De novo variants disrupt an LDB1-regulated transcriptional network in congenital ventriculomegaly
Allington G, Mehta N, Dennis E, Mekbib K, Reeves B, Kiziltug E, Chen S, Zhao S, Duy P, Saleh M, Ang L, Fan B, Nelson-Williams C, Moreno-de-Luca A, Haider S, Lifton R, Alper S, McGee S, Jin S, Kahle K. De novo variants disrupt an LDB1-regulated transcriptional network in congenital ventriculomegaly. Brain 2024, awae395. PMID: 39680505, DOI: 10.1093/brain/awae395.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLIM interaction domainNeurodevelopmental disorder genesLIM homeodomain proteinsDe novo variantsIntegrative multiomic analysisRegulated assemblyTranscriptional regulationTranscriptional networksDisorder genesInteraction domainTranscriptional modulationTranscriptional programsMultiomics analysisLdb1Brain morphogenesisSignificant enrichmentDysmorphic featuresSignificance thresholdGenesCerebral ventriculomegalySMARCC1ARID1BCongenital hydrocephalusVariantsDevelopmental delayAXIN1 mutations in nonsyndromic craniosynostosis.
Timberlake A, Hemal K, Gustafson J, Hao L, Valenzuela I, Slavotinek A, Cunningham M, Kahle K, Lifton R, Persing J. AXIN1 mutations in nonsyndromic craniosynostosis. Journal Of Neurosurgery Pediatrics 2024, 34: 246-251. PMID: 38905707, PMCID: PMC11200303, DOI: 10.3171/2024.5.peds24115.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSequence dataAXIN1 mutationsCase-parent triosGenome-wide significanceCS casesNonsyndromic CSGenome sequencing projectsWnt signalingExome sequencing dataRNA sequencing dataPhenotypes associated with mutationsSequencing projectsGenetic testingInhibitor of Wnt signalingLive birthsNonsyndromic casesGenetic etiologyGenetic causeCS patientsAXIN1Nonsyndromic craniosynostosisMutationsHealthy controlsBirth defectsExomeTRIM71 mutations cause a neurodevelopmental syndrome featuring ventriculomegaly and hydrocephalus
Duy P, Jux B, Zhao S, Mekbib K, Dennis E, Dong W, Nelson-Williams C, Mehta N, Shohfi J, Juusola J, Allington G, Smith H, Marlin S, Belhous K, Monteleone B, Schaefer G, Pisarska M, Vásquez J, Estrada-Veras J, Keren B, Mignot C, Flore L, Palafoll I, Alper S, Lifton R, Haider S, Moreno-De-Luca A, Jin S, Kolanus W, Kahle K. TRIM71 mutations cause a neurodevelopmental syndrome featuring ventriculomegaly and hydrocephalus. Brain 2024, 147: 4292-4305. PMID: 38833623, PMCID: PMC11629693, DOI: 10.1093/brain/awae175.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCongenital hydrocephalusCerebral ventriculomegalyStructural brain defectsCohort of patientsAnalysis of human embryosNeurodevelopmental syndromeCorpus callosum dysgenesisWhite matter hypoplasiaSingle-cell transcriptome analysisNeural stem cellsDysmorphic featuresTransmitted variantsPatient cohortVentriculomegalyNHL domainCross-sectional analysisLin-41Subcellular localizationBrain defectsDevelopmental delayHuman embryosProcessing bodiesHomologous positionsPatientsStem cells184 PTEN Mutations Portend Cerebral Ventriculomegaly With Autism-Like Deficits in Cortical Circuitry
DeSpenza T, Kizlitug E, Allington G, Barson D, O'Connor D, Robert S, Mekbib K, Singh A, Phan D, Nanda P, Mandino F, Constable T, Lake E, Carter B, Gunel M, Lifton R, Luikart B, Kahle K. 184 PTEN Mutations Portend Cerebral Ventriculomegaly With Autism-Like Deficits in Cortical Circuitry. Neurosurgery 2024, 70: 46-46. DOI: 10.1227/neu.0000000000002809_184.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWhole-exome sequencingFetal ventriculomegalyCongenital hydrocephalusExome sequencingChoroid plexus hyperplasiaMutated genesCa2+ imagingMutant mouse modelsPTEN mutantsHuman fetal brainPten mutant miceSporadic CHCerebral ventriculomegalyCSF diversionObstructive hydrocephalusCH patientsCSF secretionPharmacological mTORC1 inhibitionNeurodevelopmental assessmentRadiographic biomarkersFetal brainPTEN mutationsAqueductal stenosisPTEN deletionVentriculomegalyExpanding the spectrum of novel candidate genes using trio exome sequencing and identification of monogenic cause in 27.5% of 320 families with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
Schneider R, Shril S, Buerger F, Deutsch K, Yousef K, Frank C, Onuchic-Whitford A, Kitzler T, Mao Y, Klämbt V, Zahoor M, Lemberg K, Majmundar A, Mansour B, Saida K, Seltzsam S, Kolvenbach C, Merz L, Mertens N, Hermle T, Mann N, Pantel D, Halawi A, Bao A, Schierbaum L, Schneider S, Salmanullah D, Ben-Dov I, Sagiv I, Eid L, Awad H, Al Saffar M, Soliman N, Nabhan M, Kari J, Desoky S, Shalaby M, Ooda S, Fathy H, Mane S, Lifton R, Somers M, Hildebrandt F. Expanding the spectrum of novel candidate genes using trio exome sequencing and identification of monogenic cause in 27.5% of 320 families with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome. Genes & Diseases 2024, 12: 101280. PMID: 39584075, PMCID: PMC11582537, DOI: 10.1016/j.gendis.2024.101280.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchReply to Pisan et al.: Pathogenicity of inherited TRAF7 mutations in congenital heart disease
Mishra-Gorur K, Barak T, Kaulen L, Henegariu O, Jin S, Aguilera S, Yalbir E, Goles G, Nishimura S, Miyagishima D, Djenoune L, Altinok S, K. D, Viviano S, Prendergast A, Zerillo C, Ozcan K, Baran B, Sencar L, Goc N, Yarman Y, Ercan-encicek A, Bilguvar K, Lifton R, Moliterno J, Louvi A, Yuan S, Deniz E, Brueckner M, Gunel M. Reply to Pisan et al.: Pathogenicity of inherited TRAF7 mutations in congenital heart disease. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2024, 121: e2319578121. PMID: 38466853, PMCID: PMC10963000, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2319578121.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersAuthor Correction: GIMAP5 deficiency reveals a mammalian ceramide-driven longevity assurance pathway
Park A, Leney-Greene M, Lynberg M, Gabrielski J, Xu X, Schwarz B, Zheng L, Balasubramaniyam A, Ham H, Chao B, Zhang Y, Matthews H, Cui J, Yao Y, Kubo S, Chanchu J, Morawski A, Cook S, Jiang P, Ravell J, Cheng Y, George A, Faruqi A, Pagalilauan A, Bergerson J, Ganesan S, Chauvin S, Aluri J, Edwards-Hicks J, Bohrnsen E, Tippett C, Omar H, Xu L, Butcher G, Pascall J, Karakoc-Aydiner E, Kiykim A, Maecker H, Tezcan İ, Esenboga S, Heredia R, Akata D, Tekin S, Kara A, Kuloglu Z, Unal E, Kendirli T, Dogu F, Karabiber E, Atkinson T, Cochet C, Filhol O, Bosio C, Davis M, Lifton R, Pearce E, Daumke O, Aytekin C, Şahin G, Aksu A, Uzel G, Koneti Rao V, Sari S, Dalgıç B, Boztug K, Cagdas D, Haskologlu S, Ikinciogullari A, Schwefel D, Vilarinho S, Baris S, Ozen A, Su H, Lenardo M. Author Correction: GIMAP5 deficiency reveals a mammalian ceramide-driven longevity assurance pathway. Nature Immunology 2024, 25: 717-717. PMID: 38347083, DOI: 10.1038/s41590-024-01779-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCorrection: Rare predicted loss-of-function variants of type I IFN immunity genes are associated with life-threatening COVID-19
Matuozzo D, Talouarn E, Marchal A, Zhang P, Manry J, Seeleuthner Y, Zhang Y, Bolze A, Chaldebas M, Milisavljevic B, Gervais A, Bastard P, Asano T, Bizien L, Barzaghi F, Abolhassani H, Tayoun A, Aiuti A, Darazam I, Allende L, Alonso-Arias R, Arias A, Aytekin G, Bergman P, Bondesan S, Bryceson Y, Bustos I, Cabrera-Marante O, Carcel S, Carrera P, Casari G, Chaïbi K, Colobran R, Condino-Neto A, Covill L, Delmonte O, Zein L, Flores C, Gregersen P, Gut M, Haerynck F, Halwani R, Hancerli S, Hammarström L, Hatipoğlu N, Karbuz A, Keles S, Kyheng C, Leon-Lopez R, Franco J, Mansouri D, Martinez-Picado J, Akcan O, Migeotte I, Morange P, Morelle G, Martin-Nalda A, Novelli G, Novelli A, Ozcelik T, Palabiyik F, Pan-Hammarström Q, de Diego R, Planas-Serra L, Pleguezuelo D, Prando C, Pujol A, Reyes L, Rivière J, Rodriguez-Gallego C, Rojas J, Rovere-Querini P, Schlüter A, Shahrooei M, Sobh A, Soler-Palacin P, Tandjaoui-Lambiotte Y, Tipu I, Tresoldi C, Troya J, van de Beek D, Zatz M, Zawadzki P, Al-Muhsen S, Alosaimi M, Alsohime F, Baris-Feldman H, Butte M, Constantinescu S, Cooper M, Dalgard C, Fellay J, Heath J, Lau Y, Lifton R, Maniatis T, Mogensen T, von Bernuth H, Lermine A, Vidaud M, Boland A, Deleuze J, Nussbaum R, Kahn-Kirby A, Mentre F, Tubiana S, Gorochov G, Tubach F, Hausfater P, Meyts I, Zhang S, Puel A, Notarangelo L, Boisson-Dupuis S, Su H, Boisson B, Jouanguy E, Casanova J, Zhang Q, Abel L, Cobat A. Correction: Rare predicted loss-of-function variants of type I IFN immunity genes are associated with life-threatening COVID-19. Genome Medicine 2024, 16: 6. PMID: 38184654, PMCID: PMC10771638, DOI: 10.1186/s13073-023-01278-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGIMAP5 deficiency reveals a mammalian ceramide-driven longevity assurance pathway
Park A, Leney-Greene M, Lynberg M, Gabrielski J, Xu X, Schwarz B, Zheng L, Balasubramaniyam A, Ham H, Chao B, Zhang Y, Matthews H, Cui J, Yao Y, Kubo S, Chanchu J, Morawski A, Cook S, Jiang P, Ravell J, Cheng Y, George A, Faruqi A, Pagalilauan A, Bergerson J, Ganesan S, Chauvin S, Aluri J, Edwards-Hicks J, Bohrnsen E, Tippett C, Omar H, Xu L, Butcher G, Pascall J, Karakoc-Aydiner E, Kiykim A, Maecker H, Tezcan İ, Esenboga S, Heredia R, Akata D, Tekin S, Kara A, Kuloglu Z, Unal E, Kendirli T, Dogu F, Karabiber E, Atkinson T, Cochet C, Filhol O, Bosio C, Davis M, Lifton R, Pearce E, Daumke O, Aytekin C, Şahin G, Aksu A, Uzel G, Koneti Rao V, Sari S, Dalgıç B, Boztug K, Cagdas D, Haskologlu S, Ikinciogullari A, Schwefel D, Vilarinho S, Baris S, Ozen A, Su H, Lenardo M. GIMAP5 deficiency reveals a mammalian ceramide-driven longevity assurance pathway. Nature Immunology 2024, 25: 282-293. PMID: 38172257, PMCID: PMC11151279, DOI: 10.1038/s41590-023-01691-y.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A novel SMARCC1 BAFopathy implicates neural progenitor epigenetic dysregulation in human hydrocephalus
Singh A, Allington G, Viviano S, McGee S, Kiziltug E, Ma S, Zhao S, Mekbib K, Shohfi J, Duy P, DeSpenza T, Furey C, Reeves B, Smith H, Sousa A, Cherskov A, Allocco A, Nelson-Williams C, Haider S, Rizvi S, Alper S, Sestan N, Shimelis H, Walsh L, Lifton R, Moreno-De-Luca A, Jin S, Kruszka P, Deniz E, Kahle K. A novel SMARCC1 BAFopathy implicates neural progenitor epigenetic dysregulation in human hydrocephalus. Brain 2023, 147: 1553-1570. PMID: 38128548, PMCID: PMC10994532, DOI: 10.1093/brain/awad405.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAqueductal stenosisDe novo variantsCardiac defectsCerebral ventriculomegalyPatient cohortFetal brain transcriptomeStructural brain disordersTranscription factor NeuroD2Large patient cohortCorpus callosum abnormalitiesHuman fetal brainOptical coherence tomographyWhole-exome sequencingNeural stem cellsCH patientsHuman hydrocephalusControl cohortClinical managementCommon disorderCallosum abnormalitiesFetal brainBrain disordersBrain surgeryCH pathogenesisPatientsLRRC23 truncation impairs radial spoke 3 head assembly and sperm motility underlying male infertility
Hwang J, Chai P, Nawaz S, Choi J, Lopez-Giraldez F, Hussain S, Bilguvar K, Mane S, Lifton R, Ahmad W, Zhang K, Chung J. LRRC23 truncation impairs radial spoke 3 head assembly and sperm motility underlying male infertility. ELife 2023, 12: rp90095. PMID: 38091523, PMCID: PMC10721216, DOI: 10.7554/elife.90095.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLRRC23 truncation impairs radial spoke 3 head assembly and sperm motility underlying male infertility
Hwang J, Chai P, Nawaz S, Choi J, Lopez-Giraldez F, Hussain S, Bilguvar K, Mane S, Lifton R, Ahmad W, Zhang K, Chung J. LRRC23 truncation impairs radial spoke 3 head assembly and sperm motility underlying male infertility. ELife 2023, 12 DOI: 10.7554/elife.90095.3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInborn errors of OAS–RNase L in SARS-CoV-2–related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children
Lee D, Le Pen J, Yatim A, Dong B, Aquino Y, Ogishi M, Pescarmona R, Talouarn E, Rinchai D, Zhang P, Perret M, Liu Z, Jordan I, Bozdemir S, Bayhan G, Beaufils C, Bizien L, Bisiaux A, Lei W, Hasan M, Chen J, Gaughan C, Asthana A, Libri V, Luna J, Jaffré F, Hoffmann H, Michailidis E, Moreews M, Seeleuthner Y, Bilguvar K, Mane S, Flores C, Zhang Y, Arias A, Bailey R, Schlüter A, Milisavljevic B, Bigio B, Le Voyer T, Materna M, Gervais A, Moncada-Velez M, Pala F, Lazarov T, Levy R, Neehus A, Rosain J, Peel J, Chan Y, Morin M, Pino-Ramirez R, Belkaya S, Lorenzo L, Anton J, Delafontaine S, Toubiana J, Bajolle F, Fumadó V, DeDiego M, Fidouh N, Rozenberg F, Pérez-Tur J, Chen S, Evans T, Geissmann F, Lebon P, Weiss S, Bonnet D, Duval X, Pan-Hammarström Q, Planas A, Meyts I, Haerynck F, Pujol A, Sancho-Shimizu V, Dalgard C, Bustamante J, Puel A, Boisson-Dupuis S, Boisson B, Maniatis T, Zhang Q, Bastard P, Notarangelo L, Béziat V, de Diego R, Rodriguez-Gallego C, Su H, Lifton R, Jouanguy E, Cobat A, Alsina L, Keles S, Haddad E, Abel L, Belot A, Quintana-Murci L, Rice C, Silverman R, Zhang S, Casanova J, Alavoine L, Behillil S, Burdet C, Charpentier C, Dechanet A, Descamps D, Duval X, Ecobichon J, Enouf V, Frezouls W, Houhou N, Kafif O, Lehacaut J, Letrou S, Lina B, Lucet J, Manchon P, Nouroudine M, Piquard V, Quintin C, Thy M, Tubiana S, van der Werf S, Vignali V, Visseaux B, Yazdanpanah Y, Chahine A, Waucquier N, Migaud M, Deplanque D, Djossou F, Mergeay-Fabre M, Lucarelli A, Demar M, Bruneau L, Gérardin P, Maillot A, Payet C, Laviolle B, Laine F, Paris C, Desille-Dugast M, Fouchard J, Malvy D, Nguyen D, Pistone T, Perreau P, Gissot V, Le Goas C, Montagne S, Richard L, Chirouze C, Bouiller K, Desmarets M, Meunier A, Lefèvre B, Jeulin H, Legrand K, Lomazzi S, Tardy B, Gagneux-Brunon A, Bertholon F, Botelho-Nevers E, Christelle K, Nicolas L, Roufai L, Amat K, Couffin-Cadiergues S, Espérou H, Hendou S, Abel L, Abolhassani H, Aguilera-Albesa S, Aiuti A, Akcan O, Akcay N, Alkan G, Alkhater S, Allende L, Alper Y, Amenzoui N, Anderson M, Arkin L, Aubart M, Avramenko I, Aydemir Ş, Aydin Z, Aytekin C, Aytekin G, Aytekin S, Bando S, Beland K, Belkaya S, Biggs C, Aburto A, Blanchard-Rohner G, Blázquez-Gamero D, Bloomfield M, Bogunovic D, Bondarenko A, Borghesi A, Bousfiha A, Boyarchuk O, Brodin P, Bryceson Y, Bucciol G, Calcaterra V, Casari G, Cavalcanti A, Celik J, Chrousos G, Colobran R, Condino-Neto A, Conti F, Cooper M, Coskuner T, Cyrus C, D’Auria E, Delafontaine S, Drolet B, Duramaz B, Zein L, Elnagdy M, Emiroglu M, Erdeniz E, Fabi M, Feldman H, Fellay J, Fencl F, Filippatos F, Freiss J, Fremuth J, Gagro A, Garcia-Solis B, Vergine G, González-Montelongo R, Gul Y, Gülhan B, Gultekin S, Gut M, Halwani R, Hammarström L, Hatipoğlu N, Heath J, Henrickson S, Hernandez-Brito E, Hoffman I, Hoste L, Hsieh E, Íñigo-Campos A, Itan Y, Jabandziev P, Kandemir B, Kanık-Yüksek S, Kapakli H, Karbuz A, Kasapcopur O, Kechiche R, Demirkol Y, Kilic O, Hansen S, Klocperk A, Lau Y, Lebl J, Lorenzo-Salazar J, Lucas C, Maglorius M, Marque L, Medina Y, Melián A, Mentis A, Pato M, Michos A, Milner J, Mogensen T, Muñoz-Barrera A, Nepesov S, Neves J, Ng A, Ng L, Novelli A, Novelli G, Oz F, Ocejo-Viñals J, Okada S, Orbak Z, Kilic A, Ouair H, Öz Ş, Özçelik T, Özkan E, Parlakay A, Pato C, Paz-Artal E, Pelham S, Pellier I, Philippot Q, Planas-Serra L, Plassart S, Pokorna P, Polat M, Poli C, Prando C, Renia L, Rivière J, Rodríguez-Palmero A, Roussel L, Rubio-Rodriguez L, Salifu M, Sasek L, Sasia L, Scherbina A, Schmitt E, Sediva A, Sevketoglu E, Slaba K, Slaby O, Sobh A, Solé-Violán J, Soler-Palacin P, De Somer L, Sözeri B, Spaan A, Stepanovskiy Y, Tangye S, Tanir G, Tatsi E, Thorball C, Torun S, Turvey S, Uddin M, Uyar E, Valencia-Ramos J, Van Den Rym A, Vatansev H, de Vera M, Vermeulen F, Vinh D, Volokha A, von Bernuth H, Wouters C, Yahşi A, Yarar V, Yesilbas O, Yıldız M, Zatz M, Zawadzki P, Zuccotti G, Zhang S, Casanova J. Inborn errors of OAS–RNase L in SARS-CoV-2–related multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children. Science 2023, 379: eabo3627. PMID: 36538032, PMCID: PMC10451000, DOI: 10.1126/science.abo3627.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOAS-RNase LInflammatory syndromeCytokine productionInflammatory cytokinesSARS-CoV-2-related multisystem inflammatory syndromeCytosolic double-stranded RNAMultisystem inflammatory syndromeRig-I deficiencySuppress cytokine productionPrimary myeloid cellsRNase LMonocytic cell lineAutosomal recessive deficiencyMyeloid cellsMononuclear phagocytesUnrelated childrenInborn errorsRecessive deficiencyDeficient cellsProtein deficiencyCOVID-19Cell linesCytokinesSyndromeDouble-stranded RNA
Genetic variants in the LAMA5 gene in pediatric nephrotic syndrome
Braun DA, Warejko JK, Ashraf S, Tan W, Daga A, Schneider R, Hermle T, Jobst-Schwan T, Widmeier E, Majmundar AJ, Nakayama M, Schapiro D, Rao J, Schmidt JM, Hoogstraten CA, Hugo H, Bakkaloglu SA, Kari JA, Desoky S, Daouk G, Mane S, Lifton RP, Shril S, Hildebrandt F. Genetic variants in the LAMA5 gene in pediatric nephrotic syndrome. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2018, 34: 485-493. PMID: 29534211, PMCID: PMC6399483, DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfy028.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSteroid-resistant NSNephrotic syndromeDevelopment of NSMonogenic causesChronic kidney diseaseChildhood-onset casesPediatric nephrotic syndromeWhole-exome sequencingGenetic variantsGlomerular basement membranePediatric NSSRNS genesImmunosuppressive therapyPediatric patientsClinical outcomesKidney diseaseMouse modelFamilial occurrenceUnknown significanceEarly onsetHomozygous variantExome sequencingDiseaseNS phenotypeDisease management
Genomic landscape of cutaneous T cell lymphoma
Choi J, Goh G, Walradt T, Hong BS, Bunick CG, Chen K, Bjornson RD, Maman Y, Wang T, Tordoff J, Carlson K, Overton JD, Liu KJ, Lewis JM, Devine L, Barbarotta L, Foss FM, Subtil A, Vonderheid EC, Edelson RL, Schatz DG, Boggon TJ, Girardi M, Lifton RP. Genomic landscape of cutaneous T cell lymphoma. Nature Genetics 2015, 47: 1011-1019. PMID: 26192916, PMCID: PMC4552614, DOI: 10.1038/ng.3356.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Mutation of NLRC4 causes a syndrome of enterocolitis and autoinflammation
Romberg N, Al Moussawi K, Nelson-Williams C, Stiegler AL, Loring E, Choi M, Overton J, Meffre E, Khokha MK, Huttner AJ, West B, Podoltsev NA, Boggon TJ, Kazmierczak BI, Lifton RP. Mutation of NLRC4 causes a syndrome of enterocolitis and autoinflammation. Nature Genetics 2014, 46: 1135-1139. PMID: 25217960, PMCID: PMC4177367, DOI: 10.1038/ng.3066.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRecurrent activating mutation in PRKACA in cortisol-producing adrenal tumors
Goh G, Scholl UI, Healy JM, Choi M, Prasad ML, Nelson-Williams C, Kunstman JW, Korah R, Suttorp AC, Dietrich D, Haase M, Willenberg HS, Stålberg P, Hellman P, Åkerström G, Björklund P, Carling T, Lifton RP. Recurrent activating mutation in PRKACA in cortisol-producing adrenal tumors. Nature Genetics 2014, 46: 613-617. PMID: 24747643, PMCID: PMC4074779, DOI: 10.1038/ng.2956.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdolescentAdrenal Gland NeoplasmsAdultAgedAmino Acid SequenceBase Sequencecdc42 GTP-Binding ProteinCell ProliferationCyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Catalytic SubunitsCyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor p16DNA Copy Number VariationsExomeFemaleGene DeletionGene DosageHEK293 CellsHumansHydrocortisoneMaleMiddle AgedMolecular Sequence DataMutationPhosphorylationSequence Analysis, DNASequence Homology, Amino Acid
Mineralocorticoid Receptor Phosphorylation Regulates Ligand Binding and Renal Response to Volume Depletion and Hyperkalemia
Shibata S, Rinehart J, Zhang J, Moeckel G, Castañeda-Bueno M, Stiegler AL, Boggon TJ, Gamba G, Lifton RP. Mineralocorticoid Receptor Phosphorylation Regulates Ligand Binding and Renal Response to Volume Depletion and Hyperkalemia. Cell Metabolism 2013, 18: 660-671. PMID: 24206662, PMCID: PMC3909709, DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2013.10.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAmino Acid SequenceAngiotensin IIAnimalsChlorocebus aethiopsCOS CellsCytoplasmElectrolytesHumansHyperkalemiaKidneyLigandsMiceMolecular Sequence DataPhosphoprotein PhosphatasesPhosphorylationPhosphoserinePotassium, DietaryProtein Serine-Threonine KinasesProtein TransportRatsReceptors, MineralocorticoidSignal TransductionTranscriptional ActivationConceptsVolume depletionMineralocorticoid receptorAldosterone-dependent increaseHormone receptor activityNuclear hormone receptor activityMR activationRenal responseDistinct adaptive responsesAngiotensin IIDistal nephronCl reabsorptionHyperkalemiaMR ligand-binding domainReceptor activityApical proton pumpPlasma volumeReceptor bindingHomeostatic responseNuclear receptorsReceptor phosphorylationDe novo mutations in histone-modifying genes in congenital heart disease
Zaidi S, Choi M, Wakimoto H, Ma L, Jiang J, Overton JD, Romano-Adesman A, Bjornson RD, Breitbart RE, Brown KK, Carriero NJ, Cheung YH, Deanfield J, DePalma S, Fakhro KA, Glessner J, Hakonarson H, Italia MJ, Kaltman JR, Kaski J, Kim R, Kline JK, Lee T, Leipzig J, Lopez A, Mane SM, Mitchell LE, Newburger JW, Parfenov M, Pe’er I, Porter G, Roberts AE, Sachidanandam R, Sanders SJ, Seiden HS, State MW, Subramanian S, Tikhonova IR, Wang W, Warburton D, White PS, Williams IA, Zhao H, Seidman JG, Brueckner M, Chung WK, Gelb BD, Goldmuntz E, Seidman CE, Lifton RP. De novo mutations in histone-modifying genes in congenital heart disease. Nature 2013, 498: 220-223. PMID: 23665959, PMCID: PMC3706629, DOI: 10.1038/nature12141.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRecessive mutations in DGKE cause atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome
Lemaire M, Frémeaux-Bacchi V, Schaefer F, Choi M, Tang WH, Le Quintrec M, Fakhouri F, Taque S, Nobili F, Martinez F, Ji W, Overton JD, Mane SM, Nürnberg G, Altmüller J, Thiele H, Morin D, Deschenes G, Baudouin V, Llanas B, Collard L, Majid MA, Simkova E, Nürnberg P, Rioux-Leclerc N, Moeckel GW, Gubler MC, Hwa J, Loirat C, Lifton RP. Recessive mutations in DGKE cause atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Nature Genetics 2013, 45: 531-536. PMID: 23542698, PMCID: PMC3719402, DOI: 10.1038/ng.2590.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAcute Kidney InjuryAtypical Hemolytic Uremic SyndromeChildChild, PreschoolDiacylglycerol KinaseExomeFemaleGenes, RecessiveHemolytic-Uremic SyndromeHumansImmunoenzyme TechniquesInfantMaleMolecular Sequence DataMutationRenal Insufficiency, ChronicThrombocytopeniaThrombotic Microangiopathies