The Larynx Lab Team
- The Edmund Prince Fowler Award, Triological Society 1979
- The Casselberry Award, American Laryngological Association 1999
- The Broyles Maloney Award, American Bronchoesophagological Association 2004
- The Chevalier Jackson Award, American Bronchoesophagological Association 2010
- The ALA Award, American Laryngological Association 2010
- The Broyles Maloney Award (Michael Wadie, M.D.), American Bronchoesophagological Association 2011
- Resident Research Award (Boris Paskhover, M.D.) American Laryngological Association 2014
- The James E. Newcomb Award, American Laryngological Association 2014
- Giotakis-Psyrri Award, Hellenic Head & Neck Society 2016
Dr Sasaki was the Keynote Speaker at the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Logaoedics and Phoniatrics.
Sotirios Doukas MD & Prof. Spandidos D.A at the World Congress on Advances in Oncology and International Symposium on Molecular Medicine (2018) for his presentation "Laryngeal HPV infection in children: A review of management and treatment of juvenile onset recurrent respiratory papillomatosis" in the 4th Workshop on Pediatric Virology.
Dr. Sasaki by recent invitation to the office of U.S. Senator from Hawaii, Brian Schatz.