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Student Spotlight: Xiangyu Gigi Ge

November 30, 2020

Gigi Ge is currently a second year graduate student in Dr. Mandar Muzumdar’s lab. She studies the mechanisms of acquired resistance to KRAS-targeting therapies based on pharmacologic and genetic vulnerabilities. She utilizes drug and CRISPR screens in KRAS knockout pancreatic cancer cells and optogenetic tools to dissect the KRAS signaling network.

Gigi joined the Yale Graduate Student Group "PROSPER" (Peers for Resilience, Openness, Support, Perspective, Empowerment and Relationships) in 2019 and has been actively participating in organizing events that advocate the value of emotional Intelligence. During the pandemic, Gigi and her peers organized a series of online events including ”Wellness Bingo” game and workshops, offering advice on stress management, self-awareness, and communication skills. In the future, PROSPER will keep providing various opportunities for Yale students to learn and apply emotional Intelligence in daily life.