Spesolimab Treatment for the Prevention of Flares in People with Generalized Pustular Psoriasis (GPP): A Video Summary of the EFFISAYIL® 2 Study
Morita A, Marrakchi S, Hu N, Thoma C, Zheng M, Tsai T, Lebwohl M, Anadkat M, Gordon K, Choon S, Burden A, Haeufel T, Thaçi D, Strober B. Spesolimab Treatment for the Prevention of Flares in People with Generalized Pustular Psoriasis (GPP): A Video Summary of the EFFISAYIL® 2 Study. Video Journal Of Biomedicine 2025 DOI: 10.1080/vjbm-2024-0012.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Considérations pour l’interprétation et la comparaison de l’efficacité à long terme des études portant sur le traitement du psoriasis modéré à sévère à l’aide d’agents biologiques
Langley R, Egeberg A, Gooderham M, Bissonnette R, Ringuet J, Kalia S, Park-Wyllie L, Abbarin N, Tran D, Zara A, Yang W, Faucher D, Strober B. Considérations pour l’interprétation et la comparaison de l’efficacité à long terme des études portant sur le traitement du psoriasis modéré à sévère à l’aide d’agents biologiques. Annales De Dermatologie Et De Vénéréologie - FMC 2024, 4: a247-a248. DOI: 10.1016/j.fander.2024.09.224.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLe deucravacitinib dans le psoriasis en plaques : résultats de tolérance et d’efficacité à 4ans dans les essais de phase 3 POETYK PSO-1, PSO-2 et dans l’étude LTE
Armstrong A, Lebwohl M, Warren R, Sofen H, Morita A, Imafuku S, Ohtsuki M, Spelman L, Passeron T, Papp K, Kisa R, Colombo M, Vaile J, Vritzali E, Hoyt K, Daamen C, Banerjee S, Strober B, Thaçi D, Blauvelt A. Le deucravacitinib dans le psoriasis en plaques : résultats de tolérance et d’efficacité à 4ans dans les essais de phase 3 POETYK PSO-1, PSO-2 et dans l’étude LTE. Annales De Dermatologie Et De Vénéréologie - FMC 2024, 4: a336-a338. DOI: 10.1016/j.fander.2024.09.401.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSafety and Efficacy of Deucravacitinib in Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis For Up to 3 Years
Armstrong A, Lebwohl M, Warren R, Sofen H, Imafuku S, Ohtsuki M, Spelman L, Passeron T, Papp K, Kisa R, Vaile J, Berger V, Vritzali E, Hoyt K, Colombo M, Scotto J, Banerjee S, Strober B, Thaçi D, Blauvelt A. Safety and Efficacy of Deucravacitinib in Moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis For Up to 3 Years. JAMA Dermatology 2024, 161 PMID: 39602111, DOI: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2024.4688.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLong-term extension trialsExposure-adjusted incidence ratesSevere plaque psoriasisLong-term extensionModerate to severe plaque psoriasisAdverse eventsPlaque psoriasisDouble-blind phase 3 trialStatic Physician's Global Assessment scoreDiscontinuation due to adverse eventsDay 1Physician Global Assessment scoreIncidence rateEffective long-term treatmentUpper respiratory tract infectionClinical response rateGlobal Assessment scorePhase 3 trialRespiratory tract infectionsWeeks of treatmentYear of treatmentLong-term treatmentAdverse cardiovascular eventsLong-term safetyCumulative periodBrodalumab: Six-Year US Pharmacovigilance Report
Lebwohl M, Koo J, Armstrong A, Strober B, Yoon S, Rawnsley N, Goehring E, Mangin G, Jacobson A. Brodalumab: Six-Year US Pharmacovigilance Report. Dermatology And Therapy 2024, 1-10. PMID: 39589679, DOI: 10.1007/s13555-024-01304-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdverse eventsSystemic therapyUS patientsCase of Candida infectionSafety profile of brodalumabSafety of brodalumabMajor adverse cardiovascular eventsInterleukin-17 receptorAdverse cardiovascular eventsLong-term safetyFungal infection rateCandida infectionsPlaque psoriasisSafety profileAdult patientsBrodalumabCardiovascular eventsBox warningPharmacovigilance reportsFungal infectionsClinical trialsPatientsPharmacovigilance dataMedDRA QueriesClinical practiceCriteria for Identifying Candidates for Systemic Psoriasis Treatment in the Real World: Application of the International Psoriasis Council Guidelines in Patients in North America
Strober B, Zhong Y, Sima A, Beeghly A, Eckmann T, Balagula E, Zhuo J, Lebwohl M. Criteria for Identifying Candidates for Systemic Psoriasis Treatment in the Real World: Application of the International Psoriasis Council Guidelines in Patients in North America. Journal Of Psoriasis And Psoriatic Arthritis 2024, 10: 22-27. PMID: 39583219, PMCID: PMC11583168, DOI: 10.1177/24755303241302070.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBody surface areaInternational Psoriasis CouncilSystemic therapySystemic psoriasis treatmentsDisease severity criteriaTopical therapyPsoriasis treatmentTherapy candidatesCorEvitas Psoriasis RegistrySystemic therapy initiationTreatment-naive patientsSeverity criteriaReal-world studyCross-sectional studyDisease severity indicatorsPatient-reported outcome measuresPlaque psoriasisPsoriasis RegistryTherapy initiationSystemic treatmentRegistry visitPASI scoreClinical characteristicsClinical decision-makingPsoriasis severityReal-World Achievement of Skin Clearance Targets and Improved Quality of Life With Risankizumab in Psoriasis Patients With Moderate Skin Involvement (BSA ≥ 3–10%)
Strober B, Patel M, Kaldas M, St John G, Garg V, Sima A, Eckmann T, Beeghly A, Armstrong A. Real-World Achievement of Skin Clearance Targets and Improved Quality of Life With Risankizumab in Psoriasis Patients With Moderate Skin Involvement (BSA ≥ 3–10%). SKIN The Journal Of Cutaneous Medicine 2024, 8: s421. DOI: 10.25251/skin.8.supp.421.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDeucravacitinib in Plaque Psoriasis: 4-year Safety and Efficacy Results from the Phase 3 POETYK PSO-1, PSO-2, and LTE Trials
Armstrong A, Lebwohl M, Warren R, Sofen H, Morita A, Imafuku S, Ohtsuki M, Spelman L, Passeron T, Papp K, Colombo M, Vaile J, Vritzali E, Hoyt K, Daamen C, Banerjee S, Strober B, Thaçi D, Blauvelt A. Deucravacitinib in Plaque Psoriasis: 4-year Safety and Efficacy Results from the Phase 3 POETYK PSO-1, PSO-2, and LTE Trials. SKIN The Journal Of Cutaneous Medicine 2024, 8: s423. DOI: 10.25251/skin.8.supp.423.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAssess adverse eventsLong-term extensionModerate to severe plaque psoriasisExposure-adjusted incidence ratesSevere plaque psoriasisPlaque psoriasisLong-term extension trialsClinical response rateParent trialAdverse cardiovascular eventsTreatment of adultsSystemic therapyEfficacy outcomesHerpes zosterSafety profileVenous thromboembolismAdverse eventsDeucravacitinibEfficacy resultsCardiovascular eventsSafety signalsPatientsResponse rateIncidence ratePsoriasisBimekizumab Efficacy and Safety Over 48 Weeks in US and Canadian Patients with Psoriasis who had a Treatment Interruption After 3 Years of Treatment: Results from BE RADIANT
Lebwohl M, Papp K, Ehst B, Lomaga M, Rich P, Strober B, Armstrong A, López Pinto J, Kaspar M, Deherder D, Wang M, Vender R. Bimekizumab Efficacy and Safety Over 48 Weeks in US and Canadian Patients with Psoriasis who had a Treatment Interruption After 3 Years of Treatment: Results from BE RADIANT. SKIN The Journal Of Cutaneous Medicine 2024, 8: s431. DOI: 10.25251/skin.8.supp.431.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSpesolimab decreases generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) body surface area (BSA) over time in patients switching from conventional systemic treatments: Results from the EFFISAYIL® 2 trial
Merola J, Strober B, Gottlieb A, Mostaghimi A, Hawkes J, Guercio J, Tang M, Thoma C, Lebwohl M. Spesolimab decreases generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) body surface area (BSA) over time in patients switching from conventional systemic treatments: Results from the EFFISAYIL® 2 trial. SKIN The Journal Of Cutaneous Medicine 2024, 8: s488. DOI: 10.25251/skin.8.supp.488.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGeneralized pustular psoriasisBody surface areaBody surface area involvementSystemic medicationsConventional systemic treatmentsAverage body surface areaTreating generalized pustular psoriasisLife-threatening skin diseaseSignificant patient burdenYears of ageSystemic therapyDosing regimenSystemic treatmentPediatric patientsPustular psoriasisExtent of involvementSpesolimabWeek 4Skin symptomsPatientsMonoclonal antibodiesLower extremitiesSkin diseasesPatient burdenUpper extremitySpesolimab decreases generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) body surface area (BSA) over time in patients with various lengths of disease history: Results from the EFFISAYIL® 2 trial
Mostaghimi A, Strober B, Merola J, Gottlieb A, Elewski B, Guercio J, Tang M, Thoma C, Lebwohl M. Spesolimab decreases generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) body surface area (BSA) over time in patients with various lengths of disease history: Results from the EFFISAYIL® 2 trial. SKIN The Journal Of Cutaneous Medicine 2024, 8: s489. DOI: 10.25251/skin.8.supp.489.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGeneralized pustular psoriasisBody surface areaBody surface area involvementWeek 4Disease historyAverage body surface areaTreating generalized pustular psoriasisYear prior to enrollmentLife-threatening skin diseaseSignificant patient burdenYears of ageDosing regimenPediatric patientsPustular psoriasisExtent of involvementSpesolimabDisease courseSkin symptomsPatientsMonoclonal antibodiesLower extremitiesSkin diseasesPatient burdenUpper extremityTime pointsSpesolimab increases the percentage of generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) patients with clear skin over time as measured by the Physician’s Global Assessment for GPP (GPPGA): Results from the EFFISAYIL® 2 trial
Gottlieb A, Strober B, Merola J, Mostaghimi A, Farberg A, Guercio J, Tang M, Thoma C, Lebwohl M. Spesolimab increases the percentage of generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) patients with clear skin over time as measured by the Physician’s Global Assessment for GPP (GPPGA): Results from the EFFISAYIL® 2 trial. SKIN The Journal Of Cutaneous Medicine 2024, 8: s490. DOI: 10.25251/skin.8.supp.490.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGeneralized pustular psoriasisPhysician global assessmentSkin symptomsPustular psoriasisGlobal assessmentProportion of patientsPercentage of patientsTreating generalized pustular psoriasisLife-threatening skin diseaseSignificant patient burdenYears of ageDosing regimenPediatric patientsClear skinSpesolimabPatientsContinuous treatmentMonoclonal antibodiesSkin diseasesPatient burdenSymptomsPsoriasisTotal scoreSkinTreatmentSpesolimab decreases generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) body surface area (BSA) over time: Results from the EFFISAYIL® 2 trial
Strober B, Merola J, Gottlieb A, Mostaghimi A, Hsiao J, Guercio J, Tang M, Thoma C, Lebwohl M. Spesolimab decreases generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) body surface area (BSA) over time: Results from the EFFISAYIL® 2 trial. SKIN The Journal Of Cutaneous Medicine 2024, 8: s491. DOI: 10.25251/skin.8.supp.491.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGeneralized pustular psoriasisBody surface areaBody surface area involvementTreating generalized pustular psoriasisLife-threatening skin diseaseArea of involvementSignificant patient burdenYears of ageDosing regimenPediatric patientsPustular psoriasisExtent of involvementSpesolimabSkin symptomsContinuous treatmentPatientsMonoclonal antibodiesLower extremitiesSkin diseasesPatient burdenUpper extremityTime pointsTreatmentInvolvementBody regionsMatching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison of Risankizumab Versus Deucravacitinib in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis
Armstrong A, Soliman A, Gisondi P, Fang S, Patel M, Strober B. Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison of Risankizumab Versus Deucravacitinib in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis. Dermatology And Therapy 2024, 14: 3071-3081. PMID: 39453596, PMCID: PMC11557788, DOI: 10.1007/s13555-024-01293-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDermatology Life Quality IndexSkin clearanceIndirect comparisonsStatic Physician's Global AssessmentRisankizumab-treated patientsPhysician global assessmentTreatment of psoriasisMatching-adjusted indirect comparisonIndividual patient dataLife Quality IndexPlaque psoriasisPsoriasis AreaRisankizumabDeucravacitinibNew therapiesIntroductionDespite advancesPsO.Global assessmentQuality of lifePsoriasisPatientsPropensity scorePatient dataClearanceHealthcare providers54131 Malignancy Rates in Patients With a History of Malignancy in the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and Registry (PSOLAR)
Langley R, Fiorentino D, Bagel J, Lafferty K, Skobelev E, Langholff W, Lebwohl M, Ho V, Strober B. 54131 Malignancy Rates in Patients With a History of Malignancy in the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and Registry (PSOLAR). Journal Of The American Academy Of Dermatology 2024, 91: ab61. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2024.07.252.Peer-Reviewed Original Research52671 Bimekizumab safety and tolerability in moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: Pooled analysis from up to 4 years of treatment in 5 phase 3/3b clinical trials
Gordon K, Thaçi D, Gooderham M, Okubo Y, Strober B, Peterson L, Deherder D, Pinto J, Gisondi P. 52671 Bimekizumab safety and tolerability in moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: Pooled analysis from up to 4 years of treatment in 5 phase 3/3b clinical trials. Journal Of The American Academy Of Dermatology 2024, 91: ab145. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2024.07.577.Peer-Reviewed Original Research51856 Spesolimab rapidly improves quality of life in patients with generalized pustular psoriasis, as per Dermatology Life Quality Index scores: Data from the Effisayil 2 trial
Gottlieb A, Strober B, Kokolakis G, Merola J, Zheng M, Langley R, Tang M, Hofmann P, Thoma C, Warren R. 51856 Spesolimab rapidly improves quality of life in patients with generalized pustular psoriasis, as per Dermatology Life Quality Index scores: Data from the Effisayil 2 trial. Journal Of The American Academy Of Dermatology 2024, 91: ab316. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2024.07.1256.Peer-Reviewed Original Research52875 Integrated cardiovascular safety analysis of ritlecitinib in patients with alopecia areata (AA) in the phase 2 and phase 3 ALLEGRO clinical trials, and contextualization with a US cohort of patients with AA
Sicco K, Soung J, Strober B, Irvine A, Wajsbrot D, Gromek K, Wolk R, Barnes D, Takiya L. 52875 Integrated cardiovascular safety analysis of ritlecitinib in patients with alopecia areata (AA) in the phase 2 and phase 3 ALLEGRO clinical trials, and contextualization with a US cohort of patients with AA. Journal Of The American Academy Of Dermatology 2024, 91: ab55. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2024.07.228.Peer-Reviewed Original Research54148 Characteristics of Real-world Patients With Psoriasis Prescribed Guselkumab or Interleukin-17 Inhibitors: Data From the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and Registry (PSOLAR)
Strober B, Augustin M, Tada Y, Lafferty K, Skobelev E, Langholff W, Fakharzadeh S, Gniadecki R. 54148 Characteristics of Real-world Patients With Psoriasis Prescribed Guselkumab or Interleukin-17 Inhibitors: Data From the Psoriasis Longitudinal Assessment and Registry (PSOLAR). Journal Of The American Academy Of Dermatology 2024, 91: ab152. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2024.07.605.Peer-Reviewed Original Research51447 Long Term Real-World Achievement of Skin Clearance Treatment Targets and Maintenance of Response with Risankizumab in Patients with Moderate to Severe Psoriasis: 2-year Results from the CorEvitas Psoriasis Registry
Armstrong A, Ferris L, Callis-Duffin K, Sima A, Eckmann T, Beeghly A, Photowala H, Patel M, Garg V, Strober B. 51447 Long Term Real-World Achievement of Skin Clearance Treatment Targets and Maintenance of Response with Risankizumab in Patients with Moderate to Severe Psoriasis: 2-year Results from the CorEvitas Psoriasis Registry. Journal Of The American Academy Of Dermatology 2024, 91: ab59. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2024.07.244.Peer-Reviewed Original Research