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Selected Book Chapters

1. Yue M, Sulzer D, Bamford NS*. (2011) Imaging Presynaptic Exocytosis in Corticostriatal Slices. In: Methods in Molecular Biology. Volume: 793. Edited by H. Kawamata and G. Manfredi. Springer. p363-376

2. Cepeda, C*, Bamford NS, Levine MS. (2010) Alterations in Striatal Synaptic Function in Huntington’s and Parkinson’s Diseases. In: Handbook of Basal Ganglia Structure and Function, a Decade of Progress. Edited by H. Steiner and K. Tseng. Elsevier. p607-623.

3. Bamford NS*, Cepeda, C. (2009) The Corticostriatal Pathway in Parkinson’s Disease. In: Cortico-subcortical Dynamics in Parkinson’s Disease. Editor: Kuei Y. Tseng, Humana Press & Springer Editorials. p87-104.