Ibyatov R, Ziganshin B, Galeev D. IMPROVEMENT OF DIAGNOSTICS METHODOLOGY OF DIESEL ENGINE WITH COMMON RAIL FUEL SYSTEM IN FREE ACCELERATION MODE. Vestnik Of Kazan State Agrarin University 2024, 19: 67-74. DOI: 10.12737/2073-0462-2024-67-74.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAngle of inclinationCentrifugal forceChannel lengthFlow regime parametersInlet sectionCurved channelChannel wallsVelocity profilesLiquid flowInsert shapeGraphical dependencesRegime parametersGeometric characteristicsDispersion mediumMedium particlesExponent mFlow surfaceParabolic formDisk separationGap sizeVelocity diagramsNumerical calculationsCalculated resultsAcceleration modeNonlinear equationsEfficacy of beta blockers in patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Tanriverdi L, Barrett A, Kalyanasundaram A, Zafar M, Ziganshin B, Elefteriades J. Efficacy of beta blockers in patients with thoracic aortic aneurysm: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. European Heart Journal 2024, 45: ehae666.2256. DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehae666.2256.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThoracic aortic aneurysmRandomized controlled trialsPooled risk ratioB-blockersAortic aneurysmAortic dissectionControlled trialsAortic eventsRisk ratioPrimary outcomePooled risk estimatesRisk of aortic dissectionRisk of bias assessmentNo treatmentMeta-analysis of randomized controlled trialsInverse variance-weighted random-effects modelMeta-analysisLiterature searchB-blocker treatmentSystematic review protocolInternational Prospective RegisterCochrane Central Register of Controlled TrialsEfficacy of beta blockersCentral Register of Controlled TrialsSummary effect measuresA GENERAL APPROACH TO SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF ENSURING THE EFFICIENCY OF TRACTORS IN THE AGRO-INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRY
Galiev I, Ziganshin B, Kalimullin M, Adigamov N, Gabdrafikov F. A GENERAL APPROACH TO SOLVING THE PROBLEM OF ENSURING THE EFFICIENCY OF TRACTORS IN THE AGRO-INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRY. Vestnik Of Kazan State Agrarin University 2024, 19: 44-50. DOI: 10.12737/2073-0462-2024-44-50.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAmount of wearConsumption of aggregatesOperation of equipmentOperating conditions of machineryCondition of machineryOperating conditionsTractor unitWearTractor parametersNominal valuePlanning periodTractor systemEquipment systemResource consumptionOperation of tractorsTechnical conditionPhysical parametersTractorMechanical workOperationGenetics of aortic aneurysm disease: 10 key points for the practitioner
Elefteriades J, Zafar M, Ziganshin B. Genetics of aortic aneurysm disease: 10 key points for the practitioner. JTCVS Open 2024, 21: 58-63. PMID: 39534337, PMCID: PMC11551243, DOI: 10.1016/j.xjon.2024.07.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSomatic Variants Acquired Later in Life Associated with Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms: JAK2 V617F
Waldron C, Zafar M, Ma D, Zhang H, Dykas D, Ziganshin B, Popa A, Jha A, Kwan J, Elefteriades J. Somatic Variants Acquired Later in Life Associated with Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms: JAK2 V617F. Genes 2024, 15: 883. PMID: 39062663, PMCID: PMC11276600, DOI: 10.3390/genes15070883.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThoracic aortic aneurysmDevelopment of thoracic aortic aneurysmAortic aneurysmJAK2 V617FMyeloproliferative neoplasmsSomatic variantsPrevalence of thoracic aortic aneurysmsDescending thoracic aortic aneurysmJAK2 V617F burdenAortic valve diseaseTarget of therapyDriver of myeloproliferative neoplasmsSurgical aortic replacementVariant allele fractionAscending thoracic aortic aneurysmAortic replacementAneurysm sizeAneurysm patientsValve diseaseVariant carriersIncreased riskJAK2 geneExome sequencing databaseAllele fractionAneurysmPatient-specific ascending aortic intervention criteria
Kalogerakos P, Zafar M, Li Y, Ellauzi H, Mukherjee S, Ziganshin B, Rizzo J, Elefteriades J. Patient-specific ascending aortic intervention criteria. European Journal Of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery 2024, 65: ezae162. PMID: 38632077, DOI: 10.1093/ejcts/ezae162.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdverse aortic eventsRisk of adverse eventsAortic eventsAortic rootAneurysm patientsAscending aortaAdverse eventsIncreased risk of adverse eventsThoracic aortic aneurysm patientsAscending aortic aneurysmHigher risk of adverse eventsAortic aneurysm patientsAscending thoracic aortic aneurysm patientsBody surface areaGeneral populationPersonalized risk stratificationAortic diameterAneurysm locationRisk stratificationAortic aneurysmIncreased riskAscending diameterPatientsHigh riskZ-scoreGene Commonality in Arterial Circuits Throughout the Body
Harling L, Zafar M, Ziganshin B, Elefteriades J. Gene Commonality in Arterial Circuits Throughout the Body. Aorta 2024, 12: 008-012. PMID: 39532283, PMCID: PMC11606663, DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1791667.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Popoldnev R, Ziganshin B, Aleshkin A, Dmitriev A, Haliullin D, Gayfullin I. DETERMINING THE ENERGY CONSUMPTION OF THE PROCESS OF GRINDING BY CUTTING IN A FEED GRINDER. Vestnik Of Kazan State Agrarin University 2023, 18: 82-88. DOI: 10.12737/2073-0462-2023-82-88.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGrinding processCutting workTheory of elasticityTheory of shellsAngle of inclinationCutting zoneRotor speedFracture mechanicsRotor driveEnergy consumptionWorking chamberTechnological parametersRotorGrindingGeometric characteristicsUnloaded chamberChopperMathematical modelOriginal shapeZootechnical requirementsTruncated coneAnalytical expressionsNutritive value of feedsFeeds of plant originUniform supplyMidterm follow-up of composite graft replacement of the aortic root (30-year experience)—remarkably safe, effective, and durable
Jeoffrey S, Zafar M, Velasco J, Khattak A, Ellauzi H, Nasir A, Kalyanasundaram A, Ziganshin B, Elefteriades J. Midterm follow-up of composite graft replacement of the aortic root (30-year experience)—remarkably safe, effective, and durable. JTCVS Open 2023, 17: 1-13. PMID: 38420531, PMCID: PMC10897671, DOI: 10.1016/j.xjon.2023.11.007.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAortic root replacementOperative mortalityTerm outcomesDistal aortic segmentsLong-term bleedingAortic root diseaseComposite graft replacementType A DissectionFirst-time operationsAge/genderARR patientsConcomitant CABGLate reoperationAcute typeRoot replacementAdverse eventsGraft failureGraft replacementRedo proceduresCabrol procedureUrgent operationAortic rootAortic segmentsPatientsOperative choiceEvidence Accumulates: Patients with Ascending Aneurysms Are Strongly Protected from Atherosclerotic Disease
Waldron C, Zafar M, Ziganshin B, Weininger G, Grewal N, Elefteriades J. Evidence Accumulates: Patients with Ascending Aneurysms Are Strongly Protected from Atherosclerotic Disease. International Journal Of Molecular Sciences 2023, 24: 15640. PMID: 37958625, PMCID: PMC10650782, DOI: 10.3390/ijms242115640.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsThoracic aortic aneurysmAortic aneurysmCarotid intima-media thicknessLow-density lipoprotein levelsIntima-media thicknessDevelopment of atherosclerosisMatrix metalloproteinase proteinsAscending aneurysmAortic calcificationAtherosclerotic diseaseLipoprotein levelsMyocardial infarctionLeading causeAneurysmsMetalloproteinase proteinsGrowth factorProtective relationshipDiseasePossible mechanismCurrent understandingMorbidityInfarctionAtherosclerosisPatientsPathophysiologyTHE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVING THE USE OF THE SUPER SERVICE “ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY ONLINE” IN THE WORK OF THE ADMISSIONS COMMITTE OF KAZAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY
Safiullin N, Valiev A, Ziganshin B, Fassahova G. THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVING THE USE OF THE SUPER SERVICE “ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY ONLINE” IN THE WORK OF THE ADMISSIONS COMMITTE OF KAZAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY. Vestnik Of Kazan State Agrarin University 2023, 18: 186-192. DOI: 10.12737/2073-0462-2023-186-192.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdmissions committeesState Agrarian UniversityAgrarian UniversityCareer guidance workHigher education institutionsSuper serviceKazan State Agrarian UniversityEducation institutionsUniversity teachersHigher educationEducational institutionsGuidance workComputer classesNecessary competenciesDigital toolsUniversityFiling documentsSurvey of applicantsTeachersTraditional formsPrinciples of interactionAutomatic answerApplicantsDigital transformationEffective useTHE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVING THE USE OF THE SUPER SERVICE “ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY ONLINE” IN THE WORK OF THE ADMISSIONS COMMITTE OF KAZAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY
Safiullin N, Valiev A, Ziganshin B, Fassahova G. THE MAIN DIRECTIONS OF IMPROVING THE USE OF THE SUPER SERVICE “ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY ONLINE” IN THE WORK OF THE ADMISSIONS COMMITTE OF KAZAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY. Vestnik Of Kazan State Agrarin University 2023, 186-190. DOI: 10.12737/2073-0462-2023-186-190.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdmissions committeesState Agrarian UniversityAgrarian UniversityCareer guidance workHigher education institutionsSuper serviceKazan State Agrarian UniversityEducation institutionsUniversity teachersHigher educationEducational institutionsGuidance workComputer classesNecessary competenciesDigital toolsUniversityFiling documentsSurvey of applicantsTeachersTraditional formsPrinciples of interactionAutomatic answerApplicantsDigital transformationEffective useINCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS FOR ORGANIC FARMING
Ziganshin B, Semushkin N, Semushkin D, Maksimov I, Kazakov Y. INCREASING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS FOR ORGANIC FARMING. Vestnik Of Kazan State Agrarin University 2023, 18: 84-91. DOI: 10.12737/2073-0462-2023-84-91.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTHE IMPACT OF GENDER DIVERSITY ON THE QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS IN THE CORPORATE SECTOR
Izmaylova M, Korneva E, Ziganshin B, Dmitriev A, Mardanov R. THE IMPACT OF GENDER DIVERSITY ON THE QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS IN THE CORPORATE SECTOR. Vestnik Of Kazan State Agrarin University 2023, 18: 154-162. DOI: 10.12737/2073-0462-2023-154-162.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGender diversityTop managementDecision-making processManagement decisionsCompany's development strategyProfitability of companiesCorporate communication systemsManagement decision-making processDevelopment strategyLevel of adoptionQuality of managementCompany performanceCompany leadershipCorporate cultureCompany managementCorporate sectorBalanced adoptionWomen managersIndividual companiesPersonal qualitiesManagement styleBusiness processesOrganizational structureTypes of decisionsCompetent leadership8 th International Meeting on Aortic Diseases
Elefteriades J, Ziganshin B. 8 th International Meeting on Aortic Diseases. Aorta 2023, 11: e1-e1. PMID: 38863150, PMCID: PMC11167133, DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1787743.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBicuspid Aortopathy is NOT More Virulent: Data from the Yale Aortic Institute
Zafar M, Ziganshin B, Elefteriades J. Bicuspid Aortopathy is NOT More Virulent: Data from the Yale Aortic Institute. Aorta 2023, 11: 1-18. DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1787955.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExome Sequencing of 1429 Patients with Thoracic Aortic Disease at the Yale Aortic Institute: what Have We Learned?
Ziganshin B, Zafar M, Elefteriades J. Exome Sequencing of 1429 Patients with Thoracic Aortic Disease at the Yale Aortic Institute: what Have We Learned? Aorta 2023, 11: 1-18. DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1787954.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchP503: Historical prospective study of the link between JAK2-V617F and thoracic aortic aneurysm
Ma D, Popa A, Dykas D, Ziganshin B, Zafar M, Elefteriades J, Zhang H, Bale A. P503: Historical prospective study of the link between JAK2-V617F and thoracic aortic aneurysm. Genetics In Medicine Open 2023, 1: 100550. DOI: 10.1016/j.gimo.2023.100550.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Atenolol versus Losartan in Marfan's Syndrome
Ziganshin B, Mukherjee S, Elefteriades J. Atenolol versus Losartan in Marfan's Syndrome. New England Journal Of Medicine 2015, 372: 977-981. PMID: 25738681, DOI: 10.1056/nejmc1500128.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Surgical management of thoracoabdominal aneurysms
Ziganshin BA, Elefteriades JA. Surgical management of thoracoabdominal aneurysms. Heart 2014, 100: 1577. PMID: 25092876, DOI: 10.1136/heartjnl-2013-305131.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsThoracoabdominal aneurysmsSurgical managementApplication of hypothermiaCerebrospinal fluid drainageType of treatmentParaplegia ratePostoperative mortalityHospital stayComplication rateSurgical treatmentHeart bypassHybrid repairTreatment adjunctsMorbid conditionsFluid drainageHigh mortalityTAAASignificant decreaseAneurysmsTreatmentMortalityNeuromonitoringPatientsStayAorta