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Sarah Arcipreste Garcia

2022 YCCI Summer Exposures Intern

Sarah is a college freshman from Mexico City studying at Tecnologico de Monterrey where she has a full ride scholarship and plans on majoring in Industrial Design. Sarah describes herself as someone passionate about STEM and art, and she loves when she can combine them and create wonderful things. During her high school years, Sarah completed many STEM - related extracurricular activities, like participating in hackathons where she's been lucky enough to win and join Kode with Klossy, a summer camp where she could learn the basics of coding and where she discovered her passion for computer science. Sarah also loves love helping others and enjoys creating projects that could have a real impact on society. In fall 2021, with the help of an awesome team, Sarah was able to create a series of workshops for girls with the objective of promoting STEM subjects and inspiring them to pursue a career in STEM.

Furthermore, Sarah has a passion for health topics and enjoys helping in different causes related to this topic. Sarah is currently a volunteer in a group that visits different hospitals and gives food and toys to pediatric oncology patients and their families. In addition, in spring 2021, Sarah was able to organize a tennis tournament with an amazing group of girls with the objective of fundraising for children battling cancer.

In the future, I Sarah would love to continue using my her leadership and STEM and artistic skills to keep helping others and build a better future for the next generations.

About my YCCI Internship

During this internship I got to explore many new career paths I had never imagined, and it really helped me to find something I enjoy. I was also able to combine my passion for helping others and clinical investigation with design, thanks to the project I worked on. I had the fantastic opportunity of working on a project where our main objective was finding ways of improving MyChart, the platform that doctors and patients use to communicate with each other in the US, and adding features that would help YCCI find more people willing to participate in pediatric clinical research studies. During this project, we worked a lot with data science, user research, and user interface and experience design - something I truly enjoyed and chose as a career path. I loved how this internship taught us about the importance of clinical research and how it requires different professionals to collaborate, not only doctors.

I also learned a lot from this internship, thanks to all the conferences and chats we had with Yale doctors and leaders. I loved how every lesson highlighted the importance of diversity and inclusion.

Last but definitely not least, one of my favorite things about this internship was the amazing community and all the lovely friends I met this summer. Getting to know like-minded teens from different parts of the world and learning from them was a wonderful thing I will treasure forever.

For Students Considering YCCI

For everyone considering applying to this internship, please do! It's a wonderful experience that could really help you in your professional life, and it's not exclusively for people considering being doctors or pursuing a health-related major. This program really opened my mind to new careers and how they could help with the future of medicine and clinical research, and it also opened my heart to become more aware of injustices in the health system and how we can help change this as future professionals. Joining YCCI also gave me the opportunity to meet Yale's leaders and get to learn from them - a once in a lifetime opportunity I could not let pass, and you definitely shouldn't either.