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Postdoctoral Position Available in Braddock Lab

September 14, 2021

The Yale School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral associate to work in the Braddock lab, which investigates severe unmet medical illness through the study of Rare Diseases with a focus on dysregulated mineralization of the vasculature and the skeleton. The laboratory uses a combination of biochemistry, protein engineering, novel transgenic animal models, RNAseq, bio-informatics, and proteomics to identify novel regulators of mineralization. Our goal is directed toward discovery of mechanisms explaining these severe phenotypes and to design innovative therapeutic approaches relevant to disorders of mineralization. Recent work includes the identification of osteoporosis associated with heterozygous ENPP1 deficiency and the successful development of a therapeutic entering clinical trials for Generalized Arterial Calcification of Infancy (GACI), Autosomal Recessive Hypophosphatemic Rickets Type-2 (ARHR2) and Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum (PXE).

The recent success of the lab translating basic scientific findings into the clinical arena offers a unique and valuable training opportunity for motivated scientific researchers seeking training in translational medicine. The laboratory has a record of close collaborations with clinicians treating patients with ENPP1 deficiency to correlate preclinical findings with novel human phenotypes and therapeutic responses. The ideal candidate will have experience with one or more of the following techniques: osteoblastic differentiation assays, molecular biology, RNAseq, and proteomics based assays to identify protein-protein interaction.

Interested candidates should forward a CV and short description of research interests together with the names and addresses of three references to: