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Schwartz Selected For Uganda NCD Commission

April 25, 2019
by Julie Parry

Jeremy Schwartz, MD, assistant professor of medicine (general internal medicine) has been invited to join the Uganda National Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) and Injury Commission. Schwartz will serve as one of the 20 commissioners on the committee.

“I am honored to serve as the only non-Ugandan member of this commission,” said Schwartz. “I look forward to supporting my Ugandan colleagues as we collectively work to improve the health of Ugandans with, and at risk of, chronic non-communicable diseases.”

Schwartz was selected in part for his work as the co-founder, and U.S.-based co-director of the Uganda Initiative for the Integrated Management of Non-Communicable Diseases (UINCD). This collaboration brings together leaders from the Ugandan Ministry of Health, Yale School of Medicine (YSM) and Makerere University College of Health Sciences to identify and address gaps in health service delivery for those with non-communicable diseases. The committee’s findings could deliver key interventions, inform national policy, develop investment cases for increased financing, and advocate for greater recognition of NCDIs affecting the poor.

UINCD has received Yale University support since 2013 through the Yale Global Health Leadership Initiative, Yale MacMillan Center, and Yale Institute for Global Health.

YSM’s Tracy Rabin, MD, MS, assistant professor of medicine (general internal medicine) and associate director, Office of Global Health, Internal Medicine; and Asghar Rastegar, MD, professor of medicine and director, Office of Global Health; are on the UINCD Board of Directors.