Multiple sclerosis genomic map implicates peripheral immune cells and microglia in susceptibility
Patsopoulos N, Baranzini S, Santaniello A, Shoostari P, Cotsapas C, Wong G, Beecham A, James T, Replogle J, Vlachos I, McCabe C, Pers T, Brandes A, White C, Keenan B, Cimpean M, Winn P, Panteliadis I, Robbins A, Andlauer T, Zarzycki O, Dubois B, Goris A, Søndergaard H, Sellebjerg F, Sorensen P, Ullum H, Thørner L, Saarela J, Cournu-Rebeix I, Damotte V, Fontaine B, Guillot-Noel L, Lathrop M, Vukusic S, Berthele A, Pongratz V, Buck D, Gasperi C, Graetz C, Grummel V, Hemmer B, Hoshi M, Knier B, Korn T, Lill C, Luessi F, Mühlau M, Zipp F, Dardiotis E, Agliardi C, Amoroso A, Barizzone N, Benedetti M, Bernardinelli L, Cavalla P, Clarelli F, Comi G, Cusi D, Esposito F, Ferrè L, Galimberti D, Guaschino C, Leone M, Martinelli V, Moiola L, Salvetti M, Sorosina M, Vecchio D, Zauli A, Santoro S, Mancini N, Zuccalà M, Mescheriakova J, van Duijn C, Bos S, Celius E, Spurkland A, Comabella M, Montalban X, Alfredsson L, Bomfim I, Gomez-Cabrero D, Hillert J, Jagodic M, Lindén M, Piehl F, Jelčić I, Martin R, Sospedra M, Baker A, Ban M, Hawkins C, Hysi P, Kalra S, Karpe F, Khadake J, Lachance G, Molyneux P, Neville M, Thorpe J, Bradshaw E, Caillier S, Calabresi P, Cree B, Cross A, Davis M, de Bakker P, Delgado S, Dembele M, Edwards K, Fitzgerald K, Frohlich I, Gourraud P, Haines J, Hakonarson H, Kimbrough D, Isobe N, Konidari I, Lathi E, Lee M, Li T, An D, Zimmer A, Madireddy L, Manrique C, Mitrovic M, Olah M, Patrick E, Pericak-Vance M, Piccio L, Schaefer C, Weiner H, Lage K, Compston A, Hafler D, Harbo H, Hauser S, Stewart G, D’Alfonso S, Hadjigeorgiou G, Taylor B, Barcellos L, Booth D, Hintzen R, Kockum I, Martinelli-Boneschi F, McCauley J, Oksenberg J, Oturai A, Sawcer S, Ivinson A, Olsson T, De Jager P. Multiple sclerosis genomic map implicates peripheral immune cells and microglia in susceptibility. Science 2019, 365 PMID: 31604244, PMCID: PMC7241648, DOI: 10.1126/science.aav7188.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsCase-Control StudiesCell Cycle ProteinsChromosome MappingChromosomes, Human, XGene FrequencyGenetic LociGenome-Wide Association StudyGenomicsGTPase-Activating ProteinsHumansInheritance PatternsMajor Histocompatibility ComplexMicrogliaMultiple SclerosisPolymorphism, Single NucleotideQuantitative Trait LociRNA-SeqTranscriptomeConceptsMajor histocompatibility complexMultiple sclerosisImmune cellsBrain-resident immune cellsPeripheral immune cellsPeripheral immune responseCentral nervous systemExtended major histocompatibility complexAutoimmune processControl subjectsHuman microgliaImmune responseNervous systemImmune systemHistocompatibility complexPutative susceptibility genesMicrogliaX variantGenetic architectureSusceptibility genesGenomic mapGenetic dataExpression profilesM geneSusceptibility variants
Genome‐wide meta‐analysis identifies novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci
Patsopoulos NA, Esposito F, Reischl J, Lehr S, Bauer D, Heubach J, Sandbrink R, Pohl C, Edan G, Kappos L, Miller D, Montalbán J, Polman C, Freedman M, Hartung H, Arnason B, Comi G, Cook S, Filippi M, Goodin D, Jeffery D, O'Connor P, Ebers G, Langdon D, Reder A, Traboulsee A, Zipp F, Schimrigk S, Hillert J, Bahlo M, Booth D, Broadley S, Brown M, Browning B, Browning S, Butzkueven H, Carroll W, Chapman C, Foote S, Griffiths L, Kermode A, Kilpatrick T, Lechner-Scott J, Marriott M, Mason D, Moscato P, Heard R, Pender M, Perreau V, Perera D, Rubio J, Scott R, Slee M, Stankovich J, Stewart G, Taylor B, Tubridy N, Willoughby E, Wiley J, Matthews P, Boneschi F, Compston A, Haines J, Hauser S, McCauley J, Ivinson A, Oksenberg J, Pericak-Vance M, Sawcer S, De Jager P, Hafler D, de Bakker P. Genome‐wide meta‐analysis identifies novel multiple sclerosis susceptibility loci. Annals Of Neurology 2011, 70: 897-912. PMID: 22190364, PMCID: PMC3247076, DOI: 10.1002/ana.22609.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesSingle nucleotide polymorphismsSusceptibility lociHapMap Phase IIUnique single nucleotide polymorphismsGene discovery effortsNew susceptibility lociStrongest cis effectsMS genome-wide association studiesQuantitative trait analysisFlanking genesGenetic architectureRNA expression dataMultiple sclerosis susceptibility lociIntergenic regionSecond intronNew lociNovel susceptibility allelesAdditional lociTrait analysisAssociation studiesExpression dataChromosome 2p21LociFunctional consequencesGenetic risk and a primary role for cell-mediated immune mechanisms in multiple sclerosis
, , Sawcer S, Hellenthal G, Pirinen M, Spencer C, Patsopoulos N, Moutsianas L, Dilthey A, Su Z, Freeman C, Hunt S, Edkins S, Gray E, Booth D, Potter S, Goris A, Band G, Oturai A, Strange A, Saarela J, Bellenguez C, Fontaine B, Gillman M, Hemmer B, Gwilliam R, Zipp F, Jayakumar A, Martin R, Leslie S, Hawkins S, Giannoulatou E, D’alfonso S, Blackburn H, Boneschi F, Liddle J, Harbo H, Perez M, Spurkland A, Waller M, Mycko M, Ricketts M, Comabella M, Hammond N, Kockum I, McCann O, Ban M, Whittaker P, Kemppinen A, Weston P, Hawkins C, Widaa S, Zajicek J, Dronov S, Robertson N, Bumpstead S, Barcellos L, Ravindrarajah R, Abraham R, Alfredsson L, Ardlie K, Aubin C, Baker A, Baker K, Baranzini S, Bergamaschi L, Bergamaschi R, Bernstein A, Berthele A, Boggild M, Bradfield J, Brassat D, Broadley S, Buck D, Butzkueven H, Capra R, Carroll W, Cavalla P, Celius E, Cepok S, Chiavacci R, Clerget-Darpoux F, Clysters K, Comi G, Cossburn M, Cournu-Rebeix I, Cox M, Cozen W, Cree B, Cross A, Cusi D, Daly M, Davis E, de Bakker P, Debouverie M, D’hooghe M, Dixon K, Dobosi R, Dubois B, Ellinghaus D, Elovaara I, Esposito F, Fontenille C, Foote S, Franke A, Galimberti D, Ghezzi A, Glessner J, Gomez R, Gout O, Graham C, Grant S, Guerini F, Hakonarson H, Hall P, Hamsten A, Hartung H, Heard R, Heath S, Hobart J, Hoshi M, Infante-Duarte C, Ingram G, Ingram W, Islam T, Jagodic M, Kabesch M, Kermode A, Kilpatrick T, Kim C, Klopp N, Koivisto K, Larsson M, Lathrop M, Lechner-Scott J, Leone M, Leppä V, Liljedahl U, Bomfim I, Lincoln R, Link J, Liu J, Lorentzen Å, Lupoli S, Macciardi F, Mack T, Marriott M, Martinelli V, Mason D, McCauley J, Mentch F, Mero I, Mihalova T, Montalban X, Mottershead J, Myhr K, Naldi P, Ollier W, Page A, Palotie A, Pelletier J, Piccio L, Pickersgill T, Piehl F, Pobywajlo S, Quach H, Ramsay P, Reunanen M, Reynolds R, Rioux J, Rodegher M, Roesner S, Rubio J, Rückert I, Salvetti M, Salvi E, Santaniello A, Schaefer C, Schreiber S, Schulze C, Scott R, Sellebjerg F, Selmaj K, Sexton D, Shen L, Simms-Acuna B, Skidmore S, Sleiman P, Smestad C, Sørensen P, Søndergaard H, Stankovich J, Strange R, Sulonen A, Sundqvist E, Syvänen A, Taddeo F, Taylor B, Blackwell J, Tienari P, Bramon E, Tourbah A, Brown M, Tronczynska E, Casas J, Tubridy N, Corvin A, Vickery J, Jankowski J, Villoslada P, Markus H, Wang K, Mathew C, Wason J, Palmer C, Wichmann H, Plomin R, Willoughby E, Rautanen A, Winkelmann J, Wittig M, Trembath R, Yaouanq J, Viswanathan A, Zhang H, Wood N, Zuvich R, Deloukas P, Langford C, Duncanson A, Oksenberg J, Pericak-Vance M, Haines J, Olsson T, Hillert J, Ivinson A, De Jager P, Peltonen L, Stewart G, Hafler D, Hauser S, McVean G, Donnelly P, Compston A. Genetic risk and a primary role for cell-mediated immune mechanisms in multiple sclerosis. Nature 2011, 476: 214-219. PMID: 21833088, PMCID: PMC3182531, DOI: 10.1038/nature10251.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAllelesCell DifferentiationEuropeGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseGenome, HumanGenome-Wide Association StudyHLA-A AntigensHLA-DR AntigensHLA-DRB1 ChainsHumansImmunity, CellularMajor Histocompatibility ComplexMultiple SclerosisPolymorphism, Single NucleotideSample SizeT-Lymphocytes, Helper-InducerConceptsCollaborative genome-wide association studiesGenome-wide association studiesNovel susceptibility lociRegions of DNAGenetic architectureAssociation studiesSusceptibility lociDifferentiation of T helper cellsGenetic riskEuropean descentCell-mediated immune mechanismsT helper cellsCentral nervous systemImmune mechanismsLociIntensive studyDNAMultiple sclerosisNervous systemGeneticsNeurodegenerationDiseaseSclerosisDifferentiationCellsA knowledge-driven interaction analysis reveals potential neurodegenerative mechanism of multiple sclerosis susceptibility
Bush WS, McCauley JL, DeJager PL, Dudek SM, Hafler DA, Gibson RA, Matthews PM, Kappos L, Naegelin Y, Polman CH, Hauser SL, Oksenberg J, Haines JL, Ritchie MD. A knowledge-driven interaction analysis reveals potential neurodegenerative mechanism of multiple sclerosis susceptibility. Genes & Immunity 2011, 12: 335-340. PMID: 21346779, PMCID: PMC3136581, DOI: 10.1038/gene.2011.3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide association studiesGene-gene interactionsCytoskeleton regulatory proteinsCytoskeletal regulationGenetic architectureGene clusterInteraction analysisSingle-locus analysisGWAS dataRegulatory proteinsBiological contextRelated genesAssociation studiesSusceptibility lociWeak main effectsPhospholipase CGenetic effectsΒ isoformsComplex diseasesBiological mechanismsNeurodegenerative mechanismsNew genetic effectsEpistasisACTN1Genes
Genetic variation in the IL7RA/IL7 pathway increases multiple sclerosis susceptibility
Zuvich RL, McCauley JL, Oksenberg JR, Sawcer SJ, De Jager PL, International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium, Aubin C, Cross AH, Piccio L, Aggarwal NT, Evans D, Hafler DA, Compston A, Hauser SL, Pericak-Vance MA, Haines JL. Genetic variation in the IL7RA/IL7 pathway increases multiple sclerosis susceptibility. Human Genetics 2010, 127: 525-535. PMID: 20112030, PMCID: PMC2854871, DOI: 10.1007/s00439-010-0789-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSingle nucleotide polymorphismsGene regionCase-control data setsPutative functional relationshipsNovel gene regionsIndependent case-control data setDense SNP mapReceptor alpha-chain geneIllumina Infinium BeadChipExperiment-wise significanceNovel associationsAlpha chain geneGenetic architectureComplex traitsStrong genetic componentGenetic variationSNP mapInfinium BeadChipAffordable genotypingBiological pathwaysGenesGenetic componentChain geneTYK2 geneNumerous family studiesChapter 3 Uncovering the Genetic Architecture of Multiple Sclerosis
De Jager P, Hafler D. Chapter 3 Uncovering the Genetic Architecture of Multiple Sclerosis. Blue Books Of Neurology 2010, 35: 43-56. DOI: 10.1016/b978-1-4160-6068-0.00003-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGenetic architectureSusceptibility lociWhole-genome association scansCommon human diseasesMajor histocompatibility complexMultiple sclerosis geneticsCommon genetic variationAssociation scanHuman genomeGenetic variationSingle locusHuman diseasesLociFirst glimpseCurrent discoveriesHistocompatibility complexGenotyped subjectsGenetic susceptibilityGenomeRapid progressHuman leukocyte antigenGeneticsHapMapConvergence of resourcesMultiple sclerosis