Pamela Hoffman, MD
Self-Harm in Children and Adolescents who Presented at Emergency Units During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Retrospective Cohort Study
Wong B, Cross S, Zavaleta-Ramírez P, Bauda I, Hoffman P, Ibeziako P, Nussbaum L, Berger G, Hassanian-Moghaddam H, Kapornai K, Mehdi T, Tolmac J, Barrett E, Romaniuk L, Davico C, Moghraby O, Ostrauskaite G, Chakrabarti S, Carucci S, Sofi G, Hussain H, Lloyd A, McNicholas F, Meadowcroft B, Rao M, Csábi G, Gatica-Bahamonde G, Öğütlü H, Skouta E, Elvins R, Boege I, Dahanayake D, Anderluh M, Chandradasa M, Girela-Serrano B, Uccella S, Stevanovic D, Lamberti M, Piercey A, Nagy P, Mehta V, Rohanachandra Y, Li J, Tufan A, Mirza H, Rozali F, Baig B, Noor I, Fujita S, Gholami N, Hangül Z, Vasileva A, Salucci K, Bilaç Ö, Yektaş Ç, Cansız M, Aksu G, Babatunde S, Youssef F, Al-Huseini S, Kılıçaslan F, Kutuk M, Pilecka I, Bakolis I, Ougrin D. Self-Harm in Children and Adolescents who Presented at Emergency Units During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An International Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2023 PMID: 36806728, PMCID: PMC9933093, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2022.11.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSelf-harm presentationsRetrospective cohort studyCohort studyED presentationsPsychiatric presentationsInternational retrospective cohort studySelf-harm characteristicsPediatric ED visitsMental health reasonsChild mental healthEthnic groupsED visitsPsychiatric reasonsEmergency unitPsychiatric emergenciesReference listsSelf harmAbstractTextPresentation studiesClinical servicesMental healthRecord dataHealth reasonsCOVID-19 pandemicPresentation
Telehealth care before and during COVID-19: trends and quality in a large health system
Luna P, Lee M, Greeno R, DeLucia N, London Y, Hoffman P, Burg M, Harris K, Spatz ES, Mena-Hurtado C, Smolderen KG. Telehealth care before and during COVID-19: trends and quality in a large health system. JAMIA Open 2022, 5: ooac079. PMID: 36204596, PMCID: PMC9531686, DOI: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooac079.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTelehealth visitsQuality of careTelehealth useCOVID-19Cross-sectional observational studyHigher visit volumeCOVID-19 surgeLarge health systemSatisfaction surveyMost patientsPatient satisfactionObservational studyTelehealth carePatient's perspectiveVisit volumeHigh satisfaction ratingsPatient portalsPatient experiencePatientsCare deliveryHealth systemVisitsHigh satisfaction levelsCareGood technical quality
Luna P, Lee M, DeLucia N, London Y, Hoffman P, Burg M, Harris K, Spatz E, Hurtado C, Smolderen K. TELEHEALTH CARE BEFORE AND DURING COVID-19: TRENDS AND QUALITY IN A LARGE HEALTH SYSTEM. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology 2021, 77: 3229. PMID: 34167649, PMCID: PMC8091376, DOI: 10.1016/s0735-1097(21)04583-6.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Rapidly scaling video visits during COVID-19: The ethos of virtual care at Yale Medicine
Hoffman PE, London YR, Weerakoon TS, DeLucia NL. Rapidly scaling video visits during COVID-19: The ethos of virtual care at Yale Medicine. Healthcare 2020, 8: 100482. PMID: 33129179, PMCID: PMC7528872, DOI: 10.1016/j.hjdsi.2020.100482.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEnd-user knowledgePatient portalsCentralized communicationOperational workflowPersonalized supportVideo visitsIntraorganizational relationshipsEvaluation processOperational consistencyPortalDifferent stakeholdersOverall patient experiencePatient-provider relationshipRapid scalingNon-clinical staffTechnical literacyActive collaborationVirtual careWorkflowElectronic health record trainingEHRPatient experienceVisitsPerson servicesDifferent levels
Training, Education, and Curriculum Development for the Pediatric Psychiatry Emergency Service.
Egolf A, Hoffman P, Mroczkowski MM, Prager LM, Tyson JW, Donise K. Training, Education, and Curriculum Development for the Pediatric Psychiatry Emergency Service. Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Of North America 2018, 27: 501-509. PMID: 29933798, DOI: 10.1016/j.chc.2018.02.006.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Reading Between the Lines: Finding Fundamental Themes in Fiction.
Hoffman P, Fiore K, Dicker R. Reading Between the Lines: Finding Fundamental Themes in Fiction. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry 2015, 54: 699-701. PMID: 26299288, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2015.06.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTelepsychiatry education and curriculum development in residency training.
Hoffman P, Kane JM. Telepsychiatry education and curriculum development in residency training. Academic Psychiatry : The Journal Of The American Association Of Directors Of Psychiatric Residency Training And The Association For Academic Psychiatry 2015, 39: 108-9. PMID: 24477901, DOI: 10.1007/s40596-013-0006-6.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
Clinical Care
Dr. Hoffman joined Yale’s Child Study Center and the School of Public Health in January 2020 to become the medical director of Telehealth Services at Yale New Haven Health Services and Yale Medicine. She works with a multidisciplinary team across ambulatory and inpatient settings to advance telehealth for the organization. She has clinical responsibilities in the pediatric emergency department, evaluating children in behavioral health criss. She also works at the Yale School of Public Health where she is the co-training director for the Masters program in Health Informatics and collaborates with Yale's Biomedical Informatics and Data Science section.
Dr. Hoffman received her medical training at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, her psychiatry residency and child/adolescent psychiatry fellowship at Hofstra Northwell Health in NY and completed an additional fellowship in Clinical Informatics at Yale/VA Connecticut Healthcare System.
Clinical Specialties
Board Certifications
Clinical Informatics
- Certification Organization
- AB of Preventive Medicine
- Original Certification Date
- 2017
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