Electrochemotherapy in the Locoregional Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Systematic Review
Barbieri P, Posa A, Lancellotta V, Madoff D, Maresca A, Cornacchione P, Tagliaferri L, Iezzi R. Electrochemotherapy in the Locoregional Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Systematic Review. Current Oncology 2024, 31: 7403-7413. PMID: 39590176, PMCID: PMC11592455, DOI: 10.3390/curroncol31110546.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCRC liver metastasesLiver metastasesColorectal cancerComplete responseOverall survivalProgressive diseaseInclusion criteriaResection of CRC liver metastasesTreatment of CRC liver metastasisColorectal cancer liver metastasesSystematic searches of PubMedFrequent liver metastasesMedian overall survivalSecondary liver cancerFollow-up durationColorectal Liver MetastasesMultiple risk factorsCancer-related mortalitySearch of PubMedECT-related complicationsEvidence qualityLocoregional treatmentSurgical resectionIdentified articlesGRADE approachEffect of Incomplete Cryoablation and Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibition on Intratumoral CD8+ T-Cell Infiltration in Murine Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Shewarega A, Santana J, Nam D, Berz A, Tefera J, Kahl V, Mishra S, Coman D, Duncan J, Roberts S, Wetter A, Madoff D, Chapiro J. Effect of Incomplete Cryoablation and Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibition on Intratumoral CD8+ T-Cell Infiltration in Murine Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Radiology 2024, 310: e232365. PMID: 38349244, PMCID: PMC10902598, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.232365.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsT cell infiltrationCD8<sup>+</sup> T cellsMatrix metalloproteinase inhibitionT cellsHepatocellular carcinomaMatrix metalloproteinase inhibitorsMatrix metalloproteinasesResidual tumorCXCR3<sup>+</sup> CD8<sup>+</sup> T cellsCytotoxic CD8<sup>+</sup> T cell infiltrationIntratumoral CD8+ T cell infiltrationCD8+ T cell infiltrationCD8<sup>+</sup> T cell infiltrationMouse model of hepatocellular carcinomaEarly-stage hepatocellular carcinomaImage-guided tumor ablationUnpaired Student's <i>t</i> testModel of hepatocellular carcinomaFirst-line therapyMurine hepatocellular carcinomaT cell subsetsTumor-associated macrophagesMurine HCC modelLocal immune responseFemale BALB/c mice
Hepatic Hypertrophy in Normal and Cirrhotic Livers Following Portal Vein Embolization: Comparative Assessment of 2 Different Embolic Regimens in a Large Animal Model
Kuhn T, Kahl V, Wang Y, Berz A, Shewarega A, Santana J, Antoch G, Chapiro J, Schlachter T, Madoff D. Hepatic Hypertrophy in Normal and Cirrhotic Livers Following Portal Vein Embolization: Comparative Assessment of 2 Different Embolic Regimens in a Large Animal Model. Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2023, 34: 2162-2172.e2. PMID: 37634850, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2023.08.024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPortal vein embolizationFuture liver remnantVein embolizationLiver remnantCirrhotic liverStandardized future liver remnantNon-cirrhotic groupImmune cell infiltrationNon-cirrhotic liverN-butyl cyanoacrylateT-testFemale Yorkshire pigsLarge animal modelLarge animal studiesStudent's t-testCirrhotic groupEmbolized lobeBaseline percentageHepatic hypertrophyCell infiltrationBaseline CTKi-67Preclinical studiesInstitutional Animal CareFLR increaseBeyond Survival: Adverse Events and Care Delivery Outcomes after Early Liver Cancer Treatment in a Nationally Representative Cohort
Charalel R, Mushlin A, Zheng X, Mao J, Carlos R, Brown R, Fortune B, Talenfeld A, Madoff D, Ibrahim S, Johnson M, Sedrakyan A. Beyond Survival: Adverse Events and Care Delivery Outcomes after Early Liver Cancer Treatment in a Nationally Representative Cohort. Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2023, 34: 1997-2005.e3. PMID: 37468093, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2023.07.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAbscessAgedHemorrhageHumansLiver NeoplasmsMedicarePneumoniaRetrospective StudiesSepsisUnited StatesConceptsLiver transplantSurgical resectionHepatocellular carcinomaLT cohortBiliary injuryReadmission ratesAbscess formationIntensive care unit-level careLess healthcare utilizationNationally Representative CohortInitial hospital stayICU-level careAdverse event ratesEnd Results ProgramSmall hepatocellular carcinomaCare delivery outcomesFisher's exact testHealthcare Common Procedure Coding SystemChi-square testLow-intensity careLiver cancer treatmentPostprocedural hemorrhageHospital stayAdverse eventsSecondary outcomes
Experimental VX2 Rabbit Liver Tumor Model in Carbon Tetrachloride–Induced Cirrhosis of the Liver
Santana J, Shewarega A, Nam D, Kahl V, Madoff D, Zhang X, Chapiro J. Experimental VX2 Rabbit Liver Tumor Model in Carbon Tetrachloride–Induced Cirrhosis of the Liver. Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2022, 34: 404-408.e1. PMID: 36473611, PMCID: PMC11037556, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2022.11.026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLiver cirrhosisMale New Zealand white rabbitsRabbit liver tumor modelCirrhotic liver backgroundReproducible tumor growthVX2 liver cancerLeft hepatic lobeNew Zealand white rabbitsDuration of treatmentLiver tumor modelCross-sectional imagingVX2 rabbit liver tumor modelZealand white rabbitsHepatic lobeHistopathological evaluationMajor underlying factorHepatic tumorsIntragastric administrationHepatocellular carcinomaLiver tumorsLiver cancerCirrhosisUnmet needTumor growthVX2 tumorsDefining textbook outcome for selective internal radiation therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma: an international expert study
Gregory J, Tselikas L, Allimant C, de Baere T, Bargellini I, Bell J, Bilbao JI, Bouvier A, Chapiro J, Chiesa C, Decaens T, Denys A, Duran R, Edeline J, Garin E, Ghelfi J, Helmberger T, Irani F, Lam M, Lewandowski R, Liu D, Loffroy R, Madoff DC, Mastier C, Salem R, Sangro B, Sze D, Vilgrain V, Vouche M, Guiu B, Ronot M. Defining textbook outcome for selective internal radiation therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma: an international expert study. European Journal Of Nuclear Medicine And Molecular Imaging 2022, 50: 921-928. PMID: 36282299, DOI: 10.1007/s00259-022-06002-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSelective internal radiation therapyTextbook outcomeInternal radiation therapyHepatocellular carcinomaRadiation therapyPatient-important outcomesLarge observational studiesNuclear medicine physiciansEntire intervention processRandomized trialsRoutine careResultsA totalObservational studyMultistep interventionMedicine physiciansInterventional radiologistsSenior authorClinical roundsCarcinomaTherapyInterventionOutcomesLong-Term Survival After Surgery Versus Ablation for Early Liver Cancer in a Large, Nationally Representative Cohort
Charalel RA, Mushlin AI, Li D, Mao J, Ibrahim S, Carlos R, Kwan SW, Fortune B, Talenfeld AD, Brown RS, Madoff DC, Johnson MS, Sedrakyan A. Long-Term Survival After Surgery Versus Ablation for Early Liver Cancer in a Large, Nationally Representative Cohort. Journal Of The American College Of Radiology 2022, 19: 1213-1223. PMID: 36208842, DOI: 10.1016/j.jacr.2022.07.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCancer-specific survivalSurgical resectionSmall hepatocellular carcinomaPrior treatment groupsHepatocellular carcinomaSurvival outcomesTreatment groupsSR groupPrior treatmentEnd Results Program-MedicarePropensity-matched hazard ratiosPropensity score-matched comparisonMedian study followNationally Representative CohortCancer-specific mortalityDisease-free survivalCox regression analysisKaplan-Meier curvesLog-rank testEarly liver cancerDifferential survival outcomesHealthcare Common Procedure Coding SystemCause mortalityCause survivalLiver transplantMachine Learning Models for Prediction of Posttreatment Recurrence in Early-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Pretreatment Clinical and MRI Features: A Proof-of-Concept Study.
Iseke S, Zeevi T, Kucukkaya AS, Raju R, Gross M, Haider SP, Petukhova-Greenstein A, Kuhn TN, Lin M, Nowak M, Cooper K, Thomas E, Weber MA, Madoff DC, Staib L, Batra R, Chapiro J. Machine Learning Models for Prediction of Posttreatment Recurrence in Early-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Pretreatment Clinical and MRI Features: A Proof-of-Concept Study. American Journal Of Roentgenology 2022, 220: 245-255. PMID: 35975886, PMCID: PMC10015590, DOI: 10.2214/ajr.22.28077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEarly-stage hepatocellular carcinomaLiver transplantHepatocellular carcinomaImaging featuresPosttreatment recurrenceOrgan allocationMean AUCLiver transplant eligibilityPretreatment clinical characteristicsPretreatment MRI examinationsKaplan-Meier analysisKaplan-Meier curvesClinical characteristicsImaging surveillanceTherapy allocationTransplant eligibilityUnderwent treatmentClinical parametersRetrospective studyUnpredictable complicationMRI dataConcept studyPoor survivalClinical impactPretreatment MRIDragon 1 Protocol Manuscript: Training, Accreditation, Implementation and Safety Evaluation of Portal and Hepatic Vein Embolization (PVE/HVE) to Accelerate Future Liver Remnant (FLR) Hypertrophy
Korenblik R, Olij B, Aldrighetti LA, Hilal MA, Ahle M, Arslan B, van Baardewijk LJ, Baclija I, Bent C, Bertrand CL, Björnsson B, de Boer MT, de Boer SW, Bokkers RPH, Rinkes IHMB, Breitenstein S, Bruijnen RCG, Bruners P, Büchler MW, Camacho JC, Cappelli A, Carling U, Chan BKY, Chang DH, choi J, Font JC, Crawford M, Croagh D, Cugat E, Davis R, De Boo DW, De Cobelli F, De Wispelaere JF, van Delden OM, Delle M, Detry O, DÃaz-Nieto R, Dili A, Erdmann JI, Fisher O, Fondevila C, Fretland Ã…, Borobia FG, Gelabert A, Gérard L, Giuliante F, Gobardhan PD, Gómez F, Grünberger T, Grünhagen DJ, Guitart J, Hagendoorn J, Heil J, Heise D, Herrero E, Hess GF, Hoffmann MH, Iezzi R, Imani F, Nguyen J, Jovine E, Kalff JC, Kazemier G, Kingham TP, Kleeff J, Kollmar O, Leclercq WKG, Ben SL, Lucidi V, MacDonald A, Madoff DC, Manekeller S, Martel G, Mehrabi A, Mehrzad H, Meijerink MR, Menon K, Metrakos P, Meyer C, Moelker A, Modi S, Montanari N, Navines J, Neumann UP, Peddu P, Primrose JN, Qu X, Raptis D, Ratti F, Ridouani F, Rogan C, Ronellenfitsch U, Ryan S, Sallemi C, Moragues JS, Sandström P, Sarriá L, Schnitzbauer A, Serenari M, Serrablo A, Smits MLJ, Sparrelid E, Spüntrup E, Stavrou GA, Sutcliffe RP, Tancredi I, Tasse JC, Udupa V, Valenti D, Fundora Y, Vogl TJ, Wang X, White SA, Wohlgemuth WA, Yu D, Zijlstra IAJ, Binkert CA, Bemelmans MHA, van der Leij C, Schadde E, van Dam RM. Dragon 1 Protocol Manuscript: Training, Accreditation, Implementation and Safety Evaluation of Portal and Hepatic Vein Embolization (PVE/HVE) to Accelerate Future Liver Remnant (FLR) Hypertrophy. CardioVascular And Interventional Radiology 2022, 45: 1391-1398. PMID: 35790566, PMCID: PMC9458562, DOI: 10.1007/s00270-022-03176-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFuture liver remnant hypertrophyHepatic vein embolizationMulticenter prospective single-arm trialResectable colorectal cancer liver metastasesColorectal cancer liver metastasesProspective single-arm trialFeasibility of resectionCancer liver metastasesDisease-free survivalSingle-arm trialSmall FLRPrimary endpointSecondary endpointsFLR hypertrophyLiver metastasesOverall survivalProspective trialVein embolizationLiver functionSafety profileArm trialLiver volumeWeek 1Week 3Study centersImpact of Chemoembolic Regimen on Immune Cell Recruitment and Immune Checkpoint Marker Expression following Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization in a VX2 Rabbit Liver Tumor Model
Berz AM, Santana JG, Iseke S, Gross M, Pekurovsky V, Laage Gaupp F, Savic LJ, Borde T, Gottwald LA, Boustani AM, Gebauer B, Lin M, Zhang X, Schlachter T, Madoff DC, Chapiro J. Impact of Chemoembolic Regimen on Immune Cell Recruitment and Immune Checkpoint Marker Expression following Transcatheter Arterial Chemoembolization in a VX2 Rabbit Liver Tumor Model. Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2022, 33: 764-774.e4. PMID: 35346859, PMCID: PMC9344951, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2022.03.026.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTranscatheter arterial chemoembolizationCytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4Rabbit liver tumor modelConventional TACEImmune checkpoint marker expressionLiver tumor modelVX2 rabbit liver tumor modelArterial chemoembolizationBicarbonate infusionImmune responseDifferentiation 3T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4Conventional transcatheter arterial chemoembolizationTumor modelCell death protein 1Marker expressionIntratumoral T cellsImmune checkpoint markersT cell infiltrationDeath protein 1Antigen-presenting cellsImmune cell recruitmentNew Zealand white rabbitsZealand white rabbitsAPC infiltrationRandomized Phase 3 LEAP-012 Study: Transarterial Chemoembolization With or Without Lenvatinib Plus Pembrolizumab for Intermediate-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma Not Amenable to Curative Treatment
Llovet JM, Vogel A, Madoff DC, Finn RS, Ogasawara S, Ren Z, Mody K, Li JJ, Siegel AB, Dubrovsky L, Kudo M. Randomized Phase 3 LEAP-012 Study: Transarterial Chemoembolization With or Without Lenvatinib Plus Pembrolizumab for Intermediate-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma Not Amenable to Curative Treatment. CardioVascular And Interventional Radiology 2022, 45: 405-412. PMID: 35119481, PMCID: PMC8940827, DOI: 10.1007/s00270-021-03031-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBlinded independent central reviewIntermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinomaDisease control rateObjective response rateProgression-free survivalDuration of responseHepatocellular carcinomaCurative treatmentRECIST 1.1Primary endpointClinical benefitControl rateEastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status 0Response rateChild-Pugh class ARandomized phase 3 studyDual primary endpointsOverall survival eventsPerformance status 0Previous systemic treatmentPD-1 inhibitorsPortal vein thrombosisPhase 3 studyResponse Evaluation CriteriaSolid Tumors 1.1
Quantitative Automated Segmentation of Lipiodol Deposits on Cone-Beam CT Imaging Acquired during Transarterial Chemoembolization for Liver Tumors: A Deep Learning Approach
Malpani R, Petty CW, Yang J, Bhatt N, Zeevi T, Chockalingam V, Raju R, Petukhova-Greenstein A, Santana JG, Schlachter TR, Madoff DC, Chapiro J, Duncan J, Lin M. Quantitative Automated Segmentation of Lipiodol Deposits on Cone-Beam CT Imaging Acquired during Transarterial Chemoembolization for Liver Tumors: A Deep Learning Approach. Journal Of Vascular And Interventional Radiology 2021, 33: 324-332.e2. PMID: 34923098, PMCID: PMC8972393, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvir.2021.12.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBalloon-assisted radioembolization via the proper hepatic artery to treat a left liver hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein tumor thrombus with an inaccessible left hepatic artery: A case report
Mabey JG, Cornman-Homonoff J, Madoff DC. Balloon-assisted radioembolization via the proper hepatic artery to treat a left liver hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein tumor thrombus with an inaccessible left hepatic artery: A case report. Clinical Imaging 2021, 82: 244-250. PMID: 34920388, DOI: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2021.11.026.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesConceptsPortal vein tumor thrombusLeft hepatic arteryProper hepatic arteryHepatic arteryVein tumor thrombusHepatocellular carcinomaTransarterial radioembolizationTumor thrombusUse of TAREYttrium-90 transarterial radioembolizationTumor-feeding vesselsLiver hepatocellular carcinomaBalloon occlusionCase reportBalloon microcatheterVessel angulationEffective treatmentLiver parenchymaArteryTumor vesselsY microspheresRadiotracer activityRadioembolizationCarcinomaThrombusComparison of metabolic and immunologic responses to transarterial chemoembolization with different chemoembolic regimens in a rabbit VX2 liver tumor model
Doemel LA, Santana JG, Savic LJ, Gaupp FML, Borde T, Petukhova-Greenstein A, Kucukkaya AS, Schobert IT, Hamm CA, Gebauer B, Walsh JJ, Rexha I, Hyder F, Lin M, Madoff DC, Schlachter T, Chapiro J, Coman D. Comparison of metabolic and immunologic responses to transarterial chemoembolization with different chemoembolic regimens in a rabbit VX2 liver tumor model. European Radiology 2021, 32: 2437-2447. PMID: 34718844, PMCID: PMC9359419, DOI: 10.1007/s00330-021-08337-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDrug-eluting embolicsImmune cell infiltrationAntigen-presenting cellsBicarbonate infusionConventional TACEDEE-TACETransarterial chemotherapyCell infiltrationImmune cellsPeritumoral infiltrationT lymphocytesIntratumoral immune cell infiltrationTumor modelRabbit VX2 liver tumor modelImmunological tumor microenvironmentVX2 liver tumor modelIntra-arterial therapyIntra-arterial treatmentRabbit VX2 tumor modelLiver tumor modelTumor-bearing rabbitsVX2 tumor modelMann-Whitney U testIntratumoral presenceTransarterial chemoembolizationSystematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of Portal Vein Embolization, Associated Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation, and Radiation Lobectomy Outcomes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients
Charalel RA, Sung J, Askin G, Jo J, Mitry M, Chung C, Tmanova L, Madoff DC. Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of Portal Vein Embolization, Associated Liver Partition and Portal Vein Ligation, and Radiation Lobectomy Outcomes in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients. Current Oncology Reports 2021, 23: 135. PMID: 34716800, DOI: 10.1007/s11912-021-01075-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPortal vein embolizationAssociated liver partitionPortal vein ligationHepatocellular carcinoma patientsSystematic reviewVein embolizationCarcinoma patientsMajor complicationsPooled proportionVein ligationLiver partitionLow major complication rateMajor complication ratePurpose of ReviewToRandom-effects modelWeb of ScienceEffective hypertrophyFLR hypertrophyComplication rateOvid EmbaseCochrane LibraryHCC patientsLiver hypertrophyOvid MEDLINEInclusion criteriaConventional Hepatic Volumetry May Lead to Inaccurate Segmental Yttrium-90 Radiation Dosimetry
Stein SI, Soliman MM, Sparapani J, Doustaly R, Cobb BW, Malhotra A, Charalel R, May BJ, Lee KS, Madoff DC, Talenfeld AD. Conventional Hepatic Volumetry May Lead to Inaccurate Segmental Yttrium-90 Radiation Dosimetry. CardioVascular And Interventional Radiology 2021, 44: 1973-1985. PMID: 34414494, DOI: 10.1007/s00270-021-02898-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsEmbolization, TherapeuticHumansLiver NeoplasmsRadiometryRetrospective StudiesYttrium RadioisotopesConceptsMedical Internal Radiation DosimetryCone-beam CTCT/MRI scansSegmental volumesVariant arterial anatomyCT/MRIWilcoxon signed-rank testY90 radioembolizationZone volumeArterial anatomyVenous anatomyTumor locationSigned-rank testInternal radiation dosimetryHepatic volumetryMRI scansLobar volumesVolumetric differencesCouinaudDose targetsPersonalized dosimetryBeam CTAngiogramsDosesVolumetryThermal ablation alone vs thermal ablation combined with transarterial chemoembolization for patients with small (<3 cm) hepatocellular carcinoma
Chai NX, Chapiro J, Petukhova A, Gross M, Kucukkaya A, Raju R, Zeevi T, Elbanan M, Lin M, Perez-Lozada JC, Schlachter T, Strazzabosco M, Pollak JS, Madoff DC. Thermal ablation alone vs thermal ablation combined with transarterial chemoembolization for patients with small (<3 cm) hepatocellular carcinoma. Clinical Imaging 2021, 76: 123-129. PMID: 33592550, PMCID: PMC8217099, DOI: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2021.01.043.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOverall survivalTransarterial chemoembolizationHepatocellular carcinomaThermal ablationTA groupEarly-stage hepatocellular carcinomaMedian overall survivalTherapy-naïve patientsKaplan-Meier analysisMaximum tumor diameterStage hepatocellular carcinomaLog-rank testDrug-eluting beadsSmall hepatocellular carcinomaTerms of TTPHIPAA-compliant IRBSignificant differencesLipiodol-TACELocoregional therapyBCLC stageComplication rateTreatment cohortsTumor diameterAFP levelsPatient groupInternational recommendations for personalised selective internal radiation therapy of primary and metastatic liver diseases with yttrium-90 resin microspheres
Levillain H, Bagni O, Deroose CM, Dieudonné A, Gnesin S, Grosser OS, Kappadath SC, Kennedy A, Kokabi N, Liu DM, Madoff DC, Mahvash A, Martinez de la Cuesta A, Ng DCE, Paprottka PM, Pettinato C, RodrÃguez-Fraile M, Salem R, Sangro B, Strigari L, Sze DY, de Wit van der veen BJ, Flamen P. International recommendations for personalised selective internal radiation therapy of primary and metastatic liver diseases with yttrium-90 resin microspheres. European Journal Of Nuclear Medicine And Molecular Imaging 2021, 48: 1570-1584. PMID: 33433699, PMCID: PMC8113219, DOI: 10.1007/s00259-020-05163-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSelective internal radiation therapyInternal radiation therapyActivity prescriptionRadiation therapyLiver metastatic colorectal cancerYttrium-90 resin microspheresResin microspheresMetastatic liver diseaseMetastatic colorectal cancerMultidisciplinary expert panelNon-tumoural liverSPECT/CTLiver diseaseColorectal cancerTreatment strategiesHepatocellular carcinomaSteering CommitteePost-treatment dosimetryYttrium-90Multidisciplinary teamTherapeutic intentMicrosphere activityWhole liverLiterature searchLevel of agreement
Improving the Safety of Major Resection for Hepatobiliary Malignancy: Portal Vein Embolization and Recent Innovations in Liver Regeneration Strategies
Madoff DC, Odisio BC, Schadde E, Gaba RC, Bennink RJ, van Gulik TM, Guiu B. Improving the Safety of Major Resection for Hepatobiliary Malignancy: Portal Vein Embolization and Recent Innovations in Liver Regeneration Strategies. Current Oncology Reports 2020, 22: 59. PMID: 32415401, DOI: 10.1007/s11912-020-00922-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPortal vein embolizationFuture liver remnantFLR hypertrophyMajor hepatectomyVein embolizationHepatobiliary malignanciesCT volumetryAppropriate surgical candidatesExtent of resectionPortal vein ligationRadiation lobectomyVenous deprivationMajor resectionPerformance statusSurgical candidatesComplication rateLiver diseaseVein ligationLiver partitionLiver remnantTumor typesPhysiological imagingResectionEmbolizationMalignancy
Management of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein tumour thrombosis: comparing east and west
Lu J, Zhang XP, Zhong BY, Lau WY, Madoff DC, Davidson JC, Qi X, Cheng SQ, Teng GJ. Management of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma and portal vein tumour thrombosis: comparing east and west. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2019, 4: 721-730. PMID: 31387735, DOI: 10.1016/s2468-1253(19)30178-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnilidesAntibodies, Monoclonal, HumanizedAntineoplastic AgentsCarcinoma, HepatocellularChemoembolization, TherapeuticEndovascular ProceduresHepatectomyHepatic ArteryHumansInfusions, Intra-ArterialLiver NeoplasmsLiver TransplantationNivolumabPatient Care TeamPhenylurea CompoundsPortal VeinPyridinesQuinolinesRadiotherapy, AdjuvantSorafenibStentsVenous ThrombosisConceptsPortal vein tumor thrombosisTumor thrombosisHepatocellular carcinomaOptimise treatment strategiesTranscatheter arterial therapyAdvanced hepatocellular carcinomaManagement of patientsArterial therapySurgical treatmentTreatment strategiesPhysician preferenceNovel treatmentsCarcinomaThrombosisMultidisciplinary teamPatientsReimbursement schemesTreatmentRevascularisationComorbiditiesManagementPrognosisRadiotherapyActive managementTherapy