National Trends in Mental Health–Related Emergency Department Visits Among Youth, 2011-2020
Bommersbach T, McKean A, Olfson M, Rhee T. National Trends in Mental Health–Related Emergency Department Visits Among Youth, 2011-2020. JAMA 2023, 329: 1469-1477. PMID: 37129655, PMCID: PMC10155071, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2023.4809.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health-related ED visitsMental health-related visitsHealth-related visitsPediatric ED visitsSuicide-related visitsED visitsMental health-related emergency department visitsNational Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care SurveyAmbulatory Medical Care SurveyAverage annual percent changeYoung adultsEmergency department visitsDischarge diagnosis codesMental health service capacityMental health reasonsDiseases-Ninth RevisionAnnual percent changeLogistic regression analysisHealth service capacityNational probability sample surveySubstance use disordersMental health needsMental health problemsGreater increaseProbability sample surveyLived Experience–Led Research Agenda to Address Early Death in People With a Diagnosis of a Serious Mental Illness
Fortuna K, Lebby S, Geiger P, Johnson D, MacDonald S, Chefetz I, Ferron J, St George L, Rossom R, Kalisa J, Mestrovic T, Nicholson J, Pringle W, Rotondi A, Sippel L, Sica A, Solesio M, Wright M, Zisman-Ilani Y, Gambee D, Hill J, Brundrett A, Cather C, Rhee T, Daumit G, Angel J, Manion I, Deegan P, Butler J, Pitts N, Brodey D, Williams A, Parks J, Reimann B, Wahrenberger J, Morgan O, Bradford D, Bright N, Stafford E, Bohm A, Carney T, Haragirimana C, Gold A, Storm M, Walker R. Lived Experience–Led Research Agenda to Address Early Death in People With a Diagnosis of a Serious Mental Illness. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6: e2315479. PMID: 37234010, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.15479.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsBipolar DisorderConsensusDepressive Disorder, MajorHumansMental DisordersMental HealthSchizophreniaConceptsSerious mental illnessEarly mortalityMental illnessMajor depressive disorderCo-occurring disordersCaregivers of peopleExpert group consensusSchizophrenia spectrum disordersPeer support specialistsSMI diagnosisMedication useDepressive disorderRecovery coachesEarly deathGeneral populationHealth literacySupport cliniciansBipolar disorderSubstance misuseMortalityDiagnostic accuracyMental healthDiagnosisDisordersPrecision medicine
Ketamine use in pediatric depression: A systematic review
Meshkat S, Rosenblat J, Ho R, Rhee T, Cao B, Ceban F, Danayan K, Chisamore N, Vincenzo J, McIntyre R. Ketamine use in pediatric depression: A systematic review. Psychiatry Research 2022, 317: 114911. PMID: 37732856, DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2022.114911.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultChildDatabases, FactualDepressionHumansKetamineMental DisordersRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicSample SizeConceptsSafety of ketamineRandomized clinical trialsPediatric depressionIntravenous ketamineNon-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonistN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonistSystematic reviewOpen-label trialSevere adverse eventsCommon psychiatric disordersDifferent administration modalitiesAdverse eventsAntidepressant effectsSignificant morbidityMean ageCase reportReceptor antagonistClinical trialsAdministration modalitiesDepressive symptomsPsychiatric disordersKetamine useElectronic databasesLarger sample sizeKetamineAssociation of Psychiatric Diagnoses and Medicaid Coverage with Length of Stay Among Inpatients Discharged to Skilled Nursing Facilities
Bartlett VL, Ross JS, Balasuriya L, Rhee TG. Association of Psychiatric Diagnoses and Medicaid Coverage with Length of Stay Among Inpatients Discharged to Skilled Nursing Facilities. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2022, 37: 3070-3079. PMID: 35048298, PMCID: PMC9485316, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-021-07320-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSkilled nursing facilitiesLength of staySubstance use diagnosesPsychiatric diagnosisHospital stayDischarge diagnosisPrimary payorUse diagnosesNursing facilitiesMedicaid coverageRetrospective cross-sectional study designPrimary discharge diagnosisCross-sectional study designNational Inpatient SampleDiagnosis-related groupsMultivariable adjustmentGeometric mean lengthMedian lengthInpatient hospitalizationInpatient SampleMedicaid patientsMedicare patientsInpatient dischargesMAIN OUTCOMEPatients
Increasing Emergency Department Visits for Mental Health Conditions in the United States.
Theriault KM, Rosenheck RA, Rhee TG. Increasing Emergency Department Visits for Mental Health Conditions in the United States. The Journal Of Clinical Psychiatry 2020, 81 PMID: 32726001, DOI: 10.4088/jcp.20m13241.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health conditionsED visitsHealth conditionsAffordable Care ActNational Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey dataMental health-related ED visitsMental health diagnostic categoriesSubstance use-related diagnosesMultivariate logistic regression analysisOutpatient mental health servicesOutpatient mental health careEmergency department visitsSubstance use conditionsMental health diagnosesLogistic regression analysisMental health servicesMental health careUse of EDCross-sectional analysisRace/ethnicityED utilizationDepartment visitsED useInsurance statusPsychiatric diagnosis
Buprenorphine prescribing for opioid use disorder in medical practices: can office‐based out‐patient care address the opiate crisis in the United States?
Rhee TG, Rosenheck RA. Buprenorphine prescribing for opioid use disorder in medical practices: can office‐based out‐patient care address the opiate crisis in the United States? Addiction 2019, 114: 1992-1999. PMID: 31307111, PMCID: PMC6800773, DOI: 10.1111/add.14733.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAgedAmbulatory CareBlack or African AmericanBuprenorphineBuprenorphine, Naloxone Drug CombinationDelivery of Health CareFemaleHealthcare DisparitiesHispanic or LatinoHumansInsurance, HealthMaleMedicaidMental DisordersMiddle AgedNarcotic AntagonistsOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid EpidemicOpioid-Related DisordersPractice Patterns, Physicians'United StatesWhite PeopleYoung AdultConceptsDiagnosis of OUDOpioid use disorderOffice-based medical practiceUse disordersBuprenorphine prescriptionsNational Ambulatory Medical Care SurveyAmbulatory Medical Care SurveyMedical practiceSerious public health issueSubstance use disordersPublic health issueRepeated cross-sectional designAdult patientsBuprenorphine prescribingOUD diagnosisPhysician visitsCross-sectional designMedicaid insuranceCare SurveyCare addressesPsychiatric disordersBuprenorphineOpiate crisisHealth issuesDiagnosisAssociations of Adverse Childhood Experiences with Past‐Year DSM‐5 Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults
Rhee TG, Barry LC, Kuchel GA, Steffens DC, Wilkinson ST. Associations of Adverse Childhood Experiences with Past‐Year DSM‐5 Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorders in Older Adults. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society 2019, 67: 2085-2093. PMID: 31206597, PMCID: PMC10666528, DOI: 10.1111/jgs.16032.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersAdverse childhood experiencesPast-year psychiatric disordersUse disordersOlder adultsPsychiatric disordersForms of ACEsMultivariable-adjusted logistic regression analysesAssociation of ACEsRelated Conditions Wave IIIHealth Interview SurveyLogistic regression analysisNational Epidemiological SurveyCross-sectional analysisChildhood experiencesPublic mental healthClinical comorbiditiesNational prevalenceHigher oddsLong-term effectsWave IIIEpidemiological surveyMental disordersOlder ageMental health
Geographic Variations in Use of Medicaid Mental Health Services
Golberstein E, Rhee TG, McGuire TG. Geographic Variations in Use of Medicaid Mental Health Services. Psychiatric Services 2015, 66: 452-454. PMID: 25726983, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201400337.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultDatabases, FactualHospitalizationHumansMedicaidMental DisordersMental Health ServicesPsychotropic DrugsUnited States