The Role of Sex and Gender Differences in Psychosocial Treatment Strategies for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Zhong J, Ahmad E, Kalvin C, Sukhodolsky D. The Role of Sex and Gender Differences in Psychosocial Treatment Strategies for Autism Spectrum Disorder. 2024, 129-155. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-62072-0_9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAutism spectrum disorderSex differencesSpectrum disorderPsychosocial treatment strategiesAccumulating body of researchAutism spectrumBody of researchAutismGender differencesExperiences of individualsDisordersTreatment deliveryAccumulating bodyInterventionSexIndividualsTreatment strategiesDifferencesLevel of effectivenessSymptomsResearchGenderAssociation of Irritability with Restricted, Repetitive Behaviors and Social Communication Challenges in Autistic Youth
Menezes M, Rutten M, Anderson S, Linde J, Ibrahim K, Sukhodolsky D. Association of Irritability with Restricted, Repetitive Behaviors and Social Communication Challenges in Autistic Youth. Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders 2024, 1-8. PMID: 39141271, DOI: 10.1007/s10803-024-06505-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSocial communication challengesRestricted/repetitive behaviorsAutistic youthSocial communicationRepetitive behaviorsAutism characteristicsAffective Reactivity IndexAssociations of irritabilitySelf-injurious behaviorSocial Responsiveness ScaleHierarchical multiple regressionMental health concernsAssociated with several categoriesCompulsive behaviorsStereotyped behaviorExamined relationsRitualistic behaviorRestrictive behaviorsSame behaviorSocial motivationResponse scaleAutistic childrenInteraction challengesReactivity indexClinical research programFeasibility and preliminary efficacy of behavioral activation for treatment of depression in autistic adolescents
Menezes M, Burroughs C, Pappagianopoulos J, Sadikova E, Fuhrmann E, Bohac G, Cross R, Witte L, Brinkmann G, Lemley R, Sukhodolsky D, Mazurek M. Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of behavioral activation for treatment of depression in autistic adolescents. Autism 2024, 28: 3021-3032. PMID: 38764234, DOI: 10.1177/13623613241252470.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDepressive symptomsAutistic youthAutistic adolescentsEfficacy of behavioral activationTreatment of depressive symptomsYouth depressive symptomsTreatment of depressionAnxiety symptomsIntellectual disabilityBehavioral activationTherapy sessionsSocial skillsAutistic young peopleDepressionEfficacious treatmentPreliminary efficacySymptomsYouthAdolescentsQuality of lifePsychotherapyAnxietyYoung peopleDay-to-dayDisability89. Shared Disruptions in Neural Circuits of Eye Gaze Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia
Ibrahim K, Iturmendi-Sabater I, Vasishth M, Barron D, Guardavaccaro M, Holmes A, McCarthy G, Eickhoff S, Sukhodolsky D. 89. Shared Disruptions in Neural Circuits of Eye Gaze Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry 2024, 95: s135-s136. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2024.02.324.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpectral Brain Graph Neural Network for Prediction of Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Duan P, Dvornek N, Wang J, Eilbott J, Du Y, Sukhodolsky D, Duncan J. Spectral Brain Graph Neural Network for Prediction of Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. 2011 IEEE International Symposium On Biomedical Imaging: From Nano To Macro 2024, 00: 1-5. PMID: 39697611, PMCID: PMC11655121, DOI: 10.1109/isbi56570.2024.10635753.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGraph neural networksFunctional magnetic resonance imagingAutism spectrum disorderNeural networkCurrent graph neural networksSpectrum disorderMASC-2Spectral analysis algorithmAnalysis algorithmGraph-based networkMultidimensional Anxiety ScaleFast Fourier transformPredictive of anxietyDaily anxiety levelsExtract hidden informationBrain functional networksPower spectrum densityNode featuresNetwork performanceComorbid anxietyBrain mechanismsHidden informationCorrelated featuresAnxiety ScaleTotal scoreReview: Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments for Childhood Irritability and Aggressive Behavior
Kalvin C, Zhong J, Rutten M, Ibrahim K, Sukhodolsky D. Review: Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments for Childhood Irritability and Aggressive Behavior. JAACAP Open 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaacop.2024.01.009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive-behavioral therapyParent management trainingDialectical behavior therapyChildhood irritabilityChildhood aggressionMaladaptive aggressionPsychosocial treatmentsPsychosocial interventionsReview of evidence-based psychosocial treatmentsDisruptive mood dysregulation disorderEvidence-based psychosocial treatmentsCo-occurring psychopathologySevere mood dysregulationOutpatient mental health servicesChild psychiatric disordersChild mental healthMental health servicesMood dysregulationBehavioral therapyDysregulation disorderPsychiatric disordersDisruptive behaviorWell-powered randomized controlled trialsAggressive behaviorRelevant to clinical practiceAttention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Anger and Aggression in Russian Adolescents
Isaksson J, Sukhodolsky D, Koposov R, Stickley A, Ramklint M, Ruchkin V. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms and Anger and Aggression in Russian Adolescents. JAACAP Open 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.jaacop.2024.01.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptomsAttention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderLevels of ADHD symptomsComponents of aggressionTrait angerADHD symptomsConduct problemsAttention-deficit/hyperactivityComorbid problemsSocial aggressionHigher levels of trait angerLevels of trait angerTreat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderLevels of social aggressionClinically significant levelsAnger ruminationSelf-reported dataProactive aggressionLinear model analysisDisorder symptomsAggressive beliefsIndependent of comorbidityVerbal aggressionAggressive behaviorGeneral linear model analysisNeural circuit disruptions of eye gaze processing in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis
Ibrahim K, Iturmendi-Sabater I, Vasishth M, Barron D, Guardavaccaro M, Funaro M, Holmes A, McCarthy G, Eickhoff S, Sukhodolsky D. Neural circuit disruptions of eye gaze processing in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia: An activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis. Schizophrenia Research 2024, 264: 298-313. PMID: 38215566, PMCID: PMC10922721, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2023.12.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRight inferior frontal gyrusAutism spectrum disorderInferior frontal gyrusEye gaze processingActivation likelihood estimationRight fusiform gyrusGaze processingFrontal gyrusFusiform gyrusFrontotemporal circuitryFunctional decodingSpectrum disorderActivation likelihood estimation meta-analysisMeta-analytic connectivity modelingMeta-analytic connectivityNeural circuit disruptionsTransdiagnostic biomarkerEmotional processingLeft amygdalaNeurobiological dysfunctionSocial cognitionEmotion perceptionNeural mechanismsSchizophreniaSpatial cognitionAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Rutten M, Zhong J, Rolison M, Sukhodolsky D. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 2024 DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-95702-1.00076-2.ChaptersAutism spectrum disorderSeverity of core symptomsIdentity-first languagePerson-first languageCore symptomsPsychiatric disordersRestricted interestsIntellectual disabilityRepetitive behaviorsSpectrum disorderSensory sensitivityNeurodevelopmental disordersSocial communicationAutismEnvironmental risk factorsAutism communityPharmacological interventionsDisordersAdvanced parental ageParental ageADHDAnxietyLanguagePhenotypic presentationDisabilityExecutive functioning in children with ADHD Investigating the cross-method correlations between performance tests and rating scales
Olsen K, Sukhodolsky D, Bikic A. Executive functioning in children with ADHD Investigating the cross-method correlations between performance tests and rating scales. Scandinavian Journal Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatry And Psychology 2024, 12: 1-9. PMID: 38645570, PMCID: PMC11027034, DOI: 10.2478/sjcapp-2024-0001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated BatteryChildren’s Organizational Skills ScaleBehavior Rating Inventory of Executive FunctionExecutive functionRating ScaleCognitive testsExecutive dysfunctionEcological validityCognitive tests of EFComposite scaleEF rating scalesTests of EFADHD-Inattentive subtypeBehavior Rating InventorySample of childrenLevel of ecological validityADHD subtypesEF testsEF behaviorsBRIEF compositesADHDReplication evidenceSubscalesUnder-constructionChild sex
Depressive symptoms and anger and aggression in Russian adolescents
Ruchkin V, Stickley A, Koposov R, Sukhodolsky D, Isaksson J. Depressive symptoms and anger and aggression in Russian adolescents. Child And Adolescent Psychiatry And Mental Health 2023, 17: 130. PMID: 37974287, PMCID: PMC10652468, DOI: 10.1186/s13034-023-00677-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchComorbid mental health problemsMental health problemsAnger ruminationComorbid problemsDepressive symptomsTypes of angerAggressive behaviorOvert aggressive behaviorLevel of depressionAggression variablesVerbal aggressionSocial aggressionRussian adolescentsAngerGeneral population sampleDepressive episodeAggressionInconsistent findingsAdolescentsHealth problemsCurrent major depressive episodeSubthreshold depressive symptomsRuminationMajor depressive episodeSignificant depressive episodeFunctional connectivity during tic suppression predicts reductions in vocal tics following behavior therapy in children with Tourette syndrome
Morand-Beaulieu S, Crowley M, Grantz H, Leckman J, Sukhodolsky D. Functional connectivity during tic suppression predicts reductions in vocal tics following behavior therapy in children with Tourette syndrome. Psychological Medicine 2023, 53: 7857-7864. PMID: 37485677, PMCID: PMC10755221, DOI: 10.1017/s0033291723001940.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVoluntary tic suppressionTic suppressionVocal tic severityFunctional connectivityTic severityTourette syndromeRight superior frontal gyrusFirst-line treatmentBehavior therapyComprehensive Behavioral InterventionSuperior frontal gyrusRight angular gyrusVocal ticsFunctional brain networksBehavioral interventionsUsual control conditionFrontal gyrusBaselineAngular gyrusSeverityBrain networksSyndromeChildrenTherapyGyrusProtocol description for a randomized controlled trial of fMRI neurofeedback for tics in adolescents with Tourette Syndrome
Awasthi J, Harris-Starling C, Kalvin C, Pittman B, Park H, Bloch M, Fernandez T, Sukhodolsky D, Hampson M. Protocol description for a randomized controlled trial of fMRI neurofeedback for tics in adolescents with Tourette Syndrome. Psychiatry Research Neuroimaging 2023, 336: 111692. PMID: 37673711, PMCID: PMC10722977, DOI: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2023.111692.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTourette syndromeFunctional magnetic resonance imagingStudy protocolChronic tic disorderSupplementary motor areaLower functional connectivityMagnetic resonance imagingResearch study protocolLarge trialsClinical trialsTic disordersMotor areaBrain areasControl groupResonance imagingBrain regionsNew trialsFunctional connectivityNeurofeedback interventionFMRI neurofeedbackNF protocolTrialsNF studiesSyndromeInterventionBulimia symptoms and anger and aggression among adolescents
Koposov R, Stickley A, Sukhodolsky D, Ruchkin V. Bulimia symptoms and anger and aggression among adolescents. BMC Public Health 2023, 23: 833. PMID: 37147644, PMCID: PMC10161674, DOI: 10.1186/s12889-023-15664-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAnger ruminationBulimia symptomsBN symptomsEating Disorder Diagnostic ScaleState-Trait Anger Expression InventoryAggressive behaviorTrait Anger Expression InventoryDisorder Diagnostic ScaleSelf-report scalesAnger Rumination ScaleCommunity-based adolescentsAnger Expression InventoryBulimia nervosa diagnosisTrait Anger ScaleSocial aggressionPhysical aggressionRumination ScaleHigh angerAngerAnger ScaleRuminationAggression scoresDiagnostic ScaleAggressionAdolescentsAggression Is Associated With Social Adaptive Functioning in Children With ASD and Anxiety
Kalvin C, Jordan R, Rowley S, Weis A, Ibrahim K, Sukhodolsky D. Aggression Is Associated With Social Adaptive Functioning in Children With ASD and Anxiety. Focus On Autism And Other Developmental Disabilities 2023, 38: 168-176. PMID: 38469453, PMCID: PMC10927274, DOI: 10.1177/10883576231165265.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAutism spectrum disorderSocial adaptive skillsAdaptive skillsSocial adaptiveAggressive behaviorSocial adaptive functioningSample of childrenAdaptive functioningASD diagnosisSpectrum disorderSocial functioningAge 8SkillsChildrenFunctioningAggressionAnxietyBehaviorParticipantsDisordersFindingsAdaptive
Linear discriminant analysis of phenotypic data for classifying autism spectrum disorder by diagnosis and sex
Jacokes Z, Jack A, Sullivan C, Aylward E, Bookheimer S, Dapretto M, Bernier R, Geschwind D, Sukhodolsky D, McPartland J, Webb S, Torgerson C, Eilbott J, Kenworthy L, Pelphrey K, Van Horn J, Consortium T, Ankenman K, Corrigan S, Depedro-Mercier D, Gaab N, Guilford D, Gupta A, Jeste S, Keifer C, Kresse A, Libsack E, Lowe J, MacDonnell E, McDonald N, Naples A, Nelson C, Neuhaus E, Ventola P, Welker O, Wolf J. Linear discriminant analysis of phenotypic data for classifying autism spectrum disorder by diagnosis and sex. Frontiers In Neuroscience 2022, 16: 1040085. PMID: 36466170, PMCID: PMC9709432, DOI: 10.3389/fnins.2022.1040085.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEvaluation of EEG biomarkers of Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics in children with Tourette syndrome
Morand-Beaulieu S, Crowley MJ, Grantz H, Leckman JF, Scahill L, Sukhodolsky DG. Evaluation of EEG biomarkers of Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics in children with Tourette syndrome. Clinical Neurophysiology 2022, 142: 75-85. PMID: 35987093, DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2022.07.500.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsClinical Global Impressions-Improvement scaleYale Global Tic Severity ScaleComprehensive Behavioral InterventionGo/NoGo taskTourette syndromeTreatment outcomesEEG coherenceTic severityNoGo taskBehavioral interventionsFirst-line treatmentTic Severity ScaleClinical outcomesMotor areaSeverity ScaleAlpha frequency bandBlinded evaluatorsTic controlMotor responseEEG biomarkersOutcomesSyndromeBrain mechanismsSeverityInterventionPosttraumatic Stress and Perceived Interpersonal Provocation in Adolescents
Saunderson JM, Stickley A, Sturidsson K, Koposov R, Sukhodolsky DG, Ruchkin V. Posttraumatic Stress and Perceived Interpersonal Provocation in Adolescents. Journal Of Interpersonal Violence 2022, 38: 3191-3214. PMID: 35613735, PMCID: PMC9850389, DOI: 10.1177/08862605221104525.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress symptomsPosttraumatic stressStress symptomsProvocation scenariosPosttraumatic symptomsAggressive responsesPhysical aggressionAttribution of intentionalityInterpersonal provocationPeer provocationHostile intentionsChoice of responseAggressive reactionsAdolescent boysAggressive situationsConflict situationsOpposite patternHigh levelsAdolescentsAggressive behaviorAggressionGirlsDaily lifeBoysDifferent patternsDisruption in Large-Scale Brain Networks is Linked to Maladaptive Childhood Aggression
Ibrahim K, McCarthy G, Scheinost D, Sukhodolsky D. Disruption in Large-Scale Brain Networks is Linked to Maladaptive Childhood Aggression. Biological Psychiatry 2022, 91: s87. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.02.233.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPhenomenology of Tics and Sensory Urges
Leckman J, Bloch M, Sukhodolsky D, ArtukoÄŸlu B, Scahill L, King R. Phenomenology of Tics and Sensory Urges. 2022, 6-25. DOI: 10.1093/med/9780197543214.003.0002.Peer-Reviewed Original Research