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Anne Klee, PhD

Associate Professor of Psychiatry

Contact Information

Anne Klee, PhD

Mailing Address

  • Psychiatry

    300 George St

    New Haven, CT 06511

    United States



Anne Klee, Ph.D., CPRP, completed her graduate work at the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology of Yeshiva University, Bronx, New York and her undergraduate work at Columbia University, New York, New York. After completing predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships at the Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut, she accepted a position at VA Connecticut Healthcare System, where she has worked for the past fifteen years in various roles. Professionally she is devoted to developing quality, recovery-oriented programs for individuals with serious mental illness, training and supporting the work of peer specialists, and training the next generation of clinicians in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation and engaging them in careers in public mental health. She serves in national and state capacities. She is an Associate Editor for Psychological Services, a Representative on the Council of the American Psychological Association (APA), a past president of Psychologists in Public Service (Division 18) of APA, the current president of the Connecticut Psychological Association, and a member of the Connecticut State Innovation Model Practice Transformation Taskforce.

Education & Training

  • Postdoctoral Fellow
    Yale School of Medicine (2003)
  • Predoctoral Fellow
    Yale School of Medicine (2002)
  • PhD
    Yeshiva University (2002)
  • BA
    Columbia University (1995)

Honors & Recognition

AwardAwarding OrganizationDate
Excellence in Service AwardVA Section of Division 18, American Psychological Association2022
Harold M. Hildreth Award Division of Psychologists in Public Service of the American Psychological Association2021
American Psychological Association State Leadership AwardAmerican Psychological Association 2021
Michael S. Neale AwardAmerican Psychological Association, Division of Psychologists in Public Service (18)2012
Early Career Achievement AwardAmerican Psychological Association, Division of Psychologists in Public Service (18)2007
Award for Distinguished Contributions by a Graduate StudentAmerican Psychological Association2002

Professional Service

Connecticut Psychological Association Educational FoundationPresident2023 - 2024
Board of Professional Affairs, American Psychological AssociationChair2023
Psychological ServicesAssociate Editor2019 - 2022
Connecticut Psychological AssociationPresident2017 - 2020
American Psychological AssociationCouncil Member2016 - 2021
State of Connecticut, Office of the Healthcare AdvocateMember, Practice Transformation Task Force of the CT State Innovation Model2016 - Present
Connecticut Psychological Association - Federal Advocacy Federal Advocacy Coordinator2015 - 2017
Division 18: Psychologists in Public Service of the American Psychological AssociationPresident2013 - 2014
APA Psychologists in Public Service ConferenceUsing Science to Influence Decision Making in Mental Health Systems of Care. (2011)Improving the Nation’s Health: Public Service Psychology at the Forefront. (2012)2011 - 2012
American Psychological AssociationMember, Committee on Assessment and Training in Recovery of the American Psychological Association2010 - 2016

Departments & Organizations