Antiretroviral Drugs for Treatment and Prevention of HIV in Adults: 2024 Recommendations of the International Antiviral Society–USA Panel
Gandhi R, Landovitz R, Sax P, Smith D, Springer S, Günthard H, Thompson M, Bedimo R, Benson C, Buchbinder S, Crabtree-Ramirez B, del Rio C, Eaton E, Eron J, Hoy J, Lehmann C, Molina J, Jacobsen D, Saag M. Antiretroviral Drugs for Treatment and Prevention of HIV in Adults: 2024 Recommendations of the International Antiviral Society–USA Panel. JAMA 2024, 333 PMID: 39616604, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2024.24543.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAntiretroviral drugsHIV preventionSubstance use disordersLong-acting injectable therapyManagement of HIV infectionIntegrase strand transfer inhibitorsNucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitorsStrand transfer inhibitorsSexually transmitted infectionsPeer-reviewed scientific conferencesDaily oral medicationReverse transcriptase inhibitorsLong-acting medicationsManagement of substance use disordersPrevention of HIVCardiovascular disease preventionTreating substance use disordersVirological failureAntiretroviral therapyHIV acquisitionHIV infectionHIV exposureInjection therapyDaily therapyLaboratory monitoringHIV and Substance Use Disorders
Lier A, Tarfa A, Shenoi S, Kuo I, Springer S. HIV and Substance Use Disorders. Infectious Disease Clinics Of North America 2024, 38: 599-611. PMID: 38960783, PMCID: PMC11410345, DOI: 10.1016/j.idc.2024.06.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHuman immunodeficiency virusSubstance use disordersEvidence-based public health effortsHuman immunodeficiency virus acquisitionHuman immunodeficiency virus incidenceRisk of HIV acquisitionUntreated substance use disordersPoor HIV outcomesAdherence to HIV antiretroviral therapyHIV antiretroviral therapyPublic health effortsInjection drug useAntiretroviral therapyHIV acquisitionImmunodeficiency virusHIV outcomesHealth effortsTreatment strategiesIncreased riskDrug useSubstance useDrugAmericanRiskPersonsConsiderations when prescribing opioid agonist therapies for people living with HIV
Tarfa A, Lier A, Shenoi S, Springer S. Considerations when prescribing opioid agonist therapies for people living with HIV. Expert Review Of Clinical Pharmacology 2024, 17: 549-564. PMID: 38946101, PMCID: PMC11299801, DOI: 10.1080/17512433.2024.2375448.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnalgesics, OpioidAnti-HIV AgentsBuprenorphineDelayed-Action PreparationsDelivery of Health CareDrug InteractionsHealth Services AccessibilityHIV InfectionsHumansMethadoneNaltrexoneNarcotic AntagonistsOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersPre-Exposure ProphylaxisUnited StatesConceptsOpioid agonist therapyOpioid use disorderAntiretroviral therapyAgonist therapyDiagnosed OUDOpioid use disorder managementUse disorderTreatment of opioid use disorderExtended-release naltrexonePotential drug interactionsOpioid use disorder treatmentPrescribed opioid agonist therapyLong-acting formulationPre-exposure prophylaxisOUD outcomesImprove HIV preventionIntersection of HIVOpioid antagonistHIV outcomesHIV epidemicOpioidHIVOpioid use disorder servicesPWHHIV prevention
Antiretroviral Drugs for Treatment and Prevention of HIV Infection in Adults
Gandhi R, Bedimo R, Hoy J, Landovitz R, Smith D, Eaton E, Lehmann C, Springer S, Sax P, Thompson M, Benson C, Buchbinder S, del Rio C, Eron J, Günthard H, Molina J, Jacobsen D, Saag M. Antiretroviral Drugs for Treatment and Prevention of HIV Infection in Adults. JAMA 2023, 329: 63-84. PMID: 36454551, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2022.22246.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrevention of HIVAntiretroviral therapySubstance use disordersAntiretroviral drugsUse disordersCertain antiretroviral medicationsDaily oral regimenInhibitor-containing regimensManagement of comorbiditiesMonkeypox virus infectionDiagnosis of HIVSARS-CoV-2 pandemicCare of peopleGlobal health emergencyInitial therapyOral regimenAdherence supportMetabolic complicationsPreexposure prophylaxisViral suppressionAntiretroviral medicationsOral medicationsHIV infectionLaboratory monitoringInjectable therapies
Gender Differences among Criminal Justice-Involved Persons Living with HIV Interested in Extended-Release Naltrexone Treatment
Biondi BE, Frank CA, Forray A, Springer SA. Gender Differences among Criminal Justice-Involved Persons Living with HIV Interested in Extended-Release Naltrexone Treatment. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2021, 42: 905-911. PMID: 33750285, PMCID: PMC8455717, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2021.1900984.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSubstance use disordersOpioid use disorderMedication treatmentUse disordersAlcohol use disorderMental health severityXR-NTXAntiretroviral therapyDouble-blind placebo-controlled trialExtended-release naltrexone treatmentExtended-release naltrexonePlacebo-controlled trialCriminal justice-involved personsHealth severityGender differencesCocaine use disorderDrug use severityJustice-involved personsClinical characteristicsART adherenceNaltrexone treatmentTreatment outcomesHigh prevalenceCocaine useHIV
Do I Have HIV or Not? Lack of RNA Detection and the Case for Sensitive DNA Testing
Springer SA, Masciotra S, Johnson JA, Campbell S. Do I Have HIV or Not? Lack of RNA Detection and the Case for Sensitive DNA Testing. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2020, 7: ofaa478. PMID: 33204760, PMCID: PMC7651562, DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa478.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHazardous alcohol use, antiretroviral therapy receipt, and viral suppression in people living with HIV who inject drugs in the United States, India, Russia, and Vietnam.
Wagman JA, Wynn A, Matsuzaki M, Gnatienko N, Metsch LR, Del Rio C, Feaster DJ, Nance RM, Whitney BM, Delaney JAC, Kahana SY, Crane HM, Chandler RK, Elliott JC, Altice F, Lucas GM, Mehta SH, Hirsch-Moverman Y, El-Sadr WM, Vu Q, Nguyen Thanh B, Springer SA, Tsui JI, Samet JH. Hazardous alcohol use, antiretroviral therapy receipt, and viral suppression in people living with HIV who inject drugs in the United States, India, Russia, and Vietnam. AIDS 2020, 34: 2285-2294. PMID: 33048870, PMCID: PMC7951611, DOI: 10.1097/qad.0000000000002716.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHazardous alcohol useFormer injection drug useART receiptViral suppressionInjection drug useLow-middle income countriesAlcohol useAntiretroviral therapyMiddle-income countriesDrug useAlcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) scoresHIV viral suppressionAlcohol Use Disorders Identification TestDisorders Identification TestTherapy receiptHIV continuumMean ageHigh-income countriesCare outcomesLogistic regressionUpper middle-income countriesPLHIVDrugsIdentification TestHIV
Medications for Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder among Persons Living with HIV
Fanucchi L, Springer SA, Korthuis PT. Medications for Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder among Persons Living with HIV. Current HIV/AIDS Reports 2019, 16: 1-6. PMID: 30684117, PMCID: PMC6420833, DOI: 10.1007/s11904-019-00436-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderExtended-release naltrexoneHIV treatment outcomesHIV viral suppressionViral suppressionUse disordersAntiretroviral therapyTreatment outcomesCurrent US opioid epidemicOptimal HIV treatment outcomesUS opioid epidemicOverall mortalityHIV outbreakHIV treatmentOpioid epidemicMOUDHIVMedicationsDisordersNaltrexoneDelivery characteristicsTherapyTreatmentIncarcerated settingsOutcomes
Co-calibration of two self-reported measures of adherence to antiretroviral therapy
Nance RM, Delaney JA, Golin CE, Wechsberg WM, Cunningham C, Altice F, Christopoulos K, Knight K, Quan V, Gordon MS, Springer S, Young J, Crane PK, Mayer KH, Mugavero MJ, Del Rio C, Kronmal RA, Crane HM. Co-calibration of two self-reported measures of adherence to antiretroviral therapy. AIDS Care 2016, 29: 464-468. PMID: 27910703, PMCID: PMC5291764, DOI: 10.1080/09540121.2016.1263721.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVisual analog scaleAntiretroviral therapyAdherence measuresAIDS Clinical Trials Group questionnaireHigh-risk vulnerable populationsVulnerable populationsCare cohortAnalog scaleVAS scaleHIV StudyAdherence dataClinical successConsortium studyGroup questionnaireTherapyDosesSelf-report measuresAdherence
Correlates of retention on extended-release naltrexone among persons living with HIV infection transitioning to the community from the criminal justice system
Springer SA, Brown SE, Di Paola A, Altice FL. Correlates of retention on extended-release naltrexone among persons living with HIV infection transitioning to the community from the criminal justice system. Drug And Alcohol Dependence 2015, 157: 158-165. PMID: 26560326, PMCID: PMC4675147, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.10.023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol use disorderExtended-release naltrexoneOpioid use disorderXR-NTXUse disordersHIV diseaseFirst injectionDouble-blind placebo-controlled randomized trialSecond injectionPlacebo-controlled randomized trialSubstance use disordersMultivariate regression analysisTreatment of alcoholCorrelates of retentionAntiretroviral therapyStudy drugHIV infectionRandomized trialsUrine testsUrine screensEligible personsDays of releaseHazardous drinkingCocaine useDemographic featuresThe Impact of Alcohol Use and Related Disorders on the HIV Continuum of Care: a Systematic Review
Vagenas P, Azar MM, Copenhaver MM, Springer SA, Molina PE, Altice FL. The Impact of Alcohol Use and Related Disorders on the HIV Continuum of Care: a Systematic Review. Current HIV/AIDS Reports 2015, 12: 421-436. PMID: 26412084, PMCID: PMC4643391, DOI: 10.1007/s11904-015-0285-5.BooksConceptsViral suppressionTreatment cascadeAntiretroviral therapyHIV continuumAlcohol useAlcohol consumptionSystematic reviewHIV treatment cascadeEvidence-based behavioralCohort studyHIV progressionHIV transmissionHIV treatmentPharmacological interventionsProblematic alcohol consumptionIncome settingsRelated disordersClinical research papersPrevention mandateCareNegative associationNumerous negative consequencesInterventionPLHTreatmentDrug Treatment as HIV Prevention Among Women and Girls Who Inject Drugs From a Global Perspective
Springer SA, Larney S, Alam-mehrjerdi Z, Altice FL, Metzger D, Shoptaw S. Drug Treatment as HIV Prevention Among Women and Girls Who Inject Drugs From a Global Perspective. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2015, 69: s155-s161. PMID: 25978482, PMCID: PMC4443704, DOI: 10.1097/qai.0000000000000637.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMedication-assisted therapyDrug treatmentAntiretroviral therapyHIV transmission riskNew HIV infectionsHarm reduction servicesSubstance use disordersPoor treatment accessImplementation of interventionsOpioid useHIV infectionEvidence-based practiceHIV preventionOpioid addictionTreatment accessUse disordersReduction servicesSexual riskTransmission riskTherapyWomenTreatmentDrugsImpressive lackSignificant reduction
A comparison of psychiatric diagnoses among HIV-infected prisoners receiving combination antiretroviral therapy and transitioning to the community
Di Paola A, Altice FL, Powell ML, Trestman RL, Springer SA. A comparison of psychiatric diagnoses among HIV-infected prisoners receiving combination antiretroviral therapy and transitioning to the community. Health & Justice 2014, 2: 11. PMID: 25606368, PMCID: PMC4297667, DOI: 10.1186/s40352-014-0011-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMedical recordsHIV transmission risk behaviorsMini International Neuropsychiatric InterviewCohort of PLWHAPrevalence of PDCombination antiretroviral therapyAntiretroviral treatment adherenceTransmission risk behaviorsInternational Neuropsychiatric InterviewPsychiatric assessment toolsRetrospective data analysisObjective screening toolHIV/AIDSAntiretroviral therapyTreatment adherenceNeuropsychiatric InterviewHigh prevalencePsychiatric diagnosisPLWHARisk behaviorsPD assessmentPD diagnosisUniform screeningScreening toolHealthy outcomesOptimization of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Treatment During Incarceration: Viral Suppression at the Prison Gate
Meyer JP, Cepeda J, Wu J, Trestman RL, Altice FL, Springer SA. Optimization of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Treatment During Incarceration: Viral Suppression at the Prison Gate. JAMA Internal Medicine 2014, 174: 721-729. PMID: 24687044, PMCID: PMC4074594, DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.601.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV-1 RNA levelsCD4 lymphocyte countViral suppressionHIV viral suppressionLymphocyte countObserved therapyRNA levelsBaseline HIV-1 RNA levelsMean HIV-1 RNA levelHuman immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatmentHuman immunodeficiency virus managementHIV treatment outcomesRetrospective cohort studyAntiretroviral therapy regimensHIV-1 RNAPsychiatric disorder severityLogistic regression modelsCommunity-based resourcesDuration of incarcerationRace/ethnicityART regimenContinuous ARTPrescribed pharmacotherapyAntiretroviral therapyART regimensAn evaluation of hepatic enzyme elevations among HIV-infected released prisoners enrolled in two randomized placebo-controlled trials of extended release naltrexone
Vagenas P, Di Paola A, Herme M, Lincoln T, Skiest DJ, Altice FL, Springer SA. An evaluation of hepatic enzyme elevations among HIV-infected released prisoners enrolled in two randomized placebo-controlled trials of extended release naltrexone. Journal Of Substance Use And Addiction Treatment 2014, 47: 35-40. PMID: 24674234, PMCID: PMC4042403, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsat.2014.02.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPlacebo-controlled trialXR-NTXGamma-glutamyl transferaseAlanine aminotransferaseMental illnessAspartate aminotransferaseRandomized placebo-controlled trialMonthly injectable formulationXR-NTX armExtended-release naltrexoneHepatic enzyme elevationHepatic enzyme levelsRelease naltrexoneAntiretroviral therapyHCV infectionBaseline characteristicsHepatic transaminasesEnzyme elevationPsychiatric medicationsHepatotoxicity concernsGlutamyl transferaseAlcohol dependenceOpioidsHIVNaltrexone
Contribution of Substance Use Disorders on HIV Treatment Outcomes and Antiretroviral Medication Adherence Among HIV-Infected Persons Entering Jail
Chitsaz E, Meyer JP, Krishnan A, Springer SA, Marcus R, Zaller N, Jordan AO, Lincoln T, Flanigan TP, Porterfield J, Altice FL. Contribution of Substance Use Disorders on HIV Treatment Outcomes and Antiretroviral Medication Adherence Among HIV-Infected Persons Entering Jail. AIDS And Behavior 2013, 17: 118-127. PMID: 23673792, PMCID: PMC3818019, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-013-0506-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAlcohol DrinkingAnti-Retroviral AgentsComorbidityCross-Sectional StudiesFemaleHIV InfectionsHumansLogistic ModelsMaleMedication AdherenceMiddle AgedPrisonersPrisonsSocioeconomic FactorsSubstance Abuse, IntravenousSubstance-Related DisordersTreatment OutcomeUnited StatesYoung AdultConceptsAntiretroviral medication adherenceSubstance use disordersMedication adherenceUse disordersEvidence-based drug treatmentHIV care providersHIV treatment engagementHIV treatment outcomesMedication-assisted therapyMulti-faceted interventionPaucity of evidenceDrug use severityAntiretroviral therapyPoor outcomePsychiatric comorbidityHIV treatmentTreatment outcomesDrug treatmentCare providersJail detaineesTreatment engagementUS sitesSubstance useVulnerable populationsUse severity
Retention on Buprenorphine Is Associated with High Levels of Maximal Viral Suppression among HIV-Infected Opioid Dependent Released Prisoners
Springer SA, Qiu J, Saber-Tehrani AS, Altice FL. Retention on Buprenorphine Is Associated with High Levels of Maximal Viral Suppression among HIV-Infected Opioid Dependent Released Prisoners. PLOS ONE 2012, 7: e38335. PMID: 22719814, PMCID: PMC3365007, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0038335.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMaximum viral suppressionOpioid dependenceViral suppressionGlobal health qualityMaximal viral suppressionHIV treatment outcomesBuprenorphine/naloxoneCopies/mLChronic relapsing diseaseDSM-IV criteriaAntiretroviral therapyOpioid useProspective trialProspective studyRelapsing diseaseOpioid dependentsTreatment outcomesHIV-1HIVNLXHealth qualityTherapyWeeksSuppressionGroupThe Impact of DSM-IV Mental Disorders on Adherence to Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Among Adult Persons Living with HIV/AIDS: A Systematic Review
Springer SA, Dushaj A, Azar MM. The Impact of DSM-IV Mental Disorders on Adherence to Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Among Adult Persons Living with HIV/AIDS: A Systematic Review. AIDS And Behavior 2012, 16: 2119-2143. PMID: 22644066, PMCID: PMC3481055, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-012-0212-3.BooksConceptsDSM-IV mental disordersCART adherenceAntidepressant treatmentHIV/AIDSMental disordersSystematic reviewCombination antiretroviral therapy (cART) adherenceCombination antiretroviral therapyAntiretroviral therapy adherenceMore anxiety disordersAntiretroviral therapyTherapy adherenceAnxiety disordersPersonality disorderAdherenceDisordersAdult personsAIDSDepressionMore researchAssociationRCTsReviewDepression measurementsTherapy
Rationale, study design and sample characteristics of a randomized controlled trial of directly administered antiretroviral therapy for HIV-infected prisoners transitioning to the community — A potential conduit to improved HIV treatment outcomes
Saber-Tehrani AS, Springer SA, Qiu J, Herme M, Wickersham J, Altice FL. Rationale, study design and sample characteristics of a randomized controlled trial of directly administered antiretroviral therapy for HIV-infected prisoners transitioning to the community — A potential conduit to improved HIV treatment outcomes. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2011, 33: 436-444. PMID: 22101218, PMCID: PMC3268833, DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2011.11.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV treatment outcomesSelf-administered therapyAntiretroviral therapyTreatment outcomesViral loadEvidence-based adherence interventionsPoor HIV treatment outcomesGenotypic resistance testingMedication-assisted treatmentDSM-IV criteriaAlcohol use disorderCase management servicesViral suppressionPrimary outcomeOpioid dependenceAdherence interventionsCD4 testingIntervention periodStudy groupEligibility criteriaUse disordersIntervention monthDrug usersAdverse HIVHIVAdherence to HIV Treatment and Care Among Previously Homeless Jail Detainees
Chen NE, Meyer JP, Avery AK, Draine J, Flanigan TP, Lincoln T, Spaulding AC, Springer SA, Altice FL. Adherence to HIV Treatment and Care Among Previously Homeless Jail Detainees. AIDS And Behavior 2011, 17: 2654-2666. PMID: 22065234, PMCID: PMC3325326, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-011-0080-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAnalysis of VarianceAnti-HIV AgentsCross-Sectional StudiesFemaleHealth Services AccessibilityHealth Services Needs and DemandHealthcare DisparitiesHIV InfectionsHumansIll-Housed PersonsInsurance CoverageInsurance, HealthMaleMedication AdherenceMental DisordersNeeds AssessmentPrisonersSubstance Abuse, IntravenousUnited StatesVulnerable Populations