Latest News
In the body, certain enzymes are key to cell communication and their dysfunction can lead to cancer. A new study begins to uncover how they signal and when.
- February 14, 2023Source: YaleNews
Kinases are essential for cell signaling. A new study matches kinases to their targets, enabling a deeper understanding of biological processes.
- February 13, 2023Source: Yale News
Kinases are essential for cell signaling. A new study matches hundreds of kinases to their targets, enabling a deeper understanding of biological processes.
- August 11, 2020
Claire Song joins the lab as a new Pharmacology Ph.D. student. Congratulations to Claire for passing her qualifying exam!
- January 14, 2020
Turk lab PhD student Keith Weise successfully defends his thesis.
- October 31, 2019
Jaylissa Torres Robles is selected to give an oral presentation at the upcoming SACNAS National Diversity in STEM Conference. Her poster also won a prize at the Yale Chemical Biology Fall Retreat!
- September 06, 2019
Joel Sexton is awarded a prize at the annual Pharmacology Department retreat for his poster “Cofilin’ in the Details: Function and Phosphorylation of the N-terminal Tail”.
- August 29, 2019
Jaylissa Torres Robles is selected to give an oral presentation at the Fall 2019 American Chemical Society National Meeting.
- February 21, 2018
Eunice Cho is awarded an F31 fellowship from the National Cancer Institute.