Establishing an Association between Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Pilonidal Disease in Adolescent Females
Adjei NN, Yung N, Towers G, Caty M, Solomon D, Vash-Margita A. Establishing an Association between Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Pilonidal Disease in Adolescent Females. Journal Of Pediatric And Adolescent Gynecology 2022, 36: 39-44. PMID: 35995086, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpag.2022.08.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPolycystic ovarian syndromePilonidal diseaseBody mass indexAdolescent femalesRotterdam criteriaOvarian syndromeMass indexHospital participantsFeatures of PCOSTreatment of PCOSRetrospective cohort study SETTINGUrban tertiary medical centerHigher body mass indexCohort study SETTINGTertiary medical centerAdolescent medicine specialistsRace/ethnicityDisease courseMetabolic syndromePayer statusSerum markersPrevalence ratiosMedical CenterTobacco useMedicine specialists
Fertility Preservation for Pediatric and Adolescent Patients With Cancer: Medical and Ethical Considerations
Klipstein S, Fallat M, Savelli S, Katz A, Macauley R, Mercurio M, Moon M, Okun A, Weise K, Rogers Z, Allen C, Harper J, Lipton J, Wetmore C, Wilson H, Yates A, Rescorla F, Brandt M, Caty M, Heiss K, Holcomb G, Meyers R, Moss R. Fertility Preservation for Pediatric and Adolescent Patients With Cancer: Medical and Ethical Considerations. Pediatrics 2020, 145: e20193994. PMID: 32071259, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2019-3994.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFertility preservationAdolescent patientsTreatment of infertilityAdjuvant therapyPotential adverse consequencesHematologic malignanciesGonadal axisClinical reportsSolid tumorsCancerReproductive technologiesGonad removalMedical aspectsPatientsInfertilityAdverse consequencesTreatmentGerm cellsEthical considerationsDamageChemotherapySurgeryMalignancyRadiotherapySubfertility
An Evidence-Based Guideline Supporting Restricted Opioid Prescription after Pediatric Appendectomy
Freedman-Weiss MR, Chiu AS, Worhunsky D, Manchisi A, Torres-Maldonado I, Sagnella L, Caty MG, Cowles RA, Ozgediz DE, Christison-Lagay ER, Solomon DG, Stitelman DH. An Evidence-Based Guideline Supporting Restricted Opioid Prescription after Pediatric Appendectomy. Journal Of Pediatric Surgery 2019, 55: 106-111. PMID: 31699433, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2019.09.063.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLaparoscopic appendectomyOpioid prescriptionsPostoperative opioid needsPostoperative telephone interviewsQuantity of opioidsPresence of painYoung adult patientsEvidence-based guidelinesMain outcome measuresOpioid needsAnalgesic useModifiable contributorPain reliefAdequate analgesiaAdult patientsChart reviewHospital dischargeMost patientsPatients 5Pediatric appendectomyYounger patientsPain concernsAverage MMEOpioid epidemicOutcome measures
Opioid Prescribing Habits of General Versus Pediatric Surgeons After Uncomplicated Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Freedman-Weiss MR, Chiu A, Solomon DG, Christison-Lagay ER, Ozgediz DE, Cowles RA, Caty MG, Stitelman DH. Opioid Prescribing Habits of General Versus Pediatric Surgeons After Uncomplicated Laparoscopic Appendectomy. Journal Of Surgical Research 2018, 235: 404-409. PMID: 30691822, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2018.09.085.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOral morphine equivalentsUncomplicated laparoscopic appendectomyAmount of opioidsLaparoscopic appendectomyGeneral surgeonsPediatric surgeonsSurgery providersFuture drug abuseOpioid prescribing habitsPills of oxycodoneRetrospective chart reviewYoung adult patientsPrimary outcome measureType of analgesiaGeneral surgery servicePediatric laparoscopic appendectomyHigh-risk populationLength of stayCommon surgical procedureSingle health systemAge group 13More opioidsMorphine equivalentsModifiable contributorOpioid analgesia
Responsible Innovation in Children’s Surgical Care
Caty M, Besner G, Davidoff A, Fallat M, Heiss K, Meyers R, Moss R, Katz A, Laventhal N, Macauley R, Moon M, Okun A, Opel D, Statter M, Breuer C, Skarsgard E, Barnett S, Dutta S, Fairbanks T, Jarboe M, Scholz S, Teich S, Woo R, Wall J. Responsible Innovation in Children’s Surgical Care. Pediatrics 2017, 139: e20163437. PMID: 28025237, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-3437.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Pathologic leadpoint is uncommon in ileo-colic intussusception regardless of age
Rubinstein JC, Liu L, Caty MG, Christison-Lagay ER. Pathologic leadpoint is uncommon in ileo-colic intussusception regardless of age. Journal Of Pediatric Surgery 2015, 50: 1665-1667. PMID: 25858099, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2015.03.048.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIleo-colic intussusceptionBasis of ageOlder childrenAnatomic locationSmall bowel-small bowel intussusceptionNon-operative managementCases of intussusceptionBarium enema reductionOlder age groupsBowel intussusceptionOperative interventionCase seriesRetrospective reviewEnema reductionSubgroup analysisTreatment successIncreased frequencyIntussusceptionActual incidenceAge groupsAnecdotal experienceLeadpointAgePatientsChildren
In Situ Pediatric Trauma Simulation
Auerbach M, Roney L, Aysseh A, Gawel M, Koziel J, Barre K, Caty MG, Santucci K. In Situ Pediatric Trauma Simulation. Pediatric Emergency Care 2014, 30: 884-891. PMID: 25407035, DOI: 10.1097/pec.0000000000000297.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Pediatric thymomas: report of two cases and comprehensive review of the literature
Fonseca AL, Ozgediz DE, Christison-Lagay ER, Detterbeck FC, Caty MG. Pediatric thymomas: report of two cases and comprehensive review of the literature. Pediatric Surgery International 2013, 30: 275-286. PMID: 24322668, DOI: 10.1007/s00383-013-3438-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStage diseaseSurgical excisionRare pediatric malignancyMasaoka stage IEarly-stage diseaseSlight male predominanceTreatment of thymomaLate-stage diseaseMulti-institutional studyPediatric thymomaAdjuvant therapyClinical courseMyasthenia gravisPrognostic factorsMale predominanceIndolent behaviorPediatric malignanciesRare tumorCase reportReference listsStage IIIThymomaStage IStage IVPubMed database
Splenic conservation: Variation between pediatric and adult trauma centers
Lippert SJ, Hartin CW, Ozgediz DE, Glick PL, Caty MG, Flynn WJ, Bass KD. Splenic conservation: Variation between pediatric and adult trauma centers. Journal Of Surgical Research 2012, 182: 17-20. PMID: 22939554, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2012.07.036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdult level I trauma centerPediatric Level I Trauma CenterHigher Injury Severity ScoreLevel I trauma centerI trauma centerInjury Severity ScoreSplenic injuryLocation of presentationTrauma centerNonoperative managementSeverity scoreAdult trauma centersBlunt splenic injuryOnly independent factorLogistic multivariate analysisStudent's t-testHospital coursePatients 14Older patientsLonger LOSNonoperative approachRetrospective reviewTrauma registryAdolescent patientsStable childrenAre facilities following best practices of pediatric abdominal CT scans?
Nosek AE, Hartin CW, Bass KD, Glick PL, Caty MG, Dayton MT, Ozgediz DE. Are facilities following best practices of pediatric abdominal CT scans? Journal Of Surgical Research 2012, 181: 11-15. PMID: 22682711, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2012.05.036.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAbdominal CT scanCT scanPediatric facilitiesPediatric CT scansPediatric abdominal CT scansInconclusive CT scanTertiary pediatric facilityRadiation dosageStudent's t-testCT scanning protocolsConsecutive childrenPossible appendicitisIntravenous contrastLess radiationAdditional imagingHigh-quality diagnostic imagesContrast useDiagnostic yieldCancer riskClinical informationNonpediatric facilitiesSame body areaScanning childrenRadiation exposureScanning protocolComputed tomography scanning in pediatric trauma: Opportunities for performance improvement and radiation safety
Hartin CW, Jordan JM, Gemme S, Glick PL, Caty MG, Ozgediz DE, Bass KD. Computed tomography scanning in pediatric trauma: Opportunities for performance improvement and radiation safety. Journal Of Surgical Research 2012, 180: 226-231. PMID: 22578856, DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2012.04.020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPediatric trauma centerNon-pediatric facilitiesCT scanRadiation exposureLevel I pediatric trauma centerNon-pediatric centersPediatric specialty careRadiation reduction protocolProportion of scansCT scanning protocolsSignificant radiation exposurePediatric traumaInitial presentationTrauma databaseTrauma centerSpecialty careTomography scanningTraumaScanning protocolBody areasScansChildrenDosage informationExposureRadiation dosage
Initial experience with laparoscopic Chait Trapdoorâ„¢ cecostomy catheter placement for the management of fecal incontinence in children: outcomes and lessons learned
Yamout SZ, Glick PL, Lee YH, Yacobucci DV, Lau ST, Escobar MA, Caty MG. Initial experience with laparoscopic Chait Trapdoorâ„¢ cecostomy catheter placement for the management of fecal incontinence in children: outcomes and lessons learned. Pediatric Surgery International 2009, 25: 1081. PMID: 19809825, DOI: 10.1007/s00383-009-2496-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLong-term complicationsCatheter placementFecal incontinenceHospital stayLaparoscopic approachShunt infectionPrimary diagnosisSpina bifidaHypertrophic granulation tissueMean age 11.8Unplanned ED visitsMean hospital stayOutcomes of patientsEmergency department visitsVP shunt infectionCatheter complicationsCatheter dislodgementMethodsRetrospective reviewResultsSeventeen patientsCatheter siteED visitsIntraoperative complicationsPatient demographicsTerm complicationsDepartment visitsRisk of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Infections After Laparoscopic Placement of Chait Trapdoorâ„¢ Cecostomy Catheters in Children
Yamout SZ, Huo BJ, Li V, Escobar MA, Caty MG. Risk of Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Infections After Laparoscopic Placement of Chait Trapdoorâ„¢ Cecostomy Catheters in Children. Journal Of Laparoendoscopic & Advanced Surgical Techniques 2009, 19: 571-573. PMID: 19575635, DOI: 10.1089/lap.2009.0127.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsShunt infectionVP shuntLaparoscopic placementConcomitant ventriculoperitoneal shuntVentriculoperitoneal shunt infectionVP shunt infectionVP shunt placementUse of laparoscopyShunt externalizationPatient demographicsVentriculoperitoneal shuntRetrospective reviewShunt placementCatheter placementEnteric contentsShunt operationCatheter tractT-fastenersAbdominal wallAntegrade irrigationDirect visionPatientsCatheterSubcutaneous tissueSpina bifidaEarly experience with the use of rhomboid excision and Limberg flap in 16 adolescents with pilonidal disease
Yamout SZ, Caty MG, Lee YH, Lau ST, Escobar MA, Glick PL. Early experience with the use of rhomboid excision and Limberg flap in 16 adolescents with pilonidal disease. Journal Of Pediatric Surgery 2009, 44: 1586-1590. PMID: 19635310, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2008.11.033.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPilonidal diseaseHospital stayRecurrence rateLimberg flapLimberg flap repairSuperficial wound infectionSuperficial wound separationResidual painIntraoperative complicationsMinor complicationsWound breakdownWound separationLow morbidityRhomboid excisionOperative timeRetrospective reviewWide excisionWound infectionSingle institutionFlap repairWound careRotational flapInitial experiencePatientsExcision
Lawnmower injuries in children: a 10-year experience
Lau ST, Lee YH, Hess DJ, Brisseau GF, Keleher GE, Caty MG. Lawnmower injuries in children: a 10-year experience. Pediatric Surgery International 2006, 22: 209-214. PMID: 16421702, DOI: 10.1007/s00383-005-1633-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLawnmower injuriesTorso injuriesExtremity injuriesHigher average injury severity scoreAverage Injury Severity ScoreLawnmower-related injuriesPediatric lawnmower injuriesInjury Severity ScoreExtensive surgical reconstructionHospital stayLonger average lengthPediatric traumaChildren's HospitalPreventable causeMean ageSeverity scoreSurgical reconstructionInjuryPatientsAmputationHospitalSafety modificationsAverage lengthChildrenCause
Reduced Social Morbidity of Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Children
Tantoco JG, Levitt MA, Hollands CM, Brisseau GF, Caty MG, Glick PL. Reduced Social Morbidity of Laparoscopic Appendectomy in Children. The American Surgeon 2004, 70: 779-782. PMID: 15481293, DOI: 10.1177/000313480407000906.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLaparoscopic appendectomySocial morbidityNormal activityPain-free walkingPain medication usageShorter hospital stayPearson chi2 testHospital stayOpen appendectomyPostoperative variablesPerforated appendicitisWound problemsComparable incidenceMedication usageChildren's HospitalOpen groupEarly resumptionAppendectomyPediatric surgeonsMorbidity variablesChi2 testResponse rateMorbidityStair climbingStatistical significance
Diagnosing Hirschsprung's disease: Increasing the odds of a positive rectal biopsy result
Lewis NA, Levitt MA, Zallen GS, Zafar MS, Iacono KL, Rossman JE, Caty MG, Glick PL. Diagnosing Hirschsprung's disease: Increasing the odds of a positive rectal biopsy result. Journal Of Pediatric Surgery 2003, 38: 412-416. PMID: 12632358, DOI: 10.1053/jpsu.2003.50070.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAge of OnsetBarium SulfateBiopsyChildChild, PreschoolCohort StudiesConstipationDiagnosis, DifferentialEnemaEnterocolitisFecal ImpactionFemaleHirschsprung DiseaseHumansInfantInfant, NewbornMaleMeconiumPhysical ExaminationRectumRetrospective StudiesUnnecessary ProceduresVomitingConceptsPassage of meconiumHirschsprung's diseaseRectal biopsyAbdominal distensionIdiopathic constipationContrast enemaHD patientsPhysical examinationUnnecessary rectal biopsiesPercent of patientsOnset of symptomsRadiologic evaluationChi2 testingClassic triadRadiographic evaluationBiopsy resultsConcurrent cohortRetrospective analysisPatient historyConstipationPatientsBiopsyVomitingDistensionFirst week
Results of a Pilot Trial Comparing Prolonged Intravenous Antibiotics With Sequential Intravenous/Oral Antibiotics for Children With Perforated Appendicitis
Rice H, Brown R, Gollin G, Caty M, Gilbert J, Skinner M, Glick P, Azizkhan R. Results of a Pilot Trial Comparing Prolonged Intravenous Antibiotics With Sequential Intravenous/Oral Antibiotics for Children With Perforated Appendicitis. JAMA Surgery 2001, 136: 1391-1395. PMID: 11735866, DOI: 10.1001/archsurg.136.12.1391.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdministration, OralAdolescentAmpicillinAppendicitisChildChild, PreschoolClavulanic AcidClindamycinDrug Administration ScheduleDrug Therapy, CombinationFemaleGentamicinsHumansInjections, IntravenousIntestinal PerforationMaleMetronidazolePilot ProjectsProspective StudiesRupture, SpontaneousConceptsNormal white blood cell countWhite blood cell countDuration of feverBlood cell countTreatment equivalenceIntravenous antibioticsOral antibioticsOral intakeOutcome measuresCell countShort courseProlonged intravenous antibioticsOral antibiotic therapyTertiary children's hospitalSecondary outcome measuresPrimary outcome measurePerforated appendicitisAntibiotic therapyChildren's HospitalMulticenter studyTherapy resultsClinical trialsPilot trialPatient chargesAppendicitis
Noncalculous biliary obstruction in the child and adolescent11No competing interests declared.
Pryor J, Volpe C, Caty M, Doerr R. Noncalculous biliary obstruction in the child and adolescent11No competing interests declared. Journal Of The American College Of Surgeons 2000, 191: 569-578. PMID: 11085737, DOI: 10.1016/s1072-7515(00)00725-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYears of ageBiliary obstructionAge groupsPatients 21 yearsBile duct obstructionCommon duct stonesCases of cholecystitisHigh-risk groupObese adolescent girlsCourse of treatmentAbsence of stonesAcalculous cholecystitisYounger patientsDuct stonesMale patientsObstructive jaundiceDuct obstructionPatient 1Pediatric casesAdult casesBiliary operationsDiagnostic dilemmaTract diseaseMayo ClinicCommon cause
Bleeding in Children Caused by Gastrointestinal Vascular Lesions
Irish M, Caty M, Azizkhan R. Bleeding in Children Caused by Gastrointestinal Vascular Lesions. Seminars In Pediatric Surgery 1999, 8: 210-213. PMID: 10573431, DOI: 10.1016/s1055-8586(99)70028-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVascular lesionsGastrointestinal vascular lesionsIntestinal vascular malformationsVascular malformation syndromesGastrointestinal bleedingNonoperative therapySurgical resectionTreatment optionsIntestinal lesionsVascular malformationsDifferential diagnosisSuccessful managementLesionsMalformation syndromeLaser photoablationChildrenBleedingResectionInfantsSyndromeTherapyMalformationsDiagnosis