Cognitive behavioral therapy following esketamine for major depression and suicidal ideation for relapse prevention: The CBT-ENDURE randomized clinical trial study protocol
Kitay B, Murphy E, Macaluso M, Corlett P, Hershenberg R, Joormann J, Martinez-Kaigi V, Nikayin S, Rhee T, Sanacora G, Shelton R, Thase M, Wilkinson S. Cognitive behavioral therapy following esketamine for major depression and suicidal ideation for relapse prevention: The CBT-ENDURE randomized clinical trial study protocol. Psychiatry Research 2023, 330: 115585. PMID: 37935086, DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2023.115585.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCognitive behavioral therapyMajor depressionSuicidal ideationRelapse preventionBehavioral therapyStudy protocolHigh riskClinical trial study protocolLong-term treatment approachKey secondary outcomesTrial study protocolHigh relapse rateHigh-risk populationSignificant suicidal ideationHospital dischargeSecondary outcomesPrimary outcomeRelapse rateFeasibility trialEsketamineTreatment approachesPatientsSuicide attemptsTherapySupplemental indicationsGlucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists as a protective factor for incident depression in patients with diabetes mellitus: A systematic review
Cooper D, Ramachandra R, Ceban F, Di Vincenzo J, Rhee T, Mansur R, Teopiz K, Gill H, Ho R, Cao B, Lui L, Jawad M, Arsenault J, Le G, Ramachandra D, Guo Z, McIntyre R. Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists as a protective factor for incident depression in patients with diabetes mellitus: A systematic review. Journal Of Psychiatric Research 2023, 164: 80-89. PMID: 37331261, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2023.05.041.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGLP-1 receptor agonistsGlucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonistsPeptide-1 receptor agonistsIncident depressionDiabetes mellitusReceptor agonistType 2 diabetes mellitusRetrospective observational studyPubMed/MEDLINEEnglish-language articlesHigh interstudy heterogeneityGoogle Scholar databasesPaucity of literatureGlycemic controlNeuroprotective effectsAntidepressant propertiesNeuroprotective potentialInterstudy heterogeneityObservational studyPatientsSystematic reviewAgonistsMellitusScholar databasesProtective factorsEffects of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Functional Outcomes Among Medicare Patients With Comorbid Depression and Dementia: A Nationwide 1-Year Follow-Up Study.
Wilkinson S, Sint K, Forester B, Rhee T. Effects of Electroconvulsive Therapy on Functional Outcomes Among Medicare Patients With Comorbid Depression and Dementia: A Nationwide 1-Year Follow-Up Study. The Journal Of Clinical Psychiatry 2023, 84 PMID: 36700843, DOI: 10.4088/jcp.22m14583.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElectroconvulsive therapyFunctional outcomeComorbid depressionPrincipal psychiatric diagnosisRandomized clinical trialsECT cohortECT patientsComparable cohortsSafe treatmentClinical trialsMedicare patientsCurrent treatmentFunctional declineLimited efficacyPropensity score methodsPsychiatric disordersSummary scoresPsychiatric diagnosisLarger sample sizeMultivariate analysisPsychological symptomsDementiaPatientsOlder adultsCohort
The bidirectional association of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia
Jawad MY, Meshkat S, Tabassum A, Mckenzie A, Di Vincenzo JD, Guo Z, Musavi NB, Phan L, Ceban F, Kwan AT, Ramachandra R, Le GH, Mansur RB, Rosenblat JD, Ho R, Rhee TG, McIntyre RS. The bidirectional association of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. CNS Spectrums 2022, 28: 541-560. PMID: 36268655, DOI: 10.1017/s1092852922001043.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNonalcoholic fatty liver diseaseFatty liver diseasePsychiatric disordersMood disordersLiver diseaseDevelopment of NAFLDAssociation of NAFLDBipolar disorderAdrenal axis dysregulationLong-term treatmentMetabolic inflammatory diseasesQuality of lifeSelect patientsMetabolic syndromeAxis dysregulationClinical manifestationsPoor outcomeRegular screeningHolistic carePatientsDisordersBidirectional associationsDiseaseClinical derivativesBetter diagnosisEvaluation of the Trajectory of Depression Severity With Ketamine and Esketamine Treatment in a Clinical Setting
Nikayin S, Rhee TG, Cunningham ME, de Fontnouvelle CA, Ostroff RB, Sanacora G, Wilkinson ST. Evaluation of the Trajectory of Depression Severity With Ketamine and Esketamine Treatment in a Clinical Setting. JAMA Psychiatry 2022, 79: 736-738. PMID: 35544190, PMCID: PMC9096687, DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2022.1074.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssociation of Psychiatric Diagnoses and Medicaid Coverage with Length of Stay Among Inpatients Discharged to Skilled Nursing Facilities
Bartlett VL, Ross JS, Balasuriya L, Rhee TG. Association of Psychiatric Diagnoses and Medicaid Coverage with Length of Stay Among Inpatients Discharged to Skilled Nursing Facilities. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2022, 37: 3070-3079. PMID: 35048298, PMCID: PMC9485316, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-021-07320-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSkilled nursing facilitiesLength of staySubstance use diagnosesPsychiatric diagnosisHospital stayDischarge diagnosisPrimary payorUse diagnosesNursing facilitiesMedicaid coverageRetrospective cross-sectional study designPrimary discharge diagnosisCross-sectional study designNational Inpatient SampleDiagnosis-related groupsMultivariable adjustmentGeometric mean lengthMedian lengthInpatient hospitalizationInpatient SampleMedicaid patientsMedicare patientsInpatient dischargesMAIN OUTCOMEPatients
Prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glucose, general obesity, and abdominal obesity in patients with bipolar disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Liu YK, Ling S, Lui LMW, Ceban F, Vinberg M, Kessing LV, Ho RC, Rhee TG, Gill H, Cao B, Mansur RB, Lee Y, Rosenblat J, Teopiz KM, McIntyre RS. Prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, impaired fasting glucose, general obesity, and abdominal obesity in patients with bipolar disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal Of Affective Disorders 2021, 300: 449-461. PMID: 34965395, DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.12.110.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsType 2 diabetes mellitusAbdominal obesityGeneral obesityNewcastle-Ottawa ScaleGender-matched controlsDiabetes mellitusBipolar disorderGender-matched healthy controlsPrevalence of T2DMRisk of obesityCase-control studyTimes greater riskPooled prevalenceLanguage restrictionsPlasma glucoseHealthy controlsHigh prevalenceSources of heterogeneityInclusion criteriaMethodological qualityObesityPatientsT2DMSystematic reviewGreater risk
Complementary and integrative healthcare for patients with mechanical low back pain in a U.S. hospital setting
Rhee TG, Leininger BD, Ghildayal N, Evans RL, Dusek JA, Johnson PJ. Complementary and integrative healthcare for patients with mechanical low back pain in a U.S. hospital setting. Complementary Therapies In Medicine 2015, 24: 7-12. PMID: 26860795, PMCID: PMC4749918, DOI: 10.1016/j.ctim.2015.11.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMechanical low back painLow back painCIH servicesHospital settingClinical characteristicsBack painIntegrative healthcareU.S. hospital settingsUse of CIHElectronic health record dataICD-9 codesHealth record dataPrevalence of typeRace/ethnicityMost inpatientsInpatient settingSurgical proceduresPractice-based studyPatientsInpatientsClinical focusPainPoor healthRecord dataCIH