Albert E. Kent Professor of Neuroscience and Professor of Psychology; Member, Kavli Institute of Neuroscience at Yale University
- Research Interests
Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist in Psychiatry; VA RR&D Senior Research Career Scientist
Research InterestsProfessor of Neurology
Research InterestsProfessor of Neuroscience; Deputy Chair, Neuroscience
Research InterestsAssistant Professor
Professor of Psychiatry; Medical Director Hispanic Clinic and Latino Behavioral Health System; Associate Director Psychiatry Residency Program
Research InterestsProfessor Adjunct in Psychiatry
Research InterestsProfessor Adjunct of Psychiatry; Professor of Psychology
Research InterestsAssistant Professor of Psychiatry and of Neuroscience
Research InterestsEnsign Professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry and of Neuroscience; Deputy Dean for Research, (Basic Science)
Research InterestsRobert L. McNeil, Jr. Professor of Translational Research and Professor of Psychiatry, of Neuroscience, and of Psychology; Co-Director, Yale Center for Clinical Investigation; Chair, Psychiatry; Physician-in-Chief of Psychiatry, Yale New Haven Hospital; Director: NIAAA Center for the Translational Neuroscience of Alcoholism; Director, Clinical Neuroscience Division, VA National Center for PTSD
Research InterestsProfessor Emeritus in the Child Study Center; Director, Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology
Research InterestsAssociate Professor Adjunct of Psychiatry
Research InterestsCharles B. G. Murphy Professor of Psychiatry
Research InterestsAssistant Professor in the Child Study Center; Solnit Integrated Program, Yale Child Study Center
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Psychiatry; Medical & Associate Director, Yale PRIME Psychosis Risk Clinic, Psychiatry
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Psychiatry; Associate Professor, Radiology and Biomedical Imaging; Co-Medical Director, Yale PET Center; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Psychiatry
Research InterestsAssociate Professor Adjunct
Research Interests- Depression
- Antidepressive Agents
- Antipsychotic Agents
- Biogenic Monoamines
- Lipid Bilayers
- Dopamine
- Epilepsy
- gamma-Aminobutyric Acid
- Glycine
- Neurobiology
- Neuropharmacology
- Neuropsychiatry
- Neurotransmitter Transport Proteins
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Protein Structure, Tertiary
- X-Ray Diffraction
- Synaptic Vesicles
- Schizophrenia
- Serotonin
Associate Professor of Psychiatry