Mechanical ventilation guided by driving pressure optimizes local pulmonary biomechanics in an ovine model
Lagier D, Zeng C, Kaczka D, Zhu M, Grogg K, Gerard S, Reinhardt J, Ribeiro G, Rashid A, Winkler T, Vidal Melo M. Mechanical ventilation guided by driving pressure optimizes local pulmonary biomechanics in an ovine model. Science Translational Medicine 2024, 16: eado1097. PMID: 39141699, DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.ado1097.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPositive end-expiratory pressureMechanical ventilationFour-dimensional computed tomographyParenchymal strainsVentilator-induced lung injuryAcute respiratory distress syndromeRespiratory system driving pressureManagement of mechanical ventilationPositive end-expiratory pressure valuesRespiratory distress syndromeTidal overdistensionEnd-expiratory pressureAssociated with mortalityPulmonary complicationsLung biomechanicsLung massDistress syndromeClinical outcomesLung injuryComputed tomographyClinical managementGeneral anesthesiaLung collapseDriving pressureLung
Dynamic lung aeration and strain with positive end-expiratory pressure individualized to maximal compliance versus ARDSNet low-stretch strategy: a study in a surfactant depletion model of lung injury
Zeng C, Zhu M, Motta-Ribeiro G, Lagier D, Hinoshita T, Zang M, Grogg K, Winkler T, Vidal Melo M. Dynamic lung aeration and strain with positive end-expiratory pressure individualized to maximal compliance versus ARDSNet low-stretch strategy: a study in a surfactant depletion model of lung injury. Critical Care 2023, 27: 307. PMID: 37537654, PMCID: PMC10401825, DOI: 10.1186/s13054-023-04591-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute respiratory distress syndromeFour-dimensional computed tomographyPEEP strategyLung aerationEnd-inspirationLung injuryTidal recruitmentComputed tomographyRegistration-based techniqueEnd-expirationCyclic recruitmentMechanisms of ventilator-induced lung injuryVentilator-induced lung injuryPotential outcome benefitsBackgroundPositive end-expiratory pressureRespiratory distress syndromeHigh-resolution CTRespiratory system complianceEnd-expiratory pressureSaline lung lavageLung massDistress syndromeInspiratory increaseRecruitable lungSurfactant depletion modelImpact of motion correction on [18F]-MK6240 tau PET imaging
Tiss A, Marin T, Chemli Y, Spangler-Bickell M, Gong K, Lois C, Petibon Y, Landes V, Grogg K, Normandin M, Becker A, Thibault E, Johnson K, Fakhri G, Ouyang J. Impact of motion correction on [18F]-MK6240 tau PET imaging. Physics In Medicine And Biology 2023, 68: 105015. PMID: 37116511, PMCID: PMC10278956, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/acd161.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMotion correctionPET quantitationImpact of motion correctionList-mode reconstructionMotion correction methodList-mode dataMotion-corrected imagesEffect of motion correctionVoxel displacementsPhantom experimentsOptical tracking dataLong acquisitionBrain PET scansSlow motionImage qualityPET imagingPositron emission tomographyCorrectionMotionCorrection methodRates of tau accumulationHead motionMotion metricsPhantomPositronEffect of PEEP Setting With Minimal Driving Pressure on the Distribution of Voxel-level Lung Strain and Aeration Measured With Dynamic Computed Tomography (CT) in Large Animal Normal and Injured Lungs
Zeng C, Lagier D, Zhu M, Rashid A, Winkler T, Grogg K, Gerard S, Kaczka D, Reinhardt J, Vidal Melo M. Effect of PEEP Setting With Minimal Driving Pressure on the Distribution of Voxel-level Lung Strain and Aeration Measured With Dynamic Computed Tomography (CT) in Large Animal Normal and Injured Lungs. 2023, a6061-a6061. DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2023.207.1_meetingabstracts.a6061.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Deep learning-based GTV contouring modeling inter- and intra- observer variability in sarcomas
Marin T, Zhuo Y, Lahoud R, Tian F, Ma X, Xing F, Moteabbed M, Liu X, Grogg K, Shusharina N, Woo J, Lim R, Ma C, Chen Y, El Fakhri G. Deep learning-based GTV contouring modeling inter- and intra- observer variability in sarcomas. Radiotherapy And Oncology 2021, 167: 269-276. PMID: 34808228, PMCID: PMC8934266, DOI: 10.1016/j.radonc.2021.09.034.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGross tumor volumeRadiation therapy treatment planningGross tumor volume contoursGross tumor volume delineationTherapy treatment planningIntra-observer variabilityConsensus contoursGTV contoursPre-operative CT imagesSoft tissue sarcomasRadiation oncologistsTumor volumeBone sarcomasTreatment planningAccurate contoursCT imagesDelineation procedureSarcomaSoft tissueConfidence levelRadiationPatientsHausdorff distanceMultiple contoursX-ray
Lung Atelectasis Promotes Immune and Barrier Dysfunction as Revealed by Transcriptome Sequencing in Female Sheep.
Zeng C, Motta-Ribeiro G, Hinoshita T, Lessa M, Winkler T, Grogg K, Kingston N, Hutchinson J, Sholl L, Fang X, Varelas X, Layne M, Baron R, Vidal Melo M. Lung Atelectasis Promotes Immune and Barrier Dysfunction as Revealed by Transcriptome Sequencing in Female Sheep. Anesthesiology 2020, 133: 1060-1076. PMID: 32796202, PMCID: PMC7572680, DOI: 10.1097/aln.0000000000003491.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlveolar-capillary barrier functionInterferon-stimulated genesImmune responseLung atelectasisAerated lungBarrier functionAerated lung regionsPulmonary transcriptomeSystemic lipopolysaccharideYes-associated protein signalingPulmonary atelectasisGene set enrichment analysisSystemic inflammationBronchial blockerLung injuryRight lungBarrier dysfunctionComputed tomographyLipopolysaccharide exposureAtelectasisLipopolysaccharide infusionAbsolute fold changeYes-associated proteinAtelectatic lungLungOne-Lung Ventilation Causes Blood Transcriptomic Changes in Intact and Endotoxemic Sheep
Zeng C, Motta Ribeiro G, Hinoshita T, Lessa M, Kosour C, Grogg K, Hutchinson J, Baron R, Winkler T, Vidal Melo M. One-Lung Ventilation Causes Blood Transcriptomic Changes in Intact and Endotoxemic Sheep. 2020, a4104-a4104. DOI: 10.1164/ajrccm-conference.2020.201.1_meetingabstracts.a4104.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Performance evaluation of the 5‐Ring GE Discovery MI PET/CT system using the national electrical manufacturers association NU 2‐2012 Standard
Pan T, Einstein S, Kappadath S, Grogg K, Gomez C, Alessio A, Hunter W, Fakhri G, Kinahan P, Mawlawi O. Performance evaluation of the 5‐Ring GE Discovery MI PET/CT system using the national electrical manufacturers association NU 2‐2012 Standard. Medical Physics 2019, 46: 3025-3033. PMID: 31069816, PMCID: PMC7251507, DOI: 10.1002/mp.13576.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAxial field-of-viewPeak noise-equivalent count rateNoise-equivalent count rateField of viewCount ratePET performanceNational Electrical Manufacturers Association NU-2Transaxial field of viewPET/CT systemTime resolutionMean energy resolutionConventional photomultiplier tubesCount rate performanceImage quality phantomSpatial resolution measurementsFiltered back projection algorithmImage qualityEnergy resolutionAcquisition timeNU 2Count lossDetector designPhotomultiplier tubeMean energyPET/MR systemsFirst results developing time-of-flight proton radiography for proton therapy applications
Worstell W, Adams B, Aviles M, Bond J, Cascio E, Cremer T, Fakhri G, Ertley C, Foley M, Grogg K, Hamel C, Lu H, Lyashenko A, Minot M, Paganetti H, Popecki M, Stochaj M. First results developing time-of-flight proton radiography for proton therapy applications. Progress In Biomedical Optics And Imaging 2019, 10948: 109480g-109480g-9. DOI: 10.1117/12.2511804.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSub-relativisticMicro-channel plate photomultiplier tubeTime-of-flight telescopeTime resolutionProton therapy applicationsProton therapy treatmentsProton Therapy CenterResidual energy measurementProton beam testsBeam testMillimeter-scale spatial resolutionProton bunchesMonoenergetic protonsPlastic scintillatorPhoton detectorsProton radiographyImaging detectorMCP-PMTPhotomultiplier tubeBunch structureWaveform digitizerIndividual protonsMicrochannel plateHigh energyPhotodetection mode
Deterioration of Regional Lung Strain and Inflammation during Early Lung Injury
Motta-Ribeiro G, Hashimoto S, Winkler T, Baron R, Grogg K, Paula L, Santos A, Zeng C, Hibbert K, Harris R, Bajwa E, Vidal Melo M. Deterioration of Regional Lung Strain and Inflammation during Early Lung Injury. American Journal Of Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2018, 198: 891-902. PMID: 29787304, PMCID: PMC6173064, DOI: 10.1164/rccm.201710-2038oc.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAcute Lung InjuryAnalysis of VarianceAnimalsBiopsy, NeedleBlood Gas AnalysisDisease Models, AnimalEndotoxemiaEndotoxinsFemaleFluorodeoxyglucose F18HumansImmunohistochemistryInfusions, IntravenousLinear ModelsMultivariate AnalysisPositron-Emission TomographyPulmonary AtelectasisRandom AllocationRespiration, ArtificialRespiratory Distress SyndromeRespiratory Function TestsRisk FactorsSheepTidal VolumeTime FactorsTomography, X-Ray ComputedConceptsLung injurySupine lungConsistent with clinical practiceBlood volumeF-FDG phosphorylation rateLocal neutrophilic inflammationAssociated with increased inflammationF-FDG uptakeEarly mechanical ventilationClinical practiceEarly lung injuryPositive end-expiratory pressureLung strainEnd-expiratory pressurePositron emission tomographyF-FDGUninjured lungsImaging findingsRegional inflammationNeutrophilic inflammationSystemic endotoxemiaProne positionComputed tomographyVentilated patientsIntravenous endotoxin
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