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Diseases of the Nervous System | Genetics - Adult | Genetics - Pediatric | Mental Health & Behavioral Research

Brain Emotion Circuitry-Targeted Self-Monitoring and Regulation Therapy (BE-SMART)

What is the purpose of this trial?

New treatments to help to reduce the emotional dysregulation of mood disorders are critically needed. This is a study of an emotional dysregulation psychotherapy treatment in which subjects will learn skills to help to down-regulate maladaptive emotional responses and learn beneficial, healthy habits. Investigators will perform symptom and behavioral assessments and scanning prior to the treatment and will then repeat scanning, symptom and behavioral assessments at the midpoint, and after the psychotherapy is completed. This collected information will assess whether the treatment can improve functioning of emotion regulation brain circuitry.

Contact Information

For more information about this study, including how to volunteer, contact Susan Quatrano

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  • Study HIC