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  • FLASH-PAINT enables highly-multiplexed super-resolution microscopy

    Super-resolution microscopy reveals the local distribution of proteins inside cells at the nanoscale but is in practice limited to visualizing only 2 to 3 different proteins in the same cell. FLASH-PAINT breaks this limit and empowers cell biologists to interrogate the complex spatial relationships between an essentially unlimited number of different molecules.

    Source: Cell
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  • Visualizing cell membranes using a plasma membrane-on-a-chip

    Scientists at Yale University have developed a "plasma membrane-on-a-chip" technology to study cell membranes more accurately. The cell membrane is crucial for cell function and is targeted by many drugs. Traditional methods have limitations, but this new silicon-based chip supports studying harvested cell membranes while maintaining lipid and protein asymmetry. Researchers can study protein and lipid behavior in these membranes, gaining insights into cell function and drug interactions. This technology has potential for advancing medicine development.

    Source: Advanced Science News
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  • Imaging tissue samples at sub-50 nm resolution in 3D by light microscopy

    Light microscopy is traditionally limited by diffraction to about 250 nm resolution in the focal plane and more than 500 nm in depth. Super-resolution STED microscopy has overcome this diffraction limit but achieving sub-100 nm super-resolution in 3D in the middle of a tissue section has been impossible due to the optical aberrations the tissue introduces into the optical beam path. Introducing adaptive optics into an isoSTED microscope, an instrument that utilizes two opposing objectives for optimal 3D resolution, allowed the authors to correct for these aberrations. Using this instrument, they were able to obtain for the first time multi-color sub-50 nm 3D resolution images in samples as complex as Drosophila egg chambers and mouse...

    Source: Nature Methods
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  • James Rothman appointed Sterling Professor of Cell Biology

    James E. Rothman, newly appointed as a Sterling Professor of Cell Biology, is one of the world's most distinguished biochemists and cell biologists. For his work on how molecular messages are transmitted inside and outside of human cells, he was awarded a Nobel Prize in 2013.

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  • Yale’s James Rothman shares 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

    James E. Rothman, ’71 B.S., the Fergus F. Wallace Professor of Biomedical Sciences, and professor and chair of the Department of Cell Biology at Yale University, was awarded the 2013 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his work on how molecular messages are transmitted inside and outside of our cells, the Royal Swedish National Academy announced today (Oct.7).

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  • BBS cell biologist is honored with two awards

    James E. Rothman, Ph.D., the Fergus F. Wallace Professor of Biomedical Sciences and chair of the Department of Cell Biology, has been awarded both the E.B. Wilson Medal and the Massry Prize for his seminal contributions to the field of cell biology.

    Source: Medicine@Yale
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  • Yale’s Rothman Wins 2010 Kavli Prize for Neuroscience

    Yale cell biologist James E. Rothman today has been named one of three recipients awarded the 2010 Kavli Prize in Neuroscience, the second consecutive time a Yale scientist has been a co-recipient of the prestigious, biennial $1 million prize.

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