Beta‐blockers in hospitalised patients with cirrhosis and ascites: mortality and factors determining discontinuation and reinitiation
Bhutta A, Garcia‐Tsao G, Reddy K, Tandon P, Wong F, O'Leary J, Acharya C, Banerjee D, Abraldes J, Jones T, Shaw J, Deng Y, Ciarleglio M, Bajaj J. Beta‐blockers in hospitalised patients with cirrhosis and ascites: mortality and factors determining discontinuation and reinitiation. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2017, 47: 78-85. PMID: 28994122, PMCID: PMC6016372, DOI: 10.1111/apt.14366.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMean arterial pressureBeta-blocker useLower mean arterial pressureBeta-blocker discontinuationRefractory ascitesHigh mortalityLower white blood cell countBeneficial anti-inflammatory effectsWhite blood cell countAcute kidney injuryAnti-inflammatory effectsTime of discontinuationBlood cell countEffect of BBBB discontinuationKidney injuryChart reviewHospital dischargeArterial pressureDiscontinuationAscitesCirrhosisPatientsCell countMortality
Survival in infection‐related acute‐on‐chronic liver failure is defined by extrahepatic organ failures
Bajaj JS, O'Leary JG, Reddy KR, Wong F, Biggins SW, Patton H, Fallon MB, Garcia‐Tsao G, Maliakkal B, Malik R, Subramanian RM, Thacker LR, Kamath PS, Disease T. Survival in infection‐related acute‐on‐chronic liver failure is defined by extrahepatic organ failures. Hepatology 2014, 60: 250-256. PMID: 24677131, PMCID: PMC4077926, DOI: 10.1002/hep.27077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMean arterial pressureLower mean arterial pressureExtrahepatic organ failureChronic liver failureSpontaneous bacterial peritonitisUrinary tract infectionOrgan failureCirrhosis patientsHepatic encephalopathyIndependent predictorsLiver failureSecond infectionEndstage Liver Disease (MELD) scoreHigher white blood countBaseline independent predictorsDevelopment of ACLFNon-SBP infectionsLiver Disease scoreMore organ failuresWhite blood countNorth American ConsortiumDeterminants of survivalRenal replacementTract infectionsArterial pressure
New Consensus Definition of Acute Kidney Injury Accurately Predicts 30-Day Mortality in Patients With Cirrhosis and Infection
Wong F, O'Leary JG, Reddy KR, Patton H, Kamath PS, Fallon MB, Garcia–Tsao G, Subramanian RM, Malik R, Maliakkal B, Thacker LR, Bajaj JS, Disease N. New Consensus Definition of Acute Kidney Injury Accurately Predicts 30-Day Mortality in Patients With Cirrhosis and Infection. Gastroenterology 2013, 145: 1280-1288.e1. PMID: 23999172, PMCID: PMC4418483, DOI: 10.1053/j.gastro.2013.08.051.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAcute kidney injuryDays of hospitalizationKidney injuryOrgan failureConsensus definitionHigher Child-Pugh scoreIrreversible acute kidney injuryChild-Pugh scoreHigh MELD scoreSerum creatinine levelsMean arterial pressureIntensive care unitLength of stayNew consensus definitionStable baseline valuesAKI episodesRenal recoveryHospital stayMELD scoreCreatinine levelsArterial pressureCare unitProspective studyBaseline valuesConsensus conference
Sildenafil Has No Effect on Portal Pressure but Lowers Arterial Pressure in Patients With Compensated Cirrhosis
Tandon P, Inayat I, Tal M, Spector M, Shea M, Groszmann RJ, Garcia–Tsao G. Sildenafil Has No Effect on Portal Pressure but Lowers Arterial Pressure in Patients With Compensated Cirrhosis. Clinical Gastroenterology And Hepatology 2010, 8: 546-549. PMID: 20144739, PMCID: PMC2879450, DOI: 10.1016/j.cgh.2010.01.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHepatic venous pressure gradientMean arterial pressurePortal pressureArterial pressureHeart rateBaseline hepatic venous pressure gradientMedian mean arterial pressureOpen-label pilot studyPhosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor sildenafilSystemic vasodilatory effectVenous pressure gradientEffect of sildenafilPortal venous inflowIntrahepatic resistanceOral sildenafilCompensated cirrhosisCirrhotic patientsVasodilatory effectChild APortal hemodynamicsErectile dysfunctionVenous inflowInhibitor sildenafilTherapeutic dosesPatients
Long‐term hemodynamic effects of ketanserin, a 5‐hydroxytryptamine blocker, in portal hypertensive patients
Vorobioff J, Garcia‐Tsao G, Groszmann R, Aceves G, Picabea E, Villavicencio R, Hernandez‐Ortiz J. Long‐term hemodynamic effects of ketanserin, a 5‐hydroxytryptamine blocker, in portal hypertensive patients. Hepatology 1989, 9: 88-91. PMID: 2908873, DOI: 10.1002/hep.1840090114.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHepatic venous pressure gradientPortal hypertensive patientsVenous pressure gradientMean arterial pressureHypertensive patientsCardiac indexArterial pressureMean baseline hepatic venous pressure gradientBaseline hepatic venous pressure gradientLong-term hemodynamic effectsAcute hemodynamic studyChronic oral administrationHepatic venous pressurePoor liver functionAlcoholic cirrhosisPortal hypertensionReceptor blockersHemodynamic effectsPortal pressurePortosystemic encephalopathyChronic treatmentVenous pressureLiver functionMean doseHemodynamic studies
Portal hemodynamics during nitroglycerin administration in cirrhotic patients
Garcia‐Tsao G, Groszmann R. Portal hemodynamics during nitroglycerin administration in cirrhotic patients. Hepatology 1987, 7: 805-809. PMID: 3115881, DOI: 10.1002/hep.1840070502.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHepatic venous pressure gradientVenous pressure gradientEffects of nitroglycerinMean arterial pressurePortal pressureArterial pressureNitroglycerin administrationBlood flowExperimental animalsAzygos blood flowPortal venous hemodynamicsPortal hypertensive patientsPortal blood flowVenous dilatorHypertensive patientsAlcoholic cirrhosisArterial vasodilatorCirrhotic patientsBlood pressurePortal hemodynamicsSublingual nitroglycerinVenous hemodynamicsHemodynamic responsePeak changesHeart rateHemodynamic evaluation of isosorbide dinitrate in alcoholic cirrhosis Pharmacokinetic-hemodynamic interactions
Blei A, Garcia-Tsao G, Groszmann R, Kahrilas P, Ganger D, Morse S, Fung H. Hemodynamic evaluation of isosorbide dinitrate in alcoholic cirrhosis Pharmacokinetic-hemodynamic interactions. Gastroenterology 1987, 93: 576-583. PMID: 3301517, DOI: 10.1016/0016-5085(87)90921-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIsosorbide dinitratePortal pressureArterial pressureHemodynamic changesHemodynamic evaluationHepatic vein wedge pressureHepatic venous gradientSystemic hemodynamic changesMean arterial pressureEffects of placeboValues 4 hStable cirrhoticsAlcoholic cirrhosisCardiac indexPortal hypertensionWedge pressureHemodynamic benefitsVenous gradientVasoactive metabolitesPharmacologic agentsIndividual patientsBaseline valuesExperimental animalsDinitratePatients