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Lab Members

  • Principal Investigator

    Associate Professor in Cell Biology

    Min Wu was born and raised in Nanjing, China. She received her undergraduate degree from Peking University in chemistry. She then completed her Ph.D in the lab of Barbara Baird at Cornell University, working on the interface between patterned supported lipid bilayers and immune cells. Her post-doctoral training was with Pietro De Camilli at Yale University, where she developed a cell-free reconstitution system for endocytosis. She started her independent career at the National University of Singapore as an assistant professor in 2011 and was promoted to a tenured associate professor in 2018. She was a principal investigator of the Center for Bioimaging Sciences, a principal investigator of the Mechanobiology Institute and a National Research Foundation fellow. In 2020, she was recruited to join the Department of Cell Biology at Yale University. The Wu lab studies single cell oscillations and travelling waves, membrane curvature, and cell size homeostasis.Dr. Min Wu's Google Scholar Page, ORCID.