A Patient-Specific Three-Dimensional-Printed Surgical Guide for Dorsal Scaphoid Fracture Fixation: A Comparative Cadaver Study
Wagner G, Glennon A, Sieberer J, Tommasini S, Lattanza L. A Patient-Specific Three-Dimensional-Printed Surgical Guide for Dorsal Scaphoid Fracture Fixation: A Comparative Cadaver Study. Journal Of Hand Surgery Global Online 2024 DOI: 10.1016/j.jhsg.2024.11.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSurgical guidesFreehand groupScaphoid fracture fixationCustomized surgical guidesGuidewire placementDorsal approachFracture fixationLimited dorsal approachNondisplaced scaphoid fracturesComputed tomography scanReduced operative timePatient-specific three-dimensionalGuided groupPostoperative scansFluoroscopy exposureFollow-up studyGuidewire trajectoryTomography scanScrew placementGuidewire lengthScaphoid fracturesOperative timeFreehand approachClinical relevanceGuidewire insertionAnalyzing Alignment Error in Tibial Tuberosity–Trochlear Groove Distance in Clinical Scans Using 2D and 3D Methods
Sieberer J, Park N, Rancu A, Desroches S, McDonald C, Manafzadeh A, Tommasini S, Wiznia D, Fulkerson J. Analyzing Alignment Error in Tibial Tuberosity–Trochlear Groove Distance in Clinical Scans Using 2D and 3D Methods. The American Journal Of Sports Medicine 2024, 52: 2996-3003. PMID: 39320426, DOI: 10.1177/03635465241279852.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTibial tuberosity-trochlear groove distanceSurgical decision-makingPatellofemoral instabilityIntraclass correlation coefficientGroove distanceTreatment of patellofemoral instabilityComputed tomography scanTT-TG distanceScans of patientsPatient's legsTT-TG measurementsTibial tubercle transferKnees of patientsInterrater reliabilityGt;5 mmTomography scanSurgical planningTubercle transferScanner gantryPatientsClinical scansClinical literatureTopographic landmarksKneeDecision-makingVisualization of Trochlear Dysplasia using Three-Dimensional Curvature Analysis in Patients with Patellar Instability Facilitates Understanding and Improves the Reliability of the Entry-Point to Trochlea Groove Angle
Sieberer J, Park N, Manafzadeh A, Desroches S, Brennan K, McDonald C, Tommasini S, Wiznia D, Fulkerson J. Visualization of Trochlear Dysplasia using Three-Dimensional Curvature Analysis in Patients with Patellar Instability Facilitates Understanding and Improves the Reliability of the Entry-Point to Trochlea Groove Angle. Arthroscopy Sports Medicine And Rehabilitation 2024, 101010. DOI: 10.1016/j.asmr.2024.101010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPatellofemoral instability patientsInterclass correlation coefficientInterrater reliabilityPatellofemoral instabilityLevel III-retrospective cohort studyResults Qualitative analysisIII-retrospective cohort studyTrochlear grooveClinical decision-makingRetrospective cohort studyAge-sex matched controlsCohort studyMann-Whitney U testAge-sexRecurrent patellar instabilityPatient's kneeControl kneesAP viewMatched controlsKneePatellar instabilityCT scanTrochlear dysplasiaMann-WhitneyU testPoster 251: Tibial Tuberosity to Trochlear Groove Distance (TT-TG): A Patellar Instability Gold Standard Prone to Errors?
Sieberer J, Park N, Rancu A, Manafzadeh A, Tommasini S, Wiznia D, Fulkerson J. Poster 251: Tibial Tuberosity to Trochlear Groove Distance (TT-TG): A Patellar Instability Gold Standard Prone to Errors? Orthopaedic Journal Of Sports Medicine 2024, 12: 2325967124s00220. PMCID: PMC11328310, DOI: 10.1177/2325967124s00220.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchClinical decision-makingAngular malalignmentLongitudinal tibial axisDistal pointTT-TGClinical practiceTrochlear grooveAxial alignmentLateral patellofemoral instabilityPatellar instabilityError prevalenceKnee alignmentPatient careTibial axisDecision-makingKneeMann-Whitney U testRadiological protocolPatient's kneeFemoral posterior condylesInstitutional review boardTT-TG distanceCoronal angleExclusion criteriaControl kneesUsing preoperative planning software to assess the effect of head length on prosthetic range of motion in a high-risk population: a three-dimensional modeling study
Eslam Pour A, Tung W, Donnelley C, Tommasini S, Wiznia D. Using preoperative planning software to assess the effect of head length on prosthetic range of motion in a high-risk population: a three-dimensional modeling study. International Orthopaedics 2024, 48: 2403-2410. PMID: 38767711, DOI: 10.1007/s00264-024-06191-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchProsthetic range of motionPreoperative planning softwareRange of motionMethodsForty-three patientsTotal hip arthroplastyExternal rotationPlanning softwareHigh-risk populationPreoperative templatingCT-based modelSurgical planningPrimary total hip arthroplastyHip extensionMaximum external rotationProsthetic head diameterOutcome variablesRisk of impingementSurgeonsHipHip arthroplastyProsthetic impingementThe Morphologic Patella Entry Point Into The Proximal Trochlea Is More Lateral in Recurrent Dislocators Than Controls as Measured by Entry Point-Trochlear Groove Angle
Beitler B, Sieberer J, Islam W, McDonald C, Yu K, Tommasini S, Fulkerson J. The Morphologic Patella Entry Point Into The Proximal Trochlea Is More Lateral in Recurrent Dislocators Than Controls as Measured by Entry Point-Trochlear Groove Angle. Arthroscopy The Journal Of Arthroscopic And Related Surgery 2024 PMID: 38697328, DOI: 10.1016/j.arthro.2024.04.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRecurrent patella instabilityPatella instabilityLevel III-case-control studyRecurrent dislocationRecurrent dislocation groupMann-Whitney U testCase-control studyRecurrent patella dislocationIntraclass correlation coefficientDistal femurCT scanOptimal treatmentProximal trochleaPatellar dislocationU testControlled studiesInclusion criteriaPatella dislocationSenior authorRight kneeKnee pathologyControl groupSimpleware ScanIPBayesian mixed effects modelsAP imagesSustentaculum fracture fixation with lateral plate or medial screw fixation are equivalent
Roytman G, Salameh M, Rizzo S, Dhodapkar M, Tommasini S, Wiznia D, Yoo B. Sustentaculum fracture fixation with lateral plate or medial screw fixation are equivalent. Injury 2024, 55: 111532. PMID: 38614015, DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2024.111532.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubtalar jointCadaveric anklesSustentaculum tali fracturesFresh-frozen cadaveric anklesT-testAssess patient outcomesPaired t-testUn-paired t-testAnkle modelAnkleRight ankleLeft ankleMid-tibiaPatient outcomesRetrospective observational studyScrew fixationObservational studyMethod of fixationFracture fixationBiomechanical functionMedial approachBody massFixation methodsInterosseous ligamentNo significant differenceFabricating patient-specific 3D printed drill guides to treat femoral head avascular necrosis
Bell C, Feizi A, Roytman G, Ramji A, Tommasini S, Wiznia D. Fabricating patient-specific 3D printed drill guides to treat femoral head avascular necrosis. 3D Printing In Medicine 2024, 10: 10. PMID: 38564090, PMCID: PMC10986134, DOI: 10.1186/s41205-024-00208-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMitofusin 2 plays a critical role in maintaining the functional integrity of the neuromuscular-skeletal axis
Zhu M, Zeiss C, Hamrick M, Weinstein R, Sun B, Brotto M, Liu X, Siu E, Huttner A, Tommasini S, Simpson C, Insogna K. Mitofusin 2 plays a critical role in maintaining the functional integrity of the neuromuscular-skeletal axis. Bone 2024, 184: 117086. PMID: 38552893, DOI: 10.1016/j.bone.2024.117086.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDeletion of Mfn2Bone mineral densityMitofusin 2Reduced expression of Mfn2Myofiber atrophySpinal cordTransgenic mice expressing CreMice expressing CreNon-redundant roleSkeletal muscle histologyLumbar spinal cordTrabecular bone massLean body massExpression of Mfn2Mitochondrial reticulumMFN2 geneDisruption of cellular architectureImpaired osteoblast differentiationOsteoblast lineage commitmentMfn2Mitochondrial sizeMitofusinMineral densityCo-expressionDisorganized sarcomeresUsing Computed Tomography-Based Three-dimensional Modeling and Computer Navigation for Minimally Invasive Core Decompression and Adjuvant Orthobiologic Therapy of Femoral Head Avascular Necrosis
Feizi A, Bell C, Roytman G, Park N, Wang A, Tommasini S, Wiznia D. Using Computed Tomography-Based Three-dimensional Modeling and Computer Navigation for Minimally Invasive Core Decompression and Adjuvant Orthobiologic Therapy of Femoral Head Avascular Necrosis. Arthroplasty Today 2024, 26: 101337. PMID: 38497084, PMCID: PMC10940782, DOI: 10.1016/j.artd.2024.101337.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFemoral head avascular necrosisAvascular necrosisSurgical techniqueCore decompressionBone marrow aspirate concentrateDelay disease progressionOutcome of core decompressionAdjuvant therapyCellular therapyAspirate concentrateDisease progressionFemoral head collapseImprove outcomesLesionsDebilitating conditionTherapyComputer navigationNecrosisDecompressionHead collapseThree-dimensional modelFemoral headOff-the-Shelf Tibial Cone Sizes May Not Accommodate All Patients’ Bone Morphology and May Lead to Cortical Breaches in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty: A 3D Modeling Study
Tung W, Kunsel K, Roytman G, Donnelley C, Pratola D, Tommasini S, Bernstein J, Wiznia D. Off-the-Shelf Tibial Cone Sizes May Not Accommodate All Patients’ Bone Morphology and May Lead to Cortical Breaches in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty: A 3D Modeling Study. Arthroplasty Today 2024, 26: 101340. PMID: 38455865, PMCID: PMC10918480, DOI: 10.1016/j.artd.2024.101340.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe feasibility of a novel 3D-Printed patient specific cutting guide for extended trochanteric osteotomies
Bergemann R, Roytman G, Ani L, Ramji A, Leslie M, Tommasini S, Wiznia D. The feasibility of a novel 3D-Printed patient specific cutting guide for extended trochanteric osteotomies. 3D Printing In Medicine 2024, 10: 7. PMID: 38427157, PMCID: PMC10905807, DOI: 10.1186/s41205-024-00204-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPatient-specific cutting guidesCutting guidesPlanned osteotomySoft tissue injuriesTotal hip arthroplasty surgeryCT scanSurgical techniqueRevision total hip arthroplasty surgeryClinical trialsPerformed osteotomyHip arthroplasty surgeryTissue injuryNon-unionPatientsCadaveric testingSimpleware ScanIPOsteotomySoft tissueTrochanteric osteotomyProximal femurArthroplasty surgeryIntramedullary canalHuman subjectsExtended trochanteric osteotomyFemoral canalOutcomes of Distal Third Femur Fractures in Patients 18 Years and Older: A Pilot Study
Roytman G, Jabbouri S, O'Marr J, Raghuram A, Beitler B, Irshad S, Fram B, Yoo B, Leslie M, Riedel M, Tommasini S, Wiznia D. Outcomes of Distal Third Femur Fractures in Patients 18 Years and Older: A Pilot Study. Cureus 2024, 16: e55136. PMID: 38558586, PMCID: PMC10979706, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.55136.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA review of the design, manufacture, and outcomes of custom total joint replacement implants available in the United States
Kaszuba S, Hurley M, Beitler B, Abraham P, Tommasini S, Schwarzkopf R, Wiznia D. A review of the design, manufacture, and outcomes of custom total joint replacement implants available in the United States. Journal Of Clinical Orthopaedics And Trauma 2024, 49: 102354. PMID: 38361508, PMCID: PMC10865390, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcot.2024.102354.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTotal joint replacement implantsTotal joint replacementJoint replacement implantsManufacturing processDesign considerationsReplacement implantsPrimary total joint replacementImprove functional outcomesBone defectsJoint replacementCustomized implantsTreated patientsRevision surgeryTotal hipManufacturingRevision casesKnee arthroplasty implantsArthroplasty implantsImplantationDesignPatientsPrimary deformationSurgeons
An analytical model of lateral condylar plate working length
Roytman G, Beitler B, LaMonica J, Spero M, Toy K, Ramji A, Yoo B, Leslie M, Baumgaertner M, Tommasini S, Wiznia D. An analytical model of lateral condylar plate working length. Clinical Biomechanics 2023, 110: 106129. PMID: 37871506, PMCID: PMC10848195, DOI: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2023.106129.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThree-Dimensional Printing of Models of Patellofemoral Joint Articular Cartilage in Patients With Patella Instability for Observing Joint Congruity
Beitler B, Kunsel K, Yu K, Wang A, Tommasini S, Wiznia D, Fulkerson J. Three-Dimensional Printing of Models of Patellofemoral Joint Articular Cartilage in Patients With Patella Instability for Observing Joint Congruity. Arthroscopy Techniques 2023, 12: e1853-e1858. PMID: 37942111, PMCID: PMC10628265, DOI: 10.1016/j.eats.2023.06.016.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBone marrow sinusoidal endothelial cells are a site of Fgf23 upregulation in a mouse model of iron deficiency anemia
Li X, Lozovatsky L, Tommasini S, Fretz J, Finberg K. Bone marrow sinusoidal endothelial cells are a site of Fgf23 upregulation in a mouse model of iron deficiency anemia. Blood Advances 2023, 7: 5156-5171. PMID: 37417950, PMCID: PMC10480544, DOI: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2022009524.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSinusoidal endothelial cellsEndothelial cellsBone marrowBM sectionsFGF23 upregulationFibroblast growth factor 23Iron deficiencyElevated serum erythropoietinFGF23 promoter activityBM endothelial cellsGrowth factor 23Vitamin D metabolismIron deficiency anemiaSystemic iron deficiencyKnockout mice exhibitBone marrow sinusoidal endothelial cellsNormal iron balanceNonanemic controlsChronic anemiaFactor 23D metabolismEndothelial cell populationErythropoietin treatmentDeficiency anemiaMouse modelSome Offset Restoration Options Can Paradoxically Lead to Decreased Range of Motion in Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: A 3-Dimensional Computer Simulation Study
Pour A, Donnelley C, Tung W, Tommasini S, Wiznia D. Some Offset Restoration Options Can Paradoxically Lead to Decreased Range of Motion in Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty: A 3-Dimensional Computer Simulation Study. The Journal Of Arthroplasty 2023, 39: 514-519.e3. PMID: 37625464, PMCID: PMC10843541, DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2023.08.057.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal hip arthroplastyRange of motionPrimary total hip arthroplastyHip flexionHip arthroplastyParadoxical increaseHigh-offset stemsRobotic arm-assisted total hip arthroplastyGroup of patientsSubset of patientsSagittal pelvic tiltVarus neckMaximum internal rotationPelvic tiltOptimizing outcomesImplant design featuresDecreased rangeHip extensionExternal rotationImplant choiceProsthetic headMaximum external rotationFlexionImpingement riskLiner useSingle‐Cell Transcriptomics of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells in Diversity Outbred Mice: A Model for Population‐Level scRNA‐Seq Studies
Dillard L, Rosenow W, Calabrese G, Mesner L, Al‐Barghouthi B, Abood A, Farber E, Onengut‐Gumuscu S, Tommasini S, Horowitz M, Rosen C, Yao L, Qin L, Farber C. Single‐Cell Transcriptomics of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells in Diversity Outbred Mice: A Model for Population‐Level scRNA‐Seq Studies. Journal Of Bone And Mineral Research 2023, 38: 1350-1363. PMID: 37436066, PMCID: PMC10528806, DOI: 10.1002/jbmr.4882.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGene regulatory networksMesenchymal lineage cellsBone marrow-derived stromal cellsGenome-wide association studiesOsteocyte-like cellsLineage cellsOsteogenic conditionsTranscriptomic profilesSingle-cell RNA-seqCell typesTranscriptomic data setsGenetics of osteoporosisDisease-associated variantsSingle-cell levelMarrow-derived stromal cellsTranscriptomic perspectiveRegulatory networksCausal genesRNA-seqTranscriptomic dataScRNA-seqMesenchymal progenitorsAssociation studiesGenetic studiesLineage precursorsBiomechanical Impact of Phosphate Wasting on Articular Cartilage Using the Murine Hyp Model of X‐linked hypophosphatemia
Macica C, Tommasini S. Biomechanical Impact of Phosphate Wasting on Articular Cartilage Using the Murine Hyp Model of X‐linked hypophosphatemia. JBMR Plus 2023, 7: e10796. PMID: 37808393, PMCID: PMC10556269, DOI: 10.1002/jbm4.10796.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWT miceHyp miceMechanical propertiesArticular cartilageTrabecular bone volumeProgression of osteoarthritisEtiology of osteoarthritisRange of motionSubchondral bone plateOral phosphateDegenerative osteoarthritisTibial articular cartilageDaily livingAC stiffnessBone volumeTherapeutic restorationOsteoarthritisStructural stiffnessCompressive loadingMicePeak loadTherapyCellular changesMineral deficitStress relaxation