Sachin Majumdar Jr, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine (Endocrinology)Cards
9365 Now You See Me: The Case Of The Ectopic Thyroid
Suarez S, Majumdar S. 9365 Now You See Me: The Case Of The Ectopic Thyroid. Journal Of The Endocrine Society 2024, 8: bvae163.2018. PMCID: PMC11454156, DOI: 10.1210/jendso/bvae163.2018.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEctopic thyroid tissueThyroid tissueLingual thyroidFamily history of autoimmune disordersCase of lingual thyroidHistory of autoimmune disordersSoft tissue of neckHead and neck surgeryAbsence of goiterDetectable thyroid tissueI-123 scansLingual thyroid tissueEctopic thyroid glandFree T4 levelsDifferent treatment modalitiesTissue of neckHead or neckConclusions HypothyroidismFailed descentProgressive hypothyroidismLevothyroxine doseLevothyroxine replacementThyroid bedEctopic thyroidElevated TSH6645 Paraganglioma or Benign Ectopic Thyroid Tissue?
Dower J, MacLeod R, Cardoso B, Matouk C, Mehra S, Riccio G, Williams L, Majumdar S. 6645 Paraganglioma or Benign Ectopic Thyroid Tissue? Journal Of The Endocrine Society 2024, 8: bvae163.2032. PMCID: PMC11454000, DOI: 10.1210/jendso/bvae163.2032.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEctopic thyroid tissueBenign thyroid tissueThyroid tissueHealthy 32-year-old womanLateral ectopic thyroid tissueLow likelihood of malignancyRight carotid spaceRight thyroid lobeInternal carotid artery branchesLikelihood of malignancyCarotid artery branchesPermanent tissue sectionsDOTATATE PET/CTCervical adenopathyJaw painNeck dissectionBiochemical workupTumor embolizationMimics malignancyNeck CTNeck MRIPlasma metanephrinesT2 lesionsChest CTThyroid FNA7045 A Rare Case of Lyme-Associated Thyroiditis in an Otherwise Healthy Patient
Windham M, Majumdar S. 7045 A Rare Case of Lyme-Associated Thyroiditis in an Otherwise Healthy Patient. Journal Of The Endocrine Society 2024, 8: bvae163.1865. PMCID: PMC11454719, DOI: 10.1210/jendso/bvae163.1865.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEndemic Lyme diseaseElevated high-sensitivity CRPHealthy 41-year-old manCardiac conduction defectsHigh-sensitivity CRPFollow-up visitHistory of hypertensionLyme diseasePrednisone taperUndetectable TSHBRCA2 mutationsFrequent palpitationsSensitive CRPInitial presentationLyme antibodiesMultiorgan inflammationHealthy patientsRare caseThyroid uptakeConduction defectsOverall incidenceGastroesophageal refluxNear normalizationDry coughThyroid7029 Changes In Adrenal Gland Size Seen By Linear Assessment On Routine Abdominal CT During Critical Illness
Vangipuram D, Bhagat N, Borkar R, Mazengia N, Williams S, Majumdar S. 7029 Changes In Adrenal Gland Size Seen By Linear Assessment On Routine Abdominal CT During Critical Illness. Journal Of The Endocrine Society 2024, 8: bvae163.133. PMCID: PMC11454092, DOI: 10.1210/jendso/bvae163.133.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntensive care unit admissionIntensive care unitAdrenal gland volumeAdrenal gland sizeAdrenal glandAdrenocorticotropic hormoneCritical illnessGland volumeGland sizeIncreased adrenal blood flowContrast CT scanLeft adrenal glandHypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axisAdrenal blood flowStatistically significant decreaseAbdominal CTRetrospective studyAdult patientsCT scanSeptic shockControl patientsPituitary glandNon-contrastCare unitVolumetric evaluation
FRI694 Hypercalcemia And Renal Failure As Initial Presentation Of A Rare Case Of Primary Splenic Large B Cell Lymphoma
Ding N, Majumdar S. FRI694 Hypercalcemia And Renal Failure As Initial Presentation Of A Rare Case Of Primary Splenic Large B Cell Lymphoma. Journal Of The Endocrine Society 2023, 7: bvad114.462. PMCID: PMC10555323, DOI: 10.1210/jendso/bvad114.462.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSplenic large B-cell lymphomaLarge B-cell lymphomaB-cell lymphomaDihydroxy vitamin DRenal failureVitamin DPg/mLCell lymphomaPg/Diffuse large B-cell lymphomaR-CHOP therapyPatient underwent splenectomyBence Jones proteinuriaBone marrow biopsyPrimary splenic lymphomaNon-Hodgkin lymphomaPrimary care doctorsAbdominal painElderly patientsInitial presentationUnderwent splenectomyCalcium 1000Further workupMRI abdomenRare etiologyTriglyceride Clearance in Hypertriglyceridemic Pancreatitis: Time Course and Its Implications for Management
Majumdar S. Triglyceride Clearance in Hypertriglyceridemic Pancreatitis: Time Course and Its Implications for Management. Endocrine Practice 2023, 29: 971-979. PMID: 37714331, DOI: 10.1016/j.eprac.2023.09.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInitial TG levelsTG levelsInsulin therapyMedical record reviewDiagnosis of pancreatitisTime courseHypertriglyceridemic pancreatitisIntravenous insulinRecord reviewTime-course evaluationTriglyceride clearanceInsulin treatmentNutritional intakeSeparate patientsTG loweringDlPatientsLonger durationPancreatitisShort durationHTGTherapyCauseClearanceDaysDiabetic Ketoacidosis Associated with Sodium‐Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors: Clinical and Biochemical Characteristics of 29 Cases
Stamatiades G, D’Silva P, Elahee M, Viana G, Sideri-Gugger A, Majumdar S. Diabetic Ketoacidosis Associated with Sodium‐Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors: Clinical and Biochemical Characteristics of 29 Cases. International Journal Of Endocrinology 2023, 2023: 6615624. PMID: 37441367, PMCID: PMC10335870, DOI: 10.1155/2023/6615624.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCommon presenting symptomAbdominal painEuglycemic DKAPresenting symptomSodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitorsType 2 diabetes mellitusAverage blood glucose concentrationCases of DKAPoor food intakePoor oral intakeCotransporter 2 inhibitorsRetrospective case seriesSGLT2 inhibitor useDiabetic Ketoacidosis AssociatedPotential risk factorsBlood glucose concentrationVariety of drugsAnion gap valuesSGLT2i useDiabetes durationDiabetes mellitusDKA casesInhibitor useOral intakeCase series
Development and Resolution of Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency after an Intra‐Articular Steroid Injection
Tan J, Majumdar S. Development and Resolution of Secondary Adrenal Insufficiency after an Intra‐Articular Steroid Injection. Case Reports In Endocrinology 2022, 2022: 4798466. PMID: 36588627, PMCID: PMC9800097, DOI: 10.1155/2022/4798466.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSecondary adrenal insufficiencyIntra-articular steroid injectionHypothalamic-pituitary axisSteroid injectionAdrenal insufficiencyIntra-articular steroidsIatrogenic Cushing's syndromeNonspecific gastrointestinal symptomsLow morning cortisolCorticosteroid usersSystemic corticosteroidsCorticosteroid injectionGastrointestinal symptomsLocal corticosteroidsNonspecific symptomsCushing's syndromeFurther workupInitial diagnosisAdrenal axisHPA responsivenessInflammatory conditionsTendon sheathMorning cortisolLower riskClinical practiceSpontaneous Adrenal Hemorrhage with Mild Hypoadrenalism in a Patient Anticoagulated with Apixaban for Antiphospholipid Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review
Tan J, Shukla A, Hu J, Majumdar S. Spontaneous Adrenal Hemorrhage with Mild Hypoadrenalism in a Patient Anticoagulated with Apixaban for Antiphospholipid Syndrome: A Case Report and Literature Review. Case Reports In Endocrinology 2022, 2022: 6538800. PMID: 36504598, PMCID: PMC9729038, DOI: 10.1155/2022/6538800.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesDirect oral anticoagulantsAdrenal hemorrhageAntiphospholipid syndromeSafety of DOACsBilateral adrenal hemorrhageDeep venous thrombosesPrimary adrenal insufficiencySpontaneous adrenal hemorrhageCases of patientsPubMed/MEDLINEWarrants further studyAldosterone physiologyAPLS patientsAdrenal involvementEndocrine complicationsOral anticoagulantsVenous thrombosesAdrenal insufficiencyCortisol deficiencyAdrenal functionCortisol replacementAdrenal glandCase reportLaboratory findingsZona reticularisAccuracy of Flash Glucose Monitoring in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Intravenous Insulin
Tan JW, Majumdar SK (2022) Accuracy of Flash Glucose Monitoring in Critically Ill Patients Receiving Intravenous Insulin. Int Arch Endocrinol Clin Res 8:032. Original Research
Academic Achievements & Community Involvement
Clinical Care
Sachin Majumdar, MD, is an endocrinologist and director of the Endocrine Neoplasia Program.
Dr. Majumdar specializes in treating diseases of the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands. He is also director of the Active Surveillance Program for Small Papillary Thyroid Cancers.
Small papillary thyroid cancers, he notes, are often slow-growing and nonaggressive cancers that can sometimes be managed non-surgically with regular screenings. “It’s very satisfying to be able to help people with these types of cancers. We can watch them or, if they are more serious and need treatment, we can have them surgically removed and people do well,” he says.
When he first meets a patient, Dr. Majumdar says he makes it a priority to walk them through their diagnosis and options, but not to overwhelm them with too much information at once.
“I let them know what the roadmap looks like and what to expect. But I remind them that we will take it one step at a time because at a first visit, nobody remembers everything. I say, ‘Here’s the first step and we’re dong this,’ and we go from there and talk,” he says.
Dr. Majumdar became interested in endocrinology by way of nutrition. “In college, I majored in nutrition, which got me interested in sugar and fat metabolism and diabetes,” he says. “When I decided on medical school, endocrinology was almost right away a great fit for me because I had a background in insulin, diabetes, and metabolism, and endocrinology provides a landscape of how hormones and nutrients are involved in regulating the way we live.”
Dr. Majumdar’s research interests include clinical aspects of thyroid cancer management and separately, hypertriglyceridemia and its relationship to nutrient take and pancreatitis. “Also, participating in medical education has always been one of the most meaningful aspects of my work,” he says.
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- March 14, 2025Source: YaleMedicine
Thyroid Cancer: Early Diagnosis Is Key to Successful Treatment
- December 04, 2024
Smilow Shares with Primary Care: Thyroid Nodules and Cancer
- April 15, 2024
Meet Yale Internal Medicine: Sachin Majumdar Jr., MD
- January 16, 2024
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- Yale OnlySachin Majumdar Jr, MD