Corrigendum: A practical approach to in-hospital management of new-onset refractory status epilepticus/febrile infection related epilepsy syndrome
Sheikh Z, Hirsch L. Corrigendum: A practical approach to in-hospital management of new-onset refractory status epilepticus/febrile infection related epilepsy syndrome. Frontiers In Neurology 2024, 15: 1509148. PMID: 39588231, PMCID: PMC11586205, DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2024.1509148.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPolygenic Risk of Epilepsy and Poststroke Epilepsy
Clocchiatti-Tuozzo S, Rivier C, Misra S, Zelano J, Mazumder R, Sansing L, de Havenon A, Hirsch L, Liebeskind D, Gilmore E, Sheth K, Kim J, Worrall B, Falcone G, Mishra N. Polygenic Risk of Epilepsy and Poststroke Epilepsy. Stroke 2024, 55: 2835-2843. PMID: 39502073, PMCID: PMC11653790, DOI: 10.1161/strokeaha.124.047459.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchParticipants of European ancestryRisk of poststroke epilepsyPolygenic riskPoststroke epilepsyEuropean ancestryGenome-wide association study meta-analysisPRS decileCase-control genetic association studyGenetic risk lociLowest decilePolygenic risk scoresGenetic association studiesMultivariate logistic regression modelStudy meta-analysisMultivariate logistic regression resultsHistory of strokeLogistic regression modelsRisk lociAssociation studiesStroke survivorsUK BiobankGenetic informationGenetic ancestryLogistic regression resultsGenetic variantsTwenty years of SIRPIDs: What have we learned?
Fong M, Hirsch L. Twenty years of SIRPIDs: What have we learned? Neurophysiologie Clinique 2024, 54: 103024. PMID: 39490066, DOI: 10.1016/j.neucli.2024.103024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe human claustrum tracks slow waves during sleep
Lamsam L, Gu B, Liang M, Sun G, Khan K, Sheth K, Hirsch L, Pittenger C, Kaye A, Krystal J, Damisah E. The human claustrum tracks slow waves during sleep. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 8964. PMID: 39419999, PMCID: PMC11487173, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-53477-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEarly vigabatrin to augment GABAergic pathways in post-anoxic status epilepticus
Maciel C, Ahmad B, Jose Bruzzone Giraldez M, Eisenschenk S, Ramsay E, Maranchick N, Peloquin C, Hirsch L, Busl K. Early vigabatrin to augment GABAergic pathways in post-anoxic status epilepticus. Epilepsy & Behavior 2024, 160: 110082. PMID: 39393141, DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2024.110082.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStatus epilepticusGamma-aminobutyric acidGABAergic pathwayHypoxic-ischemic brain injuryPost-cardiac arrest periodHypoxic-ischemic insultOutcomes of patientsEffective adjunctive therapyInhibition of gamma-aminobutyric acidLondon-Innsbruck ColloquiumAdjunctive therapyAcute seizuresEffective therapyPoor outcomeEpilepticusExclusion criteriaEarly inhibitionSynergistic augmentationGamma-aminobutyric acid catabolismArrest periodTherapeutic nihilismSeizuresClinal trialsAllosteric modulatorsVigabatrinCommunication trends over time in new-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE): Interim analysis from the NORSE/FIRES Family Registry
Kazazian K, Gaspard N, Hirsch L, Kellogg M, Hocker S, Wong N, Farias-Moeller R, Eschbach K, Gofton T. Communication trends over time in new-onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE): Interim analysis from the NORSE/FIRES Family Registry. Epilepsy & Behavior 2024, 160: 110023. PMID: 39241640, DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2024.110023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPalliative care servicesFamily RegistryCare servicesImprove overall carePrognostic conversationsAcute hospitalsOverall careEpidemiological informationConsensus definitionPhysician-patient-family relationshipRegistryNORSE/FIRESMinority of patientsPrognostic informationSatisfactionFamilySystematic effortRecovery processServicesCarePatientsHospitalPrevalenceQualityEpilepsy syndromesCyclic Alternating EEG Patterns: From Sleep to Encephalopathy
Misirocchi F, Mutti C, Hirsch L, Parrino L, Florindo I. Cyclic Alternating EEG Patterns: From Sleep to Encephalopathy. Journal Of Clinical Neurophysiology 2024, 41: 485-494. PMID: 39186585, DOI: 10.1097/wnp.0000000000001082.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCyclic alternating patternStandardized Critical Care EEG TerminologyCritical care EEG terminologyNon-rapid eye movement sleepAmerican Clinical Neurophysiology SocietyEye movement sleepCritically ill patientsEEG terminologyPrognostic significancePrognostic valueMovement sleepClinical significanceImpact of confounding factorsSleep instabilityCritical care settingIll patientsClinical importanceEEG activityEEG phenomenaSedative agentsElectrophysiological biomarkersAlternating patternEncephalopathySleepCare settingsStability of infraslow correlation structure in time-shifted intracranial EEG signals
Joshi R, Duckrow R, Goncharova I, Hirsch L, Spencer D, Godwin D, Zaveri H. Stability of infraslow correlation structure in time-shifted intracranial EEG signals. Frontiers In Network Physiology 2024, 4: 1441294. PMID: 39258030, PMCID: PMC11384574, DOI: 10.3389/fnetp.2024.1441294.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInfraslow activityContact pairsFrequency bandMagnitude-squared coherenceAntiseizure medicationsMedically refractory epilepsy patientsElectrode contact pairsHigher-frequency activityRefractory epilepsy patientsDC-coupled recordingsIcEEG epochsEEG frequency bandsEnvelope correlationOptimal parametersClinical relevanceSeizure riskIntracranial EEGEpilepsy patientsPatientsIntracranial EEG signalsTaperTraditional EEG frequency bandsAntiseizure Medication Withdrawal, Risk of Epilepsy, and Longterm EEG Trends in Acute Symptomatic Seizures or Epileptic EEG Patterns.
Sivaraju A, Tao A, Jadav R, Kirunda K, Rampal N, Kim J, Gilmore E, Hirsch L. Antiseizure Medication Withdrawal, Risk of Epilepsy, and Longterm EEG Trends in Acute Symptomatic Seizures or Epileptic EEG Patterns. Neurology Clinical Practice 2024, 14: e200342. PMID: 39185097, PMCID: PMC11341085, DOI: 10.1212/cpj.0000000000200342.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEvaluating the Impact of Point-of-Care Electroencephalography on Length of Stay in the Intensive Care Unit: Subanalysis of the SAFER-EEG Trial
Desai M, Kalkach-Aparicio M, Sheikh I, Cormier J, Gallagher K, Hussein O, Cespedes J, Hirsch L, Westover B, Struck A. Evaluating the Impact of Point-of-Care Electroencephalography on Length of Stay in the Intensive Care Unit: Subanalysis of the SAFER-EEG Trial. Neurocritical Care 2024, 1-10. PMID: 38981999, DOI: 10.1007/s12028-024-02039-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntensive care unitIntensive care unit LOSNonconvulsive seizuresClinical outcomesFunctional outcomesCare unitDetection of nonconvulsive seizuresInterquartile rangeAssociated with neuronal injuryDiagnose nonconvulsive seizuresIntensive care unit patientsUnfavorable functional outcomeMann-Whitney U testProlonged nonconvulsive seizuresPropensity score matchingDeleterious clinical outcomesClinical characteristicsAdult patientsRandomized studyConventional EEGICU LOSNeuronal injuryFunctional/clinical outcomesAcademic centersClinical covariatesSeizure Assessment and Forecasting With Efficient Rapid-EEG
Kalkach-Aparicio M, Fatima S, Selte A, Sheikh I, Cormier J, Gallagher K, Avagyan G, Cespedes J, Krishnamurthy P, Elazim A, Khan N, Hussein O, Maganti R, Larocque J, Holla S, Desai M, Westover B, Hirsch L, Struck A. Seizure Assessment and Forecasting With Efficient Rapid-EEG. Neurology 2024, 103: e209621. PMID: 38875512, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000209621.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMonitoring of at-risk patientsRecords of patientsTertiary care centerReceiver operating characteristic curveCritically ill patientsAt-risk patientsClass II evidenceDiagnostic accuracy studiesOperating characteristics curveMedian ageSecondary endpointsPrevent overtreatmentNo significant differenceEEG reviewRisk stratificationNoninferiority marginAntiseizure medicationsClinical correlatesPrimary outcomeII evidenceEEG technologistsSeizure assessmentIll patientsComparative effectiveness studiesLow riskCombined neuromodulation and resection for functional cortex epilepsy: a case series.
Merenzon M, Sivaraju A, Herlopian A, Gerrard J, Quraishi I, Hirsch L, Spencer D, Damisah E. Combined neuromodulation and resection for functional cortex epilepsy: a case series. Journal Of Neurosurgery 2024, 141: 1527-1535. PMID: 38848588, DOI: 10.3171/2024.3.jns24122.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMedically refractory epilepsySeizure onset zoneFunctional cortexSeizure outcomeRefractory epilepsyMonths of follow-up dataMaximal safe resectionMedian follow-upTreated with resectionImprove seizure outcomeFocal neuromodulationFollow-up dataPreservation of functionRetrospective analysis of individualsSafe resectionPartial resectionMedian intervalCase seriesPreoperative assessmentSurgical interventionRNS deviceNeurological deficitsNo significant changesResectionRetrospective analysisOutpatient management of prolonged seizures and seizure clusters to prevent progression to a higher‐level emergency: Consensus recommendations of an expert working group
Pina‐Garza J, Chez M, Cloyd J, Hirsch L, Kälviäinen R, Klein P, Lagae L, Sankar R, Specchio N, Strzelczyk A, Toledo M, Trinka E. Outpatient management of prolonged seizures and seizure clusters to prevent progression to a higher‐level emergency: Consensus recommendations of an expert working group. Epileptic Disorders 2024, 26: 484-497. PMID: 38813941, DOI: 10.1002/epd2.20243.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExpert working groupDefinition of PSSeizure action planWorking GroupEvidence-based guidanceProlonged seizuresSeizure clustersManaging PSStatus epilepticusExpert recommendationsTreatment goalsConsensus recommendationsOutpatient managementConsensus definitionAction planMedicationManagement of acute seizuresRecommendationsIdeal medicationAcute seizuresPrevent progressionSevere seizuresSeizure activityGroup membersSeizure terminationTreatment of Refractory Status Epilepticus With Continuous Intravenous Anesthetic Drugs
Au Y, Kananeh M, Rahangdale R, Moore T, Panza G, Gaspard N, Hirsch L, Fernandez A, Shah S. Treatment of Refractory Status Epilepticus With Continuous Intravenous Anesthetic Drugs. JAMA Neurology 2024, 81: 534-548. PMID: 38466294, DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2024.0108.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssociated with mortalityRefractory status epilepticusTreatment of refractory status epilepticusOutcome variablesPreferred Reporting ItemsAssociated with lower mortalityRisk of biasCompare outcome measuresPeer-reviewed studiesNon-English articlesStatus epilepticusBinary logistic regressionWeb of ScienceRSE etiologyReporting ItemsOutcome measuresStudy selectionPredictors of mortalitySystematic reviewLogistic regressionManual searchIntravenous anesthetic drugsRefractory status epilepticus treatmentTreatment goalsIndependent extractionComparative analysis of patients with new onset refractory status epilepticus preceded by fever (febrile infection‐related epilepsy syndrome) versus without prior fever: An interim analysis
Jimenez A, Gopaul M, Asbell H, Aydemir S, Basha M, Batra A, Damien C, Day G, Eka O, Eschbach K, Fatima S, Fields M, Foreman B, Gerard E, Gofton T, Haider H, Hantus S, Hocker S, Jongeling A, Aparicio M, Kandula P, Kang P, Kazazian K, Kellogg M, Kim M, Lee J, Marcuse L, McGraw C, Mohamed W, Orozco J, Pimentel C, Punia V, Ramirez A, Steriade C, Struck A, Taraschenko O, Treister A, Yoo J, Zafar S, Zhou D, Zutshi D, Gaspard N, Hirsch L, Hanin A. Comparative analysis of patients with new onset refractory status epilepticus preceded by fever (febrile infection‐related epilepsy syndrome) versus without prior fever: An interim analysis. Epilepsia 2024, 65: e87-e96. PMID: 38625055, DOI: 10.1111/epi.17988.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFebrile infection-related epilepsy syndromeRefractory status epilepticusMacrophage inflammatory protein-1 alphaOnset refractory status epilepticusStatus epilepticusCerebrospinal fluidFIRES patientsCerebrospinal fluid interleukin-6Magnetic resonance imaging findingsComparative analysis of patientsAnalysis of patientsChemokine ligand 2Presenting symptomsFebrile infectionsClinical featuresGastrointestinal prodromeImaging findingsInflammatory biomarkersAntiseizure medicationsInterleukin-6Epilepsy syndromesInterim analysisPatientsEpilepticusFeverPrognostication of Outcomes in Stroke Patients Using Inflammatory Biomarkers: Findings from the Yale Post-stroke Epilepsy Research Group (P3-5.010)
Wang E, Misra S, Yan J, Chook P, Kawamura Y, Kitagawa R, Kim J, Gilmore E, De Havenon A, Sivaraju A, Hirsch L, Falcone G, Sansing L, Magid-Bernstein J, Mishra N. Prognostication of Outcomes in Stroke Patients Using Inflammatory Biomarkers: Findings from the Yale Post-stroke Epilepsy Research Group (P3-5.010). Neurology 2024, 102 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000204783.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssociation of CT-based Lobar Contusion Volumes and Locations with Post-traumatic Epilepsy (P5-1.003)
Shrishail N, Wheelock J, Sanders W, Doherty D, Kim J, Schlecter M, Sivaraju A, Hirsch L, Omay S, Sheth K, Gilmore E, Edlow B, Kim J. Association of CT-based Lobar Contusion Volumes and Locations with Post-traumatic Epilepsy (P5-1.003). Neurology 2024, 102 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000206260.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVIGAB-STAT—A Phase IIa Feasibility Trial of Irreversible GABA-transaminase Inhibition as Adjunct Treatment of Status Epilepticus After Cardiac Arrest (P4-2.003)
Ahmad B, Maranchick N, Pomar-Forero D, Busl K, Hirsch L, Bruzzone M, Eisenschenk S, Peloquin C, Maciel C. VIGAB-STAT—A Phase IIa Feasibility Trial of Irreversible GABA-transaminase Inhibition as Adjunct Treatment of Status Epilepticus After Cardiac Arrest (P4-2.003). Neurology 2024, 102 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000205180.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNavigating Life after New-onset Refractory Status Epilepticus (NORSE) and Febrile-infection Related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES): Insights from Caregiver Interviews (P4-1.015)
Eschbach K, Reedy J, Gofton T, Gopaul M, Farias-Moeller R, Kellogg M, Hirsch L, Wong N, Holliman B. Navigating Life after New-onset Refractory Status Epilepticus (NORSE) and Febrile-infection Related Epilepsy Syndrome (FIRES): Insights from Caregiver Interviews (P4-1.015). Neurology 2024, 102 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000205629.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExpert Consensus Recommendations on Seizure Emergencies Suitable for Rapid and Early Seizure Termination (REST) and Timing of Intervention (P9-1.003)
Pina-Garza J, Chez M, Cloyd J, Hirsch L, Kalviainen R, Klein P, Lagae L, Sankar R, Specchio N, Strzelczyk A, Toledo M, Trinka E. Expert Consensus Recommendations on Seizure Emergencies Suitable for Rapid and Early Seizure Termination (REST) and Timing of Intervention (P9-1.003). Neurology 2024, 102 DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000204984.Peer-Reviewed Original Research