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The mission of our lab is to understand gene regulatory circuits that govern immune cell tolerance and dysfunction in human health and diseases. Inflammation is a double-edged sword, having both favorable and unfavorable consequences. Thus, the induction and resolution of inflammation should be harmonized and finely controlled by balancing effector and regulatory components of the immune system. Understanding the cellular and molecular programs that control fine-tuned regulation of inflammation is key to combatting autoinflammatory disorders in humans.


An important element of our research is the integration of complementary approaches that combine three strategies: an in vitro gene manipulation system using primary human immune cells; a systems biology approach that utilizes patient samples and cutting-edge technologies; and functional interrogation of genetic effects associated with disease pathogenesis. We being with an unbiased approach to generate hypotheses by using multi-omics, followed by hypothesis-driven research to explore molecular mechanisms, using a systems biology approach. For instance, our comparative genomic and cellular analyses of human immune cells has identified human-specific features of immune regulation.