Neural Variability and Cognitive Control in Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder
Ye J, Mehta S, Peterson H, Ibrahim A, Saeed G, Linsky S, Kreinin I, Tsang S, Nwanaji-Enwerem U, Raso A, Arora J, Tokoglu F, Yip S, Hahn C, Lacadie C, Greene A, Constable R, Barry D, Redeker N, Yaggi H, Scheinost D. Neural Variability and Cognitive Control in Individuals With Opioid Use Disorder. JAMA Network Open 2025, 8: e2455165. PMID: 39821393, PMCID: PMC11742521, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.55165.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDecreased cognitive controlCognitive controlOpioid use disorderCueing paradigmResting-stateHC participantsUse disorderBrain statesBrain dynamicsHealthy controlsNeural mechanismsCognitive processesNeural variabilityFMRIBehavioral implicationsImpaired abilityBrainAccuracy scoresMagnetic resonance imagingDynamic alterationsParticipantsCase-control studyDisordersParadigmImpacts millions
Alterations in Volume and Intrinsic Resting-State Functional Connectivity Detected at Brain MRI in Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder.
Mehta S, Peterson H, Ye J, Ibrahim A, Saeed G, Linsky S, Kreinin I, Tsang S, Nwanaji-Enwerem U, Raso A, Arora J, Tokoglu F, Yip S, Hahn C, Lacadie C, Greene A, Jeon S, Constable R, Barry D, Redeker N, Yaggi H, Scheinost D, Weintraub E. Alterations in Volume and Intrinsic Resting-State Functional Connectivity Detected at Brain MRI in Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder. Radiology 2024, 313: e240514. PMID: 39656127, DOI: 10.1148/radiol.240514.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHealthy control participantsRight medial temporal lobeOpioid use disorderFunctional brain alterationsMedial temporal lobeOpioid use disorder groupFunctional connectivityUse disorderControl participantsBrain alterationsIntrinsic resting-state functional connectivityTemporal lobeMedial prefrontal cortex volumesVoxel-wise linear regressionT1-weighted MRIResting-state functional connectivityFamily-wise error correctionPrefrontal cortex volumeResting-state functional MRIIncreased functional connectivityIntrinsic connectivity distributionFunctional MRI studiesFemale participantsRegional brain volumesAssess group differences
Sleep-related predictors of cognition among adults with chronic insomnia and heart failure enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia.
Redeker N, Conley S, O'Connell M, Geer J, Yaggi H, Jeon S. Sleep-related predictors of cognition among adults with chronic insomnia and heart failure enrolled in a randomized controlled trial of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia. Journal Of Clinical Sleep Medicine 2023, 19: 1073-1081. PMID: 36740924, PMCID: PMC10235706, DOI: 10.5664/jcsm.10498.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronic heart failureCognitive behavioral therapyHeart failureGroup time effectsRest-activity rhythmBehavioral therapyChronic insomniaCBT-I groupSelf-reported cognitive functionProportion of participantsTrial of CBTQuality of lifeSelf-management strategiesGroup-based CBTWalk distanceSleep apneaChronic illnessWrist actigraphyCognitive impairmentInsomniaTherapyCognitive functionMinute walkSelf-reported cognitive abilitiesBaseline cognitionRest-activity rhythms predict time to hospitalizations and emergency department visits among participants in a randomized control of adults with heart failure and insomnia
Jeon S, Conley S, Hollenbeak C, O'Connell M, Wang Z, Tocchi C, Redeker N. Rest-activity rhythms predict time to hospitalizations and emergency department visits among participants in a randomized control of adults with heart failure and insomnia. Sleep Medicine 2023, 108: 1-7. PMID: 37301192, PMCID: PMC10336725, DOI: 10.1016/j.sleep.2023.05.019.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRest-activity rhythmED visitsHeart failureEmergency departmentCircadian quotientEarly hospitalizationWrist actigraphyEarly ED visitsChronic heart failureLow ejection fractionFirst cardiac eventCox proportional hazardsEffects of insomniaCognitive behavioral therapyComposite eventsNYHA classHF patientsCardiac eventsCPAP useSevere painEjection fractionMale sexSevere insomniaHospitalizationInsomnia severity
Correlates of cognition among people with chronic heart failure and insomnia
Geer JH, Jeon S, O’Connell M, Linsky S, Conley S, Hollenbeak CS, Jacoby D, Yaggi HK, Redeker NS. Correlates of cognition among people with chronic heart failure and insomnia. Sleep And Breathing 2022, 27: 1287-1296. PMID: 36214945, PMCID: PMC10084469, DOI: 10.1007/s11325-022-02716-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronic heart failureHigher body mass indexHeart failureBody mass indexQuality of lifeMass indexDaytime sleepinessNew York Heart Association class ICognitive impairmentSignificant risk factorsNon-white raceSelf-reported cognitive impairmentInsomnia Severity IndexSleep disturbance questionnaireCross-sectional analysisCognitive behavioral therapyFrequency of lapsesMedical comorbiditiesCommon comorbiditiesClinical factorsEjection fractionPulmonary diseaseMultivariable analysisRisk factorsSleep characteristicsFactors associated with sleep health in young women after breast cancer treatment
Hwang Y, Conley S, Jeon S, Redeker N, Sanft T, Knobf M. Factors associated with sleep health in young women after breast cancer treatment. Research In Nursing & Health 2022, 45: 680-692. PMID: 36102624, DOI: 10.1002/nur.22264.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor sleep healthSleep healthCognitive appraisalPittsburgh Sleep Quality IndexWorse family functioningBreast cancerPsychological symptom distressYoung womenContext of familyFamily functioningDiverse cancer survivorsRoutine survivorship carePsychosocial variablesCross-sectional designMediation effectSleep Quality IndexSleep health disparitiesBreast cancer treatmentSignificant clinical problemPsychosocial factorsNon-Hispanic whitesHalf of participantsSurvivorship careCancer survivorsMean ageTrajectory of self-care in people with stable heart failure and insomnia after two self-care interventions
Conley S, Jeon S, Andrews L, Breazeale S, Hwang Y, O'Connell M, Linsky S, Redeker N. Trajectory of self-care in people with stable heart failure and insomnia after two self-care interventions. Patient Education And Counseling 2022, 105: 3487-3493. PMID: 36088189, DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2022.09.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStable heart failureSelf-care interventionsHeart failureSevere baseline fatigueSelf-care supportSelf-care educationSelf-care groupEffects of CBTCognitive behavioral therapyGroup-based trajectory modelingBaseline fatigueEfficacious interventionsHealthcare providersSecondary analysisInsomniaBehavioral therapySelf-CareChi-squareDemographic characteristicsInterventionT-testFunctional performanceAdultsTrajectory modelingFailure
A Longitudinal Epigenetic Aging and Leukocyte Analysis of Simulated Space Travel: The Mars-500 Mission
Nwanaji-Enwerem JC, Nwanaji-Enwerem U, Van Der Laan L, Galazka JM, Redeker NS, Cardenas A. A Longitudinal Epigenetic Aging and Leukocyte Analysis of Simulated Space Travel: The Mars-500 Mission. Cell Reports 2020, 33: 108406. PMID: 33242403, PMCID: PMC7786521, DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2020.108406.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe Council for Advancement of Nursing Science celebrates our 20th Anniversary and the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife at the 2020 State of the Science Conference
Redeker NS. The Council for Advancement of Nursing Science celebrates our 20th Anniversary and the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife at the 2020 State of the Science Conference. Nursing Outlook 2020, 68: 845-847. PMID: 33243410, DOI: 10.1016/j.outlook.2020.10.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUsing Web-Based Social Media to Recruit Heavy-Drinking Young Adults for Sleep Intervention: Prospective Observational Study
Ash GI, Robledo DS, Ishii M, Pittman B, DeMartini KS, O'Malley SS, Redeker NS, Fucito LM. Using Web-Based Social Media to Recruit Heavy-Drinking Young Adults for Sleep Intervention: Prospective Observational Study. Journal Of Medical Internet Research 2020, 22: e17449. PMID: 32780027, PMCID: PMC7448185, DOI: 10.2196/17449.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAlcohol use disorderSleep interventionsSleep concernsYoung adultsAlcohol useWeb-based surveyBrief web-based surveyProspective observational studyHeavy-drinking young adultsYears of ageHigh response rateAlcohol prevention strategiesHeavy alcohol useAlcohol prevention programsHeavy drinking young adultsScreening eligibilityRisk factorsStudy enrolleesObservational studySleep programSleep problemsAlcohol screenerUse disordersPrevention strategiesResponse rateSleep, self‐management, neurocognitive function, and glycemia in emerging adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus: A research protocol
Griggs S, Redeker NS, Crawford SL, Grey M. Sleep, self‐management, neurocognitive function, and glycemia in emerging adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus: A research protocol. Research In Nursing & Health 2020, 43: 317-328. PMID: 32639059, PMCID: PMC7382362, DOI: 10.1002/nur.22051.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlycemic controlSleep deficiencyNeurocognitive functionSleep variabilityType 1 diabetes mellitusHabitual short sleep durationPoor glycemic controlPittsburgh Sleep DiaryShort sleep durationType 1 diabetesSelf-management interventionsTotal sleep timeQuality of lifeResearch Electronic Data CaptureAdults ages 18Continuous glucose monitoringWrist-worn actigraphyDiabetes mellitusGlucose variabilitySuccessful diabetesSleep durationObjective sleepSleep timeSleep extensionSleep diaryRest-activity rhythms, daytime symptoms, and functional performance among people with heart failure
Jeon S, Conley S, Redeker NS. Rest-activity rhythms, daytime symptoms, and functional performance among people with heart failure. Chronobiology International 2020, 37: 1223-1234. PMID: 32588662, PMCID: PMC7529895, DOI: 10.1080/07420528.2020.1779280.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRest-activity rhythmStable heart failureHeart failureDaytime symptomsCircadian quotientPoorer New York Heart Association classNew York Heart Association classHF disease management programFunctional performanceBetter NYHA classChronic heart failureMinute walk testDisease management programsLess sleep fragmentationHF independentUnattended polysomnographyNYHA classGreater comorbidityAssociation classWalk testIntra-daily variabilityFunctional outcomePhysical functionPoor functionSleep fragmentationCorrelates of sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness in people with opioid use disorder receiving methadone treatment
Baldassarri SR, Beitel M, Zinchuk A, Redeker NS, Oberleitner DE, Oberleitner LMS, Carrasco D, Madden LM, Lipkind N, Fiellin DA, Bastian LA, Chen K, Yaggi HK, Barry DT. Correlates of sleep quality and excessive daytime sleepiness in people with opioid use disorder receiving methadone treatment. Sleep And Breathing 2020, 24: 1729-1737. PMID: 32556918, PMCID: PMC7680294, DOI: 10.1007/s11325-020-02123-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderExcessive daytime sleepinessDaytime sleepinessSleep qualityChronic painExcessive daytimeUse disordersConclusionsPoor sleep qualityCurrent chronic painModifiable risk factorsImpaired sleep qualityMultivariable linear regression modelsBody mass indexPoor sleep qualityNon-significant associationMass indexMultivariable analysisPain interferenceRelated comorbiditiesMethadone treatmentClinical correlatesMean PSQIRisk factorsSleep disordersResultsNinety percentThe Feasibility of Measuring Sleep and Circadian Characteristics in Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Conley S, Proctor DD, Lehner V, Jeon S, Redeker NS. The Feasibility of Measuring Sleep and Circadian Characteristics in Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Western Journal Of Nursing Research 2020, 43: 53-59. PMID: 32517546, PMCID: PMC7704942, DOI: 10.1177/0193945920933926.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInflammatory bowel diseaseBowel diseaseWrist actigraphyInactive inflammatory bowel diseaseActivity diaryElectronic diarySleep/activitySalivary dim light melatonin onsetDim light melatonin onsetRest-activity rhythmWrist actigraphSaliva collectionMelatonin onsetSleepDiseaseActigraphyCircadian characteristicsAdult participantsAdultsCircadian rhythmSalivaDiaryParticipantsRhythmYearsFacilitators and Barriers of Sleep in Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes
Griggs S, Whittemore R, Redeker NS, Grey M. Facilitators and Barriers of Sleep in Young Adults With Type 1 Diabetes. The Science Of Diabetes Self-Management And Care 2020, 46: 242-251. PMID: 32383625, PMCID: PMC7329586, DOI: 10.1177/0145721720916179.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYoung adultsSufficient sleepSleep-promoting interventionsType 1 diabetesGeneral young adult populationYoung adult populationManagement regimenAdult populationType 1T1DSleepAdultsElectronic device useDevice usePresent studyDepth semi-structured interviewsFacilitatorsSemi-structured interviewsRegimenDiabetesQualitative descriptive approachSleep health in young children living with socioeconomic adversity
Ordway MR, Sadler LS, Jeon S, O'Connell M, Banasiak N, Fenick AM, Crowley AA, Canapari C, Redeker NS. Sleep health in young children living with socioeconomic adversity. Research In Nursing & Health 2020, 43: 329-340. PMID: 32306413, PMCID: PMC7368803, DOI: 10.1002/nur.22023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBehavioral sleep interventionsSleep habitsSleep interventionsSleep characteristicsSleep knowledgeSocioeconomic adversityNight awakeningsLater bedtimesSleep onsetBedtime variabilityYoung childrenMixed-methods studyChild sleep characteristicsSleep durationLower sleep durationPsychological functionsEarlier bedtimesSleep healthSleep deficiencySleep recommendationsParental knowledgeFragmented sleepBedtimePercent of parentsAdversityThe role of insomnia in the association between posttraumatic stress disorder and hypertension.
Gaffey AE, Redeker NS, Rosman L, Mullington JM, Brandt CA, Haskell SG, Burg MM. The role of insomnia in the association between posttraumatic stress disorder and hypertension. Journal Of Hypertension 2020, 38: 641-648. PMID: 31725076, PMCID: PMC8176546, DOI: 10.1097/hjh.0000000000002311.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPosttraumatic stress disorderPTSD symptom severityInsomnia symptomsSymptom severityStress disorderMiddle-aged veteransHigh blood pressureElectronic health record dataSelf-reported treatmentWomen Veterans Cohort StudyCross-sectional associationsHealth record dataRole of insomniaIncident hypertensionCohort studyBlood pressureRecent symptomsCardiovascular healthHypertensionSleep problemsInsomniaSymptomsRecord dataSeveritySelf-report surveySleep Characteristics and Rest–Activity Rhythms Are Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptoms Among Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Conley S, Jeon S, Lehner V, Proctor DD, Redeker NS. Sleep Characteristics and Rest–Activity Rhythms Are Associated with Gastrointestinal Symptoms Among Adults with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Digestive Diseases And Sciences 2020, 66: 181-189. PMID: 32193859, PMCID: PMC8162988, DOI: 10.1007/s10620-020-06213-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInflammatory bowel diseaseRest-activity rhythmHeartburn/refluxDisease activityGI symptomsSleep characteristicsBowel diseaseGas/bloatingCross-sectional studySpecific sleep characteristicsRAR variablesGastrointestinal symptomsIntra-daily variabilityBackgroundSleep disturbancesSleep efficiencyAimsThe purposeSleep onsetSymptomsAdultsDiseaseRefluxPoor qualityAssociationRhythmRemissionSleep Health in Women of Childbearing Age
Redeker NS. Sleep Health in Women of Childbearing Age. Journal Of Women's Health 2020, 29: 430-434. PMID: 32186968, PMCID: PMC7097679, DOI: 10.1089/jwh.2020.8349.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSleep healthSleep difficultiesDevelopment of interventionsSocial ecological modelSleep interventionsSpecific sleep disordersInadequate sleepWorkplace settingsParticular riskPast researchPerformance outcomesRacial minority groupsStandard of careFuture researchLow-income womenLong-term healthSleepBiological influencesAbsence of diseaseChildbearing AgeCommunity factorsSleep disordersDefinition of healthHealth promotionWomen's sleepNursing Research Priorities in Critical Care, Pulmonary, and Sleep: International Delphi Survey of Nurses, Patients, and Caregivers
George M, Hernandez C, Smith S, Narsavage G, Kapella MC, Carno M, Guttormson J, Disler RT, Hart DE, Chlan LL, Happ MB, Chen Z, Hetland B, Hutchinson AF, Jonsdottir H, Redeker NS, Schell-Chaple H, Fletcher M, Yorke J. Nursing Research Priorities in Critical Care, Pulmonary, and Sleep: International Delphi Survey of Nurses, Patients, and Caregivers. Annals Of The American Thoracic Society 2020, 17: 1-10. PMID: 31891300, PMCID: PMC6944344, DOI: 10.1513/annalsats.201909-705st.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNursing research prioritiesCritical careAdult pulmonaryPatient-reported outcomesPatient-reported experiencesDelphi consensus approachInternational Delphi surveyResearch prioritiesClinical outcomesPatient insightSleep itemsNursing expertsSleep conditionsPulmonaryNursesPotential research prioritiesFocal areasCarePatientsGreater thresholdOutcomesNurse scientistsDelphi surveyConsumer expertsExpert opinion