CHROMOSOMES: Major Discoveries/Highlights
Science: 1988, 242:1687-91;
PMID: 3201257
- Identification, isolation, sequencing and localization of human centromeric DNA repeats (1-4) with development of high-resolution in-situ hybridization using biotin-labeled nucleotides (5)
- Discovery of tissue-specific arrangements of centromeres in interphase nuclei (6)
- Uncovered 3D movements of centromeres during differentiation & stress in neurons (7,8)
- Showed species-specific DNA sequences maintain a conserved tissue-specific arrangement of centromeres in interphase neuron and glial nuclei during mammalian evolution (9)
- Glioblastomas (brain tumors) lose tissue-specific specific centromere arrangements
Discovery of human Long interspersed Repeats (LINES) and their organization
- Identification, isolation and sequencing of LINES, including ORFs, and murine homologies (10-12)
- LINES collect in bands on chromosome arms, shown by non-isotopic in-situ hybridization (12)
- LINES cluster with tissue specific genes in Giemsa-dark chromosome bands whereas short ALU elements (SINES) concentrate with early replicating housekeeping genes in Giemsa-light bands, as shown by high resolution in-situ hybridization and pulse-field DNA analysis (13,14)
- Endogenous retroviruses have species-specific addresses on chromosome arms (15)
- Whole chromosomes are maintained as cohesive compact structures in interphase nuclei, and not in diffusely extended spaghetti-like strands (16). Small regions open locally during transcription and replication.
- Application of in-situ detection of interphase chromosomes for tumors and genetic diseases (17,18)
- Genetic instability is a key feature of glioblastomas (19)
A unified model of chromosome structure in interphase and metaphase
- Unified model for chromosome DNA compaction in heterochromatin and local unfolding of chromatids for organized transcription and replication of long (megabase) genomic DNA (20-22)
- Transgenic insertion of tandem ORF DNA arrays into chromosome arms leads to gene silencing with heterochromatic ultrastructure, and its positioning with centromere domains in nuclei (23)
Identified DNA repeats are not “junk”, but are critical recognition elements that define specific chromosome regions and structures, and contribute to the function of organized gene sets.
Genetic instability in glioblastomas is a key challenge for targeted treatments.
Chromosome/DNA structure
A view of interphase chromosomes Manuelidis L. Science 1990, 250:1533-1540 (abstract)
A unified model of eukaryotic chromosomes Manuelidis L, Chen T. Cytometry 1990, 11:8-25
Genomic stability and instability in different neuroepithelial tumors. A role for chromosome structure? Manuelidis L. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 1994, 18:225-239
Interphase chromosome positions and structure during silencing, transcription and replication Manuelidis L. From: Nuclear organization, chromatin structure and gene expression. Roel Van Driel & Arie P. Otte, eds. 1997 (plate 1) (plate 2)
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