Professor of Medicine (Digestive Diseases)
Immune System
- Research Interests
Robert I. Levy Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine) and Professor of Immunobiology; Associate Chief, Cardiovascular Medicine, Internal Medicine; Senior Vice Chief for Academic Development, Cardiovascular Medicine
Research InterestsAssociate Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases); Director, Cancer-ID Clinic, Internal Medicine; co-Leader, Cancer Microbiology Working Group, Yale Cancer Center
Research InterestsProfessor of Medicine (Rheumatology)
Professor of Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases); Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, Dept Clinical: Internal Medicine
Research InterestsProfessor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
Research InterestsProfessor of Laboratory Medicine, of Biomedical Engineering, of Medicine (Hematology) and of Pediatrics; Deputy Dean for Research, (Clinical and Translational); Director, Clinical Immunology Laboratory, Laboratory Medicine; Chair, Laboratory Medicine; Chief, Laboratory Medicine, Yale New Haven Hospital
Research Interests- Students
- Students, Medical
- Stem Cells
- Teaching
- Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures
- Disease Management
- Education, Professional
- Curriculum
- Ethics
- Hematology
- Hematopoietic System
- Biomedical Engineering
- Blood Cells
- Blood
- Bone Marrow Cells
- Religion and Medicine
- Religion and Science
- Practice Patterns, Physicians'
- Point-of-Care Systems
- Hemic and Lymphatic Diseases
- Immune System
- Lymphoid Tissue
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Laboratories
Assistant Professor
Research Interests