Prediction of craving across studies: A commentary on conceptual and methodological considerations when using data-driven methods
Antons S, Yip S, Lacadie C, Dadashkarimi J, Scheinost D, Brand M, Potenza M. Prediction of craving across studies: A commentary on conceptual and methodological considerations when using data-driven methods. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2024, 13: 695-701. PMID: 39356557, PMCID: PMC11457034, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2024.00050.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAddictive behaviorsDisorders due to addictive behaviorsConnectome-based predictive modelingPrediction of cravingInvestigate neural mechanismsSubstance use disordersNeural mechanismsCravingSubstance useMethodological considerationsDisordersMethodological featuresBehaviorConceptualizationCommentaryStudyFindingsSubstancesImpact of COVID-19-Induced Academic Stress on Insomnia and Suicidal Ideation among Taiwanese Health Trainees and Junior Doctors
Huang P, Lin C, Huang R, Chen J, Potenza M, Strong C, Wang H, Griffiths M, Chen C, Ko N, Shieh S. Impact of COVID-19-Induced Academic Stress on Insomnia and Suicidal Ideation among Taiwanese Health Trainees and Junior Doctors. Medical Science Monitor 2024, 30: e944932. PMID: 38910318, PMCID: PMC11305106, DOI: 10.12659/msm.944932.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInsomnia Severity IndexPsychological distressAcademic stressHealth traineesClinical trainingAssociated with psychological distressHigh academic stressGood mental healthAssociated with higher levelsAssociated with insomniaReduce academic stressSuicidal ideationPromote good mental healthStructural equation modelingAcademic-related stressSignificant mediatorsDASS-21Stress ScaleInsomniaMental healthSelf-designed questionsClinical confidencePostgraduate-yearDistressEquation modelingEfficacy and Neural Mechanisms of Mindfulness Meditation Among Adults With Internet Gaming Disorder
Ni H, Wang H, Ma X, Li S, Liu C, Song X, Potenza M, Dong G. Efficacy and Neural Mechanisms of Mindfulness Meditation Among Adults With Internet Gaming Disorder. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2416684. PMID: 38888924, PMCID: PMC11185988, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.16684.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInternet gaming disorderDSM-5-TRProgressive muscle relaxationMindfulness meditationProgressive muscle relaxation groupNeural mechanismsGaming cravingsAddiction severityDecreased cravingFunctional connectivityAssociated with decreased brain activitySeverity of internet gaming disorderInternet gaming disorder severityTreating Internet Gaming DisorderBlood oxygen level-dependent signalCue-craving taskMedial frontal gyrusPotential neural mechanismsProgressive muscle relaxation trainingBilateral lentiform nucleusFrontal gyrusIncreased mindfulnessBrain measuresGaming disorderBrain regionsAn exploratory study of the prevalence and adverse associations of in-school traditional bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents in Connecticut
Rostam-Abadi Y, Stefanovics E, Zhai Z, Potenza M. An exploratory study of the prevalence and adverse associations of in-school traditional bullying and cyberbullying among adolescents in Connecticut. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2024, 173: 372-380. PMID: 38593696, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.03.033.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBullying statusPatterns of bullyingAnti-bullying interventionsYouth Risk Behavior Survey dataInfluence of alcoholTraditional bullyingBullying subgroupsWeapon-carryingDating violenceBehavior Survey dataAssociated with suicide attemptsBullyingReport bullyingMental healthPhysical fightingSelf-harmHigh school studentsCyberbullyingReceipt of social supportConnecticut high school studentsSurvey-weighted logistic regressionAcademic performanceLogistic regressionInsecure housingPerceived family supportIntrinsic connectivity demonstrates a shared role of the posterior cingulate for cue reactivity in both gambling and cocaine use disorders
Vaccaro A, Lacadie C, Potenza M. Intrinsic connectivity demonstrates a shared role of the posterior cingulate for cue reactivity in both gambling and cocaine use disorders. Addictive Behaviors 2024, 155: 108027. PMID: 38581751, PMCID: PMC11273263, DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2024.108027.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCocaine use disorderPosterior cingulate cortexCue reactivityBehavioral addictionsUse disorderGambling disorderPosterior cingulatePosterior cingulate cortex connectivityHealthy comparison subjectsIntrinsic connectivity distributionIntervention developmentCocaine cuesFMRI taskAddictive disordersCingulate cortexComparison subjectsNeurobiological foundationsSad videosDecreased connectivityFunctional connectivityCocainePost hoc analysisAddictionRelevant to maintenanceGamblingObesity in U.S. low-income veterans:Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and homelessness
Stefanovics E, Potenza M, Tsai J. Obesity in U.S. low-income veterans:Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and homelessness. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2024, 173: 317-325. PMID: 38574595, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.03.041.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLow-income veteransU.S. veteransPrevalence estimates of obesityAssociated with low socioeconomic statusEstimates of obesityBurden of obesityWeight management programAssociated with co-occurrenceLow socioeconomic statusPrevalence of obesityPsychiatric medication useImprove overall healthU.S. veteran populationNationally representative sampleQuality of lifePositive reframingSocioeconomic statusPrevalence estimatesTargeted interventionsVeteran populationActive copingMedication useOverall healthCoping stylesRepresentative sampleCurrent Understanding of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder and Co-occurring Conditions: What Clinicians Should Know about Pharmacological Options
Mestre-Bach G, Potenza M. Current Understanding of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder and Co-occurring Conditions: What Clinicians Should Know about Pharmacological Options. CNS Drugs 2024, 38: 255-265. PMID: 38485889, DOI: 10.1007/s40263-024-01075-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCompulsive sexual behavior disorderSexual behavior disorderReuptake inhibitorsBehavioral disordersPornography usePharmacological treatmentCo-occurring disordersEmpirical supportSerotonin reuptake inhibitorsCo-occurring conditionsMood stabilizersPsychiatric disordersPsychological therapiesTricyclic antidepressantsGeneralizability of resultsOpioid antagonistSerotonin antagonistsDisordersSerotoninPharmacological optionsPharmacological approachesAntagonistPharmacological therapyNarrative reviewNefazodoneParental intention on getting children COVID-19 vaccinations: Invariance evaluation across parenting roles and COVID-19-like symptoms experiences among Iranians during the pandemic period
Ahorsu D, Potenza M, Lin C, Pakpour A. Parental intention on getting children COVID-19 vaccinations: Invariance evaluation across parenting roles and COVID-19-like symptoms experiences among Iranians during the pandemic period. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2024, 20: 2325230. PMID: 38445561, PMCID: PMC10936610, DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2024.2325230.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsThreat appraisalMaladaptive responsesCoping appraisalMultigroup structural equation modelingAssociated with adaptive responsesParental roleSymptom experienceStructural equation modelingParents' intentionAssociated with intentionCopingEquation modelingComplete measurementsIranian parentsPerceived knowledgeAppraisalAdaptive responseChildrenParentsCOVID-19 vaccination ratesMultigroupParental knowledgeFindingsIntentionChildhoodDebates on Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder: A Call for Global and Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Bőthe B, Potenza M, Demetrovics Z. Debates on Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder: A Call for Global and Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Archives Of Sexual Behavior 2024, 53: 1215-1220. PMID: 38418717, DOI: 10.1007/s10508-024-02836-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGeneralized anxiety and mild anxiety symptoms in U.S. military veterans: Prevalence, characteristics, and functioning
Macdonald-Gagnon G, Stefanovics E, Potenza M, Pietrzak R. Generalized anxiety and mild anxiety symptoms in U.S. military veterans: Prevalence, characteristics, and functioning. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2024, 171: 263-270. PMID: 38325107, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.02.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGeneralized anxiety disorderMild anxiety symptomsAnxiety symptomsMilitary veteransU.S. veteransCorrelates of generalized anxiety disorderCorrelates of anxiety symptomsAnxiety symptom severityU.S. military veteransAnxiety disordersGeneralized anxietyPoor mental healthSuicidal thoughtsSymptom severityMental disordersExcessive anxietyAnxietyMagnitude associationsMental healthFunctional impairmentVeteransFunctional correlatesClinical samplesNationally representative sampleSymptomsCross-cultural validation and measurement invariance of anxiety and depression symptoms: A study of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) in 42 countries
Quintana G, Ponce F, Escudero-Pastén J, Santibáñez-Palma J, Nagy L, Koós M, Kraus S, Demetrovics Z, Potenza M, Ballester-Arnal R, Batthyány D, Bergeron S, Billieux J, Briken P, Burkauskas J, Cárdenas-López G, Carvalho J, Castro-Calvo J, Chen L, Ciocca G, Corazza O, Csako R, Fernandez D, Fernandez E, Fujiwara H, Fuss J, Gabrhelík R, Gewirtz-Meydan A, Gjoneska B, Gola M, Grubbs J, Hashim H, Islam S, Ismail M, Jiménez-Martínez M, Jurin T, Kalina O, Klein V, Költő A, Lee C, Lee S, Lewczuk K, Lin C, Lochner C, López-Alvarado S, Lukavská K, Mayta-Tristán P, Miller D, Orosová O, Orosz G, NA S, Garzola G, Ramos-Diaz J, Rigaud K, Rousseau A, De Tubino Scanavino M, Schulmeyer M, Sharan P, Shibata M, Shoib, Sigre-Leirós V, Sniewski L, Spasovski O, Steibliene V, Stein D, Ünsal B, Vaillancourt-Morel M, Van Hout M, Bőthe B. Cross-cultural validation and measurement invariance of anxiety and depression symptoms: A study of the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) in 42 countries. Journal Of Affective Disorders 2024, 350: 991-1006. PMID: 38244805, DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2024.01.127.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk of depressionBSI-18Brief Symptom InventoryPrevalent mental health issuesAnxiety symptom scoresTwo-factor structureCriterion-related validityEvidence of constructCross-cultural validityHigher risk of depressionSexual orientationSymptomatology indicesAnxiety symptomsLower risk of depressionMental health issuesDepressive symptomsSymptom InventoryMeasurement invariancePredictive validityCross-cultural studiesAssess depressionAnxietyClinically relevant variablesDepressionCase criteriaNeural correlates of altered emotional responsivity to infant stimuli in mothers who use substances
McCurdy L, Yip S, Worhunsky P, Zhai Z, Kim S, Strathearn L, Potenza M, Mayes L, Rutherford H. Neural correlates of altered emotional responsivity to infant stimuli in mothers who use substances. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2024, 171: 126-133. PMID: 38277872, PMCID: PMC10922955, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.01.024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsResponses to infant stimuliInfant stimuliMaternal behaviorAffective processesBrain regionsPsychological processesEmotional responsesFunctional magnetic resonance imagingPotential neural targetsInfant emotional expressionsMaternal emotional responsivenessSubstance-use statusAssociated with difficultiesSocial-emotional developmentInfant social-emotional developmentMaternal substance useInfant facesCognitive processesImprove child outcomesEmotional expressionEmotional intensityNeural targetsSubstance useGroups of mothersChild outcomesExploring health literacy categories among an Iranian adult sample: a latent class analysis
Yekaninejad M, Hajiheidari A, Alijanzadeh M, Yahaghi R, Karimi Z, Rahmani J, Yazdi N, Jafari E, Alijani H, Zamani N, Fotuhi R, Taherkhani E, Buchali Z, Zarenejad M, Mahmoudi N, Shahmahdi N, Poorzolfaghar L, Ahmadizade S, Shahbazkhania A, Potenza M, Lin C, Pakpour A. Exploring health literacy categories among an Iranian adult sample: a latent class analysis. Scientific Reports 2024, 14: 776. PMID: 38191607, PMCID: PMC10774330, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-49850-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElectronic health literacyHealth literacy levelsHealth literacyLatent class analysisDemographic factorsEducational levelIranian adult populationHealth literacy instrumentLow educational levelHigher educational levelEHealth Literacy ScaleRural residentsLiteracy levelsHealthy behaviorsAdult populationDemographic dataClass analysisOlder peopleAdult residentsGood healthOlder adultsEHEALS scoreStratified clusterMarital statusLiteracy Scale
Maternal psychological risk and the neural correlates of infant face processing: A latent profile analysis
Wall K, Penner F, Dell J, Lowell A, Potenza M, Mayes L, Rutherford H. Maternal psychological risk and the neural correlates of infant face processing: A latent profile analysis. Developmental Psychobiology 2023, 66: e22445. PMID: 38131237, PMCID: PMC10783861, DOI: 10.1002/dev.22445.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWhat Are the Problems With Substance Use?
Potenza M. What Are the Problems With Substance Use? Biological Psychiatry 2023, 94: 839-841. PMID: 37914505, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2023.09.008.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersAnandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol baseline plasma concentrations and their clinical correlate in gambling disorder
Baenas I, Solé-Morata N, Granero R, Fernández-Aranda F, Pujadas M, Mora-Maltas B, Lucas I, Gómez-Peña M, Moragas L, del Pino-Gutiérrez A, Tapia J, de la Torre R, Potenza M, Jiménez-Murcia S. Anandamide and 2-arachidonoylglycerol baseline plasma concentrations and their clinical correlate in gambling disorder. European Psychiatry 2023, 66: e97. PMID: 37937379, PMCID: PMC10755577, DOI: 10.1192/j.eurpsy.2023.2460.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHealthy control subjectsPlasma concentrationsBaseline plasma concentrationsPeripheral blood samplesBrain reward pathwaysGambling disorderSemi-structured clinical interviewConcentrations of endocannabinoidsNeuropsychological variablesAddiction-related disordersGD severityClinical correlatesControl subjectsAdult outpatientsEndocannabinoid systemBlood samplesClinical InterviewPlasma AEA concentrationsEndogenous ligandReward pathwayClinical groupsEndocannabinoidsAEA concentrationsPsychometric assessmentNeurobiological substratesValidation of the Thai Assessment of Criteria for Specific Internet-use Disorders (ACSID-11) among young adults
Yang Y, Su J, Pimsen A, Chen J, Potenza M, Pakpour A, Chen J, Poon W, Nurmala I, Ruckwongpatr K, Lin C. Validation of the Thai Assessment of Criteria for Specific Internet-use Disorders (ACSID-11) among young adults. BMC Psychiatry 2023, 23: 819. PMID: 37940885, PMCID: PMC10633967, DOI: 10.1186/s12888-023-05210-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeural correlates of negative life events and their relationships with alcohol and cannabis use initiation
Zhao Y, Potenza M, Tapert S, Paulus M. Neural correlates of negative life events and their relationships with alcohol and cannabis use initiation. Dialogues In Clinical Neuroscience 2023, 25: 112-121. PMID: 37916739, PMCID: PMC10623894, DOI: 10.1080/19585969.2023.2252437.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNegative life eventsCannabis initiationGreater cortical thicknessCaudate gray matter volumeGray matter volumeDose-response relationshipOdds of alcoholLife eventsInitiation of alcoholSubstance Use InitiationCortical thicknessSubstance-naïveSuperior temporal sulcusNeural pathwaysCannabis useBrain structuresAlcohol useUse initiationAlcohol initiationSubstance use trajectoriesPoor academic performanceTemporal sulcusNeural mechanismsCannabisLinear regression modelsA phubbing scale tested in Bangladesh, Iran, and Pakistan: confirmatory factor, network, and Rasch analyses
Lin C, Mamun M, Mamun F, Ullah I, Hosen I, Malik N, Fatima A, Poorebrahim A, Pourgholami M, Potenza M, Pakpour A. A phubbing scale tested in Bangladesh, Iran, and Pakistan: confirmatory factor, network, and Rasch analyses. BMC Psychiatry 2023, 23: 763. PMID: 37853354, PMCID: PMC10583412, DOI: 10.1186/s12888-023-05251-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPlasma concentration of leptin is related to food addiction in gambling disorder: Clinical and neuropsychological implications
Etxandi M, Baenas I, Mora-Maltas B, Granero R, Fernández-Aranda F, Tovar S, Solé-Morata N, Lucas I, Casado S, Gómez-Peña M, Moragas L, del Pino-Gutiérrez A, Tapia J, Valenciano-Mendoza E, Potenza M, Gearhardt A, Diéguez C, Jiménez-Murcia S. Plasma concentration of leptin is related to food addiction in gambling disorder: Clinical and neuropsychological implications. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2023, 12: 1019-1031. PMID: 38141066, PMCID: PMC10786224, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2023.00051.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexLeptin concentrationsFood addictionPlasma concentrationsHigher body mass indexAppetite-regulating hormonesYale Food Addiction Scale 2.0Gambling disorderSemi-structured clinical interviewLiver-expressed antimicrobial peptide 2Clinical featuresMass indexAppetite regulationHormonal variablesBlood samplesLifetime diagnosisPatientsAntimicrobial peptide 2Clinical InterviewNeuropsychological featuresPoor inhibitory controlAnthropometric variablesEndocrine measuresHormonal concentrationsLeptin