Sexual trauma and compulsive sexual behavior in young men and women: A network analysis involving two samples.
Scoglio A, Chen Y, Huang K, Borgogna N, Potenza M, Blycker G, Kraus S. Sexual trauma and compulsive sexual behavior in young men and women: A network analysis involving two samples. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2025 PMID: 39841161, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2024.00074.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCompulsive sexual behaviorSexual trauma historySexual traumaSexual behaviorTrauma historyPsychological distressSubstance useSample of young adultsCo-occurring psychopathologyGender differencesSignificant gender differencesTime of traumaSample 1Young adultsDistressSupportive relationshipsTransactional sexNegative healthCentral nodeClinical concernPsychopathologyTraumaBehaviorSocial conditionsSex
Prediction of craving across studies: A commentary on conceptual and methodological considerations when using data-driven methods
Antons S, Yip S, Lacadie C, Dadashkarimi J, Scheinost D, Brand M, Potenza M. Prediction of craving across studies: A commentary on conceptual and methodological considerations when using data-driven methods. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2024, 13: 695-701. PMID: 39356557, PMCID: PMC11457034, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2024.00050.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAddictive behaviorsDisorders due to addictive behaviorsConnectome-based predictive modelingPrediction of cravingInvestigate neural mechanismsSubstance use disordersNeural mechanismsCravingSubstance useMethodological considerationsDisordersMethodological featuresBehaviorConceptualizationCommentaryStudyFindingsSubstancesAdvancing readiness for change in substance use for people with substance use disorders using the Kawa model based intervention program: A quasi-experimental study
Hsiao H, Wang T, Lee C, Lu Y, Huang Y, Chien Y, Potenza M, Lin C. Advancing readiness for change in substance use for people with substance use disorders using the Kawa model based intervention program: A quasi-experimental study. Hong Kong Journal Of Occupational Therapy 2024, 37: 91-101. PMID: 39539406, PMCID: PMC11556248, DOI: 10.1177/15691861241268143.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersKawa modelDrug use behaviorsPsychoeducation courseUniversity of Rhode Island Change AssessmentStage-of-change scoresBackground Substance use disordersChanging drug use behaviourUse behaviorsQuasi-experimental studyChange scoresIntervention programsSubstance useCompulsory treatmentHealth problemsHigher scoresAdequate treatmentPsychoeducationPreliminary findingsParticipantsSouthern TaiwanDisordersTherapyTreatmentPeopleClinical characteristics associated with problematic pornography use among individuals seeking treatment for opioid use disorder.
Stefanovics E, Kraus S, Madden L, Farnum S, Cannata E, Potenza M, Barry D. Clinical characteristics associated with problematic pornography use among individuals seeking treatment for opioid use disorder. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2024 PMID: 39298267, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2024.00037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBrief Pornography ScreenOpioid use disorderPornography useOpioid use disorder treatmentUse disorderMeasures of substance useMeasures of impulsivityProblematic pornography useMinority of individualsNegative urgencyPositive urgencyPsychotic symptomsSelf-reported dataBehavioral addictionsGambling disorderPsychiatric disordersPsychiatric symptomsSensation-seekingEmotional labilitySelf-harmSubstance useDisordersOpioidIndividualsSymptomsSubstance use and spine density: a systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical studies
Oliva H, Prudente T, Nunes E, Cosgrove K, Radhakrishnan R, Potenza M, Angarita G. Substance use and spine density: a systematic review and meta-analysis of preclinical studies. Molecular Psychiatry 2024, 29: 2873-2885. PMID: 38561468, DOI: 10.1038/s41380-024-02519-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpine densityPrefrontal cortexSubstance useDrug self-administrationHippocampal spine densityEffects of cocaineSubstance use disordersConvergence of findingsSpine density changesSubstances of abuseMeta-analysis of preclinical studiesNucleus accumbensBehavioral sensitizationSelf-administrationBrain mechanismsPreclinical studiesBrain regionsMorphine effectsSynaptic density changesMeta-analysisAmphetamineSynaptic densityCocaineModerate-to-highCortexAn Exploratory Study of Prescription Pain Medication Misuse with and without Heroin Use Among Adolescents
Jalilian-Khave L, Stefanovics E, Zhai Z, Potenza M. An Exploratory Study of Prescription Pain Medication Misuse with and without Heroin Use Among Adolescents. SUCHT - Zeitschrift Für Wissenschaft Und Praxis / Journal Of Addiction Research And Practice 2024, 70: 87-96. DOI: 10.1024/0939-5911/a000860.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrescription pain medication misusePain medication misuseMental healthHeroin usePrescription pain medicationMedication misusePoorer mental healthYouth Risk Behavior SurveySubstance useOpioid usePain medicationRisk Behavior SurveySubstance use measuresOpioid misuseOdds ratioAssociated with suicideOpioidSchool propertyChi-squareHigh school respondentsSchool-basedBehavior SurveyNon-whiteDemographic variablesSuicide measuresParental Tobacco Smoking and Caregiving in the Perinatal and Early Infancy Periods
Martin R, Sandoval I, Penner F, Mayes L, Potenza M, Krishnan-Sarin S, Rutherford H. Parental Tobacco Smoking and Caregiving in the Perinatal and Early Infancy Periods. Journal Of Child And Family Studies 2024, 33: 2583-2595. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-024-02800-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchParental tobacco smokingTobacco smokePostpartum caregivingRisk of child neglectPostpartum periodImpact of tobacco smokingTobacco-cessation programsIllicit substance useChild neglectTobacco useSmoking tobaccoCaregiversPeriod of child developmentChild developmentSubstance usePostpartumSmokingEarly infancy periodPredominant focusTobaccoReview current literatureFathersPotential impactMothersCurrent literatureGlobal cross-cultural validation of a brief measure for identifying potential suicide risk in 42 countries
Gewirtz-Meydan A, Koós M, Nagy L, Kraus S, Demetrovics Z, Potenza M, Ballester-Arnal R, Batthyány D, Bergeron S, Billieux J, Burkauskas J, Cárdenas-López G, Carvalho J, Castro-Calvo J, Chen L, Ciocca G, Corazza O, Csako R, Fernandez D, Fujiwara H, Fernandez E, Fuss J, Gabrhelík R, Gjoneska B, Gola M, Grubbs J, Hashim H, Islam M, Ismail M, Jiménez-Martínez M, Jurin T, Kalina O, Klein V, Költő A, Lee S, Lewczuk K, Lin C, Lochner C, López-Alvarado S, Lukavská K, Mayta-Tristán P, Miller D, Orosová O, Orosz G, NA S, Ponce F, Quintana G, Garzola G, Ramos-Diaz J, Rigaud K, Rousseau A, De Tubino Scanavino M, Schulmeyer M, Sharan P, Shibata M, Shoib S, Sigre-Leirós V, Sniewski L, Spasovski O, Steibliene V, Stein D, Strong C, Ünsal B, Vaillancourt-Morel M, Van Hout M, Bőthe B. Global cross-cultural validation of a brief measure for identifying potential suicide risk in 42 countries. Public Health 2024, 229: 13-23. PMID: 38382177, DOI: 10.1016/j.puhe.2023.12.031.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSelf-report studyP4 screenerRisk of suicidal behaviorRates of suicidal ideationCross-sectional self-report studySuicide risk assessmentIdentification of high-risk individualsSuicidal ideation ratesSuicide prevention strategiesPotential suicide riskCross-cultural validityHigh-risk individualsSuicidal behaviorSuicidal ideationGender minority individualsSuicide riskIdeation ratesDiscriminant validityConvergent validityPsychometric propertiesCutoff scoreSubstance useAdequate reliabilityStructural validityPrevention strategiesNeural correlates of altered emotional responsivity to infant stimuli in mothers who use substances
McCurdy L, Yip S, Worhunsky P, Zhai Z, Kim S, Strathearn L, Potenza M, Mayes L, Rutherford H. Neural correlates of altered emotional responsivity to infant stimuli in mothers who use substances. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2024, 171: 126-133. PMID: 38277872, PMCID: PMC10922955, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.01.024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsResponses to infant stimuliInfant stimuliMaternal behaviorAffective processesBrain regionsPsychological processesEmotional responsesFunctional magnetic resonance imagingPotential neural targetsInfant emotional expressionsMaternal emotional responsivenessSubstance-use statusAssociated with difficultiesSocial-emotional developmentInfant social-emotional developmentMaternal substance useInfant facesCognitive processesImprove child outcomesEmotional expressionEmotional intensityNeural targetsSubstance useGroups of mothersChild outcomes
Understanding the Co-occurrence of Gambling Disorder and Problematic Pornography Use: Exploring Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors
Mestre-Bach G, Potenza M, Granero R, Uríszar J, Tarragón E, Chiclana Actis C, Testa G, Fernández-Aranda F, Jiménez-Murcia S. Understanding the Co-occurrence of Gambling Disorder and Problematic Pornography Use: Exploring Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors. Journal Of Gambling Studies 2023, 40: 1295-1314. PMID: 38151657, DOI: 10.1007/s10899-023-10274-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchProblematic pornography useGambling disorderEmotion regulationGD severitySubstance useTreatment-seeking individualsPornography useHigh impulsivityPersonality featuresPersonality profilesImpulsivityGroup differencesMore difficultyPsychopathologySociodemographic measuresWorse psychopathologySociodemographic variablesIndividualsDisordersCooperativenessPersonalityPresent studyLow levelsVariablesDifficultiesPrevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Recreational and At-Risk/Problematic Gambling Among Low-Income U.S. Veterans: Results from the National Veteran Homeless and Other Poverty Experiences (NV‐HOPE) Study
Stefanovics E, Potenza M, Tsai J. Prevalence and Clinical Characteristics of Recreational and At-Risk/Problematic Gambling Among Low-Income U.S. Veterans: Results from the National Veteran Homeless and Other Poverty Experiences (NV‐HOPE) Study. Journal Of Gambling Studies 2023, 40: 915-935. PMID: 37751035, DOI: 10.1007/s10899-023-10257-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchU.S. veteransSubstance useMental illnessDrug use disordersPoor physical functioningLogistic regression analysisNon-white veteransChi-square testU.S. military veteransClinical characteristicsDevelopment of interventionsAdjusted associationsPhysical functioningRoutine screeningClinical measuresCurrent prevalenceUse disordersRecreational gamblingLifetime historyGreater symptomsVulnerable subpopulationsPrevalenceThe eleven-item Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST-11): Cross-cultural psychometric evaluation across 42 countries
Lee C, Lin C, Koós M, Nagy L, Kraus S, Demetrovics Z, Potenza M, Ballester-Arnal R, Batthyány D, Bergeron S, Billieux J, Burkauskas J, Cárdenas-López G, Carvalho J, Castro-Calvo J, Chen L, Ciocca G, Corazza O, Csako R, Fernandez D, Fernandez E, Fujiwara H, Fuss J, Gabrhelík R, Gewirtz-Meydan A, Gjoneska B, Gola M, Grubbs J, Hashim H, Islam S, Ismail M, Jiménez-Martínez M, Jurin T, Kalina O, Klein V, Költő A, Lee S, Lewczuk K, Lochner C, López-Alvarado S, Lukavská K, Mayta-Tristán P, Milea I, Miller D, Orosová O, Orosz G, Team S, Ponce F, Quintana G, Garzola G, Ramos-Diaz J, Rigaud K, Rousseau A, De Tubino Scanavino M, Schulmeyer M, Sharan P, Shibata M, Shoib, Sigre-Leirós V, Sniewski L, Spasovski O, Steibliene V, Stein D, Strizek J, Ünsal B, Vaillancourt-Morel M, Van Hout M, Bőthe B. The eleven-item Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST-11): Cross-cultural psychometric evaluation across 42 countries. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2023, 165: 16-27. PMID: 37453212, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2023.06.033.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGender identitySexual orientationSurvey dataBroader conceptCountriesIdentityConfirmatory factor analysisDifferent countriesMultigroup confirmatory factor analysisQuestionsHealthcare providersFactor analysisSubstance useMeasurement invarianceInstrumentOrientationDifferent languagesDetailed questionsUnidimensional factor structureLanguageGambling participation among Connecticut adolescents from 2007 to 2019: Potential risk and protective factors
Stefanovics E, Gueorguieva R, Zhai Z, Potenza M. Gambling participation among Connecticut adolescents from 2007 to 2019: Potential risk and protective factors. Journal Of Behavioral Addictions 2023, 12: 490-499. PMID: 37335777, PMCID: PMC10316163, DOI: 10.1556/2006.2023.00027.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrevalence of gamblingGambling participationPatterns of gamblingSocial supportSocial support programsGambling advertisementsTraumatic experiencesMedia coverageState of ConnecticutSocio-demographic characteristicsAffective concernsSubstance useConnecticut high school studentsGamblingAdolescent gamblingAnonymous self-completed questionnairePotential risk factorsParticipationSupport programsPublic health concernSelf-completed questionnaireCurrent substance useSocio-demographic dataCross-sectional surveyWarrants further studyChronically homeless veterans with gambling disorder: Epidemiology, clinical correlates, and traumatic experiences
Stefanovics E, Potenza M, Szymkowiak D, Tsai J. Chronically homeless veterans with gambling disorder: Epidemiology, clinical correlates, and traumatic experiences. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2023, 164: 118-124. PMID: 37339548, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2023.05.062.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPsychiatric treatmentGambling disorderChi-square testChronic homelessnessClinical correlatesDescriptive epidemiologyLow educational attainmentElevated oddsSuicidal thoughtsLogistic regressionTraumatic experiencesMental healthSubstance useHomeless veteransHomeless ProgramVeteransTreatmentLower ratesEpidemiologyBehavioral concernsDisordersStudy of factorsCorrelatesAnalysis of varianceEducational attainmentClinical Correlates of Sports Betting: A Systematic Review
Valenciano-Mendoza E, Mora-Maltas B, Mestre-Bach G, Munguía L, Richard J, Derevensky J, Potenza M, Jiménez-Murcia S. Clinical Correlates of Sports Betting: A Systematic Review. Journal Of Gambling Studies 2023, 39: 579-624. PMID: 37004597, PMCID: PMC10066997, DOI: 10.1007/s10899-023-10196-0.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsSystematic reviewMultiple sociodemographic variablesGambling disorderNCBI/PubMedSelf-administered instrumentAPA PsycINFO databasesClinical correlatesCo-occurring psychopathologyGeneral populationPRISMA guidelinesPrevention strategiesClinical diagnosisPsycINFO databasesSubstance useSociodemographic variablesAddictive disordersRelevant studiesVulnerable individualsHigh impulsivityDisordersCertain pathologiesImpulsive malesGambling-related variablesAddictive behaviorsGroups of participants
Temporal associations between depressive features and self-stigma in people with substance use disorders related to heroin, amphetamine, and alcohol use: a cross-lagged analysis
Saffari M, Chang K, Chen J, Chang C, Chen I, Huang S, Liu C, Lin C, Potenza M. Temporal associations between depressive features and self-stigma in people with substance use disorders related to heroin, amphetamine, and alcohol use: a cross-lagged analysis. BMC Psychiatry 2022, 22: 815. PMID: 36544132, PMCID: PMC9768939, DOI: 10.1186/s12888-022-04468-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersFeatures of depressionUse disordersDepression Anxiety Stress ScaleCross-lagged analysisCross-lagged associationsCross-lagged modelsAnxiety Stress ScaleGood fit indicesSubstance use concernsStructural equation modelingSelf-Stigma ScaleDepressive featuresMental health problemsLongitudinal relationshipStress ScaleEquation modelingSubstance useDirection of associationAlcohol useFit indicesUse concernsSocial relationshipsTemporal associationUnacceptable behaviorCurrent Substance Use and Maternal Neural Responses to Infant Faces and Cries
Wall K, Dell J, Lowell A, Potenza M, Mayes L, Rutherford H. Current Substance Use and Maternal Neural Responses to Infant Faces and Cries. International Journal Of Mental Health And Addiction 2022, 22: 1629-1644. DOI: 10.1007/s11469-022-00947-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInfant cuesCurrent substance useInfant facesSubstance useNeural responsesMaternal neural responseUnknown infant facesSubstance use effectsN170 responseChild developmentMaternal substance useSubstance use assessmentCuesLong delayContinuous measureElectroencephalographyCentral findingPrior workFaceSalienceHigh levelsCaregivingStimuliUse assessmentFamiliarityComparisons of psychological distress and self-stigma among three types of substance use disorders receiving treatment-as-usual approaches: real-world data from a 9-month longitudinal study
Chang K, Chen H, Huang S, Chen J, Potenza M, Pakpour A, Lin C. Comparisons of psychological distress and self-stigma among three types of substance use disorders receiving treatment-as-usual approaches: real-world data from a 9-month longitudinal study. Therapeutic Advances In Chronic Disease 2022, 13: 20406223221140393. PMID: 36483780, PMCID: PMC9723802, DOI: 10.1177/20406223221140393.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubstance use disordersPsychological distressAlcohol use disorderUse disordersLongitudinal designAmphetamine use disorderSelf-Stigma ScaleSelf-stigma levelTime 1Time 2Type of SUDStress ScaleGroup differencesControl conditionSubstance useDistressLongitudinal studyOutpatient psychiatric centersEquation modelHigh levelsTime 4DisordersDropout rateConvenience samplingPeople
Neurobiology of Addiction
Gogliettino A, Potenza M, Yip S, Zakiniaeiz Y, Zhai Z. Neurobiology of Addiction. DeckerMed Medical Cannabis 2021 DOI: 10.2310/cannabis.13044.ChaptersFunctional magnetic resonance imagingBrain functionCo-occurring disordersCognitive aspectsGambling disorderBehavioral addictionsCognitive functionAddictive disordersSubstance addictionDSM-5Substance useNegative consequencesNeurochemical systemsNegative healthVisual representationAddictionSocial consequencesExtant literatureNeurobiologyDisordersCurrent treatment strategiesQuality of lifeMagnetic resonance imagingPositron emission tomographyGamblingNeurobiology of Addiction
Gogliettino A, Potenza M, Yip S, Zakiniaeiz Y, Zhai Z. Neurobiology of Addiction. DeckerMed Psychiatry 2021 DOI: 10.2310/psych.13044.ChaptersFunctional magnetic resonance imagingBrain functionCo-occurring disordersCognitive aspectsGambling disorderBehavioral addictionsCognitive functionAddictive disordersSubstance addictionDSM-5Substance useNegative consequencesNeurochemical systemsNegative healthVisual representationAddictionSocial consequencesExtant literatureNeurobiologyDisordersCurrent treatment strategiesQuality of lifeMagnetic resonance imagingPositron emission tomographyGambling