 10.1002/hep4.2042.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLipid raftsCaveolin-1Intact lipid raftsType 3 inositol trisphosphate receptorApical regionC-terminal amino acidsTrisphosphate receptor type 3Madin-Darby canine kidney cellsCanine kidney cellsFluorescence microscopy techniquesInositol trisphosphate receptorApical localizationTrisphosphate receptorHeavy chain 9Molecular determinantsChemical disruptionAmino acidsITPR3RaftsKidney cellsIntracellular CaFinal common eventReceptor type 3Release channelMYH9Dysregulation of the Scribble/YAP/β‐catenin axis sustains the fibroinflammatory response in a PKHD1−/− mouse model of congenital hepatic fibrosis
Fabris L, Milani C, Fiorotto R, Mariotti V, Kaffe E, Seller B, Sonzogni A, Strazzabosco M, Cadamuro M. Dysregulation of the Scribble/YAP/β‐catenin axis sustains the fibroinflammatory response in a PKHD1−/− mouse model of congenital hepatic fibrosis. The FASEB Journal 2022, 36: e22364. PMID: 35593740, PMCID: PMC9150862, DOI: 10.1096/fj.202101924r.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYes-associated proteinPlanar cell polarityΒ-cateninΒ-catenin axisYAP nuclear importRole of ScribbleNuclear translocationYAP/TAZΒ-catenin signalingCell polarityNuclear importCyst cellsNuclear expressionScribble expressionΒ-catenin nuclear expressionConditional deletionGenetic defectsTissue growth factor expressionIntegrin β6Connective tissue growth factor expressionCyst growthExpressionCystic cholangiocytesMRNA levelsScribblesBile acids and their receptors: modulators and therapeutic targets in liver inflammation
Bertolini A, Fiorotto R, Strazzabosco M. Bile acids and their receptors: modulators and therapeutic targets in liver inflammation. Seminars In Immunopathology 2022, 44: 547-564. PMID: 35415765, PMCID: PMC9256560, DOI: 10.1007/s00281-022-00935-7.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsBile acidsLiver diseaseTherapeutic targetAutoimmune liver diseaseCholestatic liver diseaseBile acid receptorAbsorption of lipidsFat-soluble vitaminsLiver inflammationInflammatory diseasesImmunomodulatory propertiesAcid receptorsInflammationDiseaseReceptorsClinical applicationLiverNutrient metabolismPathway
Novel approaches to liver disease diagnosis and modeling
Oliveira AG, Fiorotto R. Novel approaches to liver disease diagnosis and modeling. Translational Gastroenterology And Hepatology 2021, 6: 19-19. PMID: 33824923, PMCID: PMC7829068, DOI: 10.21037/tgh-20-109.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsNew insights on the role of vascular endothelial growth factor in biliary pathophysiology
Mariotti V, Fiorotto R, Cadamuro M, Fabris L, Strazzabosco M. New insights on the role of vascular endothelial growth factor in biliary pathophysiology. JHEP Reports 2021, 3: 100251. PMID: 34151244, PMCID: PMC8189933, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhepr.2021.100251.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsVEGF/VEGFRCell biologyVascular endothelial growth factorCritical biological processesEpithelial cell biologyHIF1α-dependent mechanismEndothelial cell biologyEndothelial growth factorEpithelial cellsGrowth factorAccessory proteinsLiver repair processesCystic cellsBiological processesKinase receptorsVEGFR-2 receptorCell typesRole of VEGFBiliary developmentBiliary pathophysiologyDevelopment of cirrhosisChronic biliary diseaseBile duct proliferationPolycystic liver diseaseWound healing response
IL-17A/F enable cholangiocytes to restrict T cell-driven experimental cholangitis by upregulating PD-L1 expression
Stein S, Henze L, Poch T, Carambia A, Krech T, Preti M, Schuran FA, Reich M, Keitel V, Fiorotto R, Strazzabosco M, Fischer L, Li J, Müller LM, Wagner J, Gagliani N, Herkel J, Schwinge D, Schramm C. IL-17A/F enable cholangiocytes to restrict T cell-driven experimental cholangitis by upregulating PD-L1 expression. Journal Of Hepatology 2020, 74: 919-930. PMID: 33197512, PMCID: PMC8778963, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhep.2020.10.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIL-17A/FIL-17PD-L1T cellsOT-1Mouse modelAutoimmune cholestatic liver diseaseCell death ligand 1Cholangiocyte organoidsMajor histocompatibility complex IBile duct inflammationAntigen-specific CD8Bile duct injuryPD-L1 expressionDeath ligand 1Driver of inflammationTreatment of cholangitisCholestatic liver diseaseResponse of miceImportant protective effectDuct inflammationExperimental cholangitisDuct injuryAdoptive transferCytotoxic CD8Abnormal Liver Function Tests in Patients With COVID‐19: Relevance and Potential Pathogenesis
Bertolini A, van de Peppel I, Bodewes FAJA, Moshage H, Fantin A, Farinati F, Fiorotto R, Jonker JW, Strazzabosco M, Verkade HJ, Peserico G. Abnormal Liver Function Tests in Patients With COVID‐19: Relevance and Potential Pathogenesis. Hepatology 2020, 72: 1864-1872. PMID: 32702162, PMCID: PMC7404414, DOI: 10.1002/hep.31480.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsAbnormal liver function testsLiver function testsCOVID-19 patientsAspartate aminotransferaseFunction testsHospitalized coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patientsSevere COVID-19 diseaseCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patientsElevated liver function testsPre-existing liver diseaseDrug-induced liver injuryCOVID-19Hyper-inflammatory statusAlanine aminotransferase levelsLopinavir/ritonavirOvert liver failureStart of treatmentUse of acetaminophenCause of deathPlasma aspartate aminotransferaseUpper reference limitSARS-CoV-2COVID-19 diseaseAlkaline phosphataseALT elevation
Clinical Trials
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Screening In Anticipation of Future Research
HIC ID2000021443RoleSub InvestigatorPrimary Completion Date12/31/2022Recruiting ParticipantsGenderBothAge2 years - 17 years
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- August 27, 2024
Gut Microbiome Imbalance Promotes Liver Disease in Cystic Fibrosis
- March 11, 2024
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- September 16, 2019
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Department of Medicine (Digestive Diseases), PO Box 208019
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