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Klea Nito

2022 YSERE Intern

Klea Nito is currently a Junior majoring in Biological Sciences at the University of Connecticut, where she is pursuing a pre-MD/PhD pathway. Klea is also interning as a volunteer for Circle of Care, a non-profit organization that financially assists families of children suffering from cancer throughout Connecticut. Most recently, she has also been engaged with the student movement against educational discrepancies and inequalities in Albania.

About my YCCI Internship

My YCCI internship has been, without doubt, the most formative educational experience I have been given throughout my education in USA. The program provided me not only with profound knowledge and understanding of laboratory practices, but also with a network of mentors and instructors eager to teach and help me learn. My PI provided me with a detailed and well-structured project plan, while also ensuring extensive support throughout my experiments. This experience not only broadened my horizon and ultimately restructured my career plans, it also provided me with new skills transferable to my future roles and positions, and it refined my work ethic.

For Students Considering YCCI

YCCI internships will not only help you to get involved in one of the most important and exciting parts of science, research, but it will also help you see, understand and put in practice what you have been studying as theory for years. Throughout this experience, I was able to precisely describe and understand what the most appropriate and fulfilling career path would be for me. It will be the most fulfilling and rewarding experience during your higher education journey!