High-Level Drug-Resistant Mutations among HIV-1 Subtype A6 and CRF02_AG in Kazakhstan
Sanaubarova A, Pujol-Hodge E, Dzissyuk N, Lemey P, Vermund S, Brown A, Ali S. High-Level Drug-Resistant Mutations among HIV-1 Subtype A6 and CRF02_AG in Kazakhstan. Viruses 2023, 15: 1407. PMID: 37515095, PMCID: PMC10384832, DOI: 10.3390/v15071407.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntiretroviral therapySubtype A6Drug-resistant mutationsDrug resistanceEffective antiretroviral therapySuppressive antiretroviral therapyAntiretroviral drug resistanceDrug resistance monitoringHigh-level drug resistanceDrug regimensHIV incidenceHIV epidemicHIV-1Sustained transmissionMolecular epidemiologySubtypesPLHIVHIVG190SDifferent mutational pathwaysMutationsK101ED67NHigh levelsA62V
Haemoglobin recovery among HIV-1 infected patients on zidovudine-based antiretroviral therapy and other regimens in north-central Nigeria
Parrish DD, Blevins M, Megazzini KM, Shepherd BE, Mohammed MY, Wester CW, Vermund SH, Aliyu MH. Haemoglobin recovery among HIV-1 infected patients on zidovudine-based antiretroviral therapy and other regimens in north-central Nigeria. International Journal Of STD & AIDS 2013, 25: 355-359. PMID: 24104694, PMCID: PMC4385388, DOI: 10.1177/0956462413506887.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAnemiaAnti-HIV AgentsAntiretroviral Therapy, Highly ActiveDrug Therapy, CombinationFemaleHemoglobinsHIV InfectionsHumansLinear ModelsMaleMiddle AgedNigeriaRetrospective StudiesReverse Transcriptase InhibitorsRural PopulationSocioeconomic FactorsTime FactorsTreatment OutcomeZidovudineConceptsBaseline hemoglobin levelCombination antiretroviral therapyHemoglobin levelsAntiretroviral therapyHemoglobin recoveryNon-pregnant adult patientsUse of zidovudineZidovudine-containing regimenZidovudine-containing regimensNorth Central NigeriaGroup of patientsRural North-Central NigeriaMeasures of hemoglobinZidovudine useBaseline hemoglobinAdult patientsMedian hemoglobinHemoglobin responseHIV-1PatientsZidovudineHemoglobin dataHemoglobinRegimensTherapy
Early Infant Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Detection Suitable for Resource-Limited Settings with Multiple Circulating Subtypes by Use of Nested Three-Monoplex DNA PCR and Dried Blood Spots
Zhang Q, Wang L, Jiang Y, Fang L, Pan P, Gong S, Yao J, Tang YW, Vermund SH, Jia Y. Early Infant Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Detection Suitable for Resource-Limited Settings with Multiple Circulating Subtypes by Use of Nested Three-Monoplex DNA PCR and Dried Blood Spots. Journal Of Clinical Microbiology 2007, 46: 721-726. PMID: 18077639, PMCID: PMC2238144, DOI: 10.1128/jcm.01539-07.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAge FactorsBloodBlotting, WesternChinaDNA PrimersDNA, Viralenv Gene Products, Human Immunodeficiency Virusgag Gene Products, Human Immunodeficiency VirusHIV AntibodiesHIV InfectionsHIV-1HumansInfantInfant, Newbornpol Gene Products, Human Immunodeficiency VirusPolymerase Chain ReactionReproducibility of ResultsSensitivity and SpecificitySpecimen HandlingConceptsHIV-1 subtypesMonths of ageDiverse HIV-1 subtypesEarly infant HIV-1 diagnosisHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infectionHIV-1 DNA PCRVirus type 1 infectionDNA PCRType 1 infectionHIV-1 diagnosisDiverse HIV-1Resource limited settingsAntibody enzyme immunoassayBlood spot samplesInfected mothersMaternal antibodiesCRF01-AEDBS specimensEpidemiologic dataHIV-1Deceased infantsInfantsCRF07-BCMultiple subtypesBlood spots
Treatment of Intestinal Helminths Does Not Reduce Plasma Concentrations of HIV-1 RNA in Coinfected Zambian Adults
Modjarrad K, Zulu I, Redden DT, Njobvu L, Lane HC, Bentwich Z, Vermund SH. Treatment of Intestinal Helminths Does Not Reduce Plasma Concentrations of HIV-1 RNA in Coinfected Zambian Adults. The Journal Of Infectious Diseases 2005, 192: 1277-1283. PMID: 16136473, PMCID: PMC2730764, DOI: 10.1086/444543.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV-1 RNAViral loadPlasma concentrationsAntihelminthic treatmentCopies/Helminth infectionsIntestinal helminthsHigh pretreatment viral loadMedian baseline viral loadPretreatment viral loadBaseline viral loadDysfunctional immune responseIntestinal helminth infectionsHuman immunodeficiency virusMean viral loadCopies/mLHigher helminth burdensPosttreatment visitAsymptomatic adultsImmunodeficiency virusProspective studyZambian adultsUninfected groupHIV-1Immune response
CC Chemokine Receptor 5 Genotype and Susceptibility to Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in Women
Philpott S, Weiser B, Tarwater P, Vermund SH, Kleeberger CA, Gange SJ, Anastos K, Cohen M, Greenblatt RM, Kovacs A, Minkoff H, Young MA, Miotti P, Dupuis M, Chen CH, Burger H. CC Chemokine Receptor 5 Genotype and Susceptibility to Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 in Women. The Journal Of Infectious Diseases 2003, 187: 569-575. PMID: 12599073, PMCID: PMC3319124, DOI: 10.1086/367995.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1Immunodeficiency virus type 1Virus type 1HIV-1-seronegative womenHIV-1-seropositive womenDelta 32Women's Interagency HIV StudyType 1CC chemokine receptor 5HIV-1 transmissionHIV-1 infectionChemokine receptor 5Differential genetic susceptibilityHeterosexual spreadHIV StudyHIV-1Receptor 5Male cohortGenetic susceptibilityPartial protectionWomenBehavioral factorsInfectionHeterozygous genotypeMost studies
HIV-1 and HIV-2 Seroprevalence and Risk Factors Among Hospital Outpatients in the Eastern Region of Ghana, West Africa.
Chang LW, Osei-Kwasi M, Boakye D, Aidoo S, Hagy A, Curran JW, Vermund SH. HIV-1 and HIV-2 Seroprevalence and Risk Factors Among Hospital Outpatients in the Eastern Region of Ghana, West Africa. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2002, 29: 511. PMID: 11981368, DOI: 10.1097/00042560-200204150-00012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV seroprevalence ratesSeroprevalence ratesRisk factorsHIV-1HIV-2 seroprevalenceHIV-1 infectionHigh-risk populationCross-sectional studyHIV infectionHIV statusHIV-2Hospital outpatientsMultivariable modelPrenatal patientsDual infectionRisk populationsAnonymous studyInfectionRecord dataIntervention programsOutpatientsPatientsUrbanized communitiesSeroprevalenceHospitalHIV-1 and HIV-2 Seroprevalence and Risk Factors Among Hospital Outpatients in the Eastern Region of Ghana, West Africa
Chang L, OseiKwasi M, Boakye D, Aidoo S, Hagy A, Curran J, Vermund S. HIV-1 and HIV-2 Seroprevalence and Risk Factors Among Hospital Outpatients in the Eastern Region of Ghana, West Africa. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2002, 29: 511-516. DOI: 10.1097/00126334-200204150-00012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHIV seroprevalence ratesSeroprevalence ratesRisk factorsHIV-1HIV-2 seroprevalenceHIV-1 infectionHigh-risk populationCross-sectional studyHIV infectionHIV statusHIV-2Hospital outpatientsMultivariable modelPrenatal patientsDual infectionRisk populationsAnonymous studyInfectionRecord dataIntervention programsOutpatientsPatientsUrbanized communitiesSeroprevalenceHospital
Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1
Stringer J, Vermund S. Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 1999, 11: 427-434. PMID: 10526917, DOI: 10.1097/00001703-199910000-00003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChild transmissionHIV-1Infant formula supplementationPrevention of motherHIV-1 transmissionCombination drug regimensResource-poor settingsFormula supplementationAntiretroviral therapyCesarean deliveryAntiretroviral agentsBreast feedingDrug regimensRandomized trialsPoor settingsInfectious diseasesInfant survivalSubstantial proportionPreliminary dataMothersLower ratesCost implicationsDeliveryRegimensPatientsRapid Communication CCR5 Genotype and Resistance to Vertical Transmission of HIV-1
Philpott S, Burger H, Charbonneau T, Grimson R, Vermund S, Visosky A, Nachman S, Kovacs A, Tropper P, Frey H, Weiser B. Rapid Communication CCR5 Genotype and Resistance to Vertical Transmission of HIV-1. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 1999, 21: 189-193. PMID: 10421241, DOI: 10.1097/00126334-199907010-00002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV-1 infectionHIV-1Vertical transmissionCCR5 genotypeHIV-1 infection statusHIV-1 vertical transmissionHIV-1-infected mothersPrimary HIV-1 infectionMacrophage-tropic strainsAfrican AmericansParenteral transmissionUninfected childrenChild transmissionInfected childrenInfected mothersInfected womenDelta32 mutationCCR5 receptorInfection statusWhite childrenCCR5MothersChildrenHomozygous genotypeAdditional strategies
Choriodecidual inflammation: a potentially preventable cause of perinatal HIV-1 transmission?
Goldenberg R, Vermund S, Goepfert A, Andrews W. Choriodecidual inflammation: a potentially preventable cause of perinatal HIV-1 transmission? The Lancet 1998, 352: 1927-1930. PMID: 9863804, DOI: 10.1016/s0140-6736(98)04453-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHIV-1Perinatal transmissionProlonged rupturePreterm birthAmniotic cavityPerinatal HIV-1 transmissionAmniotic fluid cytokinesCases of pretermIntrauterine bacterial infectionHIV-1 transmissionObstetric risk factorsAcute chorioamnionitisChronic chorioamnionitisMaternal leucocytesPreventable causeSpontaneous ruptureAntibiotic treatmentRisk factorsChorioamnionitisBacterial infectionsChorioamniotic membranesCytokinesLeucocytesRuptureBirthImmunological and Virological Analyses of Persons Infected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 while Participating in Trials of Recombinant gp120 Subunit Vaccines
Connor RI, Korber B, Graham BS, Hahn BH, Ho DD, Walker BD, Neumann AU, Vermund SH, Mestecky J, Jackson S, Fenamore E, Cao Y, Gao F, Kalams S, Kunstman KJ, McDonald D, McWilliams N, Trkola A, Moore JP, Wolinsky SM. Immunological and Virological Analyses of Persons Infected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 while Participating in Trials of Recombinant gp120 Subunit Vaccines. Journal Of Virology 1998, 72: 1552-1576. PMID: 9445059, PMCID: PMC124637, DOI: 10.1128/jvi.72.2.1552-1576.1998.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman immunodeficiency virus type 1Immunodeficiency virus type 1Virus type 1MN rgp120Antibody responseHIV-1Recombinant gp120 subunit vaccinePhase I/II clinical trialsCytotoxic T lymphocyte responsesType 1Immunoglobulin G antibody responseGp120 subunit vaccineSyncytium-inducing (SI) phenotypeT lymphocyte responsesG antibody responseClade B virusesInducing (NSI) phenotypeInfected vaccineesNSI strainsPlacebo recipientsVaccine recipientsViral burdenPlacebo vaccineAntibody titersMultiple immunizations