Access of Patients With Lumbar Disc Herniations to Spine Surgeons
Anandasivam NS, Wiznia DH, Kim CY, Save AV, Grauer JN, Pelker RR. Access of Patients With Lumbar Disc Herniations to Spine Surgeons. Spine 2017, 42: 1179-1183. PMID: 27902558, DOI: 10.1097/brs.0000000000002005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLumbar disc herniationMedicaid insuranceSpine surgeonsAppointment success rateDisc herniationInsurance typePatient accessPrivate insuranceMedicaid expansionProspective cohort studyDifferent insurance typesSuccess rateAccess of patientsCohort studyAffordable Care ActBACKGROUND DATAPatientsSpine careLumbar discAcceptance of insuranceReferralMedicaid eligibilitySurgeonsMedicaidCare ActThe Influence of Medical Insurance on Patient Access to Orthopaedic Surgery Sports Medicine Appointments Under the Affordable Care Act
Wiznia DH, Nwachuku E, Roth A, Kim CY, Save A, Anandasivam NS, Medvecky M, Pelker R. The Influence of Medical Insurance on Patient Access to Orthopaedic Surgery Sports Medicine Appointments Under the Affordable Care Act. Orthopaedic Journal Of Sports Medicine 2017, 5: 2325967117714140. PMID: 28812034, PMCID: PMC5528187, DOI: 10.1177/2325967117714140.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSports medicine specialistsBucket-handle meniscus tearsMedicaid patientsMedicine specialistsPatient accessPrivate insuranceAffordable Care ActMeniscus tearsSpecialty care settingsLack of referralLevel of evidenceCare ActAppointment success rateCohort studyInsurance typeCare settingsKnee arthroscopyPatientsPrivate patientsMeniscus repairMedicaidStudy periodMedicaid reimbursementHealth careMedical insurance
Survey of Patient Insurance Status on Access to Specialty Foot and Ankle Care Under the Affordable Care Act
Kim CY, Wiznia DH, Roth AS, Walls RJ, Pelker RR. Survey of Patient Insurance Status on Access to Specialty Foot and Ankle Care Under the Affordable Care Act. Foot & Ankle International 2016, 37: 776-781. PMID: 27026727, DOI: 10.1177/1071100716642015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal ankle arthroplastyAnkle arthroplastyAnkle surgeonsPrimary care referralsPatient insurance statusAppointment success rateCare referralAffordable Care ActInsurance statusInsurance typePrognostic studiesPatientsAnkle careLevel IIBlueCrossFictitious patientArthroplastyReferralMedicaidReimbursement ratesSurgeonsCare ActSuccess rateMedicareAppointmentsPrimary Care Physician and Patient Perceptions of Reimbursement for Total Knee and Hip Replacement
Wiznia DH, Kim CY, Wang Y, Swami N, Pelker RR. Primary Care Physician and Patient Perceptions of Reimbursement for Total Knee and Hip Replacement. The Journal Of Arthroplasty 2016, 31: 1395-1399. PMID: 27036921, DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2015.12.052.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal knee arthroplastyTotal hip arthroplastyOrthopaedic surgeonsOrthopaedic servicesPrimary care physicians' perceptionsHigher reimbursementPrimary care physiciansPostoperative patientsCare physiciansKnee arthroplastyPatients' perceptionsTotal kneePhysicians' perceptionsHip arthroplastyOrthopedic proceduresHip replacementWeb-based surveyPatientsSurgeonsReimbursement valuesLarger practicesPaper-based surveyFurther studiesSignificant differencesArthroplastyThe Effect of Insurance Type on Patient Access to Carpal Tunnel Release Under the Affordable Care Act
Kim CY, Wiznia DH, Wang Y, Save AV, Anandasivam NS, Swigart CR, Pelker RR. The Effect of Insurance Type on Patient Access to Carpal Tunnel Release Under the Affordable Care Act. The Journal Of Hand Surgery 2016, 41: 503-509.e1. PMID: 26908020, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2016.01.007.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Actual Knee Motion during Continuous Passive Motion Protocols is Less Than Expected
Bible JE, Simpson AK, Biswas D, Pelker RR, Grauer JN. Actual Knee Motion during Continuous Passive Motion Protocols is Less Than Expected. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research® 2009, 467: 2656-2661. PMID: 19247728, PMCID: PMC2745449, DOI: 10.1007/s11999-009-0766-1.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Current Practices of AAHKS Members in the Treatment of Adult Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head
McGrory B, York S, Iorio R, Macaulay W, Pelker R, Parsley B, Teeny S. Current Practices of AAHKS Members in the Treatment of Adult Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery 2007, 89: 1194-1204. PMID: 17545421, DOI: 10.2106/jbjs.f.00302.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFemoral headHigh-volume arthroplasty surgeonsSteinberg classification systemCollaborative multicenter studyCare of adultsHypothetical clinical scenariosAspects of careCurrent treatment practicesTotal hip replacementGroup of surgeonsAmerican orthopaedic surgeonsAdult osteonecrosisPostcollapse osteonecrosisPrecollapse osteonecrosisCore decompressionNonoperative managementAdult patientsMulticenter studyProspective studyKnee surgeryTreatment preferencesOsteonecrosisArthroplasty surgeonsKnee surgeonsClinical scenariosCurrent Practices of AAHKS Members in the Treatment of Adult Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head
McGrory BJ, York SC, Iorio R, Macaulay W, Pelker RR, Parsley BS, Teeny SM. Current Practices of AAHKS Members in the Treatment of Adult Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head. Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery 2007, 89: 1194-1204. DOI: 10.2106/00004623-200706000-00006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFemoral headHigh-volume arthroplasty surgeonsSteinberg classification systemCollaborative multicenter studyCare of adultsHypothetical clinical scenariosAspects of careCurrent treatment practicesTotal hip replacementGroup of surgeonsAmerican orthopaedic surgeonsAdult osteonecrosisPostcollapse osteonecrosisPrecollapse osteonecrosisCore decompressionNonoperative managementAdult patientsMulticenter studyProspective studyKnee surgeryTreatment preferencesOsteonecrosisArthroplasty surgeonsKnee surgeonsClinical scenarios
AAHKS Membership Survey Results: Current Treatment Practices of Members of AAHKS for the Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Adult Femoral Head
McGrory B, York S, Iorio R, Macaulay W, Pelker R. AAHKS Membership Survey Results: Current Treatment Practices of Members of AAHKS for the Treatment of Osteonecrosis of the Adult Femoral Head. The Journal Of Arthroplasty 2006, 21: 304. DOI: 10.1016/j.arth.2006.02.011.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Rollback in posterior cruciate ligament—retaining total knee arthroplasty A radiographic analysis
Kim H, Pelker R, Gibson D, Irving J, Lynch J. Rollback in posterior cruciate ligament—retaining total knee arthroplasty A radiographic analysis. The Journal Of Arthroplasty 1997, 12: 553-561. PMID: 9268796, DOI: 10.1016/s0883-5403(97)90179-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosterior cruciate ligament-retaining total knee arthroplastyTotal knee arthroplastyPostoperative tibiofemoral anglePreoperative tibiofemoral angleTibiofemoral contact pointTibiofemoral angleKnee arthroplastyTibial trayPosterior tiltInterobserver reliability testDegree of translationRadiographic studiesPosterior translationDegrees flexionRadiographic analysisMean differenceRadiographic measurementsFull extensionArthroplastyTibiaAverage translationSame observerPatientsThe Nicolas Andry Award-1995 Fracture Healing; Radiation Induced Alterations
Pelker R, Friedlaender G. The Nicolas Andry Award-1995 Fracture Healing; Radiation Induced Alterations. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research® 1997, 341: 267-282. PMID: 9269183, DOI: 10.1097/00003086-199708000-00038.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIncidence of fracturesNonunion of fracturesDose fractionation schemesRadiation-Induced AlterationsNicolas Andry AwardSingle doseFractionation schemeClinical observationsAllogeneic boneFracture healingIrradiated boneControl groupFinal repairIncidenceInduced alterationsRat femur modelNonunionDegree of delayFracturesImmature levelBoneRepairEffects of radiationAnimalsRefracture
Effects of prefracture irradiation on the biomechanical parameters of fracture healing
Widmann R, Pelker R, Friedlaender G, Panjabi M, Peschel R. Effects of prefracture irradiation on the biomechanical parameters of fracture healing. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research® 1993, 11: 422-428. PMID: 8326449, DOI: 10.1002/jor.1100110315.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPosterior Element Strength Six Months Postinjury in the Canine Cervical Spine
Southern E, Pelker R, Crisco J, Panjabi M. Posterior Element Strength Six Months Postinjury in the Canine Cervical Spine. Clinical Spine Surgery A Spine Publication 1993, 6: 155-161. PMID: 8504228, DOI: 10.1097/00002517-199304000-00010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMaximum loadPosterior elementsExtensive surgery groupTension loadingCervical spine injuryC4-C5 levelDestructive testingRange of motionWeeks of healingDecreased stiffnessSurgery groupSham procedureSpine injuriesCanine cervical spineCervical spineIntervertebral levelSix monthsHealing periodInterspinous ligamentLoadControl valuesMotion testingBiomechanical propertiesBiomechanical studyInferior articular facetsPosterior Element Strength Six Months Postinjury in the Canine Cervical Spine.
Southern E, Pelker R, Crisco J, Panjabi M. Posterior Element Strength Six Months Postinjury in the Canine Cervical Spine. Clinical Spine Surgery A Spine Publication 1993, 6: 155. DOI: 10.1097/00024720-199304000-00010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMaximum loadPosterior elementsExtensive surgery groupCervical spine injuryC4-C5 levelTension loadingDestructive testingRange of motionWeeks of healingSurgery groupSham procedureSpine injuriesDecreased stiffnessCervical spineIntervertebral levelCanine cervical spineSix monthsHealing periodInterspinous ligamentControl valuesMotion testingLoadBiomechanical studyInferior articular facetsBiomechanical properties
Postfracture irradiation effects on the biomechanical and histologic parameters of fracture healing
Brown R, Pelker R, Friedlaender G, Peschel R, Panjabi M. Postfracture irradiation effects on the biomechanical and histologic parameters of fracture healing. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research® 1991, 9: 876-882. PMID: 1919851, DOI: 10.1002/jor.1100090614.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsFracture healingControl fracturesDelay groupMature Sprague-Dawley ratsClosed femoral fracturesLong-term resultsSprague-Dawley ratsContralateral intact femurFemoral fracturesHistologic parametersLocal irradiationFracture repairFractured femurRadiation exposureWeeksIntact femurBiomechanical propertiesRatsDeleterious effectsShort-term deleterious effectsFemurDaysFracturesHealingGroupThe Noncemented Porous-Coated Hip Prosthesis
BANDS R, PELKER R, SHINE J, BRADBURN H, MARGOLIS R, LEACH J. The Noncemented Porous-Coated Hip Prosthesis. Clinical Orthopaedics And Related Research® 1991, 269: 209-219. PMID: 1864041, DOI: 10.1097/00003086-199108000-00030.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTotal hip arthroplastyPorous-coated componentsFemoral stemHip arthroplastyMean Harris hip scorePorous-coated femoral stemDistal cortical hypertrophyHarris hip scoreExcellent resultsBipolar acetabular componentMean followPorous-coated femoralHip scoreThigh painRoentgenographic findingsCortical hypertrophyRetrospective studyRoentgenographic changesProximal femurBipolar endoprosthesesEntire groupAcetabular componentPatientsBone bridgingArthroplastyThe influence of ibuprofen on fracture repair: Biomechanical, biochemical, histologic, and histomorphometric parameters in rats
Huo M, Troiano N, Pelker R, Gundberg C, Friedlaender G. The influence of ibuprofen on fracture repair: Biomechanical, biochemical, histologic, and histomorphometric parameters in rats. Journal Of Orthopaedic Research® 1991, 9: 383-390. PMID: 2010842, DOI: 10.1002/jor.1100090310.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsControl animalsHistomorphometric parametersFracture repairUnilateral femur fracturesMature Sprague-Dawley ratsSerum osteocalcin levelsCyclo-oxygenase inhibitorSprague-Dawley ratsBone formation rateInfluence of ibuprofenOral doseFemur fracturesOsteocalcin levelsClinical practiceBone volumeBone remodelingInhibitory effectSignificant alterationsFracture biomechanicsRatsAnimalsTail vertebraePresent studyIbuprofenRepairCervical Spine Stabilization
PELKER R, DURANCEAU J, PANJABI M. Cervical Spine Stabilization. Spine 1991, 16: 117-122. PMID: 2011764, DOI: 10.1097/00007632-199102000-00003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosterior wiringCervical spine stabilizationCervical spine segmentsAxial rotation loadingBrace protectionBony injuriesSpine stabilizationReasonable stabilizationFacet fusionHuman cervical spine segmentsRotation loadingFlexion loadingBiomechanical propertiesSpine segmentsRepairSupplementationLateral bendingInjuryCervical Spine Stabilization
PELKER R, DURANCEAU J, PANJABI M. Cervical Spine Stabilization. Spine 1991, 16: 117-122. DOI: 10.1097/00007632-199116020-00003.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Functional Stability of the Canine Cervical Spine After Injury
BÃœFF H, PANJABI M, SONU C, CRISCO J, OXLAND T, PELKER R. Functional Stability of the Canine Cervical Spine After Injury. Spine 1990, 15: 1040-1046. PMID: 2263969, DOI: 10.1097/00007632-199015100-00011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCervical spineWeeks postinjuryCanine modelPre-injury valuesTime of surgeryC4-C5 levelMuscle spasmClinical instabilitySpinal levelDestabilizing injurySpinal instabilityDecreased rangeCanine cervical spineSevere injuriesDifferent injuriesHuman cervical spineInjuryNatural historyFacetectomySpinePostinjurySignificant differencesHuman situation